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Posts posted by Mom.to.2

  1. I say it's cutting in line if there is an actual LINE. If there is a gap in the line from someone taking their time scooping some mashed potatoes before the french fries, jump right in, but get right back out!


    I never found much of a problem with long lines on Royal because their stations are broken up and short, so it's not just one huge line that goes through the entire buffet. Even on embarkation day, I spend more time trying to find a table than I do waiting in line for food!


    I agree with this. I'm a big fan of how RCL has laid out their buffet (Windjammer) as it doesn't lend itself to forming lines. It's more of a pop in, grab what you want, and pop over to another station kind of buffet.


    If there were an actual line in front of the item you're desiring, it would be rude to force your way in. Get in line. But if there's a gap, by all means help yourself.


    The way I see it, people who are waiting in a long queue behind a slow chooser while there's a large gap ahead are actually creating more of a problem than if they 'cut' the dawdler to keep the line moving.

  2. My boys will be 11 & 12 on our upcoming cruise and based on their ages will be in different groups at the kids club. Is it possible for my 11 year old to move up into the group with my 12 year old or vice versa?




    On paper, no. However, I believe it's up to the Adventure Ocean supervisor to make exceptions and they're more likely to be flexible during off-peak weeks (ie. not school break week.)


    9-11 years old is the oldest group that has formally structured activities within a highly supervised room that parents sign their children in & out (some parents elect to give this age group permission to sign themselves in and out.) 12+ is structured more loosely with kids able to sign themselves in and out, and their activities are more likely to be around the ship.

  3. Did you look through this thread?


    Post #808 is about Heidi and Byways Tours.


    Thank you for the link. Yes, I had read that review and it is what prompted me to look into Byways Tours in the first place.


    However, there are very few other people who have reviewed Byways if you compare to the many posts about specific blue flag taxi's. If someone personally knew both Heidi & Colin, I'd ask them to point out differences in their experiences that might make my decision easier.


    Do you have firsthand knowledge of either or both iheartbda? NJHorseman? Other regular posters here?

  4. What's with the 'mean behind the screen'?


    OP...when my oldest was in a stroller, NCL and CCL both had us skip the line for embarkation. I don't think I asked for preferential treatment, but was directed to cut ahead anyway.


    However, RCL has never had us cut ahead due to a child in a stroller. Not that I've asked either. I agree with prior posters that there's no need for families with a toddler to cut. Though I don't agree with the snarky/tongue in cheek manner in which that info was conveyed.


    Have a wonderful cruise!

  5. Love your review and AMAZING pictures!!!!


    A question about your private tour in St. Maartin...did you expect Joyce to personally give you a tour, or did you know it would be someone else (Makk)? I've got Joyce booked for our day in port this April, and my understanding is that she does all her own tours. Am I mistaken?


    We also plan to visit Le Gallion for a good chunk of the day.



  6. Love your review and AMAZING pictures!!!!


    A question about your private tour in St. Maartin...did you expect Joyce to personally give you a tour, or did you know it would be someone else (Makk)? I've got Joyce booked for our day in port this April, and my understanding is that she does all her own tours. Am I mistaken?


    We also plan to visit Le Gallion for a good chunk of the day.



  7. Anyway, Orville, I found your email a little antagonistic, and I suppose that might explain a slightly more defensive response. But I feel like he's got a point; this product is being differentiated from the companies other products (Celebrity, Azamara etc) If it's not for you anymore, then it's just not for you...there are many fish in the sea, but clearly, many economic experts have determined that this is the best way for the company to position their products for the market they want to engage, and remain profitable for stock holders.


    On Valentines day, I'll make the analogy that this is a little like a romantic relationship where one lover keeps complaining about the failings of the other, but the other has no interest in making changes....it's time to face it: "He's just not into you";):p


    Best post.


    Let me break this down in simple laymen's terms.


    The OP wrote to AG - SCREW YOU

    AG responded back to the OP - SCREW YOU TOO


    Yep, that's a succinct summary!


    I found AG's response unprofessional but perhaps refreshingly frank. I haven't decided yet. OP's letter was hostile. It was a vent that should've been put away over night and re-read before sending. Assuming the OP's desired response was to effect a change to the new policy, the letter would have been better with a constructive tone.

  8. Factors contributing to the amount tipped:



    1. Service level
    2. Friendliness of the server
    3. Alcohol content of the drink
    4. My alcohol content at the time of tipping

    (Not necessarily in that order):D


    Questions regarding #3. How do you know the alcohol content at the time you tip? Or do you not tip when the server brings your drink, and instead leave cash on the bar/at the table when you get up?

  9. Forgive me starting a new thread, the search function is down :confused:


    Has anyone taken a tour with Ashley Harris, "Hidden Gems of Bermuda"? Feedback? She's highly rated on trip advisor, but there are only 22 reviews and they only go back to 2013. She's PRICEY too (way more than the government set blue flag rate) but gets around that by offering 'all inclusive tours.' All the reviewers on trip advisor rave about the tour and say it was well worth the money.


    TIA for any input!

  10. We bought walkie talkies at a local electronics store ($35 on sale) and used them on Explorer. We were able to walk all the way into Phillipsburg and still have easy walkie talkie access to the ship when we stood on the beach and had a clear sight line. On board we had no trouble using them at all. The biggest problem was the amount of interference from the ship walkie talkie system, we were always being startled by someone else's conversation. On a positive note, it was interesting eavesdropping on ship-board communication!;)


    What brand & model do you have? Which 'channel' were you using?



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