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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good morning from a clear and already warm central Texas. At 7 am is is already 80F and feels like 84F, so I'll get my walk in as soon as I finish here. At lease the humidity is down some, only 69% with a dew point of 69F. This morning will be busy since it's laundry day. There will be a quick grocery run after my walk. Then a little later, I'll head out again to get a much needed hair cut. After that, I'll be staying inside until later this evening when we take our golf cart ride. We are under an excessive heat warning and our predicted high is 107F. I don't even want to think what the heat index will be then. After today, while we'll still be in the triple digits, it will be a few degrees cooler. Welcome back, Rich, @richwmn. I hope you enjoyed your time off. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers thank you for filling in for Rich. I would love to hug my kids today, and I got to hug older DD and DSIL about ten days ago. I'll skip sour candy day and stick to my chocolate, but DH might like some sour candy. I'll listen to the birds while I take my walk. The quote is another one that is typical of MM whole was a complicated woman who lived a sad and lonely life. We'll skip the grilled shrimp since we had a version of the meal a couple of days ago. I'll also skip the drink, but DH might like to try it on a BHB. The wine sounds nice and obtainable if it wasn't a bit pricey. We have not been to Mare Island, Tadine, New Caledonia or any place else in New Caledonia. I remember watching Nadia make history in the 1976 Olympic Games. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers that late in September it will still be warm in Dallas, but the highs won't be what the are now. It will probably be in the high 80s to mid 90s. Also, the State Fair of Texas will be opening about that time. It's always an interesting day, and some Thursdays are senior day. Graham, @grapau27 thanks for the explanation of Listening Day. Terri, @Cruzin Terri we've also done the Ho-Ho in Tallinn to get an idea of the area outside of the old town. I just wish it could make it through the streets in the old town. Lorraine, @cruising sister I look at no news is good news as far as Murphy is concerned. Penny, @Nickelpenny I'm very glad the monsoons have arrived. It looks like Texas might be getting some of the Sahara dust. Annie, @marshhawk I wouldn't blame Chuck for thinking it's time to come home. It sounds like things are a mess. I was hoping the brothers could work together for a resolution to the problems. Late yesterday afternoon, we finally got a reply to DH's message to UTSW last Friday. It was not from the NP but from a nurse who said they would take to the NP and call us with a plan. So it's still a waiting game. Lenda
  2. Terri, thanks for sharing your pictures. My heart goes out to the family and their incredible loss. I can't imagine what they are feeling. Lenda
  3. This might sum up how I feel after getting the house cleaned today. Maybe that's why I only clean when I can't stand it anymore. 🤣 Finally. My bills are washed, laundry is paid, clothes are baking, and dinner is in the dryer. I got this! I found this on FB, but the meme had so much white background which made take up too much room that was blank. So I just retyped it. Lenda
  4. Good afternoon from a hot, 101F central Texas. I will be inside for the rest of the afternoon, and actually, I have only been out to get the mail and to bring the garbage can back from the curb. That was enough. Our trash service notified us last week that due to the excessive heat, they would be starting their runs at 6 am instead of 8 am until cooler weather is back. By cooler weather, they likely mean highs in the 90s. That's not a problem for us, we just put the can out by the street last night. Mini gripe today. The nurse practioner has not responded to DH's message from Friday morning. He called the office again about mid-morning and they said they'd call back. BUT WHEN? We are not happy campers right now. Terry, I'm sorry your air quality is getting bad again, and I hope Tana will not bee affected too badly. Sending positive thoughts from all three doctors this week. Annie, wow on the family drama, but you may be right that two can make the decisions more easily and quickly than three. I think you had a good idea for both brothers to go with Momma Norma for the cognitive test. I hope the reservation for the transfer from the airport to the hotel gets straightened out. Gerry, our condolences on the passing of your friend. I hope the visit with your godson and his wife was as fun as you anticipated. If it had been me helping with Sochi, I probably would have tried to find a disposable rubber or plastic apron and long disposable rubber gloves. Vanessa, I'm sorry about your air quality, but am glad you are staying inside. I know today must be bitter sweet for Ruth's mother. We'll be thinking about her today. I think the self-parking at UTSW is free, and the valet parking for patients is $5, which is not bad. Non-patients pay about $25 for valet parking IIRC. Bruce, enjoy your visit with your DD and DGDs. Please wish your DS a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. Thanks for the information about washing your hair in the shower. Nancy, that's a good size fish. Loved the flower pictures. Nancy, I think it was Brenda @bennybear who posted the pictures of the squirrels. I'm happy your toe is much better and the nail is beginning to grow again. Annie, I'm surprised they could not replace the filling today. Did they give you a temporary filing? I'm glad you got to eat at your favorite Thai restaurant. Lenda
  5. In 2011, the Prinsendam took us to Molde. It's main claim to fame is the Atlantic Road, an 8.3-kilometer long section of County Road 64 that runs through an archipelago in Hustadvika and Averøy municipalities. There is a very unusual bridge between two of the islands. We did not see too much of the town, as we took a tour along the Atlantic Road. Some of the WWII fortifications along the coast. One of the two villages along the road. The road and the bridge. Molde from an overlook. The sports complex the locals are very proud of, as seen from the ship as we sailed away.
  6. Good morning from a very early morning in central Texas. We'll be back in the triple digits today and for many days to come. There will be no walk this morning since I'll be getting my exercise cleaning house. There are no tattoos in this house. The story of Wrong Way Corrigan has always been interesting. I'll use emojis on occasion, and hope I don't over do them. An interesting quote today. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I would like to try the wine depending on the availability and the price. We have been to Molde in 2011 on Prinsendam. I'll look for my pictures next. Another interesting day in history from a country that has a lot of intrigue in its history. @grapau27 Thank you, Graham, for the explanation of Wrong Way Corrigan Day. @summer slope Dixie, I hope today is not too hard on you as you pick up Bailey's ashes. @rafinmd Roy, I hope you get good reports from all the doctors this week. @kazu Jacqui, please be careful when you go out in all that rain. The Honorarium in Jose's name is a wonderful way to honor him and help others. Loved the flower pictures, and hope they survive the rain. Lenda
  7. I hope you both have a wonderful anniversary today. What a beautiful wedding cake! Lebda
  8. They also closed the Acropolis in the afternoon in 2019 because of the heat. @marshhawk The last time we were in Mykonos, besides a shuttle from the port to the town, there was also a boat that would take you from the pier into the harbor area and back. I don't remember how much is cost, but it was reasonable, and we liked it better than the bus. Lenda
  9. Maureen, I read the other day that they are going to charge 5 Euros to enter the Pantheon now. I think they want to cut down on the long lines. I'm glad we've been there several times in the past when it wasn't crowded. Lenda
  10. Annie, with your DH's problems with steps, I would not recommend a tour to the top in Santorini. None of the tours take you back down to the tender pier. There are steep steps to and from the gondola cars, and they are wide with a lot of people; so it might be hard to get over to the wall and have the hand rail to use. There are tours to some of the out lying islands for a beach day, either through the ship or on the island near the tender dock. You would have to decided if your DH could handle getting in and out of the boat on the island. The Acropolis is visible from areas below the steep hill, so it can be seen even if you can't make it up close. Unless the area has changed since we went all the way up to the Acropolis in 2003, the ground at the top was uneven and rocky. That is another issue to be consider. Most big tourist cities have Ho-Hos or tourist trains. To get the best view, you have to climb some steep, narrow stairs to get to the upper deck on the busses. There are stops all along the routes of the Hop-on, Hop-off busses, but when the town is crowded, if you get off, it might not be possible to get back on the bus. There are people selling tickets to the busses, plus some ships have a Ho-Ho tour. If the ship docks away from town, the Ho-Ho might have a bus at the ship, but it could just be used as a shuttle to get to the first stop. My advice, would be to Google the Hop-on, Hop-off buses for each city you are interested in using them. They will have the price, and a route map. You can even get the tickets on line. Sometimes there are two competing lines with slightly different routes and prices. If you do one, remember to keep you ticket because often if you show a ticket, they will give you a discount. We often take them the first time we're in a port to get an overview of the town, and many times don't get off and on. Ephesus is a must do, but it can be steep and uneven in places. We were last there in 2019, and they had added a "boardwalk" over some of the steep, uneven areas. DH used walking sticks which helped in the uneven areas. Most tours start at the top and work their way down, which is easier walking. And the busses wait at the bottom for the tours. We've always done ship tours, so I don't know if private tours start at the top or the bottom. I think on your own, you enter at the bottom. I hope I didn't give you information overload. Lenda
  11. Gerry, we enjoyed Oia on our tour along with the Minoan ruins at the other end of the island. We also did a tour to Taormina and to Mt. Etna from Messina. The last time we were in Messina, the ship had stopped nearer Taormina, so we decided to explore Messina that day. There are pickpockets all over Europe. DH had his pocket picked on a bus in Palermo, but all he had in the pocket was tissues and candy. Lenda
  12. I found my pictures from our visit to Busan in 2000 and scanned them into the computer. It was a sunny day, but as you can see from the pictures, the pollution was bad. We did a tour that day which included a temple and the UN cemetery. Our first stop was the Tongdosa Temple. This Buddhist temple is known for having shrines instead of statues and includes 35 buildings. The UN Memorial Cemetery which is divided into sections, each of which contain the graves of soldiers from the same country. It is the only UN cemetery in the World. This is the section where the British soldiers were buried. Interestingly, there is a small section for the US since most the US dead were repatriated home. All my pictures of the city were taken form the ship when we sailed. Lenda
  13. Annie, you have been busy this morning. I'll try to answer some questions about your upcoming cruise. Mykonos -- We haven't been to Delos, but love Mykonos. If there's time, it's an interesting town for wandering. Kusadasi -- We've been to Ephesus twice and Mary's house. Both are better on a tour because of timing. You'll probably have time to wander around Kusadasi after the tour. BTW, you can skip the rug store if you want. There will be plenty of shopping, including "Genuine Fake Watches". Santorini -- You can take the gondola up to the top, but the lines back down can be long at times. There's only a little bit to see on the waterfront. Another way to see the top is to take a tour to Oia and you'd be dropped near the gondola to come down. The ticket is included in the tour price. Athens -- The Acropolis is interesting, but it's a steep climb to the top. Katakolon -- It's a small town to wander around. Mainly one main street and the waterfront. There is a small, but interesting museum and it takes donations. If you are up early, you can get a local tour bus to Olympia which in 2019 was about 8 Euros pp to take you to the town and pick you up about two hours later. You are on your own for the entrance fee to the Olympic site.. You'd still have time to wander around Katakolon and have lunch. Did I mention there's plenty of shopping -- clothes and jewelry. Messina -- The clock in the church "does its thing" at noon. You can walk there from the port, but is a fair walk, and there is a Ho-Ho in town. Naples -- Pompeii is very interesting, just be aware that now days with crowds you probably won't be able to see it all. However, on your own, you can move faster than on a tour. Cartagena -- A very walkable and interesting city. There is an old Roman theatre. Madeira -- If you get a chance after your tour, check out the market which has everything from flowers, soft goods to meat, vegetables and fish. Ponta Delgada -- You picked a good tour, and you may have time to wander town afterwards. The new dock is nearer the town too. Annie, we had all those snakes in The Woodlands. Now, it's rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouth and water moccasins. Lenda
  14. I found my pictures of Busan, and I'll try scanning them in a few minutes. The problem now days with actual printed pictures is you rarely drag the photo albums out and look at them. If and when I get some of my other time consuming projects finished, I might start scanning the photos into the computer. In that case, "might" is the operative word. Gerry, while that snake was big, it was pretty slow moving and not really interested in us. Also, the guy never let go of the snake. BTW, I loved the picture of your first cruise. Maureen, we've enjoyed Umpqua ice cream on motorhome trips along the Oregon coast. Tillamook is the other big Oregon ice cream brand. I think Umpqua is slightly better than Tillamook, but both are good. I hope your DH has a good report from his pre-surgery physical. Susan, I hope you do get that break in the weather at the end of the week. Vanessa, I hope the smoke tomorrow isn't too bad. And I hope you get good results from both tests tomorrow. Lenda
  15. While I don't want to get very up close and personal with a snake, some help keep the rodent population down. While others also keep the rodent populations down, I don't want them in the yard. These are two visitors to our yard in Quartzsite. This is a harmless gopher snake. On the other hand, this is a western diamondback rattlesnake which was not welcome in our yard. DH used the rock rake in the picture to pin him to the fence until the fire department could arrive and relocate him far out in the desert. Needless to say, that was one angry snake when the rake was removed. We were introduced to this big fella when we took a small boat from Manaus out into the jungle. DH touched him, but I petted the sloth they also brought out to the boat. Lenda
  16. Good morning from a very overcast central Texas. Later this afternoon, there is a 24% chance of rain, but around here that's not that good of a chance. I really hope I'm wrong, and we get some much needed rain. It is 84F and feels like 91F, and our predicted high is only 96F! It will be back in the triple digits tomorrow. Our humidity is only 71% with a dew point of 73F, so my walk earlier was fairly comfortable. I like fresh spinach in a salad or as a salad, and also wilted in oil with mushrooms. It may have been the canned spinach as a child, but I do not like cooked spinach. DH is not fond of spinach in any form. Snakes do have a purpose, but I appreciate them from a distance. Rattlesnakes and other venomous snakes can stay out of our yards, please. I remember woody wagons from my childhood. I like the Albert Einstein quote. My head is filled with a lot of useless trivia, and my mother was a human telephone directory. Now, with cell phones, I don't remember as many phone numbers as I used to remember. Today's meal looks good, and could be a side dish or a meal for our vegetarian family members. The drink looks interesting, especially if someone else makes it. I probably won't remember it the next time I'm on a BHB though. The wine sounds nice, and the price for a NZ wine isn't too bad, but I bet I'd need to go the NZ to find it. That would make the price too pricey. We were in Busan in 2000 when it was still Pusan on the old Regal Princess. It was a cruise from Vancouver to Osaka. All my pictures are pre-digital. During the debate on this day in history, Martin Luther certainly changed the direction of religion. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I read about that horrific shooting near you. I hope they catch the shooter soon. Thanks for your pictures of Busan. @1ANGELCAT That is sad news about the flooding, the loss of life and those missing in the floods. @RedneckBob RDB, of course in Texas, it is Blue Bell ice cream. I prefer their natural vanilla bean, but also just about anything that has chocolate in it, too. Their strawberries and homemade vanilla or the peach and homemade vanilla are like eating vanilla with fresh fruit. @dfish Debbie, I hope your air quality improves soon. I had to look up spiedies. They look and sound good, and the description said they are generally only found in Broome County in upstate NY. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the areas affected by last week's floods are not flooded with this storm. I hope your DH's appetite improves. I'm sorry Tana is having more difficulty breathing in the weather you're having, but I'm glad she still wants to help with the menu selection and prep work. @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm glad Murphy is making slow but steady progress, but I'm sorry she still needs the tubes. I hope the power is restored to those without soon. @ger_77 Gerry, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY of your first cruise. Our first cruise was in March 1987, and we haven't looked back. I'm sorry the drought is affecting the area south of you. Our county in Texas is one of several that have been declared a natural agriculture disaster area. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad Chuck's luggage was delivered yesterday afternoon. I'm sorry all that's being discussed is so stressful. I like your idea of the brothers getting some of the things they like and want now before they could possibly be lost. @Nickelpenny Penny, you are braver than I would have been with that big snake. Stay safe in that heat, and I hope the monsoons arrive soon. Lenda
  17. Gerry, I thought I'd added your post to the multi-quote, but I guess I didn't. How sad for the young firefighter who lost her life. Our condolences to her family, friends and fellow firefighters. I hope the fires are contained soon and without further loss of life or injuries. I hope your smoke clears up soon. Gerry, we are also hoping for an early appointment. I'm not sure how much incompetence was involved. It could have been a case of the Nurse Practioner promising more than could have been delivered. We've found that the medical personnel don't always know how long scheduling an appointment or sending a referral can take. Even when the medical personnel put in the order and think it will be done soon, the urgency is not conveyed to the non-medical clerical personnel. Still it's frustrating when you don't hear from the doctor's office when you're expecting a call, especially when it is beginning to seem you need to get things done sooner rather than later. It sounds like you got a good buy on the afghans to make more lovely blankets for those who need them. Roy, I hope the battery solves the problem. I have an old laptop that works when it 's plugged in, but even after a new battery wouldn't start on the battery. Lenda
  18. Good afternoon from a partly cloudy with hazy skies central Texas. No I didn't get lost doing the yard work. I was a little later getting outside than I intended, but I still finished about 10:30. Without any rain, there is less to mow since the sprinklers only cover the area where we planted grass. Right now, it is 100F and feels like 107F, so I'm happy to be doing inside stuff how. Before I got back inside, DH and I finally got the smoker working. It turns out it was not the heating element, but some of the wiring between the plug cord and the element. The first fix was to replace a corroded connector. That didn't completely solve the problem, but DH checked more of the wiring, and found a bad connection. Once that was fixed, we tested the element and it worked. Now, we have a spare element. After we put on gloves to handle the fiberglass insulation that DH need to put back in the back of the smoker, it was my turn to put the back on the smoker. I can manage to screw things back in place, but it takes me 3 or 4 times longer than DH. However, that was not the end of the repair jobs, thanks to my clumsiness and not checking what I was doing. We have a sprinkler head that sticks up higher than it should, and again, I hit it with my foot and knocked it out of place. That would not have been a problem, if I'd paid attention when I screwed it back in place. It did seem to be looser, but I thought I'd gotten it fixed until we checked the system. It turns out, I somehow missed the pipe and screwed the head into the dirt. That meant, DH had to take the sprinkler head apart and after I cleaned it better, reassemble it. It is now working, but another that was working isn't, That repair is for another day. By then I was ready to call it quits and head to the shower. Graham, the congregation did a great job with the party for Father David, and what a great cake. Father David is a good sport for putting on the Dalek costume and letting you post it. Your church looks so (for want of a better word) cozy and inviting. I have always liked the smaller, more intimate churches. Debbie, I hope the weather cooperates and you and Sue won't need the umbrellas while you're at the art fair. Joy, I'm happy that Allen's birth day party was a big success. Thanks for the pictures of the party and of cute Oliver. Enjoy the birthday party for your friends, and I hope the new restaurant is good. Annie, I'm another one who can't believe they lost Chuck's luggage on a direct flight. I wonder if someone picked it up by mistake. I'm glad you got a good night's sleep, and hope your at home PT wasn't too bad. I also hope that Chuck and his brothers are able to resolve things peacefully. I think every family has some dysfunctional members. I hope your friends are better now, and that you stay well. Jacqui, sending positive thoughts that Ivan stays healthy as the pain meds are being decreased, and that the shots keep him pain free. Thank you, Graham. Thanks for the explanation of the Daleks. The DDs used to watch Dr. Who, but DH and I never did. Jake, I bet they are wondering what happened to their dinner. Just a couple? That is partly why I mostly stick with the Daily. Edi, I'm glad you got to see the Os win at home. Enjoy your dinner with DS for his birthday. Please wish him an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us. Terri, I'm glad you bought the necklace. It will be a great memory of the cruise. I can understand not posting a picture now. I can't wait to see what it looks like when you get home. Lenda
  19. We have been to A Coruna twice on BHBs. In 2004, on the old Noordam, we stayed in town, took the bus to the lighthouse and then walked around town. In 2011, on the Prinsendam, we took the tour to Santiago de Compastela. I'll begin with A Coruna. The lighthouse which is still working and built on the foundation of the old Roman lighthouse. The Tower of Hercules is the oldest extant lighthouse and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We went up in the lighthouse, and DH went to the very top. This is A Coruna from the top. Various sites as we walked around the town This picture is from 2011 after our tour when we were searching for an ATM The view of the Tower of Hercules as we sailed to the next port. These are a few of the pictures I took in Santiago de Compastela. The first is as we were walking from the bus to the square. A monument to the pilgrims and one entrance to the church. plus the interior of the church. We saw St. James tomb, but no pictures. There was a long line to walk through the narrow passage and view the tomb. Basically, we had to keep moving. A different view of the square where the pilgrims gather After touring the church, we went to a hotel for refreshments in the courtyard, where we were entertained by these gentlemen. Lenda
  20. Good morning from a sunny and barely breezy central Texas. It is already 80F at 7:10 and feels like 88F. Our high will be 103F today. I'll be heading outside to mow the yard as soon as I can manage so I'll be back inside before it gets really hot, and while as much of the yard as possible is still in the shade. Pet fire safety is very important. We respect Canada and all our Canada friends including those on the Daily. I may not be giving something away today, but I have been donating to our local thrift stores over the past three years. An amusing quote that might actually be somewhat true. We'll pass on the pumpkin ravioli just as we did at the Mariner's brunch several times on BHBs. We'll also pass on the drink and the wine. We have been to A Coruna at least twice, including a visit to Santiago de Compastela. I report my pictures soon. Finding the Rosetta Stone was the breakthrough in studying ancient Egypt. We saw it in the British Museum when we spent several days in London after a cruise. The stay broke up the 31 hour flight from Cape Town to Dallas. @St Pete Cruiser We have not seen Bernard Walz, but maybe someday. We also enjoyed Naki Ataman on the Prinsendam. He is very good too. @Cruzin Terri Terri, get the necklace if you really want it. We hade a lot of OBC when we were on Koningsdam in 2021 and 2022, but not as much for a diamond necklace. I did get a new blouse that cost more than I'd pay on land. We also got a few extra bottles of cognac to bring home. @kazu Jacqui, sorry about both iPads dying at the same time. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad you were able to protect you cats from the fire. I'm sorry the birds got the Monarch butterfly larva, the poor fishing yesterday, and the smoke from Canada. @cat shepard Ann, I loved the dachshund meme, and we had two of those adorable doorbells/security systems. They'd let us know when anyone was in their territory, which was whatever they could see out the window. @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm sorry about the storm damage, but it sounds easily fixable. The news on Murphy sounds encouraging and that she is ready for the next step in her recovery. @rafinmd Roy, sorry about the laptop battery. I hope you can find a replacement battery. A motto I can live by. Lenda
  21. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for starting the Fleet Report and Daily for Rich @richwmn today. I thought we'd had the port of the day before and found it was the port twice, but under A Coruna. Here are the links to Friday, July 16, 2021 and Friday, September 2, 2022. I hope you don't mind my posting these links. Now, I finish reading the Daily. Lenda
  22. Good evening. Ut was still 98F when we took our nighky golf cart ride. It wasn't too uncomfortable when we stopped to visit with another couple who were out for their ride. Yikes! I hope Chuck's luggage caught up with him, or that he could pick up some things to tide him over. Thank you, Debbie. I hesitate to complaun too much because unfortunately so many others have bigger problems. Terry, thank you. UTSW's campus is a big sprawling campus with many different buildings. We've only been to two buildings so far. Each had a parking garage attached, plus valet parking at the entrance. For patients it's only $5, and is a big convenience. Non patients pay a lot more for valet parking. I'm not sure about parking at the hospital when they (hopefully) finally get around to placing the shunt. I have seen a shuttle bus if necessary. Thank you, Jacqui. Thank you, too, Brenda. Annie, I hope you sleep better tonight. I really appreciate the support this wonderful community gives anyone who's had a rough day or is having a lot of stress. That's part of what makes the Daily such a great place. Lenda
  23. Good afternoon from a hot central Texas. It is about 103F with a heat index of 111F, and we're not venturing outside until nearer sunset when it will be in the 90s. I hope no one minds if I vent a bit. When we saw the nurse practioner last Friday morning, he said we should hear back from UT Southwestern with the date and time of the lumbar puncture by today, and probably before that. This morning DH called UTSW, and found out that nothing had been done about scheduling the appointment, and was told she would take care of it today. It after 4:30 and so far nothing. He messaged the nurse practioner this morning, and so far nothing. I firmly believe that the medical staff cares for the patients and wants to get things moving as quickly as possible. Where things fall by the wayside, is with the support staff and the bureaucracy. We were sent to UTSW because their neurology department is considered the best of the best. But that doesn't mean anything if you can't get an appointment once the course of action has been determined. DH opted for the single lumbar puncture over the extended in hospital test because it could be set up much sooner. While the NPH needs to be addressed before permanent damage is done, what about people who are even more critical? A person could die of old age waiting for an appointment now days. Minor, but the place where we got the convertible front end aligned was going to check to see if they could get the part to complete the job and call DH today. Guess what? No call. Thank you for letting me vent. Terri, I'm glad the internet problem was solved, but the IT guru should have checked on the devices sooner. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the tour of Hamburg. We've been there twice and did the Ho-Ho both times. The main thing in the center of town is the City Hall and the train station. You can also see where the Beatles performed in the St. Pauli district, that is now a bit rundown. The first time we were in Hamburg, we got there in the afternoon and were there overnight. That evening we went to the Miniature Train World and really enjoyed it. I could not believe there were so many different displays and how detailed they all were. Lenda
  24. Annie, I'm glad Chuck is on his way to see Momma Norma, even if the trip has turned into something different than you both envisioned. I'm sorry Chuck is stressing so much about the situation, and hope he has time for a one-on-one visit with momma. I also hope the situation can be resolved without too much more drama. Take care of yourself and get some rest so you can be there for Chuck. Jack, I hope the mass on Sam's right side is a very slow growing one. I also hope you can determine what is bothering him about his front knees, and that it can be alleviated. Jake, I'm sorry Jasper has pancreatitis, and I hope the pills will cure it. Terry, I can sympathize with you on crying when the kids leave. I'm all right when they are here for just a few hours, but when they've been here two or more days, DH can tell you I'm a basket case. I either have to keep busy for the day, or we have to go some where for a few hours. Ann, I'm sorry you needed to cancel your fall cruise, but sometimes that is for the best. Sete is an interesting town to wander around, and the gateway to other places in the area. Still, it is not usually the highlight of a cruise. It's 12:35 pm and we're inching toward 100F. Right now, it's 97F, which is hot enough. Lenda
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