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Posts posted by DisneyKidsDad

  1. Thanks 4boys. I only joined the forum today, having stumbled across it by happy accident. We're some way away from going on out first cruise. I'm hoping for later this year, but that'll give me time to get used to retirement before tackling cruising in earnest. A colleague of mine has a disbaled wife and they've now had a couple of cruises. His wife's disability had taken its toll on him over the last few years and it was great to see not only him looking relaxed all over Facebook, but his wife positively glowing. If we can recreate half of what they have, it'll be well worth it. Who knows, maybe we'll bump itno each other somewhere in the world. :)


    Just be aware, it is NEVER too early to book an accessible cabin! They go very quickly.

  2. Although you will be able to get alot of information here, you may want to see if you can find a travel agent who is familiar with you type of situation. He/She may have more information about different cruise lines and ports that will better fit your needs.

  3. Now, that might be doable. Is this the one you're on? I'd have to ask the daughter and see if it doesn't interfere with her daughters basketball practice, etc. My Granddaughter wants to get into college on a basketball scholarship and she's pretty darn good.


    Horton and Orson could finally meet. I hope she's up for it!


    You may have to be on your best behavior for this one!!!


    This is the one we are on. I have but one behavior left. And best aint it!! :rolleyes:

  4. Happy safe and dry weekend to everyone!


    I'm trying to find a "filler" cruise for June with the kids. They don't want to go to Mexico. I'm thinking about another Calif. Coastal, they've never done that or maybe Alaska. It can only be for 10 days or less.......Any suggestions? I think Carnival would be best for them...I'd love to try Disney but I don't think they go out of L.A.


    I'm open for all ideas.


    Take the August 15th Disney Alaska cruise out of Vancouver, BC.

    It's a 7 day cruise. If I can fly to Vancouver from NJ, you can get

    there from CA. :D

  5. Hello everyone


    Cindra - Glad Pedro got over his seasickness - poor little toot, I feel for him, hope you have calm seas from now on and enjoy the rest of your cruise.


    Dianne - Henri looks fabulous and very regal - looks like she's got the same coat as Aruba - that thick strong hair but soft at the same time that's just wonderful for ruffling your fingers through. I felt I could almost reach in and do that to her on the second photo! Oh but when they are casting, it's everywhere!


    The comments about "pulling" ring true with us right now - Bonnie is a little crab - she will focus but really wants to explore what's going on to her left, to her right, which brings her across me and a big trip hazard, and then "ooh what's happening behind me, must just stop, do a little four paw tippy toe dance and turn round, twisting my lead and getting Mum all tangled up - ooh what fun, let's do it again!" - I imagine you're getting the idea! :rolleyes: But we are working very hard on concentrating and walking in a straight line. In fact it's one of the most important things the pup needs to learn -walk in a straight line and ignore distractions! We do try! But you are right, it's back to a start point and wait till you get the dog's attention - same if they pull, stop, wait and then they get bored and so we start again, and again, and again, and again. Patience is a virtue!


    Bonnie does not like the car - well I should say she does not like going in the dog crate in the back of my car. She's been sick a couple of times, so she now goes in the passenger front footwell and she lays down on the floor on her mat and does not even try to get up on the seat. This is Ok for now as she is small enough that we don't need to worry about the airbag (causing injury to the dog) - but I found out you can disconnect the airbag - I didn't even know that you could do that, but it has to be done every journey. But if stops her being sick, then that's what we have to do. And when she's a working guide dog, she would be in the footwell of the car anyway, either in front or in the back. But there's lots of room in the front with the seat all the way back, so there will be plenty of room for her for a long while yet.


    We will try again with the dog crate and put her in with Aruba for a short journey and build up to a longer time. I think often the small pups get car sick but she does "rear up" and "buck" when she sees my car!


    Here is one car she did like though .......



    Oh...she is just too darn cute!!

  6. Cindra, I do love the small ships. Our very first cruise was in 1985 onboard the Sun Viking [RCCL]. We thought the ship was huge. There were about 800 people and we fell in love with cruising right then and there. Then we boarded the Celebrity Summit with way more than 800 people and we were overwhelmed.


    I would love to meet Captain Stubbing, Gopher and Isaac. They say that Charo will be onboard too.


    I can't wait to see the hoopla that Princess makes. I know Horton will be much loved!

    Please make sure that everyone [DKD] behaves until I return!!!!!


    I resemble that remark!! Have a great time anyway Roz! :D

  7. Yep, I thought I'd be so smart and skip the pie and eat everything else.....OMG! I'm a stuffed turkey!!!! But, it was so worth it. I hope everyone else had a super, stuffed and warm holiday!


    Horton is off to the USDA Vet today for his paperwork and health exam. He doesn't need any vaccines. It should be a quick in and out.


    We leave on Thursday morning for 2 weeks.....Holy cow! There is so much to pack for a two week cruise for him. He'll get his Heartguard and flea/tick chewable tomorrow but all the food/toys/dental chews/rice cakes/collars/grooming aids/emergency ear meds., etc. fill up an entire suit case. Thank goodness I'm driving to the dock. Although, remember that the stuff that you need to bring for your dog is considered "medical equipment" and you should NOT be charged for it when flying.


    He goes to the groomer on Wednesday for his mani/pedi and I get mine the same day [during my lunch hour.]


    My house looks like a clothing store was attacked by a mad shopper.


    I can't wait to get to my cabin, unpack and collapse! ;)


    Boy, it's gonna be real quiet around here for two long weeks. :D have a great time Roz & Horton!! Can't wait to hear about it when you return.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I am truly thankful for ALL of you. YOU are some of my very dearest and best friends. You have been there for me through the most challenging things a girl can ever face.


    Have a wonderful, healthy, happy and love filled Thanksgiving ♥


    ♥ Greatfully ♥,

    Roz & Horton Jeffrey


    Thank you Roz. And the same to you and your family and to the rest of my CC family!!

  9. Hello everyone - my ears are burning!


    I'm here and I've been lurking and send my belated welcome to our new folk and their wonderful four legged pals. Love all the photos and stories.


    Oh my, where do I start? Busy doesn't even come close! And talking about "busy" Bonnie has almost got her "Go Busy" down to a fine art! That's about it though! Oh and apart from eating!!! LOL!!!


    My DH always said, I think mainly in jest all the time we had Aruba, that "they" (Guide Dogs) gave us such a well-behaved puppy first time around so we would have another one! Huh, never a truer word said in jest - we had no idea how lucky we were with our Aruba!


    This one, what a little tink and indeed little horror sometimes. We adore her really, but you truly need eyes in the back of your head! She's a chewer, a tea leaf (cockney rhyming slang for thief), a barker, has an "it's all about me" attitude, is thrawn (a good auld Scot's word for obstinate) ..... Phew I'm exhausted! She is a typical Leo - "I shine and I'm the centre of the universe"!!!


    But she certainly lives up to her name of Bonnie - I found out that she's named after Aberdeen City's Bon-Accord - which is also the name of one of the shopping malls and that is where her sponsors have a store and why they called her Bonnie. For any of you interested here's a bit about Bon Accord. Needless to say, lions have been featured in the coat of arms!






    In saying all of this, we would not be without her, well maybe when she starts yelling to get me up so she can have her breakfast! Oh boy, oh boy she's a real tomboy too! Aruba adores her, plays all the time with her and is being the best mentor dog she can be. She's teaching her naughty stuff too so we have to keep an eye on that! Pinching slippers and shoes! Any shoes are fair game and she's never happy with just one slipper, she goes back to get the second one! Oh and no sooner have I put the tea towels on their rack in the kitchen than they're pulled off and into a doggy bed with you-know-who wrapped up in them! Today I caught her sucking, yes sucking a small silk cushion which I have on the back of a chair in the living room - stupid me thought it was just out of reach! She picks all this stuff up and makes a pile on the rug - then worn out and I expect bored, falls asleep surrounded by her ill-gotten gains! She has loads of toys, but I don't suppose it's as much fun as Mum shouting "Bonnie NO, Bonnie NO!" when she carries out her grab and run antics.


    Her routine isn't bad, she does now sleep all night but it's just that I'm seriously not a morning person and am not fit for anything much before 8, so a barking wake up call at 6.45 is downright awful for me, especially as it's dark and cold these days! I always think I'll feed her and the others and go back to bed, but that never happens as you start pottering around the kitchen and doing stuff and then there's always a potty break needed after doggy breakfasts, so by then it's too late to head back to my warm, cosy bed - and guess who's then all tucked up sound asleep in hers looking like butter wouldn't melt - Monster Pup!


    So I expect you're all laughing now .... Actually I have to admit, she's so much fun in spite of all of this naughtiness and I'm enjoying taking her out and about and then she's actually quite well behaved and let's face it, that's where it really counts! She is much admired, so doing anything out and about takes three times as long as it should! She seems to be confident and everything is an adventure! Our aim this week is to try and walk in a straight line - we will see!


    She makes a funny sort of roar noise when she gets given a treat - it sounds like she's saying "it's all mine"! Try saying "it's all mine" slurred all together and roar at the same time and you've got it - LOL!


    I'm having a few problems logging on to CC, it logs me out every time I look at another page - but I will try and post some photos.


    I had a real good laugh with this! Truer words were never spoken about the first pup they give you to raise. It was the same with Ocho! Except for the shoe stealing and barking, you could take out Bonnie and put in Sutter. Of course Sutter is starting to surprise us with some of the things he is doing without much training. Of course he will do next to nothing without a treat. But once we can get him to do what we tell him to do, we will start to reward with praise instead of treats part of the time and gradually get to treats only a very few times. Keep up the good work fairbourne.

    And by the way...puppy number three doesn't get any easier! :D

  10. Sometimes it can be a bit much. I hope I don't find myself going back to my cabin or trying to find an empty lounge for some peace and quiet!


    Don't get me wrong I do love sharing my wonderful boy, he's such a handsome and great dog but, at times, I wish we both were invisible, if you know what I mean!


    Have any of you ever felt like ENOUGH with the wanting to pat him and just be with him, he needs "down time" as much as I do!


    And, I don't want to be rude to anyone while trying get my space and time!


    We are starting to have an issue with Orson and too many kids. Especially when we are doing an awareness or a fundraiser. He loves people but small kids are starting to bug him a little. We know he's had enough when he goes behind us and lays down or gets under the table. Sutter on the other hand has to learn that everyone is not there to pet him.

  11. For those of us cruising within the next 30 days. I need your checklist. What do you bring onboard with you that I MUST NOT FORGET for a 2 week cruise.


    Please don't suggest laundry detergent........I will bring enough un-mentionables for 14 days before I will ever do laundry while I'm cruising.


    I went into my Cruise Personalizer and purchased the Unlimited Soda & More Package and the Princess 50th Anniversary Charm. I was told that they run out of the charm quickly so I'm making sure that I have one waiting for me when I arrive.


    Thank goodness I'm driving to and from the dock so I can bring as much luggage as I need to. What's on your list?


    You mean you don't just bring a weeks worth and turn them inside out for the second week? :confused:

  12. So I was driving home from work last night when my cell phone rang. It was a reporter from channel 13. ( Think PBS-Sesame Street, NY & NJ). She told me she saw the newspaper article and wanted to know if we would do an interview for the TV station. She is coming over on Tuesday morning to do the interview. She said the segment would be about 2 minutes long. Which apparently is a long segment.

    Then this morning my wife got a call from a local 55+ community. They read the article and wanted to know if we would come over and give them a demonstration.

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