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Everything posted by daz1107

  1. Unless P&O have suddenly started stocking other options than the boring, standard whiskies, then there is a point to taking your own. I would happily pay £4 extra for a bottle of something I actually enjoy drinking. I'm even happy to book said beverage 3 months in advance to ensure they have it, but it isn't happening, so I'll be taking my favourite tipple. Cheers.
  2. Excellent! Tonight I'll be opening my cheapest whiskey, which I have bought from amazon. It's an English one called Bankhall. Never heard of it, but it was mentioned on a forum I follow, so I thought, why not?!?
  3. Oh my, I really hope you like it now!! Please don't attack me if you don't 🤣
  4. Hopefully it won't let you down! I tried an Australian whiskey the other day called Starward. That's a cheapy but very nice!
  5. In sure my whisky enthusiast friend will be interested. I'll let him know. Thank you!
  6. In which case, I'll ensure I spend twice as much then. Can't have those shareholders not receiving a dividend 😁
  7. I think you answered your own question, with your statement 'without any proof whatsoever...' Think we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one, which is something I'm happy to do, but many on here aren't.
  8. What an excellent point! You Sir are 100% correct, they have already introduced this 😂!!
  9. I actually covered your point by asking what the issue is, with not spending whilst on board....
  10. I would beg to differ on this. The thread is all about having something that was there taken away. Just because you don't do it, doesn't mean that no one should. Many people have explained that they enjoy a drink of something, not available on board, on their balcony. Me included. Personally I have no interest in black tie night and have never participated in it, but, if it was taken away, I would be sympathetic to the ones who do enjoy their evening dressing up. As for not spending a penny on board, I don't see the issue with this (I'm not one of those people by the way). Everyone has paid the required amount to board the ship and after that, what they do with their money is their own choice. Unless of course P&O decide each cruiser is required to spend £xxx whilst on board!
  11. As a regular Marella cruiser, you are correct in that you can take on whatever alcohol you wish, at whatever time. Whilst we were in the Caribbean in December, we took on spirits, beer and wine and no one batted an eyelid. They don't care; while ever you are drinking your own, it saves them money!! I'm sure you'll have a great time, we always have.
  12. The English is actually distilled by 'The English Whiskey Distillery', they do various varieties, but I like the standard one (just Google the English whiskey and you'll find it). I've had Smokehead and yes, it's not bad for a cheapie. We have a friend who used to host Whisky Tastings and he has over a hundred bottles, from all over the world. He very kindly keeps bringing me 50cl tasters! If you get the chance, try an Indian whiskey; he's brought me 2 different ones and they are excellent!
  13. Ooh, thank you! A sensible response for once rather than a 'well you're wrong, you can't have an opinion, the cruise line is always right'! I'll look into those so thank you. I'm actually enjoying various ones at the moment; The English is one distilled in Norfolk and has a very subtle flavour, whilst Penderyn is a new(ish) Welsh distillery and is receiving good reviews. There are several Japanese ones which I enjoy as well, all having differing tastes.
  14. I totally agree with you, I was merely pointing out that, to someone who enjoys a variety of whisky/whiskey, the choice isn't good. I wasn't criticising what they stock, but I am surprised they have 3 x Highland and 3 x Speyside. Each one is the same style!
  15. I have to say, as a keen whisky (and whiskey) drinker, that is a very poor selection. It's very main stream and 'safe'. Our local real ale pub has a better, and more varied selection!
  16. No problem, I never thought you were being argumentative. We have cruised Marella many times, which is all inclusive, but I won't drink their whiskies, I always took my own on board. Life is too short to settle for second best, where spirits are concerned.... or tea bags. Oh and personally, I'm a Coke person, never liked Pepsi!!
  17. They are yes, which, as you quite rightly say, is why they don't care!
  18. For info only, Marella allow you to basically take whatever you like on board, at any time of the cruise. Ahh, the memories of happy days of hunting for booze at parties....
  19. No, because none of the cruise lines sell my preferred whiskies, hence why I booked one that allowed me to take some with me.... but have now decided, after booking, that I can no longer do this. I get it, this isn't important to you, but to others, it is.
  20. It's not a matter of paying the '£3 or £4 more', it's drinking what you prefer, which they don't sell. We are on holiday after all. Also, we booked this cruise as, at the time, you could take spirits onboard with you. Now the goalposts have moved after booking.
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