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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. It’s so much fun. Definitely my favourite line! The Happenings Cast on this ship is the bomb!
  2. I told myself I wasn’t gonna drink yesterday. I did so well until 6pm.
  3. I also blame @Fogcityca13 100% for making me be part of the wedding
  4. I have no idea what is going on with pictures right now
  5. Not sure how the untitled dance party photos made it there scarlet nigjt
  6. There are now words. This is one of those things where you have to be there to appreciate it.. first up was the Christmas skow
  7. Today has been pretty unproductive! Most of it was spent napping on deck 7 or in the hammock. Just ordered ship eats as I missed lunch. I have no reservations for dinner this evening so will play it by ear. Tonight is Scarlet Night but I’m not sure how much more alcohol and late nights I can handle!
  8. Oh and I never made it off the ship today. Found a quiet spot on deck 7 and took a nap. It just started raining.
  9. Just came back to the room and found this. Anyone know anything about it? Is it a gift? Did I do something dumb to win it?
  10. Ummm what? I know I’m not firing on all cylinders today but I’m pretty sure we have a few more days on the ship!
  11. Am I the only person who has a hard time finding/getting to the Galley on this ship!
  12. And that’s pretty much the extent of what I remember from last night. I have pictures on my phone that suggest the drinking and partying continued long after. But I’m not posting those ones! Today is St. Croix and I’m not even sure if I can make it off the ship. I may need to detox..,
  13. After returning to the ship, things got a little hazy. And I don’t mean in terms of weather. Since everyone on here has a ton of money in bar tab let’s just say the drinks are free flowing. I’m just going to post the pics as I’m not really too sure about the what, when, or where!
  14. I’m going to have to stop and catch you all up when wifi is better. It’s been fabulous until San Juan. They need to pay their cell bill I guess!
  15. I had an independent tour booked today that covered old and new San Juan. It was ok - we sat on a bus for 90% of it, with a few 15-20 minute photo stops. Most people didn’t even get off. I did enjoy learning about the history and it was great to see the new part of the city (town?) but for the old part it would have been better just to walk it. Next time!
  16. When I grow up I’m gonna move to San Juan. What a unique, interesting, beautiful place!
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