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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. A very late good evening. I intended to be back here earlier but things kept getting in the way. The yard looks better since has been mowed and trimmed. Before I could do that, I spent about an hour and a half pulling weeds. I got a lot pulled, but its impossible to get all the weeds. By the time I finished everything, I'd been working outside for 5 1/2 hours. I'll probably be sore tomorrow, but itnwas nice being out in the sun with a nice breeze to keep me from getting too hot. @bennybear Brenda, you remembered correctly. The Bay of Biscay is notorious for being very rough, which we've experienced first hand on more than one occasion. However, most of the times we've sailed across the bay, it's been calm. Great picture of the hawk. @lazey1 Jane, I'm sorry about the flare up, but glad the new medicine seems to be helping. @dfish Debbie, great news about the boring, norinal results on the mammogram. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates arugula. It's just too bitter. That is good news that your DH landed two good campaigns. I hope you get more hours if that's what you want. Lenda
  2. It's warmed up to the low 70s with just a light breeze. I'll be heading outside to tackle the yard when I finish this. Eva, you have some amazing DGC and every right to be proud of them. Vanessa, I hope your knee improves before you cruise and trip to Germany. Thank you for your kind words about my picture. Thank you, Graham. Bruno, we've decided there is no longer a normal weather pattern. Paul, thank you for more information about Passover. I've learned a lot during the last few days. Lenda
  3. It turns out we have been to Alter do Chao, but not as a port. In 2006, we did b2b Amazon cruises on the old Regal Princess. On the way back down the river when we stopped at Santarem, along with another couple, we hired a taxi to take us to Belterra, the former Ford rubber plantation and town. On the way to Belterra, we made a brief stop in Alter do Chao, which was much easier than the tender and beach walk Sandi @StLouisCruisers did last fall. This is what I posted on April 18, 2021. We were there at the end of the rainy season, and the little beach peninsula with the huts, was under water. You can barely see the tops of the huts. The inside of the church in @rafinmd Roy showed in his pictures. A couple of street scenes of Alter do Chao. As I mentioned, we were on our way to Belterra, one of two rubber plantations founded by Henry Ford. The first was Fordlandia in 1927, but it did not thrive because the native workers were badly treated. Belterra opened in 1931, and because the workers were well treated, it was a success. While it is no longer a rubber plantation, the town is still populated and well maintained. In 1945, Ford sold both Belterra and Fordlandia back to the Brazilian government. Along with another couple, we found a taxi driver who was willing to take us to Belterra but it took about three tries. Unfortunately, Princess at that time nor HAL now, offer tours to Belterra, which is worth a visit. Our first stop was the city hall. The people working there were very friendly and glad to have foreign visitors. They took us into the back office and showed us pictures, documents and maps from the heyday of Belterra. Some views of the houses and the main street, which was paved with bricks. There was also a pretty park complete with a basketball court. I don't remember what the monument the other couple (who's name is lost in the mists of time) is looking at. The other two in the picture is our taxi driver and DH. They still have a stand of rubber trees that are scored and where they collect the milky liquid (latex) which is about 30% rubber.. The people in the city hall gave our driver directions for a quicker way back to Santarem using the backroads. We saw a lot more of the jungle, especially since our driver got lost a couple of times, making us wonder if we'd miss the ship. We made it back to town with enough time for a stop at the museum and a quick tour of the town. I'll save those pictures until Santarem is the port of the day. Lenda
  4. Good morning from central Texas. It is 52F, but will be sunny and in the mid 70s this afternoon when I tackle the yard work. Texas can get some big winds, but not as big as Mt. Washington. Grilled cheese sandwiches are a favorite here. We try to be kind to the lawyers we know. Another interesting quote. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I would prefer a Mai Tai. The wine sounds nice, but unfortunately, it's pricey. We did not stop at Alter do Chao on our Amazon cruise. @richwmn Rich, enjoy your day in A Coruña. I'm sorry you are missing Brest which is an interesting place to wander. However, a very rough Bay of Biscay is better missed. @grapau27 Thanks for the explanation of Big Wind Day. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, our friond's first name is Naki, not Niki, although he sometimes went by Nik in high school. @Crazy For Cats Jake, River is a beautiful cat. HAPPY 8TH BIRTHDAY to River this month. @Heartgrove Jack, what a great picture, and Lili has grown so fast. I love how gentle Sam is being with her. I hope you are feeling better today. I had the same reaction to the first Shingrix shot, and the second one wasn't worse for me. @cat shepard Ann, I loved the wine meme. @aliaschief I hope you are enjoying your day in Cartagena. Lenda
  5. Broccoli and Cheddar sounds good, but it will have to wait until DH is off the blood thinners. Dark, leafy greens can interfere with those drugs. Bruno, it's good to see you posting. I'm glad DD is stable, and can start PT. I hope you can cruise this year. Lenda
  6. Welcome to th Fleet/Daily. We really are a welcoming, caring, friendly and suppotive group. Some have been here from the beginning while some of us have joined later. No matter when you become part of the the Daily, you are part of a very unique group. Besides multiquoring, you can also quote just one post by clicking on the word quote in the box below the post. To make comments about various post without quoting them, there is the blue bubble, which I'm sure you have noticed. It is probably the most frustrating method but once you get the hang of it, it's not hard. All you need to do is thype the @ sign and then the person's CC name. A drop box will appear below and all you need to do is click on the right name. There are times when the blue bubble doesn't cooperate, but don't worry. That happens to all of us at times. However you decide to communicate, we look forward to getting to know you. Lenda
  7. Good afternoon from a warm and mostly sunny central Texas. The morning went about as planned, but the afternoon didn't. First, the afternoon was cloudy for a couple of hours with a cool north breeze, so I decided to wait until tomorrow when it should be sunny and warmer to do the yard work. The cars are now inspected, and I'll renew the registration on-line tomorrow morning. The new tire has been mounted and installed on the car thanks to two of our neighbors. They were nice enough to get the tire off and into the other car; then, after I got back with the new tire, they came and put it back on the car. That is the nice part of living in this small community. We all help and look out for each other. Cute picture. I see why it's a favorite. Vanessa, I'm sorry you're having this problem so close to your cruise and trip. I hope it improves and you don't need to go the the ER. I also hope you get some answers from the doctor Friday. Carolyn, cute pets and a beautiful daughter. HAPPY 49TH BIRTHDAY to your DS. Debbie, I was thinking about using mozzarella too. However, if I substitute mushrooms for the spinach, I might consider the Mexican cheese blend or maybe pepper jack. Sandi, I've also been concerned about @St. Louis Sal. Not only did she mention the Covid, but she also mentioned that her hands were getting weaker, too. I hope Julia @JAM37 is just busy with all the family living with them. Whenever I look for my posted pictures, I see posts from people who were active for a while, but then who haven't posted for quite some time. It does make one wonder if they are all right, just like family you don't hear from often. I'm glad you are doing better. Standing is the hardest thing for DH. Walking doesn't cause as many issues as just standing. It is a slow recovery, but there should be some progress almost daily. Paul, I hope you are able to adopt the bonded pair of kitties. Lenda
  8. A quick good morning from central Texas. It is 52F but will warm to the mid 70s by noon, and there will be sunshine. It's going to be a busy morning with early errands and getting cars inspected, which has to be done before I can register them for another year. A neighbor is coming to help me take the ruined tire off the car, so I can get the new one mounted when I take a car to be inspected. Then, he'll help get it back on the car. Depending upon how long those chores all take, I'm hoping to get the yard mowed and some weeds pulled this afternoon. That may need to wait until tomorrow. Barbershop quartets are nice to listen to in small doses. Somehow we missed having eight track tapes and went straight to cassettes. When we had pets, everyday was their day. The quote is another interesting one from Ralph Wald Emerson. The meal sounds good, but I would prefer a different cheese. Right now spinach is a no-no with DH's blood thinner. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice, if it wasn't so pricey. While we visited an uninhabited island in Fiji for a beach day in 2000, we haven't been to today's port. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your hair appointment is between rain showers. Loved the memes. @richwmn Rich, LBJ did the right thing in signing the Civil Rights Act despite the political consequences. @dfish Debbie, thanks for the suggestion to substitute mushrooms for the spinach in the stuffed chicken breast. A thanks for inadvertently reminding to spray bug spray around the house today. I guess I better get ready to run my errands. Lenda
  9. Annie, sorry if I got things confused this morning. I guess I was not fully awake. I hope you can work the job situation out with the best possible outcome for both of you. I'm sorry you left with out the prescription that was working for you. Drug prices, especially for newer drugs are ridiculous. The blood thinner prescribed for DH was more than $500 for 30 days. Fortunately, our PCP said the older, cheaper drug was just as effective. DH just has to have periodic blood tests to determine if the dosage is correct. Since we're not going anywhere, that's not a problem. Lenda
  10. Carolyn, I'd love to meet you, too. You remembered correctly that I was looking at the Grand Australia for next year, and I would love to do it. However, it is still too early in DH's recovery to consider booking the cruise. Lenda
  11. Thought we might have been on the same cruise. Maybe someday. We did our 50th anniversary cruise in 2017 on Prinsendam. Lenda
  12. Good afternoon. It has been a busy morning trying to catch up on paper work that I've ignored for a few days. The good news is we efiled our taxes this morning and they were accepted. Charlene, I hope the painting is not too disruptive. Susan, I'm glad you are being extra careful. We definitely don't want you to join the break a bone week at your condos. I'm glad things are sort of dull, especially at the shelter. Carolyn, I'm glad you are getting better and hope the tiredness ends soon. When in 2019, were you in Marseille in 2019 and on which ship? We were there on July 27 on Veendam. I hope the new roof is finished before the rain returns. Debbie, thanks for the great family pictures. Vanessa, I hope you don't have too much trouble getting your money from the state. Lenda
  13. n another visit to Marseille, we wanted to take the boat out to tour the Chateau D'If, but unfortunately, it was closed for repairs. Instead, we took the boat to Les Iles and wandered around for a while. I thought the name of the boat was very appropriate, Edmond Dantes. We got a close up view of the Chateau D'If on the way back to the Vieux Port. And this stunning view of Notre-Dame de la Garde as we cruised into the Vieux Port. Just a few pictures from our day in Marseille in 2019. We took the Ho-Ho, and then walked in the area that was several blocks back from the Vieux Port. The area in front of the Vieux Port that used to be an open area. Different scenes of Marseille Lenda
  14. We were in Marseille five times from 2001 through 2008, with a sixth stop in 2019. All but the first time, were on a BHB, the old Noordam, Prinsendam and Veendam. The change in the area around the Vieux Port between 2008 and 2019 was unbelievable, and the number of people was also a big change. I am glad we were there before it got really crowded. In 2001, we went to Arles and Les Baux, but I don't have any pictures of Les Baux that really show the place. These pictures are from Arles, where we stopped at an Roman amphitheater.. There are pictures of the town from the top of the amphitheater. On one stop in 2002, we went to Aix-en-Provence. I found these pictures taken when we were in Les Baux. They don't show the town but the surrounding area from Les Baux. It is another very old walled town on top of a tall hill. Our lunch that day was duck a l'orange, and it was the best I've ever eaten. Lenda
  15. Good morning from a partly sunny day with just a few clouds. It is 59F but heading to 71F this afternoon. The remainder of the week will be in the 70s and 80s. It will give me a chance to work on the yard, especially the small front yard that was taken over by weeds the past two years despite my best efforts. Also, the weeds need mowing again. I salute golfers but was never good at the game. My grandmother gave me golf lessons when I was about 10, but that really didn't help much. My grandparents had a farm when I was young, but the only animals were some Guinea fowl and one cow. We lived in town, so I was not around farm animals very often. Farm animals are very important and deserve to be treated well. After watching Dr. Pol, I realize I was not cut out to be a farmer. Both my parents were and I am only children, but DH's two bothers are still living. Like Annie, @marshhawk. I have two step brothers and two step sisters, but since we were all grown when our parents married, we were never close, but got along well when we saw each other. I like the quote of the day. It's nice reliving good, happy memories. Today's meal sounds good, and I've had avocado boats with either crab or shrimp salad on BHBs. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. @richwmn Rich, I hope you have a great day in Lisbon. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm glad you are enjoying your cruise, and thank you for continuing posting the memes. @dfish Debbie, it's hard to believe the previous owners dumped their kitty litter in the back of the yard. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the procedure for your DH goes well, and really is the last one. Lenda
  16. One of the words definitely wasn't, and he wouldn't tell us the meaning. Ever sense, I've been very careful not to use the word. Lenda
  17. Good evening. It was basically a quiet day today. We took another ride to look at bluebonnets and wildflowers. There are even more bluebonnets and other wildflowers than two weeks ago. The good news is we avoided all the potholes.🤣 Dinner tonight was relatively easy. DH grilled two bone-in pork chops which were very good. All I had to do was reheat the leftover mashed potatoes, cook the asparagus in the air fryer, make the banana salad and pour the wine. Dessert was ice cream. FYI. I finally found out the second church in my last post today is in Sarchi, but I couldn't find the name. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for your kind words about my pictures. @Vict0riann Ann, doing nothing on sea days is a hard job, but I'm sure you are up to the challenge. 😉 @highscar Ouch, about your finger. I hope it heals quickly. @kochleffel Paul, a professor in college told us a couple of Yiddish words and their meanings, but neither would be the appropriate to wish you a good Passover. Lenda
  18. We have been Costa Rica many times docking at both Puntarenas and Puerto Caldera. Some of our first visits were pre-digital, and there were a few post digital, with most docking at Puerto Caldera. Since the tours to the interior of Costa Rica are the same, I thought I'd share some pictures from various tours. In 2009 on Statendam, we visited the rain forest and did the aerial tram. We could hear the people on the zip line as they passed overhead. These are a few pictures of the tram and the rain forest. We did see a few mynah birds and a couple of toucans, but pictures were difficult to get. In 2015, again on Statendam, we took a tour to San Jose along with stops in Grecia and Sochi. But first, this pictures shows why along with road work tours are sometimes late returning to the ship. San Jose The National Theater A reception room in the theater. Grecia and the "iron church", Iglesia de la Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes, which built using sheet of Belgium metal that were riveted together. Another church, but I'm not sure if it is Grecia or Sarchi. The factory in Sarchi where they make the painted wagons and other decorations. We've also gone to the cloud forest, where it poured, a coffee plantation. and taken the train along with a boat on a river to see crocodiles. All these were pre-digital tours. Lenda
  19. I'm with you about zip lines. DH did the one in Icy Strait Point while I waited at the base. We did the sky tram in Costa Rica which was interesting. I have pictures that I'll post in a few minutes. Cute pictures of cute grand kids. I was never that organized. I'm sorry you were so sick, but glad you seem to be turning a corner and that the fever is gone. I hope the new security system works well for you. It sounds like the steriod shot is beginning to work. I hope it does help with the pain and stiffness. Sandi, very cute pictures of a very cute little girl. Lenda
  20. Good morning again. I don't know exactly what happened with my first post. I was trying to edit it when part of it seemed to disappear, so I redid the first part of the post. It was only after the edit time was over that I realized most of it was there with the pictures before and after the text. While everything is double, at least, the post didn't post twice. 😁 I'll stick with the name I was given or Mom, the name the DDs call me. Winston Churchill was an interesting man, and we also enjoyed visiting the War Rooms when we spent several days in London after a cruise. I honor all POWs, but we didn't have any in our family that I know about. This is a memorial in Hanoi honoring their most famous POW, John McCain. The Vietnamese have great respect for their former prisoner because of the way he conducted himself while a prisoner. The Robin Williams quote is very true, and we were lucky to rarely have a long rush hour commutes. We'll pass on the meal, although I do make grilled shrimp but with Old Bay seasoning. I also don't make couscous. If we don't want to use the outdoor grill, I use an electric indoor grill or simply a skillet on the stove. We'll also pass on the drink and the wine. @aliaschief Another great batch of memes today, Bruce. @kazu Good to see you here today, Jacqui. @dfish Enjoy your Easter dinner, Debbie. I know Sue will be happy when she can officially move into your new house. @richwmn Rich, thanks for the additional history lesson. Enjoy Cadiz. @kochleffel Paul, again thanks for helping us understand Passover and all the traditions. @Cruzin Terri Terri, enjoy your day off and your dinner out. @ger_77 Gerry, it sounds like you and DH are having a wonderful time with the family. @marshhawk Annie, from what I've read about Andersonville, your DF's uncle had a very rough time there. @luvteaching Karen, you have some very nice neighbors. Enjoy your day with your DH. @aliaschief Bruce, glad you are safely and quickly on board. @MISTER 67 Welcome home. @GTVCRUISER Welcome home. Lenda
  21. After only sleeping 4 hours Friday night, and cleaning the house and going in the attic yesterday, I slept 8 12. hours last night. I woke to cloudy skies but no wind. It is currently 60F and will reach 71F this afternoon, with a slim chance of rain. Since I'm late today, I repost my pictures from Puntarenas and then go back through the Daily. We have been to Puerto Caldera (Puntarenas) many times. It is the port for the interior of Costa Rica, and we've done many tours there. Our last cruise in Janaury 2020 on the Rotterdam, stopped there on both legs of the b2b Panama Canal cruise. Since we'd been to San Jose, etc., several times, we just took the shuttle into Puntarenas and walked around. I share our pictures from that day, and come back and read the Daily later. Unfortunately, the house is telling me it's time to clean it. 😱 Lenda Happy Easter to all who celebrate the day. For those observing Passover and Ramadan, I hope the observances continue to be joyful and meaningful. After only getting 4 hours sleep Friday night and cleaning the house and going in the attic yesterday, I slept 8 1/2 hours last night. I woke to cloudy skies, but no wind. It is currently 60F and should reach 71F later this afternoon, but with only a slim chance of rain. Since I'm late today, I post my pictures from Puntarenas then go back through the Daily. We have been to Puerto Caldera (Puntarenas) many times. It is the port for the interior of Costa Rica, and we've done many tours there. Our last cruise in January 2020 on the Rotterdam, stopped there on both legs of the b2b Panama Canal cruise. Since we'd been to San Jose, etc., several times, we just took the shuttle into Puntarenas and walked around. I will share our pictures from that day. Lenda
  22. @aliaschief and @DWAliaschief I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise, with fair winds and following seas. Lenda
  23. @luvteaching Karen, first Happy Birthday, with hopes for many more in the coming years. A very Happy Anniversary to you and your DH. I hope there are many more anniversaries in your futures. Lenda
  24. @ger_77 Gerry wishing you and your DH a very happy 46th anniversary, and many more happy years, too. Lenda
  25. @erewhon A belated Happy Anniversary to both of you. I hope you have many more years of happiness together. Lenda
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