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Quartzsite Cruiser

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  1. Annie, HAL tries to have all the cabins ready by 11 am. With a 1 pm boarding time, you should be able to go straight to your cabin. When you get to the port, just check all your bags except your carryon ones, and they will be delivered to your cabin. Try to get BFF to call HAL and request your twin beds be changed to a queen. It that doesn't work, just ask your cabin steward to move the twins together. Lenda
  2. Good evening. After much research, DH found our wonky alternator does not have diodes, but a voltage regulator. Evidently, from watching a UTube video, it is easy to replace without too much trouble including not having to remove the alternator from from the car. The saga continues. Anyway, the grass is mowed and trimmed plus some of the weeds were pulled. I realized today that I'd need to go over the yard almost inch by inch if I wanted to get rid of all the invasive grass. No going to be happening. Hopefully, tomorrow I can start power washing the house. It needs it after two years. It will take several days, but I hope to get all but the port finished before it gets really hot. Now, it's time to finish my wine 🍷 and relax. Lenda
  3. It's hard to imagine how scary this has been for you. I'm very glad you got such good care of from it Noordam medical team, amd that they kept you alive until you could reach the hospital in Hilo. It's good to know you are improving. I hope you are able to fly home soon. Please listen to the doctors and don't rush things. We care about our Daily family, and want all of them to be healthy. Lenda
  4. Good morning again. We're back from W-M where they said the battery was good, and just needed charging according to their test equipment. It's now being charged, but DH is beginning to think the alternator is causing the problems. It is working, but not as well as it should. Either a diode is bad, or we need a new alternator. In the past, he would have changed or repaired the alternator, but now it's still a little too much for him to tackle. I could help, but it would still be too difficult. However, it's the original alternator in a 28 year old car. Then, there is the possibility that both the battery and the alternator have problems. Oh, the joys of an older car. 😁 Gerry, it must be very hard on your young friends being so far away from their families. I hope all their relatives continue to stay safe. I'm glad you are beginning to see signs of spring. That's too bad about the limo. It would have been a great way to begin the cruise. That kitty does not deserve treats this morning. Thank you, Graham. Carol, that is good news all around. I'm glad Sam is better. Safe travels to your DGS and his girlfriend. Carolyn, just remember, it's likely you'll never see those people on the cruise again. So pack what is comfortable and don't worry. Have a safe trip today and tomorrow, and a great cruise. That is a long combination for a motorhome and tow trailer. Usually the legal length limit in most states is 65 feet. The motorhome looks like it's in great condition. Blue Bird ended production in 2003 when they sold the motorhome production and rights to the Wanderlodge name to Complete Coach Works. That company ended the production in 2009. I think I'll do something constructive this afternoon while enjoying our good weather. It will weeding, mowing and trimming the grass this afternoon, before it gets much hotter. Lenda
  5. On August 8, 2016, the Prinsendam and Captain Tim Roberts took us to Eidfjord. We took the tourist train which took us to an overlook above the town where we had a good view of the Prinsendam. A quiet meadow and the tourist train We passed this modern church on the way back down the mountian. The Kirk and some very old headstones Looking back toward the town center from the Kirk Another view of the hotel and town from the ship This intrepid soul is a lot braver than I am. That water, even with a dry suit, would be too cold for me. Another waterfall I'm glad we were there on a warm, relatively, sunny day with just clouds around the mountain tops. Lenda
  6. Good morning from sunny, and not windy central Texas. It is currently 54F, but will warm to 85F this afternoon with a light breeze. My hair is also very short which makes traveling easier. While I'm not a fan of jazz, some is nice to listen to. Everyday should be honesty day, and if you can't be honest; then, don't say anything. The Robert Benchley quote goes well with honesty day. We'll definitely pass on the meal, drink, and wine. We were in Eidfjord in 2016 on the Prinsendam. I'll look for my pictures soon. @lobsternight Bon Voyage, and have a great cruise. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry about your fall and your sore knees. If you have some available, I've found Aspercreme works well in relieving pain. It made a big difference last spring when I fell and really hurt my knee. @Cruzin Terri Terri, you deserved and needed a day off yesterday. Good luck sorting the clothes and arranging the closet. @kazu Jacqui, it sounds like you are feeling better, but take it easy until you are 100 percent. @rafinmd Roy, I hope the rain holds off until you get home from church. @cruising sister Lorraine, have fun with DGD if you decide to skip the game, and keep her so her parents can enjoy the game. @dfish Debbie, I hope you can make some headway with all the boxes. Thank you to all who posted pictures today. The town looks very different with all the snow. Lenda
  7. Good afternoon. It really isn't too bad outside, but the wind makes it seem a little cool. Our plans are to head to W-M in the morning to get the battery replaced. Hopefully, it won't be too crowded, and we won't have to wait too long. Karen, I'm glad your DH is still making good progress, and that the fever cleared up quickly. Have a safe drive to see your mom and your friend tomorrow. The day off will do you good. Welcome home, Laura. I'm glad it was a great cruise even with the 7 day quarantine. Carolyn, safe travels tomorrow and Monday, and a great cruise beginning Monday. Telescopes have come a long way since the 1960s. Now, a lot of the work is done by computers and cameras attached to the telescope. The latest two are controlled by a computer or tablet. They basically do all the work, and the images appear on the computer or tablet screen. Cute pictures of the DGSs. I hope you have a great cruise on the NA. Jacqui, I'm glad you are feeling better and were able to keep food down today. We also have unpacked boxes in the attic from our move in 1999. Many of them were stored for the DDs, and they still haven't found time to come and go through them. I'm sure a lot will be tossed or donated to a thrift store. Lenda
  8. Good morning again. Our temperature has reached 57F, but with the 20 mph wind, it feels like 53F. The prediction is for 22mph winds before they slow down into the teens. It's a good day to get caught up on some computer work. I remember several wonderful independent bookstores in my home town. Sadly, the big chains bookstores starting driving them out of business, and Amazon is finishing the job. The only independent bookstore I know about is the used book store in Waco. I doubt if we will dance today. We'll both celebrate international astronomy day. Our clear skies should provide some good stargazing, but the wind will rule out using the telescopes. It's surprising how clear the sky can look, but how blurry telescope images look when there is even a little bit of wind. I like the Kissinger quote, and I felt that way last fall with all that was going on on the medical front. We've enjoyed paella in several cities in Spain. I have a recipe for paella, but would rather have someone else make it for me. We'll pass on the drink, but would like to try the wine if it weren't for the price. We enjoyed our day in Istanbul on Prinsendam in 2008, We were supposed to be there in 2016 on Prinsendam, but the Black Sea cruise was canceled after the failed coupe a few weeks earlier. We were glad we took a very comprehensive ship's tour the day we were in Istanbul. For once it saved us time by avoiding the long lines to enter the sites. The history of the day is interesting about the Berlin Wall being torn down. However, on November 9, 1989, the head of the East German Communist Party lifted travel restrictions for East Germans. This was after the people took to the streets of East Berlin on October 9, 1989, demanding freedom. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you are feeling better today. @marshhawk Annie, the last I heard last night, the storms were headed toward Houston and the Gulf of Mexico. I guess they decided to turn east to visit you. I hope they are not as strong as the ones in Texas yesterday. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I'm glad your friend made it home safely in that storm. When we was pictures of the traffic backed up on I-35, we commented we wouldn't want to be in that mess. I'm also happy your little bird and her nest survived the storm. @aliaschief Bruce, enjoy your day in Seattle, and safe travels home tomorrow. @dfish Debbie, I hope Sue's move goes smoothly. Thanks for the explanations of the different types of paella. We enjoyed a seafood paella in Alicante, and a vegetable one in Minorca. We saw someone with the black paella, but that did not look appealing. @Nickelpenny Thank you for your picture. Welcome to the Fleet/Daily, and we hope you will join us often. @ger_77 Gerry, thanks for the reminder of Willie Nelson's birthday. He was born in our county not far from where we live. Not only is he a good entertainer, he also does a lot for those in need. On January 1, 1993, our 101 year old courthouse was heavily damaged by an electrical fire. The seven story clock tower in the middle of the building collapsed into the basement. Fortunately, it was rebuilt with donations from around the world, and from proceeds of two concerts sponsor by Willie. We saw his tour buses around the courthouse on the day of one of the concerts. An interesting side note is the flooring on the main floor was rebuilt with the flooring that was taken from the state capitol when it was refurbished. This is the courthouse in 2022, and I think one of the prettiest in the state. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope you have smooth seas for the rest of your cruise. Lenda
  9. Good morning from a chilly, windy and sunny central Texas. I thought I'd post my pictures from Istanbul, and then finish reading the Daily. We were in Istanbul on September 24, 2008, on the Prinsendam as part of a Black Sea cruise. That morning we anchored and used shoreside tenders. When we returned from our tour, the ship had docked. Istanbul from the ship Even the Turks, but probably the Ottomans, were not above taking treasures from Egypt. Our first stop of the day was the Blue Mosque. We had to remove our shoes, but were given a bag to carry them. This is the area where the faithful wash their hands and feet. Inside the mosque The Blue Mosque in the distance Our next stop was a rug showroom, however, after a necessary stop, we told our guide we were headed to the Grand Bazaar and would meet them at the bus pickup point. This is the street outside the rug store and a gate nearby. The Grand Bazaar Topkapi Palace was the next stop on the tour. The palace kitchens from the outside. We did not have a chance to tour the kitchens. Our final stop of the day was the Hagia Sophia One of the "residents" of the Hagia Sophia I don't remember the name for this feature, but if you put your thumb in the hole and could rotate it 360 degrees without it coming out of the hole, you were supposed to have good luck. The area around the port as seen from the Prinsendam. Istanbul at night. Sorry the picture is a little fuzzy. Lenda
  10. Joy, I'm glad you are all right after the crazy, weather today. We spent a lot of the afternoon watching the Waco tv stations. Our hail was between pea and dime size. It didn't stick, but it made quite aa racket on our metal roof. Jacqui, I'm sorry you were feeling so bad today. I hope you are better tomorrow after a good night's rest. Caron, I'm glad we could brighten your day. Lenda
  11. Good evening. It looks like our rain chances have passed, but the wind will continue for quite a while. I'm not sure what our wind speed is, but the wather app says 23 mph. After all the errands, laundry and watching the weather. I'm relaxing with another glass of wine. This will be my last, and hopefully, I'll sleep well tonight. I plan on an easy day tomorrow. Lenda
  12. The worst of the storm has passed without much damage here. We have received 1 inch of rain since about 4 pm with most of it coming in about 20 minutes. The wind was not as bad as predicted, but we got some hail. Fortunately, while it was noisy on the metal roof, it wasn't too big. The rain was so heavy, our front yard and part of the rest of the yard was under water, but most of it has run off by now. I just checked the weather app, and our tornado watch will continue until 8 pm, but I think the worst is over, Sandi @StLouisCruisers. It is just a light rain right now. Lenda
  13. As you could see, the top of it broke off when I tried to pull it. That is when I realized it was growing through the rock. Our rocks are limestone, which can become fragile over time with the changing weather. I figured that was one for the books, so I had to get a picture. Annie, first, our condolences on Irving crossing the Rainbow Bridge, but he is now pain free, and waiting for you and Chuck. On our first Carnival cruise in 1991 when the DDs were with us, we enjoyed the comedian on night. Since I'm a night owl, I decided to check out is midnight X rated show. He was not funny at all, since he was trying to see how many F bombs in could work into one sentence. I was standing in the back fo the showroom, and left rather quickly. They do sell cigarettes on board, but I'm not sure how great the prices are or what brands the sell since I'm not a smoker. Lenda
  14. Good afternoon. Our sun disappeared shortly after I left to run my errands. Our temperatures reached 74F, but will drop into the 60s a little later when the north part of the storm front comes through between 3 and 4 pm. We're under a tornado watch, but the worst of the storm is south of us and will go through Waco. Joy @Seasick Sailor will get the south end of the storm about 5-6 pm. In between, there is a tornado warning with a circulation pattern, but no tornado has developed yet. The Waco and even some of the DFW tv stations are running continuous coverage of the storm. One weatherman just called it a violent thunderstorm, and another called it a classic super cell. I hope everyone in it's path continue to stay safe. When I got home this morning, we managed to squeeze one more car and the golf cart under the cover of our port. At that time, our neighbor still had has cars and motorhome parked next door. They are also predicting hail, so all the cars will be safe from the hail. BTW, our neighbor postponed the concert until Sunday night several hours ago. Thank you, Graham. It was a challenge to get pictures with all the rain. Terri, I also hope you have a sunny day. I have seen pictures of Kirkwall on a sunny day, and it is a pretty area. If you check one of the links that Sandi, @StLouisCruisers provided, you'll see pictures taken on a sunny day. Eva, I like the idea of the Day of Mourning, and will join our Canadian Dailyites honoring those who have been ill, injured or killed at work. Denise, my dentist is also doing all he can to help me keep my teeth. To me, it's worth the money. Maxine, thanks for the picture. One year, our neighbor had a small tree growing out of the gutter. Once when we returned from Arizona, there was a large weed growing out of the middle of a rock. The rock was part of the border of the flowerbed. RNB, I can believe that. In 1992, when we first drove to Fairbanks, it was 92F when we arrived. That was much warmer than Texas 11 days earlier when we left. Weather is definitely strange. Brenda, it was good to see your post. I'm glad you are getting stronger every day. Take care. I just checked the radar again, and the worst of the storm will be south of us. Many times, the stroms split when they reach our lake. Lenda
  15. @marshhawk Annie, you, Chuck and Irving are in my thoughts as you say your final goodbyes. I hope Irving's crossing the Rainbow Bridge is peaceful, and you're at peace with your decision. You gave Irving a good, much loved life, and the final gift of a peaceful, pain free release. ((((((HUGS)))))) Lenda
  16. We have been to Kirkwall once in 2017 on the Prinsendam with Captain DD. It was raining all day, but we still walked around the area where the shuttle dropped us off and up to the cathedral. Then the light rain turned into a heavy, horizontal downpour that lasted so long we had to brave the rain to get back to the shuttle pickup point. Our raincoats kept us dry except for our lower pants legs which were soaked. Street scenes outside the Visit Scotland Centre St. Magnus Cathedral and graveyard The Bishop's and Earl's Palaces The area around the cathedral and palaces There was a lot more to see, and I would like to go back to Kirkwall when it is not raining. Lenda
  17. Good morning from a sunny central Texas Unfortunately, it will not stay sunny as severe thunderstorms are predicted for this afternoon and evening. It is currently 54F and will warm to about 75F about the time the storms are predicted to arrive. Our neighbor hired a band for a concert this evening. It was supposed to be outdoors, but with the weather predicted to turn nasty, it will be in his garage and car port. Yesterday afternoon, he was busy moving his motorhome and cars to a neighbor's port since they are in Arizona. I hope the concert can still happen. After a couple of early errands, it will be laundry day. I will celebrate clean comedy, but some off color comedy is good too. One of my first jobs was working in the pipeline construction division of an oil company, and those guys could tell some pretty good raunchy jokes. They always closed the office doors during the joke telling until they discovered I was more upset about being left out than by the jokes. I'm not a fan of most poetry, but will celebrate kiss your mate day. Another interesting quote from Albert Einstein. We'll skip the meal (curry) and the drink. I would like to try the wine, but not at that price. We've been to Kirkwall, and I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes. @bennybear Brenda, I hope your recovery from surgery is going well, and you are resting comfortably. @cunnorl Charlene, I hope the board meeting goes smoothly today. @Heartgrove Jack, it's always nice when our kids still need us, no matter how old they are. @superoma Eva, don't be sorry. We appreciate all the work you are doing on the lists, and will read them whenever they are posted. @dobiemom I hope the sleeping situation improves soon. @cruising sister Lorraine, grandmas are for spoiling the grandkids. Glad you DGS did well with the tooth being pulled. @dfish Debbie, thanks for the information about the healing powers of various spices. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you made some good progress on your upcoming cruise. @ottahand7 Nancy, i'm glad your talk went well and was well received. Lenda
  18. I'm very sorry this happened to you. I hope your recovery is going well, and hope you are able to return home soon. Lenda
  19. Good evening. Today didn't go exactly as planned, but what else is new? After getting an email answer to some questions, there were some forms to prepare and get ready to mail tomorrow morning. We both got good reports from the dermatologist, who only found a few places on both of us to freeze, but nothing serious. We're good for another six months. After stopping at W-M, we decided to get an early supper at Popeyes. There's nothing like real fried chicken even though my air fryer does a pretty good job. The red beans and rice were as good as we remembered, but the biscuits seemed a little off. Still, it was a good supper I didn't have to cook, plus the weather was great for eating in the car. It was when we got ready to leave that the trouble started. Our four month old battery was dead for the second time since we bought it. We keep a rechargeable battery booster in the car for such occasions. You've probably guessed by now that it needed charging. The guy in Popeyes was nice enough to plug it in and charge it long enough to get it where it would start the car. Needless to say, we'll be taking it in to get the battery replaced. The first time this happened, we thought we might have accidentally left something on that drained the battery. Obviously, that wasn't the case today. Jake, I know you are glad to get the extension critter proofed. Ashlee and Jasper look very comfortable. Mary Kay, I hope all went wll with PA at the surgeon's office. Terry, I'm glad your DH has a date for his surgery. The grandkitties are beautiful. I'm sorry TT has an infection. I hope he is better soon. Denise, that is good news your father is doing better now that the infection is gone. I'm sorry he is not able to get up and walk to his chair. Annie, it's never insanity to book a cruise. Jacqui, I hope they find a way to change the tires soon. I think you are wise to wait a few days until you are confident you can take care of Ivan. I agree Roy, or they are at a lovely hotel somewhere. Debbie, I'm glad that Sue got such a good send off for her retirement. Good you could get your flights changed. Annie, that's good news. Did BFF also call to get Mariner status? Susan, I know you are glad to have that BOD meeting behind you. I bet once they have to do the work you did, they will appreciate you even more. You are smart to leave and be unavailable soon after the annual meeting. Lenda
  20. We talked about getting a Roomba or a vacuum like it, but I think we have too much that would get in the way. Thank you, Graham. I noticed that the repost of some of my pictures had doubled posted in the same post. I had about 1 to 2 minutes to correct it, but still didn't get them removed in time. Jerry Springer was always entertaining. RIP Lenda
  21. In 2004, again on Noordam III, we rented a car and toured the country side. One of the days on August 7, 2022 was National Lighthouse Day. To honor lighthouses, this is the ruin of what appears to be an old lighthouse. Some scenes from our day in the country. Town from a scenic view point. Another small town An old volcano crater Blue and Green lakes Sete Cidades and the church Noodam at anchor Our final visit was in 2019 on Veendam. By then, the new dock had been built with cafes along the waterfront. Veendam at the new dock Lenda
  22. Our first time in Ponta Delgada was on October 4, 2001, on Golden Princess' maiden crossing. That day we walked around town. About 90 minutes after we sallied, DH was on the balcony and noticed we'd turned around. A few minutes later, the captain announced we were turning back because a couple had suddenly left the ship with the luggage 30 minutes before we sailed. The ship was returning until they could determine what was happening. We made it back to Ponta Delgada in 45 minutes, and dinner was very quiet that night. We hung out off the port for a while, then sailed toward the USA. We later learned they knew the couple was disembarking and used their departure as a cover story. A member of the Cruise Staff as a joke had called in a bomb threat. He spent the rest of the cruise confined to his cabin. Remember this was less than a month after 9/11. Our pictures from our first stop. Igreja de Sao Sebastiao Portas da Cidade Igreja ds Sao Jose In 2019, I took these pictures inside the church. We were back in 2002 on Noordam III, and we walked around town. The harbor with Noordam docked at the far end. Our first time in Ponta Delgada was on October 4, 2001, on Golden Princess' maiden crossing. That day we walked around town. Absit 90 ,minutes after we sallied, DH was on the balcony and noticed we'd turned around. A few minutes later, the captain announced we were turning back because a couple had suddenly left the ship with the luggage 30 minutes before we sailed. The ship was returning until they could determine what was happening. We made it back to Ponta Delgada in 45 minutes, and dinner was very quiet that night. We hung out off the port for a while, then sailed toward the USA. We later learned they knew the couple was disembarking and used their departure as a cover story. A member of the Cruise Staff as a joke had called in a bomb threat. He spent the rest of the cruise confined to his cabin. Remember this was less than a month after 9/11. Our pictures from our first stop. Igreja de Sao Sebastiao Portas da Cidade Igreja ds Sao Jose In 2019, I took these pictures inside the church. We were back in 2002 on Noordam III, and we walked around town. The harbor with Noordam docked at the far end. Lenda
  23. Good morning from a windy and still fairly cloudy central Texas. We have a reprieve from from rain until tomorrow afternoon. Then, it is supposed to rain from late afternoon through most of Saturday. Our temperature is currently 59F, but feels like 57F. It is supposed to be sunny and 75 later today. The only thing on the agenda today is a dermatologist appointment for both of us. It is the six month follow-up to from one last year, and we're not expecting any surprises today. While we are out, we'll stop at W-M since it's on the way. In honor of King's Day, I found a shirt that has some orange flowers on it. I'm not a great story teller, but I do manage to tell a few. Babe Ruth was a great baseball player. I tried but failed to learn Morse Code. The Havelock Elis quote is interesting, but it took reading it a couple of times to really understand it. We'll pass on the meal, the drink and the wine. We have been to Ponta Delgada several times beginning in 2001 on our first TA. I'll look for my pictures to repost in a few minutes. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope your DH's consultation with the surgeon goes well today, and that the traffic isn't too bad. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the dealership can help you, and you can finally get the snow tires removed. @dfish Debbie, please add our congratulations on Sue's retirement. I agree, it's fitting you will be her last patient. Enjoy the celebration dinner. @mamaofami Carol, I'm glad Sam is feeling a little better today, and I hope he continues to feel better everyday. @1ANGELCAT I'm glad you found TT and thwarted the other cats. I hope his surgery goes well. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you can get all your cruise plans finalized easily. @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm glad the infection is getting better and that the fracture isn't a big problem. @rafinmd Roy, it's good to see you are feeling stronger and more confident about cruising. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad you are beginning to think about traveling again. Very slowly we are beginning to talk about cruising again in a few months. While I've been writing this, the clouds have mainly disappeared and the sun is out. ☀️ I can live with the wind better when it's sunny. Lenda
  24. It looks like the rain has finally past through our area, and all the bad weather is south and east of us. We did not get the hail that was predicted, but Waco got a lot of big hail. We received 2 1/4 inches of rain in the past 24 hours, and all but 1/10 inch was between 5 pm and 7 or 8 pm today. That is supposed to be it for rain until Friday or Saturday. It looks like @Seasick Sailor Joy may still get some more rain tonight. I hope they did not have any damage. @marshhawk Annie, I agree with you about what is there to complain about when you're on a ship. While there are some changes since Covid and even before that we do like, they have not ruined the overall cruise experience. We were on a cruise with the author of the unhappy thread about 12 years ago. He commented on the roll call, but never made himself known to any on the roll call once on the ship. Since then, his post have become more and more bitter about HAL. I was surprised he is on a BHB, much less doing a live from blog. Lenda
  25. Good evening after a slightly frustrating afternoon. The appointment for the tire alignment took 2+ hours, but at least, the bill was way lower than we expected. However, while they were able to do part of the alignment they could not reset the computer link. In the neantime, we've received than 2 inches of rain since about 5 pm and more is on the way. This might be a record rainfall. We could get large hail too, but all the cars are under cover. Additionally, we're under a tornado watch until 10 pm. We're not overly worried, buit are keeping an eye on the weather. There is a lot of thunder right now. I'm glad the new thermostat solved the problem. Carol, I hope the doctor was able to help Sam. @kazu Jacqui, I hope today's surgery will ease the pain problem, and that this is the end of hardware removal. Debbie, I also refrained from reading that thread until something DH said last night got me to read it. It was about what I expected. I won't comment further so I don't get in trouble. At least, ournown @USN59-79 Ray, had some positive comments to add to the thread. Lenda
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