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Posts posted by DisneyKidsDad

  1. Hi everyone.


    Well talking about challenges! This week was the first time back for puppy workshop for a while, in fact this year, due to Aruba missing January's meeting. Thankfully Missy Aruba is back to "normal" now, well, whatever "normal" means in her head! LOL!


    Oh but boy did she show me up! BIG time! She was so excited to get there and meet all her doggy pals and of course the two lovely ladies who have had her for sleepovers.


    At the class, we all do some exercise work with our dogs and usually with some basic commands - sit, stand, down, forward - these are now second nature to Aruba and in fact some of them she works with me on hand signals alone. But not this morning, or I should say not when I was working with her in class! Would, she listen to me, she would not! She gave me "that look", that just said "I can hear you but I'm not listening"! She would sit -eventually - and when asked to go "down", nope, no way. Try as I could, no, no, no, this girl was not lying down for me. However, when we swapped and one of her "aunties" had her, good as gold - sat and then down, no problem - but of course she thought she was getting a belly rub from them so down and over, so still not really what she was supposed to do! Little monkey! Of course, they were all laughing at her "showing me up" as I tried and tried to get her to "down"! But she did work with me when we did some more challenging commands but the basics are so important. I'll give her a break as I think she's still a bit hormonal! And we all know how that feels, don't we girls! LOL! And you have to not labour it too much as they just then get totally fed up.


    On the way home, we went into a local supermarket and you know she was as good as gold - behaved impeccably, and let's face it this is where it really counts out in the real world, not in a noisy class with lots of other puppies of all ages all being given commands - I find it a bit distracting when other puppy walkers with louder voices dominate the class with their booming commands, so I can't imagine how that must be to the dogs. Confusing I imagine.


    One of the dogs, a rather handsome black lab/retriever cross called Nelson is off next week for his formal training. I asked his PW if he was going to miss him. "No" he said, "he needs to go, he's bored now!" So, l hope this is how I will feel when our time comes as I do think Aruba's ready now for new challenges and I am accepting of this and what will soon be a new chapter in her life.


    Oh and there was the sweetest little new kid on the block, all of 12 weeks old, called Olaf, who caused total disruption when he arrived! So, one goes and another one arrives!


    We've had lovely weather here as you can see from the photo. I just love snowdrops and every year they make me smile - Spring is on its way! :)



    What great pictures!! Sounds like Aruba is a typical "teenager". She has selective hearing. They all seem to go through it. You sound like you are doing a great job with her. We have just under three months left with Davis so now it's time to "sharpen" the skills he already knows. Or should I say, the skills we know he knows. We put our paperwork in for our next challenge. Hopefully mid June.

  2. DKD - how's Davis doing?


    Have a great weekend everyone! :D


    Davis is doing great. He is less than 3 months away from college.

    We have grown very fond of this dopey dog. He will be missed.

    But we just sent in our repeat puppy raiser application the other day.

    Hopefully we will have another pup in the middle of June when we get

    back from Disney World. The people that were going to take him if he didn't graduate backed out. But we have two or three other people that want him. So either way he will go to a great home.

  3. This has most definitely been an eye-opening experience and a reminder of how much we take for granted on a daily basis.


    I finally contacted the Tourism Office in Puerto Rico and they provided names of companies with wheelchair accessible transportation. I have been able to contact 2 of the companies and am finalizing arrangements with one (Rico Sun Tours) for 1/2 day reservation. I will provide feedback in mid-March after our return. The vehicles for both companies contacted have wheelchair lifts with capacity for 2 wheelchairs and 8 additional passengers (nothing smaller) and are thus, more expensive than a taxi would be. However, I have not had any luck identifying wheelchair accessible taxis (ie , not a tour company).


    Here are the company names and phone numbers provided by the Tourism office (I searched for websites). I want to stress that this is not a personal recommendation as I have not have any personal experience with them. Note that I have found a telephone call is best for the initial contact with subsequent email exchange.


    Rico Sun Tours

    Website: http://rstpuertorico.com/

    Phone: 787-722-2080

    (attached photo is from their Facebook page)


    VIP Luxury Transport

    Website: www.viptaxipr.com

    Phone: 787-619-2004



    I have not been able to contact the following 2 companies (info provided by Tourism Co):


    Arrow Handicapped Transport

    Phone: 787-640-6239


    WheelChair Transportation Tours


    Website: www.wowttpr.com/


    Good luck in your search.


    Make sure they have tie-downs. When we were there none of the islands we visited, including Puerto Rico had them.

  4. I'm not laughing, I'm with you!


    I mostly use my ipad and email to communicate but also have a ridiculously simple very cheap flip phone that does nothing but make calls and take messages (no photos, no internet) so I can call someone in an emergency - also my husband can answer it if the dog makes the sound alert. (I can hear it sometimes in quiet places with setting on my hearing aid but hate talking on the phone anyway.) The monthly fee is really low but I also like the big, readable numbers and letters. It's an "old person" type phone they advertise in the AARP magazine.


    But I have to break down and get a smart phone... the technology is getting better for live, real time captioning. Plus people get mad when they can't text me. Soon....


    I also have a trac fone. But mine has a full keyboard and a camera.

    It costs me around $100/yr. I would love to get a smart phone but

    I have a hard time justifying the cost. Some day I will have to bite

    the bullet and get one. But not today!!

  5. DKD - would you mind please posting the information you gave me re posting photos from photobucket.


    It would be helpful to others and it made it so easy for me to do.


    I find if I copy the link on my photo bucket page and then paste it into a word document (or similar) then I can copy all the links that I want and then log out of my photobucket account. I then log into CC and copy and paste the links using the little yellow mountain icon - just below the paper clip.


    I haven't worked out how to keep photobucket logged in and be logged into cc at the same time! So this is my way of doing it.


    This is the best I could find for now.


    What you need to do for bigger photos is go to photobucket dot com and create a free account. Then you can upload pictures to the account and then insert them here full size. It's pretty easy to do.

    When your on Photobucket, you use "direct" for your share links choice.

    When you want to share a picture here from Photobucket try this.


    Click on the picture you want to share. Then where is says "share links", click next to the one that says Direct. You should see it flash copied. Then come back here and click on the yellow icon that looks like a postcard of a mountain. Then paste. The photo should then show up here.


  6. Well, maybe that was the problem I had with flickr last time and quit using it. The pictures were there after I posted them, because I checked them. Now they say unavailable to me too. The pictures are not on my computer, just in flickr, so I cannot attach them. Ahhh the convenience of technology! NOT!


    What you need to do for bigger photos is go to photobucket dot com and create a free account. Then you can upload pictures to the account and then insert them here full size. It's pretty easy to do.

    When your on Photobucket, you use "direct" for your share links choice.


    Dear Friends,

    If you see no other video in your life, you MUST see this one. I love CCI!


    Here's the funny thing about that video. I know the woman in that video and her dog. (Alex & Bright) I have known Bright since she was a puppy. Alex used to live on the East Coast.. I have been to Disney World with Bright and her puppy raisers. I went to the graduation out on Long Island. Alex, her husband and Bright now live in California.

  8. DKD, didn't you tell us some time back that DCL allows you to put the potty box on your balcony if you want it there?

    Hope all is well with you and yours.




    Yes, we have always had the potty box in our veranda. Our first 2 cruises with Disney we had a blue, plastic kiddie pool filled with sod. It was great. Our last cruise which was 2 years to Alaska, we had what looked to be a 2 ft. by 4 ft. box filled with sod. It was a little small for a 7 day cruise with a 70 pound dog. We bagged the poop but it seemed like alot of pee for the size of the box. I will mention this to them when we book our next cruise.

  9. Me again...more questions...


    I'm still reading through the thread from the beginning. Only on page 43. But it has made me think of something on my upcoming cruise.


    For those who have done Disney, did they provide you a place for the SD to have play time off leash?


    We've been on 3 Disney cruises with our daughter's service dog but we've never done that. Between walking around at all the ports and waling around the ship, he got enough exercise. Plus, Orson isn't much of a play-time dog anyway. Sorry I can't be of more help.

  10. Cindy oh Cindy, I've missed you so. Honestly, I'm such a baby. But, I don't like it when you're not around. Let's see if I can bring you up to speed........


    We have a few new friends onboard with us and that's always fun.


    Quam is still balling us out for one thing or another!


    Aruba is eating everything in her sight.....not a good thing, or fun for her Mum!


    Trudy is still MIA.....we miss her!


    DKD is his typical self; misbehaving very badly!


    Nancy's busy playing with wads of oil....Personally, sounds very yucky!


    Chris is giving advice to the newbies.........Holly, Cindra and there's Pedro and a bird named Gloria Estefeather...We're becoming a very eclectic group. There's a Folksinger and a Phantom'sgirl.


    cjborne popped in to say hi.


    I'm sorry to hear about John's ache's and pains and poor Wexy's ears. I hate it when these Labs start with the ear problems. But I am so glad to hear about the new van.


    I, too, hate the darn lap tops and don't do well with the mouse pad. I'm always either wiping out what I just did or adding something that I never wanted.


    In any case it's so good to hear from you. Stay onboard!!! :D


    Wait...I resemble that remark!!

  11. The fact that CCI gives us these amazing dogs, who by the time we get them, are worth between $50,000 and $60,000 dollars is no small feat on their behalf.


    If I loved and adored the PuppyRaisers before I surely love them now for all that they do for our miracle workers. Can you imagine taking money out of your own pocket, putting it into a dog that your already giving so much of yourself to, only to possibly NEVER see the dog again. Wow!!!!


    What else would I do with that money Roz, fast cars and loose women? Hmmmmmmm

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