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Posts posted by ladyd11933

  1. My husband alao has Celiac and we were on the Breeze in January. This was our first cruise since his diagnosis. We went to the dining room the first day and met with a hostess who had him choose his meal for that might. Each night he preordered for the next day and could even preorder for sea day brunch.


    At Guys burgers he just told them he had an allergy and they would get a hamburger from the back to cook it. They also had gluten free buns and pasta on the ship. The bins/bread was not very good, which is usually a problem anyway, and we both thought the pizza crust was not good. The bread and crust were potato based.


    He did eat omelets at the buffet but asked for real eggs. He is lucky that he doesn't get sick when he eats so it is always hard for him to tell is he got some contamination but we did talk to someone and she said her daughter felt less sick when she ate at the buffet than the dining room so who knows. He has his labs drawn soon after the trip and his numbers were where they should be so he did okay. The only thing we will do different next cruise is take some snacks for our room as there really wasn't much for him to eat late evening as he didn't like the pizza. The warm chocolate melting cake was awesome gluten free!

  2. Thank you I will contact him/her when I get on the ship.


    We have anytime dining so hopefully it won't be a problem this trip. We went to the dining room the first afternoon and the hostess took my husbands order for that night and didnt have any problems.

  3. Huh?? :confused: Gluten is in wheat and I've never seen any wheat items put into an omelette before.


    IHOP puts a pancake batter in their eggs to make them fluffier so it does happen. Denny's advertises gluten free muffins but the last one we went to they put them in the same toaster as the other bread.


    I am sure the omelet station is okay but as someone who lives with someone with Celiac, it is always best to ask for a clean pan because you never know what may be in some of the other ingredients - most ham is gluten free but some with glazes are not. This will be our first cruise since his diagnosis but someone who understands Celiac knows you can never be too careful in watching the prep.

  4. For the life of me, I can't see any reason to bring food onto a cruise ship... That's like bring a cooler full of ice to Antarctica...


    This is the first cruise that we will be bringing prepackaged items. My other half has been diagnosed with Celiac disease and these will be for ports where it may be challenging for him to find something safe that he can eat.

  5. That's the thing, I Don't Get It. 15 drinks is 15 drinks regardless of WHO drinks them! What difference does it make to Carnival? If it was truly unlimited, then I could understand, but $50 daily for 15 drinks shouldn't matter who drinks them. I should be able to order drinks for anyone I want with that limit.


    Carnival is NOT and WILL NOT lose money that way. It's not adding up, and I'll be glad when they realize it, and make some changes.






    I agree. I would be happy to get it to share as my husband would get his money's worth but I definately would not. I maybe only have a couple drinks the entire cruise so it would be a waste for me to get it. Even if we could shared don't think we would still hit the 15 drinks between us.

  6. We made it back from our cruise early Monday morning, been trying to catch up on sleep and laundry. Had an awesome time and all of the kids had a great time - now only 7 weeks until my sons graduation sniff, sniff!


    I did manage to gain 10 pounds this time (last cruise I only gained 3 :eek: so not sure how I managed to do it this time but I don't get very many calories to begin with) and I felt like I did a lot of walking. I am blaming it all on the steakhouse which we had never done before. It was sooo worth it the food was awesome. My son gained 8 lbs. At least our clothes fit at the end of the trip.


    The good new is I have already dropped 6 pounds since returning home Monday morning and my son has dropped 4 so it is all good. I think it it is mainly water weight. I have to admit that it is really hard to go back to eating right and working out. We feel really hungry but it was like that when we started so we will be able to do it.


    I am ready to book another cruise to have something to look forward to. Only 3 more weeks of this school semester so yeah for that at least.

  7. Decided to check in since I haven't been on here in a while. Trying to tie up last minute school assignments before we leave on Saturday. I am done with that so can concentrate on getting us packed up. My goal was 15-20 pounds and I am at 25 now so am done but will probably have to lose some weight after cruise depending on how bad I do.


    My family has been doing great, I have lost 25, my son 45 and my other half has lost 35. Total of 105 pounds that is a another person LOL.


    Headed to New Orleans Saturday morning bright and early. There are 59 people going on this cruise with 7 seniors and some juniors. It will either be a blast or disastrous, hopefully a blast.

  8. No gain on a cruise is great. I remember my first cruise I gained 10 pounds, the last 3 but I am kind of worried now because I do exercise everyday and watch my calories that I am going to blow up quickly. The only good thing is if you gain it fast you seem to lose it quickly when you go back to your normal habits.


    My son hit his 40 pound mark today, I am so proud on him. We are going to go get him some new shorts tonight and going to use my gift card for Red Lobster that I have been saving :eek:. Going to try to get a really good workout in today cause I love Red Lobster!

  9. I just sat back and realized that I have 25 days....holy moly I have lots to do. My goal was to lose 15-20 pounds I hit the 20 pound mark this morning so was super excited. I still have 3 weeks left so trying to lose a few more to have a cushion for the weight I know I will gain back. Going shopping this weekend so will see what that brings.


    I think everyone has done a good job!

  10. I agree gastric virus is not the best way to lose weight YUCK. I swear everyone in my building has been sick a couple of times this winter. I am threatening voodoo on them if I get sick before my cruise HA!


    Cruise will be here soon and I can't wait. It was 55 here yesterday and I was loving it. We have been very fortunate this year as we have only had a couple of days of snow (barely snow) and have not had to miss any school this year. I am hoping that the end of March when we leave does not bring some freak snowstorm.

  11. Hope mama has a good time on her cruise. Welcome Sun. Managed to lose 1 1.2 lbs this week so I will take it. Went over yesterday on my calorie and not even my workout could make up for it haha but today is a new day.


    We cruise in 31 days and it seems like it is coming up fast. My son is counting down school days and said he has 24 as of yesterday!


    Want to go shopping and get a few new clothes for the cruise but waiting a couple of more weeks to see where I settle at in size. I have gone down one size and they are lose on me but not sure I could fit into the lower size.

  12. Had an RN open house recruitment day yesterday at work that I had to be at and they always have soooo much food. Managed to eat a cheese omelet, a bagel, fruit and the best looking chocolate covered strawberries. I logged everything and had pretty much hit my calorie goal by 10 a.m. LOL but it was so worth it. I did turn down lots of other foods that I could have been eating as they starting serving lunch before I left. I did manage to get a workout in and didn't really eat the rest of the day since I was pretty full from the morning so still managed to come in under net goal for calories.


    34 days til I cruise and it is sneaking up fast, feel like I have so much to do still. Sunny here today but I will be stuck in all day doing homework. Trying to get ahead so I don't have to worry about it on the cruise or even the week before.


    Hope everyone has a great Sunday and work week!

  13. Good morning! Mama - 6 days will come up soon, my 37 day so seems to be sneaking up on me quickly! I thought my treadmill was broken yesterday because it was acting funny but it had a loose belt on it so my boyfriend was able to fix it - YEAH but didn't get a workout in but ate pretty well yesterday.


    Weather if finally getting colder here and am over winter already so cruise can hurry up but I guess if it comes too fast I don't have anything else to look forward to for a while.


    My whole office is sick and I keep telling them I am going to quarantine them so I don't get it!

  14. Hope everyone is having a good week. I was craving pizza tonight so we ate at Pizza Hut so I am sure the salt will get me for the next few days. This is really the only day in the past couple of months that I have gone overboard but did exercise after for an hour. Managed to be down 3.8 lbs this week - of course 2 of them were what I added last week, who knows what my body is doing.


    Travelcat - congratulations on almost being done with nursing school, that is a great feeling and accomplishment.I graduated about 11 years ago and am back in school again, I swear it is never ending. This semester is stressing me out for some reason and trying to get caught up so I don't have to do anything over our cruise and spring break.


    39 days now, it is getting closer!

  15. Glad you had a good time for your birthday. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting is what I always want for my birthday cake.


    Ended up going out with some friends last night to one of our casinos and ended up at Denny's afterward. I had a bacon lovers BLT (I LOVE bacon) and fries and they were sure good. I went over my calories but only ended up about 145 in the hole because I hadn't eaten much all day and got a good workout in. I really wanted my friends double cheeseburger but not at 1400 calories!


    We ended up getting our meal free because service was so horrible and I burned the crap out of my mouth on this super, super hot cup of hot chocolate - something about the cup was ran through the heater on the dishwasher too many times. I usually don't complain but the service was so horrible the entire meal and the manager agreed so she comped all four of our meals. The food was good so can't complain about that.


    Now, if I had won at the casino it would have been a better night but still had fun.


    Six weeks from today I will be in New Orleans!!

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