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Posts posted by pyropoodle

  1. i don't think i'd ever NOT book a ship over what a stranger on the internet says, or even a friend for that matter.  i need to find out for myself.  my priorities are not other people's priorities. 


    if you are on the fence, but it is something in your budget, easy for you to get to, has ports that thrill and delight you or ports in a city that interests you, you should do it.  

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  2. I think everyone has specific reasons for not liking aspects of the Venezia.  i'm sailing on her in a couple of weeks and Venezia is not my favorite ship.  it will be my 2nd time sailing and we honestly booked it because 1. i have a big trip next year so i needed a cruise in there to hold me over until vacay comes around next year 2. it was sailing out of NYC (where we live) so i didn't have to deal with planes/ hotels and extra things like that.


    i DO like the decor, i like the muted tones and the cute umbrella tables inside the Lido buffet.  the things i do not like about her are quite possibly due to the fact that i have young children. the main pool area is small (big deck, small pool)  and my kids love the pool and the splash pad/ waterslides. they like to go back and forth between these two things.  the splash pad area is pretty removed from the pool and there doesn't seem to be a way to go from one area to the other without going back inside the ship (from the splash pad area), taking an elevator down and then traversing to the pool area. the only stairs that we could find that lead from one area to the other were at the far end of the deck, it just wasn't user friendly.  i'm sure my description of this is not doing it justice.  we kind of just decided the kids can stay in one place until they are bored of that and then go to the other but we were not going to just go back and forth between the two areas since it was so cumbersome.


    Another thing that is not my favorite is that there are these squeeze points in the buffet area where essentially if someone is standing there in your path, you are standing there until they move, there didn't seem to be a whole lot of space to maneuver around people in certain areas.   i'm on vacay and i very much go with the  flow, so i didn't let it ruin my vacation, it was just....bad design.   they didn't seem to anticipate crowd flow. 


    another thing that i hated was the smell of the casino smoke. they may have addressed this by now, but when we sailed last, it was just billowing out of the casino to the deck above some times. you could not walk through without smelling like you were right there in the action..and that action was taking place a whole deck below you.  i think they may have corrected this but i'll find out in a couple of weeks. 


    i don't hate this ship, just not my favorite, but hey, when given the opportunity to sail or not to sail, i'll choose to sail every time.  



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  3. 3 hours ago, COcruise said:

    Thank you SO much for this review. Do you think it is possible with a kiddo on your back or front/side carrier? We are super active and have an almost 1.5 year old on our upcoming cruise. We really want to do this but I can't find anyone that's done it with a young kiddo. 

    i think the first thing you should do if you are on an excursion is check for the minimum required age. i belive the min age for the NCL we took was 2 years.


    if you are good with carrying baby the entire time and if they are easy to remove from your person so you can maybe slide them back and forth, have someone help you shimmy and watch for bumped heads, you'd prob be fine.  it sounds exhausting to me though.  i don't like to carry things, lol, which is why i was so happy i had a back pack and not a beach bag, so i had hands freeeee.   


    but if you have a contraption that would make hands free pretty easy and could also be just as easily removed for ease of passing the baby, i'm sure you would be fine. but do check to make sure of the min age of any tour you take.   


    alternately, if you can bare being away from them, many ships have the day care open so parents can go off and enjoy and leave baby on the ship.  i am not one of those parents that can leave them, but that might be another option if you really wanna go. 

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  4. i don't recall any really claustrophobic parts, there are boulders everywhere and unless you are afraid they will fall on top of you, it's all outdoors.  if it is a worry at all though, i wouldn't pay to do it.  i don't think it would be worth walking down the other path and meeting at the beach. the boulders were what made it fun.


    i'm 5'6'' and a size 22  / xxl, and over 300lbs since i am CONFESSING TO STRANGERS , hahaha. i'm a big girl! but i'm active, which helped with the climbing.

    other than one spot where i had to sit on my butt and shuffle through, there wasn't anything too tight or too small for me to squeeze through.  i had on shorts over my swim suit and i recommend doing that. there were a couple of times i scooted on my keester because i cannot crawl on my knees. but i did just fine doing that. 


    i don't think i would have been able to do it without my husband. he went ahead of me so he could be there if i slipped or to catch my backpack or whatever.  i would not have wanted to do this alone, but if you have someone travelling with you, who can "go first" and just be there, i think that will go a long way toward making you feel comfortable and safe. 

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  5. On 11/6/2023 at 5:59 PM, AmgEms2020 said:

    My partner and I are looking at possibly doing an excursion through NCL that doesn't go to the Baths, and goes to just Virgin Gorda but NCL says there is a weight restriction. was there a WR when you booked, or did you disregard? I hope this doesn't sound rude or insightful, but I am over the weight restriction by 25 ish lbs. i'm 5'5 and xl-2x on a good day but not more than a 3x. and I would love to go on this. lol.


    Love your post and descriptions! makes me want to go even more!

    sorry i'm a few months late responding to this, i just missed the notification.  i do not recall if there was a restriction or not, i do know that i sometimes disregard them if it is something i am fairly confident that i CAN do, or if it does not involve torturing animals or breaking ladders with my large behind, lol.   i wouldn't go on anything where they weigh you. i know some of the waterslides had a scale on the ship i was on, (or i was told they did) so NO WAY am i doing that,lol.   i'm 5/6 and i'm a 2xl on most days, and i was fine on this particular excursion.   if there was a weight limit, they did not weigh me for this.  (i was weighed years ago for an excusion in PR for a Segue tour and i missed that cut off at the time by 1 pound and they would not let me ride, so now i am HYPER aware of things that i'm gonna be weighed for, i steer all the way clear.   

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  6. On 8/5/2023 at 9:15 AM, daybrake said:

    @pyropoodle Thank you so much for your detailed review.  The Celebrity cruise that I will be on only offers the version of this excursion that begins with a 300 yard open water swim, so I was already thinking that it was not for me.  However, your detailed review of the Baths "hiking" around/up/down boulders while holding onto ropes, etc. further convinced me because my footing is not always the best on normal stairs and periods of dizziness.  Thank you.

    thanks so much for taking the time to read it.  yes, it was a little taxing.  it was definitely beautiful and a very cool experience, i don't know if i'd do it again.  :).   while  i  am a great swimmer,i'm glad we didn't have to swim to the shore , that would have added another layer of anxiety for me as well.  - i wouldn't have taken my kiddos for sure for any kind of open water swim.   

  7. On 4/20/2023 at 12:31 PM, cruisetmc said:

    Very helpful review.  Especially helpful the shoes and back pack suggestions.  


    Did you have any extra time after this excursion to shop and see the port area?


    we did not really have a lot of extra time that i remember.  after the excursion, we lined up for our cup of rum punch, then onto the back of the truck for the ride back to the ferry,,then onto the ferry for the ride back to the ship.   i remember being so tired and just exhausted that if there was port time, i was not interested in it. it was an early start to that day (for us, there had been a time change and then we met at like 7 or 7:30 in the morning, so we got up early / had breakfast, etc.....)   1pm felt like 10pm , lol


    i don't remember anything at all about the actual port.  it was a jam packed day of travel and exhaustion. 

  8. On 4/19/2023 at 4:19 AM, Mud_Shark said:

    We are (were?) planning to take this excursion next year (Mar '24) with our children and grandchildren, but maybe need to rethink.  The twins will only be 2 and a half at that point.  Some of what is described above sounds too difficult for them.

    Can anyone who has done this excursion with young children comment?  Thx.



    I'm not saying don't do this with 2 1/2 year olds, but i am saying it will not be easy and be prepared to probably carry them most of the time.-there is no way to have any kind of a stroller at all, and if you have a papoose or something to carry them on your back??? you'd be taking it off frequently to squeeze through some of the shorter spots/ tighter spots.  As much fun as the baths were, if i had children under 5, (mayyyybe 4 1/2 if they aren't the type of kid that wants to be carried) i would find something else to do.   

  9. On 4/26/2023 at 10:59 AM, hollins2007 said:

    This is very helpful!  I am not plus-sized but I am afraid of heights... I am wondering how steep are the steps/the walk down?  Are there railings before the part with the ropes? 


    We are doing the baths excursion through Royal in June, but it doesn't include a swim.  I was looking at getting a waterproof cross body purse but may just look into a backpack instead.   That may help with stability better 🙂   We did just get water shoes though!


    i'm not sure how afraid of heights you are, but i felt very safe walking down the steps to the top of that boulder thingy (my point number3. in my original post).  there are maybe 10-12 steps (guestimating) that you go down sideways, your back is to the boulder and you are holding a (can't remember if it is a rail ? i think it was) and just taking it down one step at a time / sideways. so you don't have to glance down into any kind of abyss, if that is more comforting.  you can't really see that the next step after getting to the bottom of that ladder type thing is traversing that boulder. it was a little surprise.   


    so you would walk sideways down those stairs, then turn and you see the boulder and the rope. i'd say it is maybe 10 feet from the top of the boulder to the ground.  you hold the rope and walk across the top of the boulder , then once on the other side, you grab the rope that allows you to mini repel down to the bottom.  i say mini repel becuase you are wakling down at an angle, you are able to stand up and slighly bend forward, so you aren't jumping off of the face of the boulder at all, it is not very intimidating. unless you are the very first one, you have a little bit of time to watch the person in front of you traverse so you can mentally plan your moves.  my brain works like that, i see what they do then mentally talk myself through how i would do it myself. 


    i wish i had pics of that area, i'll see what my husband took, but i couldn't find any on my camera. i have attached some of the "water" it's really only maybe ankle deep in most parts and completely dry for the majority of it.  


    i have attached a pic of the 1st staircase you come to.  it is relatively short and i had no issues with this one.  and a pic of my kids in one of  the watery parts of the paths..and another pic of my fam winding through the terrain. we all made it out alive!  


    baths stairs.jpg

    baths path.jpg

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  10. I am posting this here because when i was researching visiting the Baths on my recent cruise, i saw almost NOTHING about being plus sized, so on the off chance any plus sized people (or people with young kids) want to take this excursion, here is my mini review.


    We took this excursion through NCL in February 2023. it was AMAZING


    i have a 5 1/2 year old girl/ 8 1/2 year old boy and they really really loved this excursion. so if you have kids around those ages, you will be totally fine!

    the NCL documents said the youngest age allowed was a 2 year old.  i would personally not advise taking a 2 year old on this excursion and honestly a late 4 year old/ early 5 year old might be questionable if they are the type of children that need to be carried everywhere.  there is no way to have any kind of a stroller at all. even if you are one of those 'put a papoose on your back' people, i would not recommend.  there were several times where we had to take our back packs off and kind of toss them ahead of us to be able to squeeze through, so take that as you will.  otherwise...5 years was the sweet spot for us as my Adventure Adverse daughter had a blast.


    So me: i am the plus sized one- female, 5'6" and size 2 -3xl depending on the day and meal most recently eaten 🙂

    i am also a person who is active, i walk a lot (live in NYC), i work out and in general walking/ mini hiking is no problem for me. i might be a little bit slower than others, but i'm not sedentary. if i were a sedentary person, this excursion might have been more difficult.


    The adventure (after making it to the location) begins by a gingerly walk down a path that seemed to take about 10/ 15 minutes.  it is steep in places, there are rocks, it is dirt, so not a paved path.  it ends up on a beach where you can see the giant boulders off to one side. we spent about 15-20 minutes here just frolicking in the water.  I used this time to take an ibuprophen.....cause i figured i'd be sore and stiff by the end of the day.   for me, this was a great decision!   


    i had read some reviews where people said to take a waterproof backpack with you.  i had one, so i took it and my husband took a regular backpack.  we put our really nice camera in the waterproof backpack. if we would not have taken the super expensive camera, we would NOT have needed a special waterproof backpack.  it was nice to have a backpack as opposed to a beach bag because you are able to really use your hands to hold to the sides of rocks as you shimmy through some spots. i felt bad for people who were constantly hoisting beach bags from one side to the other.  they were cumbersome.  so i do suggest taking at least one back pack if you need to carry things.   we are a family of 4 and we opted to take just one beach towel, which worked out really well.  


    there were people who chose to do this excursion in flip flops/ sandals and while they made it to the other side, there were some shoes falling off of people and being retrieved.  my kids wore regular water shoes, my husband wore water sandals that are closed toed and strap around the back. i personally wore my Avia Water Tennis shoes and they were perfect for me since they have the support similar to a regular tennis shoe and allowed me some traction. i wore them the whole time, from hike and right into the water later,  i highly recommend.


    the kids wore their regular bathing suits, my husband wore trunks and a t-shirt, i wore a swim suit with shorts over them and tossed my cover up in my backpack for after the excursion.  i was very comfortable without my swimsuit butt hanging out. and the shorts kept me protected the one time i had to sit down on my butt, shuffle through a small space and down a steepish drop off (about 3 feet). was really glad i had shorts on. 


    anywho, after some time on the beach, the trek through the baths begins. it wasn't fast paced and there were a few times the line clogged up the path, so you had to wait for a little bit before you could keep going.


    3 areas of concern for a plus sized person (even a person with small kids in 2 of them)

    1.  there was an area where i was not able to crouch down low enough (thank you bad knees) to get through, so i ended up sitting on my butt and scooching through the opening. on the other side, there was a little bit of a biiig step (mini leap). i kind of slid down the rock (id say my feet were probably 1 &1/2 feet from the ground at the top of the slide, so it wasn't a big drop, just something to think about.


    2.  there was an area of narrow stairs that you (everyone) was forced to take going down SIDEWAYS, one step at a time.  the step was probably 8-9 across and only the width of your foot, so you could not go down face first.  it was fine though. i made my husband go first, then the kids so he could catch them if they slipped, then i went.  we had zero issues, but again, just to be aware.


    3. just off of the narrow sideways stairs, there was one large boulder, there was a rope tied from one side to the other side, so you held onto that rope and walked at an angle across the top of the boulder (like maybe a boulder laying at a 45 degree angle, i'm not good at math, but it was at an angle).  on the other side of the boulder, the rope made a turn and you just held on to that rope and mini repelled down the face of that rock.  again, it was not straight down, .like real repelling, just at an angle.  i was able to manage it ( i had both hands since i had my back pack , not a beach bag) so it was not a problem. my shoes were able to grip a little bit of the rock as well, so i didn't slip.   i'd say the rock was maybe 10-12 feet tall


    those were the 3 worst places while inside the boulder maze and they really were not bad at all. my fear of "will i be able to fit through this" was worse than the real thing, so hopefully this mini review helped a little bit and put some minds at ease.


    after the jaunt thrrough the baths, (time is meaningless, maybe an hour???).  we spent some time on the other side of the maze at the beach.  it was lovely.  we rinsed off the sweat and floated around.   like i said, we just had the two backpacks and one towel.  my husband isn't really an ocean person, he rinsed off and dried off first, then the rest of us did the same.  before hiking back up the trail, we were able to rinse the sand off of our feet at a little rinsing station at the base of the trail


    now comes the hike back up.   it took another 10-15 minutes to hike back to the top (on a different trail than we hiked down on)  so keep in mind that there is still some strenuous walking if you are not a person who walks a lot.   you can take at your own pace, i was surprised that i didn't even stop to rest.     it is not paved, but is wider than the path down (or seemed to be) and there are a couple of times you use a little rock as a step but no biggie. 


    there was a lady on our tour that had just had some kind of knee surgery.  she was slow and uncomfortable and probably should not have been on this excursion, but even she was able to complete it (some of the other people on the tour helped her through some of the rough spots- kindness of strangers)


    once back at the top, we headed over to the little makeshift tent for a well deserved rum punch (the kids had their own non alcoholic punch) , then it was back to the open air trucks for the ride back to the ferry, then ferry back to tortola.     remember that ibuprophen i took at the start of the day??? great decision.  after activity, i'm fine, but after sitting around in a truck/ ferry, i usually get very stiff....not this time.  if that is you, take an ibuprophen or something similar.  i was pain freeee for the rest of the day. 


    all in all, it was an amazing day. memories were made, fun was had.  if you have never visited the Baths, but you are on the fence about it, you should do it.  the boulders were breathtaking and the trip was worth it. 


    thanks for reading and happy to answer any questions if you have any. 





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  11. On 3/16/2023 at 8:52 AM, AFS1970 said:



    I was surprised that this ship has sold out so fast, considering that so much of it is unknown.

    i am booked for August on this ship, and when i booked, i booked the Magic which is a larger ship.  i'm sure some of the sold-outnesss is due to carnival finding space for all the magic cruisers to fit into this ship.   when i booked magic, the suites were already sold out at that point and the Venetzia has even fewer suites, so i'm curious if someone had to give up a suite.  

  12. i feel like since we are out of NY and schools are still out (ny schools go back in september), there will be a looot of little brats (including mine) so there will probably be plenty of people for camp.  thanks for letting me know though.   i feel like ncl didn't have tons of kids for winter break a few weeks ago, but they still kept the hours. hopefully it will be back to business as usual very soon

  13. edit..i just found on the website.  sorry, don't know how to delete a post....disregard all of this..


    Camp Ocean Kids' Only Dinner
    • Offered every evening (except embarkation day): 6:00pm-6:50pm in the Lido Restaurant (time/location may vary)
    • Sample menu for dinner may include: 
      • plain pasta with tomato sauce/meatballs, mixed veggies, dinner rolls, grapes and cup cakes with icing for dessert
      • hot dogs, hamburgers, corn on the cob, cheese/pepperoni pizza, french fries, apple slices and Jell-O for dessert



    We are heading soon for our first post covid cruise on carnival in August..i know, soooo far away.   Pre-Covid, for the Camp Ocean, you could drop your kiddo off at dinner time in a special roped off section of the buffet area. they would feed them, then herd them off to Camp.   are they still doing this?  at that time, the hours were (IIRC) 6-10.


    we just came off of NCL, they didn't do that, but they had great hours, 7-11pm, it was sooo nice to be able to have a non rushed dinner with my hubby while the littles were being entertained--but that did mean we took the kids to the buffet to let them eat, then dropped them off at camp, then went to eat ourselves.  it was kind of a hassle to sit through two dinners!  (the adults just ate the one time, don't worry :P) 


    any info is appreciated. 

  14. It is now March..the cruise edges ever closer and i am so excited about it, but i'm trying hard not to wish  my summer away!

    we just got off of an NCL cruise, (my first with NCL) and it was so so nice to be back on the ocean!.  

    there were many things i liked about NCL and i will def cruise with them again, but i'm 3 cruises away from Platinum on Carnival and hope to hit that next year.  

  15. On 2/6/2023 at 11:47 AM, cruiseny4life said:

    I can't imagine the truth of that. I pick my seat for a reason. I'm not giving it up. If you choose NCL booked flights, you have to take what you get. If an elderly person needs a caregiver, I'll consider giving up my seat, but I'm sure not giving it up for a parent that was just too cheap to book a ticket where they could select seats. Y'all probably think me an grinch - there's a reason I have dogs, not kids. 

    i just want to add a couple of things here, (not aimed at you in particular, but just the thought of being accused of being 'too cheap')....... then i'll step down of the soap box, lol, but 

    1. i am willing to accept the seats given to us by the airline.  we are on the same flight, we will end up in the same place.  if we get stuck separated on the actual flight, then so be it.

    2. i wasn't 'too cheap' to book myself. i really could have done that, but the airfare through NCL was apprx $500 total for all 4 of us with the 2 fly free and other 2 discounted while booking on my own was over $2,000 (before paying for a bag to be checked)  for all 4 of us. ( i just checked to see if the price is the same and it's clocking at $2,600) it literally did not make any logical sense to do that.  not sure 'too cheap' is the word, maybe economical...and i can use that $1500 to spend on something rather than a mediocre flight.  this is the first time i have ever booked airfare through any cruise, so i was willing to take a gamble to save that kind of dough. if $1500 is butt wipe money for some people, then; hooray for them.  it takes me a lot of time to make that. I KNOW,   i should have chosen a better college so i could have had a better career and made more money,.i could have remained childless so the price would have been $1,000 for just us two!!!!......who even needs a spouse..much cheaper to go by myself for $500!!!  but i made my choice, i will live with it, and  it is what it is.  


    3. i have one sweet window seat to trade,, so i wouldn't be trading anyone to a crappy middle seat.  if the person sitting in the window seat maybe beside my son will move a couple rows up to sit in a window seat not beside my son, i'd be grateful, but i will not yell and scream and demand.  it is up to them. sit by my fidgety 8 year old or sit by someone who might be more peaceful.  we paid for his seat you know, so, if he wants to fidgit in it , it is his right....


     I do understand what you are saying though...I  would not want to move if i purposely booked seats as well, but if it's a fair trade and i'm getting away from someone else's child for 3 hours, i'd probably do it!   

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