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Everything posted by slidergirl

  1. lois - i'm glad to hear you can at least put some weight on the foot. Gosh - I wish i could help with finding a cane. I did a quick search of the stores at BCN and AMS - there are a few pharmacies at each one. Don't know if that will help. Do you have any time between debarkation and getting to BCN? Are you going solo to BCN - maybe you can have your driver find a place that sells at least crutches. Or, try to contact your TA to see if she can arrange to have a cane or crutches available for you. i wish i had done that! in the US, i always got crutches at the hospital/doctor's office. in Italy, it apparently part of the deal. i didn't know that until I was leaving the hospital! And, I was leaving during "siesta time" so nothing was open that the driver could find. i was not allowed to put ANY weight on that leg, so i was left to the kindness of the airport staff and their services. overnighted at CDG - my now-ex had his boss (worked for a French company) contact services at CDG and at the Sheraton to be sure I had wheelchairs everywhere. The accessibility teams at all the airports were great - don't hesitate to use them!!
  2. i worked out with T-mo that for my $60/mo, I get the better hotspot coverage since i would be using it quite a bit when i go camping or traveling. i did find out that S. Colorado has quite a few patches of missing coverage on my roadtrip last year... And we have a known dead spot up here on the mountain where I work - i use wifi calling there, with my building's wifi. otherwise, i've been really happy with T-mo.
  3. I am staying at the Globe & Cecil - right behind the Intercontinental. Where did you stay? Sorry 'bout the chaos at AMS. it seems everywhere is having issues.
  4. Since no one is going to talk about cruises and hair and makeup and cruise fashions for awhile, I thought we could have some fun here. If you are under quarantine/self-isolation, would you still put on all your makeup and put on "going out in public' clothes? I'll go first. I am in self-isolation because of a "community spread" issue here in my town (bar bouncer tested positive - hasn't been anywhere, but handled hundreds of IDs of tourists at the Front Door and greeted hundreds of tourists at the Front Door). I'm a minimalist anyway with makeup, but I'm going naked face except for some moisturizer. I'm using hand lotion as my poor hands have been ravaged by all the hand sanitizer I had to use at work until we lost our jobs. I don't dress decently when I'm in my house, so I'm not going to do it now. I took out my trash cans to the curb yesterday in my pajamas, Uggs (still snow on my driveway) and uncombed hair. Not ashamed... So, what about you?
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