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Everything posted by slidergirl

  1. Oh Lois - I am so sorry. You have to eat! Doesn't matter if it's good for you or pure junk food - just get those calories.
  2. Since no one is going to talk about cruises and hair and makeup and cruise fashions for awhile, I thought we could have some fun here. If you are under quarantine/self-isolation, would you still put on all your makeup and put on "going out in public' clothes? I'll go first. I am in self-isolation because of a "community spread" issue here in my town (bar bouncer tested positive - hasn't been anywhere, but handled hundreds of IDs of tourists at the Front Door and greeted hundreds of tourists at the Front Door). I'm a minimalist anyway with makeup, but I'm going naked face except for some moisturizer. I'm using hand lotion as my poor hands have been ravaged by all the hand sanitizer I had to use at work until we lost our jobs. I don't dress decently when I'm in my house, so I'm not going to do it now. I took out my trash cans to the curb yesterday in my pajamas, Uggs (still snow on my driveway) and uncombed hair. Not ashamed... So, what about you?
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