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Sailaway John

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Posts posted by Sailaway John

  1. Hi All Fellow CCers,

    Cruising to Japan, China, Vietnam in September 2015. Never been on a cruise to that part of the world, so if you have, please let me know what you thought of the cruise.

    What I would like to know the dress regulations in Japan when on tour? Is is like anywhere else when its warm weather . . . shorts, shirt, etc.

    Any other hints would be greatly appreciated.


  2. Yes I totally agree, the cost of Special Restaurants on ships is getting too expensive. That is why most of the times now when walking past the restaurants on board you see no one in there. Look at the expense spent by Princess on the Diamond Princess for its Japanese makeover. Only the Japanese use the baths not the Westerners who make up 80% of the passengers.

    Also look at the Sanctuary . . . Way too costly. BRING THE PRICES DOWN.

  3. We have travelled Princess on a number of occasions and if the chair hogs didn't obey the rules we notified the bar staff nearby and they always fixed the problem. Got some heavy glares from the people who had to move but what the heck . . . rules are rules and on a cruise you have much more fun when you share the experience around.
  4. Thanks for the cruise review re the Japaneseing of the Diamond. They had better adjust themselves when they start doing the Australian/New Zealand cruises or there will a mutiny.

    I can guarantee that as I will start one . . . I did not pay for a Japanese cruise but a Westerner cruise and that's what I want.

  5. I did the survey. I am sure Princess wants to know what we bought offshore compared to on the ship. I feel that the on-ship sales are going down, down, down.

    Survey was a bit intrusive and too long.

  6. No. They used to carry it but on our last cruise on the Ruby they told me that Dos Equis was the only Mexican beer on board . . . know why? It costs Princess less to purchase but still charge the same price on board to drink it.

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