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Everything posted by luvteaching

  1. Thanks for the sailaway and thanks to Leanne for the thread. See everyone tomorrow.
  2. Checking in from a chilly Pacific Northwest. We've made it up to a balmy 15F - who knew? Karen
  3. Good morning from a frosty Pacific Northwest, It's 4F (not as bad as @ger_77 by any means but very cold for this part of the state. It didn't get up past 14F yesterday and today we may reach mid-20'sF. I had a hummingbird feeder popsicle as I forgot to bring it in. It's thawed now so it will go out when I'm moving a bit faster. Staying home and staying warm. Klutz moment this morning. My glasses fell on the floor from the dining room table, bend over to get them and caught my face on the dining room chair. A lump below my cheekbone and it's going down so I'm find but I'll probably have an interesting bruise. Nothing exciting today other than trying to get my craft room organized and get rid of things. There's always my counted cross stitch to work on and a jigsaw puzzle to do as well as the neighbor to come for tea (Murchie's Afternoon). Have a good day and stay warm and safe! Karen
  4. Good morning! It's 9F on the front porch and we've a predicted high of 20F today, It's also blue skies and sunshine. The taps are dripping so I haven't frozen up which is good. I plan to stay home and stay warm today. Lots of black ice issues are being reported and we had winds last night which resulted in power outages. DS and DDIL are both "gingers" and will give them a hug and kiss if I see them. I'm a tea granny from the word go - coffee stunts my growth. I have quite a collection of Murchie's teas. Today's is "Snowflake" which is a black tea with hints of coconut and almond. My fave are mint teas. I have a neighbor lady who comes down for tea most days. Absolutely love Sitka and have been there multiple times. I'll be there in July and September this year if all goes well. DD DH really enjoyed the Raptor Center. The totem pole park was accessible for his scooter and we walked it many times. We've walked over the bridge to Japonski Island, explored the downtown area, and every trip had to get fudge at the cathedral store as well as jelly from the Lutheran ladies. The downtown is so unlike the ports of Juneau and Ketchikan as there aren't any jewelry stores and the like. Have a good day and stay safe and comfortable! Karen
  5. Good afternoon. I'm looking out the family room window as I sit at the computer and the sun is shining and there is snow wafting down! You have to love the Pacific Northwest. It's not enough to accumulate in any way, shape or form, and our low tonight is supposed to be 11F. The sanding truck went down my road this morning with no sand coming out of the back and the blade in the front up. I guess they were out for a drive. Karen
  6. Good morning from a crisp clear Pacific Northwest, @StLouisCruisers Happy 17th birthday to Ren! We're past the threat of snow (never happened in our area) but now have 5 days of quite cold temps - for us. Nothing higher than 35 (today) and lows to 10 F or so. There are several reports of black ice this morning so glad to be able to stay home. As a matter of fact home is where I probably will be for the next several days. No-one to hug but I can hug the teddy bear that was at DH's side the last few days of his life. Yesterday was water aerobics and a few grocery stops so I'm set to be able to be home. Today is getting some chores done around the house. I haven't packed up DD DH's clothes yet - no real reason other than other chores taken higher precedence so may start that today. I have a new kitchen sink being delivered today and when DS has time he'll install it and the new range hood finishing up the remodel of my kitchen. Still thinking about countertops and maybe a backsplash (thinking of incorporating my HAL tiles into it) but that's down the road aways. Have a good day and stay warm! Karen
  7. @mskitty1 My condolences on your DH's passing. I lost mine on June 27th after 46 years married. He loved to cruise and, even with his mobility issues and memory loss, it was a good vacation strategy for us. All our cruises were to Alaska out of Seattle and I'd already paid for one in September (he insisted he was going to go) so I went. I did quite well. I had a table for 6 in the dining room and 3 of us were there every night but Juneau. After the first night the other couple didn't return - said it was too early for them. We drank a toast to DH and went on with things. The cruise was good for me and he'd be happy that I went. I have cruises booked for summer 2024 and am hoping to do a burial at sea with a small portion of his ashes. He'd have liked that. I always felt safe and found people to visit with. In ports, since we'd been to them many times, I did my own wandering and went to some of our favorite places. Karen
  8. Good morning! It's a very wet morning. The rain is coming down hard, my gutters are overflowing as it's just so much volume and the trees are letting me know that the wind is blowing. Lots of power outages in the area but so far so good here. We lost power sometime overnight but just long enough to have to reset the alarm clock, microwave, and log in to the computer. Keeping my fingers crossed that that's it for today. This is a stay-at-home day as rain and wind is the total forecast for the day. The mountain passes are having blizzard conditions. Instead I'll get some cleaning done, work on the counted cross-stitch, work on the jigsaw puzzle, etc. DS is coming by later this afternoon to double check the pumphouse for me and do a few other "son-do" jobs. We have cold temps coming on Thursday for a few days (think in the teens and single digits) and I don't want to be froze up and have no water. Take care and stay safe! Karen
  9. Good afternoon from a very soggy Pacific Northwest! I've been out and busy today. I had the pool from 9:30 - noon with a more energetic aerobics class and then an arthritis class. I stopped in at WM as it's right near the health club and then a stop at Fred Meyer so now I'm good to stay home and relax until Wednesday when it's back at the pool. No bubble baths since I just have a large shower and may have a pair of socks with an argyle pattern. The soup looks interesting. I have some friends that like to come for soup and homemade rolls so will print off one of the recipes. DD DH loved soup especially the cold ones on a BHB. Nothing else too exciting - laundry, some house cleaning, and time on cross-stitch and a jigsaw puzzle will round out the day. Karen
  10. Checking in. Neighbor came for tea and just left. I was able to catch the NS as she left. Yay!
  11. Finally! I went out and got my walk in so now have almost 5000 steps in. Has anyone noticed that there haven't been "waves" requested lately? I noticed that and it has my interest piqued. At my age it doesn't take much! hee...
  12. Checking in from a fairly nice day in the Pacific Northwest. Never fear - rain and even snow are in next week's forecast! Karen
  13. Good afternoon, It's a gloomy day in the Pacific Northwest. It's trying to rain and we've got a wind advisory for later this afternoon and into tomorrow. It gets better for a few days and then, by Tuesday or Wednesday, it goes downhill. The current long-range forecast has that white stuff, otherwise known as snow, predicted starting Wednesday with lows in the teens, highs not even to 30 and up to 17 inches of snow. I'm so hoping the long-range prediction is wrong! I'm not a snow driver so if this is what materializes then I'll be staying home! Today was out and about to do a few errands (Costco and Fred Meyer) and now it's time to watch @aliaschief and @DWAliaschief leave on their adventure. Karen
  14. Good morning, We're having a soggy start to the day. No plans at the moment other than tea with a neighbor which is an almost daily occurrence. It's raining pretty good at the moment so staying home and getting things done around the house is a good plan. I'm hosting DD DH's side of the family for Christmas on Jan. 28th so need to get "save the date" notes out to them so that's at the top of the to-do list. There's always dusting, cleaning, and needlework to do - or I can work on a jigsaw puzzle! Karen
  15. Thanks @JazzyV! As I was out for a quick walk before it got dark it dawned on me it probably was Harbor Master and I looked again. It says "HM Approved" which really fits for Harbor Master Approved. How that is different from "Completed" is another question.
  16. Just checked the port schedule and the Zuiderdam now says the depature time is 19:30 which makes it 4:30 for my neck of the woods. Does anyone know what the code "HM" (on a bright blue background) means on the port schedule? I don't recall seeing it before. Karen
  17. According to the Port Schedule Zuiderdam now confirmed for 18:45 so that's 6:45 ET, right? 3:45 PT. Checking in.
  18. Good morning! The plumbing company is here putting in the new venting for the hot water heater so I'm writing this to the sound of hammering. My neighbor will be here for tea in a few. @Cruising-along That is great that you get to fly out of Everett! So much easier, I understand, than Sea-Tac. When family came down from Anchorage they raved about it. Safe travels to you. Yesterday I stayed home and I pulled out my needlework and did about 45 minutes on it. It's the first time since DD DH died. From late March to late June I always needleworked as I sat by his bed. I guess it just took me a bit to get back into the groove. Have a good day! Karen
  19. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit, Happy New Year! Having a quiet morning so far and have the Rose Parade on. I haven't watched it in years so enjoying the floats especially. Nothing much planned for today. DS will be by later to put the tree in the shed and have a visit. A neighbor will be down for tea. I have lots to do around here so that's fine with me. @StLouisCruisersI love the Sweeties tree and am in awe of the stocking that's going to be done (and the ones in the background of the picture). It's sure nice to have the grid in color. I'm working on baby ones for great-nieces. We had 2 great nieces and a great granddaughter born in 4 months at the start of Covid (Feb, Mar and June) and the first one has her picture and I'm about 3/4 done for the second one. I worked on it when visiting DD DH in hospital and in care. Haven't touched it in a while but am determined to make time daily for it now. Happy Anniversary @Cat in my lap Enjoy the first day of 2024! Karen
  20. Good Afternoon and Happy New Year's Eve! We're in for a string of days that show clouds and sun but by the end of the week rain and even a few snowflakes are showing up. Today I finished "de-Christmasing" the house with everything packed up. Now to get the boxes put away and when DS comes over he'll put the tree out in the shed. No plans for tonight as I tend to stay home, get comfy cozy and probably won't even make midnight. Best wishes to all as we finish out 2023 and all the best for a brighter and better 2024. Karen
  21. It says 64F there and I'm at almost 60F in the Pacific Northwest!
  22. Good afternoon, Back from errands (bank, Hallmark and grocery store) and lunch at a fave Mexican restaurant with friends and DS. There were 6 of us and we had a nice visit. I have my chicken enchilada to have for dinner tonight. @dfish Glad to hear you're home and doing as well as can be expected. @Niagarawine Alaska is very doable with a mobility scooter. My DH did it for many years and we went everywhere we could. He rode the tram in Juneau and did the trail to Nugget Falls at Mendenhall. He was all over Sitka and Ketchikan and rode the train several times at Skagway. If you want to do the train make sure you book the handicapped car. It has a life to get you in and it's less crowded. DH stayed on his scooter and I had a seat. Have a nice evening! Karen
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