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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. It's been a quiet day here. The weather people on tv teased us with rain, but I doubt that we'll get rain. The old Regal was built in 1991 or 1992, and was about the size of an R class ship with a little more than 1500 passengers. Which also makes me think we docked some place else. Sandi, I don’t remember the walk being that bad. The only problem was getting off the rocks. We still enjoyed the rest of the cruise. Of course, we were 19 years younger. Well, I just looked at our pictures, and I probably wouldn't do the same walk now. There was a lot of water and slick rocks. However, the view was great. Lenda
  2. Roy, we both thought the ship said we'd dock in Belem to have the hull inspected after the old Regal Princess ran aground on a sandbar 40 miles off the coast. After reading your post about Belem, I'm not sure where we were,but we were definitely docked so the hull could be inspected. Lenda
  3. Sandi, actually, the tour was in the morning, and we took the shuttle into town, which ended the day on a sour note. If we every go back, we'll probably just go to the Isle de Goree or stay on the ship. I'm glad they built a boardwalk in Illulissat out to see the glacier. When we were there in 2003, we had to walk across the tundra and climb some of the rocks, which was not the safest. DH was worried about me, since I'm not always sure footed, but he was the one who slipped coming back and hit his back on a rock. Lenda
  4. Sandi, I forgot to mention the hawkers who met us at the shuttle stop. We did not have as much of a problem walking up the street, but when we returned to the shuttle stop, they descended again. Once on the bus, while waiting to leave, they pestered us at the open windows and tried to get on the bus. We did not have that problem on the Ilse de Goree. The guide lead us from sight to sight, then to an area with various vendors. In that case, they were all very nice and not overly persistent. We even found a very nice wooden mask that now graces a wall in Quartzsite. Even when we stopped at a café for refreshments and had free time to walk around, we were not bothered. Lenda
  5. Good morning from sunny and breezy central Texas. We are back in the upper mid-90sF for the next ten days and with very little chance of rain. We got bought some very strong (ie: expensive) weed killer to try to get rid of the crab grass and other weeds taking over the yard. Now that I need a calm day to spray the yard, the forecast is for 5-15 mph winds fore the next ten days. I hope everyone has an enjoyable Labor Day. I try not to be late, but today I can celebrate? be late for something day since I am washing the sheets that did not get washed yesterday. The past two years, we've taken quite a lot of things to the local thrift store and to Goodwill. Like so many other Dailyites, I like a lot of cheese on my pizza with other toppings. When we are in Italy, we usually get a Margarita pizza, which is the closet we come to a cheese pizza. Today's quote is interesting, and if we make someone smile, laugh or feel better that is remarkable even in a small way. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I prefer my chili with beef and a thick red sauce. True Texas chili does not contain beans, but we like our chili with beans. We have been to today's port, but no one got off the ship as it was an unscheduled stop. After the old Regal Princess ran aground off the coast of Brazil, Captain "Sandbar" as he became know around the ship, was required to stop at the first port and have divers inspect the hull. Since it was at night, I don't even have pictures of the town. Hope someone else has some to share. Good for your DW's grandmother helping organize the seamstresses in Los Angeles. It's good you know some of the triggers for migraine headaches, but I'm so sorry chocolate is one of them. For me, that's a basic food group. Terri, I'm glad you had help last night, and good luck with going through your things. I hope most will be salvageable. Safe travels home, and I hope your flight is on time and goes smoothly. Ann, thank you for your nice words about the Dailyites bringing laughter to your day. They help make my days better, too. Jacqui, I don't blame you for paying someone to detail the car. I don't mind washing and waxing the cars, but I do not like cleaning the inside. We visited Dakar, Senegal, in 2009, and took the shuttle into town. After walking about two blocks from the drop off point, we turned around and headed back to the shuttle. It was not a comfortable feeling walking around there. On our way back to the shuttle, the afternoon call to prayer was sounded and all the men unrolled their prayer rugs and took over the sidewalks. Our shuttle was the last one to let people off; after that, the shuttle ride was basically a quick tour without stops. If you do make it to Senegal, I recommend going to the Ile de Goree. It was the island where slaves were shipped to the new world. We enjoyed the tour there. Because the ferries to Goree run from a different dock which is not close to where our ship docked, I would also recommend a ship tour. Safe travels home today. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad you continue to be safe. I hope they capture to the suspects soon. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. Lenda
  6. Gerry, good to know you weren't in any danger, and that you are taking precautions. I hope they catch them soon. Terri, sorry this happened to you. I'm glad you got some help. Ann, thanks for letting us know the flooding is not near you or @StLouisCruisers Sandi. Lenda
  7. Good afternoon from a now cloudy and windy central Texas. We had the top down on the convertible for a while, but the sun was just too intense. We were gone longer than we planned, but we enjoyed our day out. We explored some of the back roads south of Dallas, and we found gas for $3.05, 👍👏 in Italy. Yes, there is a town named Italy in Texas. At least, I got the laundry to the point I only needed to dry 1 1/2 loads and fold the clothes when we got home. The sheets can wait to be washed in the morning. 😉 Just saw on the weather that another thunderstorm is moving in from the north. At least, dinner tonight is easy. We'll have catfish fillets (not fried) and sweet potato fries cooked in the air fryer, and corn-on-the-cob steamed in the microwave. Thank you for the reminder that today is national wildlife day. We definitely need to do more to save wildlife. Ann, I'm sorry you didn't get to see the Northern Lights. They are something every one should see once. Thanks for the pictures. Brenda, thank you for, those wonderful pictures. We got to see the northern lights in 1996 while camped at Santaland in North Pole. Alaska. My non-digitial pictures did not do them justice, but DH got some great videos. We did not see Steve or a shooting star that night. Karen, good to know the transfer between ships went smoothly. Have a great ctuise. Lenda
  8. Joy, I'm so sorry Allen had a TIA, but he was in the right place at the right time. I'm sending positive thoughts that this was a one off, and that it and the other issues are taken care of quickly. Lenda
  9. Good morning from a sunny and pleasant centtral Texas. I'm doing laundry, but may put it on hold so we can take the convertible out for a ride. When I worked, I tried to take my manners to work. Now days, there are some people who need to find their manners, dust them off, and begin using them. Fortunately, those people do not frequent the Fleet/Daily. I salute newspaper carrier day, though we no longer get a paper delivered. Spices are good. Another interesting qoute today. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. Pinot Noir is my go to red, but with the price of this one, I'll not be going to it. We have not been to today's port, and I had to look it up on Google Maps. Rich, that's interesting, and I wonder what's going on with the Oosterdam. Gerry, I think a lot of us would like that key blank. Graham, enjoy being treated Royally. That's good news Jesse's surgery wnt well. Wishing him a speedy and uneventful recovery. @Sharon in AZ Sharon, please wish your lovely mother a very HAPPY 93RD BIRTHDAY from us. Lenda
  10. Just before sunset, we had a stray thunderstorm come through with high winds and hard rain. It didn't last long and dumped about 1/10 inch in just a few minutes. Ann, you were extremely lucky to have such a clear day and great view of Denali. We always enjoy all the flowers in the far north. Thanks for the pictures. Lenda
  11. Good morning from central Texas, where we don't know what the weather will do today. Rain was predicted overnight and this morning, but it's a no show. The skies are cloudy, but it is bright with the sun trying to make an appearance. It's been years since we saw a movie in a theater. All the ones around here and around Quartzsite have closed. Tailgating has evolved since the first ones in the 1950s. Now, many are elaborate cookouts. The tallest building near us is maybe four stories. We have been to the top of Taipei 101 and the Shanghai Tower, which in 2018, was the second tallest building in the world with 128 floors. DH just read that even though the Shanghai Tower is not the tallest building, it has the highest observation deck of any building on the 121st floor. The Suzanne Collins quote, unfortunately, is true. We might have the meal, but also without pesto. We'll pass on the drink, but might try the wine. @kazu Jacqui, I hope today goes better, and sorry about the mess with the deed and the POA. I loved all the Canada geese mems. There were a couple in a campground in the PNW that were a menace. Our two dachshunds did not like them, and I'll admit, I let them chase the geese, but only when they were on a leash, and couldn't get too close. Other types of geese can also be mean. @aliaschief Bruce, sorry the dishwasher had to be replace. I like the pictures from your new phone. @cat shepard Ann, when I said I thought they would feed you at the Princess lodge, I was not expecting a quick box lunch. @luvteaching Karen, our condolences to you, Wayne's Karen and family and all his friends on his passing. These are the pictures of Mindelo that I posted on May 3, 2021. We have been to Mendillo twice, but not on a BHB. In 2000, it was our next to last stop on the P&O world cruise on Oriana. We rented a car and drove around the island, which is pretty dry and treeless, for the most part. After three months of ports in the British Commonwealth, where DH drove on the wrong side of the road, I had to keep reminding him to get back on the proper side of the road. Fortunately, there was not much traffic. We suspected the car we rented was the man's personal car. The second visit was in 2009 on the Tahitian Princes. That time we just walked around town. Couple of markets. As you can see, the fish market was not the cleanest, and there were a lot of flies, no ice and very, very fishy smelling. A mix of street scenes from our two visits. A few pictures from around the island. One of the locals The airport Lenda
  12. Ann, thanks for the good wishes. I love the cat meme. Glad you have your flights booked for your Alaska criuse. We like Alaska Airline, and the upgrades will spoil you. Thank you for the anniversary wishes. I wish we could share some our rain with you. I know the southwest part of the country needs rain too. Try to stay cool in the hear wave. Lenda
  13. Again, I want to thank everyone for their Happy Anniversary wishes. It was a nice, quiet day here this year. Unfortunately our plan to go to our favorite Tex-Mex reataurant had to be postponed. About the time we were ready to leave, it started raining again. Later, we wound up getting take put. We'll have a delayed dinner next week. BTW, our rain total for today is 2.08 inches. Our condolences to Captain Workman's family, friends and colleagues. Lenda
  14. Jacqui, thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to wish us a happy anniversary. Lenda
  15. Thank you, Graham, for the anniversary wishes. Thank you. Lenda
  16. It looks like our rain has stopped for now. According to DH's weather station, we received 1.94 inches. The grass and yard are still too wet to check the rain gauge in the flower bed. His weather station reports rain fall in 0.03 inches, so we could have gotten a little more. The weeds I mowed yesterday are looking very happy now. 😉🤣 Once it dries up enough and there is no wind, I'll apply the heavy duty weed killer we got the other day. It's supposed to kill the weeds and not really harm the grass. It could turn the Bermuda grass white, but since a lot of it is dormant and brown from the heat and lack of water, it won't be that noticeable. 🤞 Thank you. Thank you. I like your pictures of Santiago de Compastela. Roy, I read a news story earlier this week that stated the Volendam would be back in service later this month. Thank you for the good wishes. Safe travels to and from Austin and enjoy the game. We'll try to watch the game on the Longhorn Network. HOOK EM! BTW, the major construction on I-35 in Waco is finished, just some work on the ramps and surface streets in the area. Karen, I hope your DH is all right today. Enjoy your Eurodam cruise after your negative tests. Roy, @marshhawk Ann, mentioned on yesterday's Fleet/Daily that their anniversary is September 9. I guess you'll get to wish her Happy Anniversary again then. We now feel like we're heading in the right direction on the medical front. We just wish the process could move a little quicker. Vanessa, thanks for the anniversary wishes. It seems everything is bigger in Texas, including our rain. We actually get about the same amount of rain in the normal year that they get in Seattle. Only we don't drag it out with days of liquid sunshine. I'm sorry your hives and itching reappeared, but glad the Benadryl helps. Hope the insurance company comes through with help on the roof and water damage. Lenda
  17. WOW! When it rains in Texas, it doesn't mess around, Just after I finished the earlier posts, our slow rain turned into a torrent. It is not a frog strangler or a gully washer. It's a frog strangling gully washer. So far, we've gotten 1.69 inches, and it's still coming down in buckets. The skies are really dark, there is thunder and the rain has disrupted the satellite dish. At least, we can get over the air channels. Oh, BTW, our yard is flooded since there is too much rain to soak in. I just hope this helps our lake level and puts a dent in the drought. Thank you, Terry. Susan, I hope you had a great time on the Zuiderdam. Thank you for the good wishes. We are doing all right, and making progress on the medical front. After our first visit with the nurse practioner, Steve had an MRI of his head, and it revealed another couple of things, one of which could be causing all the problems including the NPH. We saw the NP last week, and have since seen two other doctors, an ophthalmologist and our PCP. Got good reports there, and now we are waiting until the 26th of this month to see the neurosurgeon who can take care of the new problem and then the NPH if necessary. Steve, called UTSW to see if he could switch the 2:30 pm on a Friday afternoon appointment to an earlier time or earlier date. It turned out, the next available appointment would have been October 23. Lenda Lenda
  18. This is what I posted on July 16, 2021. We have been to A Coruna twice on BHBs. In 2004, on the old Noordam, we stayed in town, took the bus to the lighthouse and then walked around town. In 2011, on the Prinsendam, we took the tour to Santiago de Compastela. I'll begin with A Coruna. The lighthouse which is still working and built on the foundation of the old Roman lighthouse. The Tower of Hercules is the oldest extant lighthouse and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We went up in the lighthouse, and DH went to the very top. This is A Coruna from the top. Various sites as we walked around the town This picture is from 2011 after our tour when we were searching for an ATM The view of the Tower of Hercules as we sailed to the next port. These are a few of the pictures I took in Santiago de Compastela. The first is as we were walking from the bus to the square. A monument to the pilgrims and one entrance to the church. plus the interior of the church. We saw St. James tomb, but no pictures. There was a long line to walk through the narrow passage and view the tomb. Basically, we had to keep moving. A different view of the square where the pilgrims gather After touring the church, we went to a hotel for refreshments in the courtyard, where we were entertained by these gentlemen, Lenda
  19. Good morning from a dark and misty central Texas. Yesterday's rain was all around us, but somehow managed to miss us. Looking at the weather radar, again we are sort of the eye of the rain in this area. We have a chance for some rain n about an hour, if the radar future cast is correct. 🤞 We have been hearing thunder for about an hour. Since I typed this, it has started raining and the driveway is now wet. Three important days to celebrate. VJ Day ended a years long nightmare in the Pacific. Food banks perform an important service, but I wish there was not a need for them. Our college colors are burnt orange and white. GO HORNS! Another interesting quote today, and I'll need to think about it. We'll definitely pass on the meal and on the drink. Looking forward to the wine description. @rafinmd Thank you Roy, for putting our anniversary on the Celebration List. We've packed a lot into the past 55 years, and I wonder where the time has gone. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for the anniversary wishes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AUSTIN! @ottahand7 Thank you for the anniversary wishes. That brisket looks good. We haven't smoked a brisket in years. We'd have to get up too early to put it in the smoker and have it ready for dinner. The only way to get tender brisket, as you know, is low and slow, and then let it stay at 190-200F for a while. @cunnorl Thank you for the anniversary wishes. We hope to have many more anniversaries. We'll look tomorrow to see if we can see the launch. Hope they make it this time. @Heartgrove Jack, thank you for wishing us a happy anniversary. I hope you hear from the insurance adjuster soon. @ger_77 Gerry, thank you for your good wishes. I'm glad the dinner went well last night. @cat shepard Ann, thanks for the good wishes on our anniversary. My guess is, they will provide lunch at the Princess Lodge. Since Princess and HAL are under the HAL Group, I would not be surprised if they shared some facilities for the Alaska land tours. @superoma Thanks for remembering us on our anniversary. @Cruzin Terri Terri, thank you for the anniversary wishes. I hope you don't have to build that ark. Isn't technology great and time saving? 🤣 @aliaschief Bruce, I have my fingers crossed 🤞 the dishwasher is up and running by dinner time. Thank you for the anniversary wishes. , @Seasick Sailor Joy, thank you for the lovely anniversary "card". Where are you and DH going to the VA? DH went to the one in Waco when we first moved here, but had to switch to our PCP. They insisted they needed to see him every six months, and that did not fit in with our travel schedule. @smitty34877 Terry, that's good news it is getting cool enough to have the windows open. @seagarsmoker Thanks for the anniversary wishes. @lindaler Linda, thanks for the good wishes for our anniversary. I'm happy you are settling into life in Mobile and are enjoying the area. Now, I'll see what I posted on July 16, 2021, from A Coruna. Lenda
  20. Good afternoon. It turned out to be a busy day. I got the house clean in record time, not that I was faster than normal, but there were fewer interruptions. I had enough time to mow the yard. The native grass (aka weeds) had gotten so tall, I realized that if I waited much longer, it would be almost impossible to mow some areas. I am still surprised at how much quicker I can get the yard done with the new mower and trimmer. I guess it's because I don't have spend time messing with power cords and gas cans. @marshhawk Ann, double congratulations. Five sales is impressive. And 👍 on your last day as a dog walker. @durangoscots I'm glad the meeting went better than expected last night. @luvteaching I also wish your friend Wayne peace and comfort in his final days, and love and comfort for Karen now and after his death. @cat shepard Ann, I'm glad you enjoyed the glacier cruise even if the weather was not ideal. I hope the skies are clear enough so you can see Denali. The mountain on a clear day is spectacular. Keep an eye out for the Northern Lights. @Cruising-along Jinx is a handsome cat. He's lucky he has you and the neighbors to look out for him. Lenda
  21. Good morning from cloudy central Texas. Who knows what the weather will do today. This will be a quick post since I'm cleaning house today and want to get it out of the way. At least, we will have a clean house for our 55th anniversary tomorrow. With all that's been going on around here, and with our weather, the celebration this year will be low key. We've had two wonderful ginger cats, Sandy and Sargent. I think I'll pass on tofu and cherry popovers though. I like the quote. We've had roasted cabbage as a side dish, but will pass on the meal and the drink. The wine should be nice. @Cruzin Terri 🥂 🍾 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TERRI! 🎈 🎂 I hope your are feeling better, and enjoy your birthday dinner out. @kazu Jacqui, I loved the cat memes. @1ANGELCAT I know Fluff will like having the stiches out. We were in Boca de Valeria on our 2006 Amazon cruise on the old Regal Princess. It is a very small, native village downstream from Manaus. We were told before boarding the tenders that if we wanted to donate money, give it to the school or church, but not to the children. Their parents would only take the money and spend it at the local watering hole. Part of the pier where the tender docked was covered in carpet different cruise lines had given the village when they replaced carpet. There was a dirt path from the dock up to part of the village. Boy were we glad it was not raining that day. Some of the locals in costumes and with different animals and birds. We gave this man a hat we'd brought with us The local church The school which at that time had 37 students and 2 teachers We got to walk through one house. There was also a living room with two couches. Various scenes around the village Once back on the ship, many from the village came out in these boats wanting us to throw money to them. The view from the ship Lenda
  22. Welcome to the party. A designated driver is probably the best idea yet. You would be welcome even without the wine, but we wouldn't refuse it. Safe travels tomorrow and enjoy your visit. Lenda
  23. Sounds like we're getting a plan. With wine, we'd probably take rwice as long (at least) per room. I imagine we all would drink more wine than Carolyn expects. Of course, the more we'd drink, she could probably substitute cheaper wine as the painting progressed. After seeing all the typos in my last post after less than two glasses of wine with dinner, I just might be messier, if that's possible. Lenda
  24. Sounds like a plan, wouod we get the wine while painting? That would be more fun, but probably even messier. 😉🍷 Lenda
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