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Everything posted by lazey1

  1. @kazuPrayers for a safe trip home along with a speedy and complete recovery for you . Jane
  2. Am I the only dailyite that does not like champagne? I will be staying home tonight in what for me will be a very cool house. My thermostat decided to go blank and the soonest I can get someone out will be tomorrow at 10am. Good thing our low is expected to be in the 50's. I am glad to be saying goodby to 2022 and welcome to 2023 soon. @ger_77my condolences on the loss of your 3 relatives. @HAL SailerI pray that you DSIL will find freedom from pain soon in whatever is God's plan for her. @Sharon in AZHoping for speedy recovery for your DS. @JazzyVThanks for the photos. Your look very happy. Shout outs for all who have good news and prayers for all who do not AND most importantly of all Thank you to Rich, Roy, and all of the others who make this thread a wonderful place to visit every day. Jane
  3. @richwmn MERRY CHRISTMAS RICH. and a big thank you for the posts. Jane
  4. @kazuI did the same thing, run away from home on a cruise alone the 2nd Christmas after my DD/DH passed. You are right it doesn't fix anything; at least not at the time. In retrospect I am very glad that I did that as it was much better next time I cruised alone. Each of us grieve in our own way and in our own time. If you ever need someone I am happy to be a heart with ears and eyes for you. Jane
  5. Happy Christmas Eve to everyone. I will not be attending the Christmas Eve service at church tonight as it includes lighting candles and walking through the rose gardens. Still not feeling brave enough to be walking outside at night and especially with lit candles which are my very worst triggers for an asthma or bronchitis attack. Fortunately the service will be shown live on Facebook so I can attend virtually. Prayers for all who need them and especially for the people of Ukraine. Jane
  6. @richwmnThank you Rich for every post you make regarding this Holiday/World Cruise. This is something that I dreamed about doing in a previous live but it doesn't seem possible now. So I will just cruise along with you. Jane
  7. @kazuJacqui thank you so much for taking us along on your voyage. You are making everything so real that I can almost feel the ship rocking me gently to sleep. Jane
  8. For the past couple of days I had no access to my computer. Turns out it was just a dead mouse. Tekkie came out last evening and fixed everything for me. Now I will go play catch up on the days I missed. Like many of you I am basically feeling good but very tired especially mid afternoon. Even the very mild Covid seems to hang on forever. Jane
  9. Beautiful photo of 2 beautiful people. I am praying that the medication will prove to be a miracle worker for you Sharon. Jane
  10. Happy, happy, happy that you managed to get to San Diego and that you will be taking us along on your Konigsdam voyage.
  11. It is still morning here so good morning dailites. It is sunny and coldfor Az. with the high supposed to reach 54F this afternoon. That is approximately 15 degrees below normal for this time of year. I enjoy all of the days listed and would enjoy a fritatta, without the kale, if someone would fix one for me. So far I have not found even one Barefoot wine that I did not like and I feel they are such a bargain. I have not been to the Phillipeans and am so enjoying all of your photos. @kazugood on you for getting ready for your cruise from San Diego. Keeping my fingers that you will get to go and hjave a lovely time. @rafinmdPlease take me off the care list. I am feeling good and I am out of Covid isolation. One day last week when I was bored I did some searching around the HAL website and found what I think will be a perfect Ca. coastal Thanksgiving 2023 cruise for me. Need to contact my T.A. to get it done.
  12. Thanks for the reminder to get the Christmas Cards done. I send very few to friends, only relative I send to is my son but I do send cards to the church members who are shut ins. I have been told by 2 different people today that I am sounding much better and I am feeling better. I hadn't realized how run down I was. My wonderful next door neighbor is right now decorating the outside of my house for Christmas. I have everything done inside except for putting up the "pull up Kincaid tree". It is too tall for me to reach and I don't dare stand on a stool. After Mike finishes outside he will do that for me. @aliaschiefI can surely relate to what coughing does to you. Please continue to take it easy. @marshhawkprayers for your entire family, this is to much happening at once. @smitty34877Praise the Lord Tana is better. @Quartzsite CruiserThank you for the candy recipe. It is the same one I used many years ago but I had lost it. Maybe I will get ambitious and make myself a little candy for Christmas.
  13. Thank you to all for the best wishes. I feel a little guilty for even posting that I have Covid as my case is really mild. Runny nose and a cough that is not that much different from my COPD issues. I have to take the Paxlovid Rx and isolate for the rest of this week. Should be back to normal on Monday. So many more people are having serious issues and I am adding all who are mentioned today to my prayer list. God is the ultimate healer and we pray that each of his helpers in the medical professions are blest. Jane
  14. I was unable to log in from the 1st day of my cruise, 11/20/22, until today. I have been following along but unable to post or even respond with the imoges. The first 2 days of the cruise were miserable with heavy cold rain and high winds. Wind of 50 knots had the harbormaster close the harbor for many hours causing us to miss Half Moon Cay however the weather cleared after that and the cruise was very nice. I was feeling quite well while on the cruise, exhausted for a day from my flight home then a couple of days later I started having symptoms of a cold, tested and sure enough I am positive for Covid. (mild case, not to worry). Dr. prescribed Paxlovid and 5 days of isolation. Unable to get my Christmas decorations up until after the 5 days as my neighbor who helps also has Covid. I have been to Red Bay but do not have any photos. Thank all of you for posting, now the photos of the meal have made me hungry so I will go looking for some type of Tex-Mex food to prepare. Jane
  15. ON the desk/dresser so that it was reflected in the mirror..
  16. Time for me to get real about my upcoming cruise. My neuropathy issues now are minimal, my COPD has been well controlled for several months and my colitis is much better. Both my Lung Dr. and my G.I. Dr. have given their blessings for the cruise, as long as I make sure to have all the regular and the emergency use meds. with me. I saw my Primary this morning; she was concerned about my blood pressure and told me to start taking it at least twice a week and keep a diary to give to my cardiologist for my Dec. appointment. I had both my flu shot and the Covid booster in med Oct. My passport is here in my suitcase. Now all that is left is haircut, mani/pedi, packing, final arrangements for getting to airport on Saturday. After that all transportation etc. is handled through HAL and I will be very happy to board the new Rotterdam. I even managed to talk a friend from church into cruising with me. Yeah! Prayers for all who need them. Jane
  17. I believe it is offered every Christmas. I pre-ordered the Christmas Tree for my Christmas cruise in 2016.
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