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Posts posted by commodoredave

  1. I much prefer private tours for a whole bunch of reasons, but occasionally take those provided by the cruise line depending on the port and what's on offer.

    One thing to keep in mind is that the ship won't usually wait for private tours that are late, but will jump through hoops to get its own tour groups back on board. This happened during our last Seabourn cruise on the Pride in September. We were in Fort William, Scotland for the day when one of the tours got caught in a massive traffic jam caused by a serious accident on the main highway. Adding to the drama, our ship had to leave port no later than 7:00 pm in order to legally navigate the narrows on the way back to sea, or remain in port all night and miss its next port of call.

    The ship's staff talked the bus driver into taking a bunch of back roads to a passenger ferry where it disembarked the tour group. On the other side of the water, the tour group was met by another hastily arranged bus which took them through more back roads to the ship, where they arrived with 5 minutes to spare. As a back-up, the ship had also arranged to bus the tour group up to the other end of the loch where they would have been tendered aboard the Pride before it went out to sea.

    We were very impressed at the herculean effort by SB staff to get the tour group aboard in time, and will certainly factor this into our future thinking about when and where to take the ship's excursions over private tours.

  2. No, Commodore -- you've missed the point. SD is completely aware of this thread -- and whatever it is you are trying to accomplish obviously isn't working. You don't know to whom they've responded -- just not here and not to you. The point of this thread was that there is an engine problem -- with information on what it takes to work on the engine -- progress reports etc. You were the one who turned it into a thread taking SD to task for their communications failures -- which is legitimate -- but perhaps should have been a new thread, since you seem to have more issues with SD (based on your 1 cruise) than just the engine. When I check this thread, I'm hoping to get information -- not more bashing.



    Read my review about my SD cruise and you won't have to make rash comments about my opinion of SD, which is very positive.


    My major concern has been SD's lack of interest in communicating with people about important issues like the engine problem. But rather than just complain or ignore the issue, I have actually given examples from another cruise line of how SD might want to handle the issue. I have done this because I believe SD would be a better cruise line if they could improve their communication, and wish to encourage them to do so. It is disappointing to me that we are all left to get information on the engine repairs from crew members, SD reservation agents, etc., but not a word from SD management.


    I hope someone at SD -- maybe Andreas -- will read these comments and take some positive action. If you consider this bashing, there is nothing I can do about your interpretation except to say you are wrong.

  3. Jim, I don't think anyone here is adverse to honest criticism and I don't think anyone has drunk so much Kool Aid that they can't appreciate that SD doesn't always hit the mark. It's when the same things are said over and over and over just to keep the pot stirred that it gets a bit wearing. As GoRRRdon said -- if you have new info, please post it. As Richb21 said, it's been beaten to a pulp. So I don't see any point but to wait til someone actually has new information to post. :)



    This comment misses the entire point of this thread. SD management has provided absolutely no information past, present or future about the engine problem. Until they do, this thread and any other seeking information or criticising the lack of communication from SD is not only completely legitimate, but is actually helpful to SD management in terms of helping them understand what their past and future passengers would like to hear. So please keep it coming.

  4. Those of you who don't want to read any criticism of SD management, however slight, should simply skip this thread about engine/communication problems rather than telling others to stop posting about it.

    And those of us who want to help SD become a better cruise line so they can attract more repeat cruisers can just use this one thread to help them do that.

    That sounds like a fair bargain to me. What are you afraid of?

  5. Please note that I did not mention what repairs the engine is undergoing i. e. crankshaft

    etc., as I am not versed on the subject.


    But yes, they are still working on something with crews that are not Sea Dream regulars.


    Still, I would not worry for the moment as I believe they have or shortly will have it under control.


    I hope they do get it under control soon. As for future worries, based on this situation, I do not have much confidence in SD management to communicate with past, present or future passengers in a truthful and timely fashion. So how will anyone know what SD may be hiding the next time they book a cruise?

  6. FWIW. Spoke to Sea Dream on Friday (reservations) and inquired about the engine issue. The agent claimed it has been repaired.




    On our Dec 14-21 Costa Rica cruise we were told by a senior crew member that the engine problem was no longer an issue. Obviously, this was not accurate. I hope the agents are now telling the truth.

    This lack of transparency by SD management is at the crux of this issue. In fact, they have provided little or no information on the issue to passengers on board or those booking future cruises beyond the two cruises that missed ports. And at times they have deliberately misled people.

    In my view, this is not the right way to manage a luxury cruise line and build consumer confidence in the product.

  7. Jim, I agree with your analysis and opinion.

    In addition, it's not just a concern for those currently cruising on SD1. People contemplating a future cruise on SD1 deserve to know what they are getting into before booking.

    The bottom line is that SD management is putting their own self interest ahead of present and future passengers.

  8. I have pasted below a travel alert that recently appeared on the Azamara Club Cruises website in reference to a damaged propeller on the Journey. It is a good example of how a cruise line should communicate with its customers about issues affecting their ships. Maybe SeaDream will take note and improve its communication.


    Travel Alerts


    Azamara Journey’s propeller damaged in Japan


    Good morning everyone,


    We wanted to let you know about an incident affecting the Azamara Journey that will require the current voyage to end early.


    As the Azamara Journey approached Tokyo, we noticed an unusual vibration. Further inspection revealed damage to the propeller. We are now traveling at a reduced speed to Osaka (Kyoto), and will arrive on Friday. Due to the required repairs, we regrettably must end the voyage in Osaka (Kyoto).


    Our President and CEO, Larry Pimentel, and Bert Van Middendorp, VP of Operations, are both flying to Osaka (Kyoto) tonight to meet with the ship and the guests.


    The Azamara Journey will remain in Osaka (Kyoto) on February 28 and March 1, and will have debarkation for guests on March 2. We will then provide guests with air to Shanghai where debarkation was originally scheduled on March 3. We will also provide hotel accommodations until they are able to pick up their original schedule, whether that is a stay in Shanghai or a flight home.


    Guests are receiving refunds for the days of the voyage they will be missing, as well as a Future Cruise Credit certificate for 25% of the value of their current voyage. It is possible that the upcoming voyage out of Shanghai on March 3 will be affected. As we are currently working on the repair situation, we will provide an update within 48 hours, and all guests - or their travel agents - on those voyages will be contacted directly with more information.

  9. I absolutely agree.

    Parents should know their own children. If they're likely to get bored or run amok because of overexcitement then a luxury cruise isn't the right holiday for them. Same applies if the parents can't be bothered to watch their kids properly.

    I have no problem being around well behaved children, and would be happy to have one or two onboard like Henry's daughter.


    I also agree. I've cruised with a number of amazing children who were absolutely delightful.

    But one of the challenges of offering a "kids sail free" promotion is that if it attracts too many children, it significantly increases the likelihood of unruly behaviour, and can change the atmosphere of the entire cruise.

  10. Delighted to hear that you have accepted their last offer, although I do believe you were treated with less than full respect and honor. I have not cruised with NCL in some time, and based on how their management have handled your case, I will not be sailing with them again any time soon.

    Best wishes for a wonderful family cruise.

  11. I did one of Crystals kids sail free. We dubbed the cruise S'S Mickey Mouse (pre-DCL) kids ran amok. Running up/down the halls flipping do not disturb signs. Running and cannonballing into the pools. The worst were the ice fights that had a lot of collateral damage. Neither their parents nor staff would stop them.


    Sent via squirrels and a rotary phone


    Which raises the question is a "kids sail free" promotion compatible with a cruise line that markets itself as a luxury line?

  12. Whatever changes may be made, I hope SB management does not follow Crystal's strategy of promoting "kids sail free" cruises as per the recent marketing offer below. It is one thing to have a small number of well-behaved children on a cruise. It is quite another to have a huge number that overwhelm limited facilities and ruin your experience, and whose passage you have actually helped subsidize since they are cruising for free..


    "Plan your fall escape to Canada & New England now and lock in the very best fares aboard the World’s Best when you book by February 28, 2014! Nowhere else in the world does Mother Nature prepare for winter as she does along these northeastern shores, blanketing world-class cities, historic sites and majestic natural landscapes in vibrant shades of crimson and ochre. From Boston’s Freedom Trail to Nova Scotia’s wildlife trails, Crystal Serenity will embark on her first ever Canada & New England dedicated routes, sailing between New York, Quebec City and Boston on a series of September – October departures that invite Kids to Sail Free!"

  13. Well, this is currently sitting in Mr. Stuart's Inbox (if it's not filtered by an assistant) and next week will be in Mr. Sheehan's (hopefully he reads his own email). At this point I'm asking for such a small thing I'll be surprised if they can't see their way to accommodate me. But then again, I would have never believed it if you'd told me in advance that they would "forget" to mention that my two-bedroom, two-bath suite had morphed into a single room suite. I maybe getting old but I can still count to 2. ;)


    I am confident those two will do the right thing. If not, you have a lot of supporters on this thread who will help take up your cause, me included.

  14. Oh illustrious Commodore, supporting any party is far too earnest for old ho-hum !

    Being a devotee at the temple of the "Sea Dream crew" is more than enough ! Ommmm.


    It's funny though.

    It did'nt take long to smoke out James "Budgie" Arbuckle Aviary and Commodore Nelson "Twinkle-toes" Davidos who recently scurrilously alleged that old ho-hum's posts were written soon after either;

    - inhaling "those" substances becoming legal in those educated parts of the US !


    - regularly frequenting the pub/s for long periods until closing time !


    Ho-hum has been urged to issue a writ for malicious slander to both "gentleman" by his old family solicitors: Sue, Grabbit & Run but whilst both allegations can be completely defended, examination by any half-competent attorney could discover his love of Burgundy & Bordeaux in liberal measures (but only with chums) and it may be difficult to persuade a judge that any damage has occurred by their remarks when it still gives ho-hum such a good chuckle !


    Ho-hum, when I suggested you were on something, I should have known it was just a bar stool! I owe you a nice glass of Bordeaux should we ever meet afloat.

  15. Glad to hear this may be resolved appropriately. But why is it that major multi-national cruise lines like NCL take so long and make it so hard to get a fair and reasonable outcome? Do they not care about their brand and reputation? Is NCL purposely trying to send customers to other cruise lines?

  16. To be accurate, Crystal is raising fares ON 94% of their voyages, not BY 94%. I think they would be out of business if they raised fares that much. :D


    Apologies -- you are correct -- they will increase on 94% of their voyages. That is a big difference and sounds more like a marketing ploy that a sign that the luxury cruise industry has returned to normal levels of profitability. There should still be bargains out there for a while.

  17. As per today's press release from Crystal below, they are increasing cruise fares by 94% on all published fares on March 1. Is the whole luxury cruise industry doing that well, including Regent, or is it just Crystal? Or is this a move to increase yields because so much inventory was sold at such low prices?


    LOS ANGELES, January 28, 2014 – Due to overwhelmingly positive response and significant increase in booking activity since launching January 3 to February 28 “Book Now Fares” and offers, Crystal Cruises is raising rates on a record number of luxury cruises on March 1. Cruise fares will increase on 94% of all currently published 2014, 2015 and 2016 voyages -- more than 120 – for the next “Book Now” period that will end on April 30, 2014.

    Crystal’s revenue for 2013 ended nearly 22% ahead of 2012, 2014 is already 78% booked, and 2015 bookings are 42% ahead of this same time last year for 2014. “Travelers who don’t book by the end of February risk not only losing out on great savings, but possibly any space at all,” says Edie Bornstein, Crystal’s president.

    Bornstein attributes the booking success to Crystal’s unparalleled reputation for superior service, the striking investments in the design of its ships and an overall award-winning vacation experience that is earning Crystal its highest ratings ever for guest satisfaction. Strong support from travel agents worldwide and advance publication of carefully crafted itineraries of varying lengths with abundant overnights have contributed to the success story.

  18. Thanks so much Dave! I'm still hoping to workout something with them directly. On the advice of people here and elsewhere I'm currently working my way up the corporate ladder. I'll keep everybody here updated. I really appreciate all the suggestions, advice, and support I've received here. I would have been lost without it.


    The thought occurred to me how ironic it is that the ship's name is "The Pride of America."


    Yes, truly ironic!

    The exec you want to speak to at NCL is Andrew Stuart, Executive Vice President of Global Sales and Passenger Services. I met him at the Miami Cruise Shipping conference a few years ago and he came across as a really nice guy who put customers first.

    Some may recall him from a CNN TV program about cruising which featured NCL.

  19. There's a legal firm in Miami called Walker and O'Neil who specialize in litigation with cruise lines. Your case may not be big enough for them, but they are good people who might refer you somewhere else if they cannot help.

    You can reach Jim Walker at jimatcruiselawdotcom

  20. As should be obvious by now I've been pretty naive about all this. When I went back and looked at the ticket contract (which I think is industry standard) I learned:

    1) To be able to sue you have to notify them in writing of your complaint within 30 days of the end of the cruise (I've done that) and file within one year.

    2) If you sue, you have to do it in their home jurisdiction, in other words Miami.

    3) I don't know how binding it is, but I might have agreed to arbitration (in Miami).


    I think I'm pretty much reliant on their generosity, unless you know a good attorney in Florida. I never heard back from Conde Nast, but I think I'll follow your advice and get back to Chris Elliott who was nice enough to reply to me personally.


    Thanks for your advice.


    Conde Nast takes a while to get back to people, so you may still hear. I'll get back to you with Miami lawyer later as company is about to arrive for dinner. :)

  21. A credit is not adequate in my view. You should be compensated in cash for the difference in price between what you paid and the lower category suite you got. If NCL is not willing to pay you the cash, you have several options including Conde Nast Traveller, Chris Elliott, or a law suit.

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