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Posts posted by ladyd11933

  1. Welcome! OMG brownies are one of my favorite foods and I keep eying those boxes in the cabinet but then I think about long I will have to do the treadmill ugghh! I do not like wine (I know Joly, I am one of the unfortunate ones LOL).


    We leave for New Orleans in 6 weeks from today.....as a matter of fact we will be at the airport at this time due to an early flight! I can't wait!! We have about 55 of us going for our kids senior spring break should be a good time I think. Hence my motivation to lose my gut if I have to be in front of all those people in a swimsuit LOL. It's funny though because even though I have lost weight no one has noticed but I am 5'10 so I am tall and my son tells me skinny already...gotta love that boy! He his his 35 pound mark this week and trying to be good this weekend which is his downfall. I need to go buy him some new jeans didn't realize how loose they were on him because he has been wearing a belt.


    Sitting here trying to decide if I want to go into work for a few hours today, can get so much done on a Saturday when noone is around.


    Well, just wanted to check in, everyone have a good weekend.

  2. Well back on track today, but may take me a few days (optimistic) to undo the damage although I probably didn't do as bad as I think I did. I swear I am holding onto water this past week.


    These people are killing me at work - cookies cakes for a birthday today and boy do I really like cookie cake. Somehow two pieces ended up in front of me but I didn't even touch them so my willpower may be back!


    Joly, you can come and complain to us if you want.

  3. Went over my calories yesterday with snacking, but not too bad I guess but did make me work harder on the treadmill. I am back in school and I think the stress is getting to me, I hate this semester (can't let my son hear me say that :)) but keep thinking that 7 weeks from tomorrow I will be heading to New Orleans to begin our cruise.


    I have to brag on my son for a minute. He is 18 and has been diagnosed with high blood pressure and has had to start taking medications. Unfortunately he has a strong family history on both sides (pretty much everyone but me). He has fought his weight for a while but I think the cardiologist that we saw finally got to him. He started watching his calories and salt and exercising and has lost 32 pounds in 10 weeks. It is hard at that age when you work at Pizza Hut and your friends all want to eat at Taco Bell but he has done it. He is at his goal that he set for himself for our March cruise and still has 7 weeks left. He says he feels a 100% better probably due to the weight and his blood pressure being in the normal range.


    Have a good weekend and I am going to try to watch the food at the Superbowl parties......it is so sad that the superbowl is in Indy and the Colts aren't there and New England is :(. Go Giants!!

  4. Great job joly and mama. Any weight lost is not any weight gained. I am trying to eat more toward my calories this week to take into account my exercise so will see what Tuesday weigh in holds for me. I tried Zumba on Thursday and not sure if I am sold on it. Maybe if I knew the moves better - I was going to go on Saturday when they said that they work more on the moves and it is a little slower but I have been sick all weekend so didn't make it. May give it one more try before I decide to just stick to my treadmill.

  5. Well, managed to lose 1.8 pounds this week. Was hoping I would lose more because I really worked out all week and ate well. I know I don't have as much to lose so it seems harder I think. I think that I upped my exercise and didn't really up my calories so I think my body doesn't like my calorie intake being that low. Going to try to eat a little more this week to compensate for the burned calories and see how I do.


    Didn't get to try Zumba this weekend, it got cancelled due to an ice storm. Maybe going to try Thursday night.


    The good news is that in exactly 2 months I will in New Orleans waiting for my cruise - YEAH!. Hope everyone has a successful week!

  6. Great job everyone. I managed to be down 2 lbs this past week and am excited about that. I used my treadmill every day except one which is a huge accomplishment for me as I generally don't like excercising. I am thinking about going to a Zumba class this week but I am so uncoordinated so will see what happens :). I am doing good this week so far so will see what the scale shows next Tuesday.


    Keep it up everyone, our cruises will be here soon! Supposed to have an ice storm here today so looking forward to some sunshine!

  7. I have been using MyFitnessPal for the past couple of weeks to track my calorie intake. It amazes me the amount of calories in some of the things that I really do like. My son is using it because he is watching his sodium due to high blood pressure so it helps him make better choices. My official weigh in day is Tuesday so we will see how I did this week. Managed to lose 7.6 lbs in the first two weeks but that was mainly because I gave up my beloved McDonalds Sweet Tea and went to only water, but I have been on my treadmill every day this past week except one so hoping it helps.


    Ann - 50+ pound in one year is awesome!

  8. A beach day is what you will get. We rented a cabana, but other than a that, we didn't spend any money that day, just hung out in the water all day. The water was beautiful for swimming. We had snorkel gear and although we did see stingray, there really is nothing to see except for sand.


    Your kids will love it.

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