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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Finally, our pictures from our last day in St. Petersburg in 2016. That cruise, the Prinsendam docked at the new cruise terminal away from the main part of town, which meant longer bus rides. That week was their equivalent of NYC's Fleet Week. The river was crowded with all types of naval vessels, and the traffic, especially around the river was worse than normal. That day, our tour was a ride on the Metro, with a visit to a market and a vodka tasting aboard a small boat that did not leave the dock. Somehow, I don't have any pictures of the vodka tasting, which was just okay to me. What I do remember was one unfortunate lady got locked in the restroom and it took quite a while to get her freed. Originally, we were supposed to board the metro at one station and get off at another. With the traffic detours that week, instead, we rode the metro to the station and then took another train back to the original station. The stations are decorated, but not as much as the older metro stations in Moscow, and the stations are very clean. The entrance and the escalators, which are very, very, very long escalators. At about the midway point you cannot see the top or bottom of the escalators. Since I'm not fond of down escalators, that bothered me, but there was nothing I could do but stay put. 😁 The route map, not that it helped us. At least, our guide knew what she was doing. Some of the murals in the various stations. The murals were mosaics. One of the stations and our group waiting for the train. The inside of the train Once back up the very, very, very long escalator, we visited a local market. It too was very clean, but the best thing was DH discovered someone selling 1L bottles of Coke Zero, which we shared. It hit the spot as it was very cold, and we were very hot. This was not your normal farmers market. Lenda
  2. In 2016 while on the Prinsendam, we spent two days in St. Petersburg. This time we opted for three short tours with a chance to rest between tours. It was mid-July and very hot. The first morning, we took the half day tour to Catherine's Palace. We had to wait in line a while, but not too long. I had wanted to see the Amber Room, where we were not allowed take pictures. I knew it was a recreation of the room, and I was underwhelmed to say the least. It was not what I expected. The entrance gate to Catherine's Palace A couple of pictures inside When Catherine grew older and heavier, she had trouble walking, especially using stairs. She had a ramp built that was big enough for her carriage to drive up to her second floor apartments. A summer house The roof of her chapel We had a shopping stop at a tourist store along this canal That evening, we had a tour of the Hermitage and museum. This was an after hours tour, and only part of the palace and museum were open to us. Our guide, once we were in the museum, wanted to talk about almost every picture in every room. I don't know how long we would have been there if not for the cleaning ladies, who made it know they wanted us out so they could finish and go home. 😀👋 These are a few pictures of the palace. It was nice to have it mainly to our selves and maybe one other group. Lenda
  3. Day two of our 2003 visit to St. Petersburg on the Rotterdam was another busy day. We took the tour to Peterhof, with a short tour of St. Peersburg after lunch. Peterhof A few pictures inside A tile stove to heat the room Two Faberge eggs The throne room The fountains, which are fed by gravity from a reservoir above the palace. We took a hydrofoil back to St. Petersburg. Once inside, it was just another boat. Our entertainment at lunch. We saw the first part, and then asked the guide if we could walk around outside, and surprisingly, she said yes. So here is the street where we walked. From the bus on our drive to our last stop Our last stop was St. Isaac's Cathedral named for the patron saint of Peter the Great. In 1917, it was turned into a museum. In 2017, the governor of St. Petersburg offered to return it to the church, but due to protests by citizens, that has not happened. A statue outside St. Isaacs. I don't know who's statue it is. Lenda
  4. This was the first day we were in St. Petersburg in 2003 in Rotterdam VI. As I mentioned, we spent four days in St. Petersburg spread over two visits on BHBs. I decided for clarity and to not have too many pictures at once, to divide them up by days. On September 5, 2003, our tour took us to Moscow to see the exhibits in the Armory, the Patriarch's Palace and Church of the Twelve Apostles inside the Kremlin. We also visited the KGB Museum in the Lubyanka, the infamous building and prison. We only got to see the museum. The weather in St. Petersburg was very foggy, so we got a tour of St. Petersburg on the way to the airport. Once the fog lifted, we boarded our plane for Moscow. Even flying internally in Russia, you go through very strong security checks, which make the TSA checks seem easy. Our plane in Moscow. Driving from the airport. Our bus was allowed to use the VIP lane. Just a few of the royal jewels and Faberge eggs in the Armory. The Armory and the grounds inside the Kremlin walls. The Patriarch's Palace and the Church of the Twelve Apostles I believe this is Lubyanka and the entrance you do not want to enter. We used an entrance at the side of the building. Our guide in the museum was a former KGB officer, and was now in the new alphabet organization. Our tour guide would translate our questions and his answers, but we learned he knew English when he started answering a question before the guide could translate it. We weren't supposed to take pictures inside, but we got a few ones. The woman in the picture is our guide who was wonderful. We also stopped at Red Square and the GUM department store, where we had free time. Red Square was closed as they were setting up for some big event. Lenin's tomb is on the right. Red Square is smaller than it appears on tv. The entrance to Red Square opposite St. Basil's. St Basil's The GUM building and stores inside. We thoroughly enjoyed our day in Moscow, and in spite of a late start, nothing was cut from our tour. Our lunch was in a hotel near Red Square and was very good. A few days after we were there, the hotel was bombed. We did not get back to the Rotterdam until almost midnight. Looking back at the day, and the condition of the plane on the inside, we can't help wondering "What were we thinking?" I just hope they spent more on engine and plane maintenance than they did on the passenger area. Now, the tour takes the train to Moscow. Lenda
  5. Good morning from central Texas. My plans for this morning were to get outside between 7:30 and 8 and mow the yard before it got really hot. Well, you know what they said about well laid plans. I woke up before 6 am, which was too early, so I thought I'd lie back down for a while. The next time I looked at the clock it was almost 8 am. I made it outside by 8:30 and was finished by 9:30. With our drought, there is really not much grass to mow, and what was green and growing were the weeds I've been fighting for the last three summers. The major part that needed mowing was on the west side of the house, so I was in the shade most of the the time. When we moved here in 1999, I got rid of my house plants, so I won't be taking any on a walk. Even with my Scottish ancestors, I like bagpipes in moderation and outside. I will not be walking on stilts since I don't want any broken bones. The quote today is interesting, and I also take it to mean live for today. The conchas look good, but I doubt I'll be making them. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have been to St. Petersburg twice on BHBs, and we enjoyed our four days there. We took HAL tours and only had long lines at Catherine's Palace since we were there in the height of summer, and it was hot. Unless there is a complete change in the Russian government, I doubt we'll be back. I think having St. Petersburg on the itineraries is wishful thinking. When I finish this, I'll repost the pictures I shared last October, and I can't promise there won't be repeats. @superoma 🎂 💐 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🥂 🍾 Also. HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow to your father. Your garden is lovely and the potatoes look good. @aliaschief Enjoyed the pictures today. @cat shepard Ann, I laughed out loud at the meme. @marshhawk Ann, I also laughed out loud at the camel meme, and I really did not like that commercial. @Heartgrove That is good news that your brother is dong better and that you got to spend time with him. I'm sorry you missed the wedding, but the party sounds like it was a great one. @kazu Jacqui, I hope Shadow can overcome her fears quickly and will enjoying being part of your family. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry your neighbor and his wife have covid again. I hope Tana's son does not get it. @lindaler Ouch! I hope your knees heal quickly, but what an embarrassing thing to have happen and to be caught on camera too. @richwmn Rich, I like your idea of creating a day for us, and also like the suggestion by @TiogaCruiser of Dailyites Day. I would also go for "red headed, left handed people" day as it would honor my mother who was both. This afternoon, we both have an appointment with the dermatologist in Cleburne. We may make a quick stop at W-M while we're there. Lenda
  6. Karen, I could only find the 12 oz size, but the recipe calls for the 6 oz size, and I got pink lemonade. I made lemonade with the rest. I used the extra creamy Cool Whip which gave it enough body that all the filling fit in the pie shell and was piled high. I also made another change. Instead of using a graham cracker crumb crust, I used a pre-made Oreo crust. We thought it went well with the lemonade filling. It is a recipe that lends itself well to changing the basic recipe. Lenda
  7. Good afternoon. @Live4cruises I'll join you in your happy dance that you are covid free. I'm sorry Mykonos is having renal problems. I hope he remains happy and comfortable. 18 years is a long life for a cat, and I'm sure you gave him 18 very good years. @durangoscots Susan, I'm sorry about the mess with the blood test. I hope they catch the person who damaged the gates. @aliaschief Thank you for sharing your trip in Scotland. It is a beautiful country. @kazu I hope Shadow has safe travels to her forever home. She is a very lucky girl. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope the ultrasound shows the problem with your DH's leg and that it is not serious. @marshhawk In all honesty, I could not like your post, but I an glad you felt comfortable enough to share it with us. No child should go through what your family endured and then inflicted on you and your brother. @Sharon in AZ I'm sorry your DM has covid. I hope she recovers quickly and it remains a mild case. We also had a cat, Happy, who was in renal failure, and I swear to this day she deliberately got behind the tire as DH was backing out of the garage. It didn't kill her, but tore her diaphragm. Since she would not have survived surgery, we had to put her down. @marshhawk That is good news about Chuck. It's too bad that he had to endure all that pain before they found the problem. I'm surprised it didn't show up in any of the scans. I found some memes that might help explain summers in Texas, and would also apply to Quartzsite. Some people in Quartzsite turn off their water heaters in the summer. Early a/c in cars 🤣 I imagine many of us remember this. This is for all the handy people who use tools to fix things around the house. I'll leave you with a picture of my Silverado Sage that is in full bloom. In the past, it has bloomed after we get rain or we water, but his time it's had neither for quite a while. Also, this is the fullest bloom we've seen from the plants. I hope the bees are liking the flowers. Lenda
  8. Huahine is in French Polynesia and consists to two islands, Huahine Nui (Big Huahine) and Huahine Iti (Small Huahine), plus several motu. It retains more of it's traditional lifestyle, and until the late 19th century, it was an independent kingdom. We have been to Huahine-Iti twice. The first time was in 1996 on Wind Song, and the second time was in 2004 on Tahitian Princess. It is a small island of about 6075 people (in 2017) and is not visited by many ships. On our first visit, we took a tour of the island, and the second time we took a shuttle into the main village, walked around and stopped for a beer. All the pictures are from our second visit. The pictures give you an idea why it's called the Garden Island. Lenda
  9. Good morning from central Texas. At least for now, the wind is making it bearable outside, but I'm still staying inside. After looking up All or Nothing Day, I can celebrate it. I try to give my all to what I do. This is the explanation of the day: "U.S. National All or Nothing Day is celebrated every July 26 to encourage people to give their all to every task or dream they embark on. This can either be a sport, an assignment, a friendship, or even a Crossfit workout." All my aunts and uncles were my grandparents siblings. I was close to two of my mother's aunts. We have two nieces and a nephew plus three great nieces on DH's side of the family. I'll skip the tofu. The C. S. Lewis quote is very interesting. We read to the DDs a lot when they were little. I did not like the Curious George books, and DH was not fond of Dr. Seuss, so we each had a series too read. I'd eat the cake if given a slice, but I doubt I'll make it. We'll pass on the drink, and the wine is a little pricey. We have been to Huahine twice, and I repost the pictures I shared April 27, 2021. @MISTER 67 I'm sorry your wonderful uncle died so tragically at such a young age. @cat shepard I understood the irony of the meme. @marshhawk Sending positive thoughts that everything is all right with Chuck's biopsy today. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, sending positive thoughts for DD's outpatient surgery today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MORGAN! Great picture of your DGD and a cute one of Sadie. @smitty34877 Terry, I admire you for all you do for your family, especially for Tana and her son. Remember we're here anytime you need to vent or just reach out for support. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you slept better and are more rested today. Good luck with all the appointments and tests over the next two weeks. @superoma Great news that you are enjoying your air fryer. 🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW 🎈 @grapau27 Graham, our condolences to both of you on the loss of Pauline's colleague. @ktbraun Welcome to the Fleet Report and Daily. It's good to know your DH is feeling better, and I hope his cough clears up soon. @ClippyJoe I'm sorry you never got to meet your father. Your aunt and uncle were wonderful to help your mother and you and give you a loving home. @1ANGELCAT I'm sorry about the expected news that DB's car is totaled, and pleasantly surprised the insurance company settled so quickly. Can't help wishing they'd been more generous, and hope DB finds a car he likes soon at a reasonable price. Lenda
  10. Fort Abercrombie in Kodiak has WWII bunkers and old guns. One of the bunkers is an interesting museum. To see a lot of the country, you'll probably have to do a tour. You can see a lot of the wilderness from the ship. Lenda
  11. If we didn't have doctor appointments, we wouldn't be in this heat neither. I looked at the thread about the pre-cruise testing, and left quickly. Some of our regulars are on cruises and other trips, but I guess some are just busy. The rest of us will hold down the fort until they return. We saw the whale shark in the Sea of Cortez. The best time is probably December to early March. We were there on March 4, but as always, the whale sharks and whales don't look at the calendar. My apologies. I saw yout questions about Sitka and Kodiak, and forgot to answer. In Sitka, there is a shuttle from the dock into town. It is easy to walk around the town and the waterfront. There is a shuttle run by the native corporation that will take you to various stops, including the Raptor Center and the Fortress of the Bears. I don't remember the cost of the shuttle. You can also get a day bus pass that covers all three routes. In Kodiak, there is a shuttle from the dock to the Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center. It is an easy walk into town, and I think it's about a mile. We've walked it in the past. There are taxis at the dock for a short tour, or with advanced planning, you can rent a car to see more of the island, if the ship is in port all day. I would strongly warn against walking in the woods alone. BTW, most of the bears are in the interior of the island. I almost forgot, there will probably be a shuttle to Wal-Mart. Lenda
  12. I've noticed that the Fleet Report/Daily has been slow, for want of a better word, the last couple of days. Lenda
  13. Vanessa, I hope the roofer can stop the leak. I hope the back improves soon so you can enjoy your golf game more. Debbie, glad you are enjoying the cruise and that the waiters in Club Orange are taking great care of you. Thanks for the picture of the Volendam. Susan, I hope the bear has moved on out of the area. Please be careful. Susan, what a shame that after all hte work, there is damage to the gate because of an attempted break in. I hope your insurance will cover the repairs and /or replacement. Lenda
  14. Thank you, Jim. But if I had a job on the ships, I wouldn't be able to see all the interesting places and take my photos. Besides, work is a four-letter word. 🤣 Lenda
  15. Good morning from central Texas, and weather wise, it's the same. I salute all Culinarians, especially the hard working line cooks, who do most of the work in restaurant kitchens. We like chili dogs, but won't be having them today. I have a ribeye thawing in the refrigerator which we ill cook on the electric grill inside. Threading the needle day has several meanings from the literal one to sports metaphors to a yoga pose and others. The Lemony Snicket quote is interesting, and fate can throw some curve balls. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. @aliaschief I hope you are feeling better. @cat shepard Ann, the girls picked a good meme for their last one. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, great picture of Ren with his coach and all his trophies and medals. He certainly had a great tournament. @marshhawk The advice you've been given is all good advice. In the past few years, gala now dressy nights in the MDR are not nearly as dressy as in the past., and Alaska cruises are also totally different since, people do not dress up as much in the MDR. I have reached the point where I take two long, lightweight skirts with nice knit, sweater like tops that I pair with slightly dressier sandals. DH takes two long sleeved dress shirts to wear with his black slacks and dress shoes. He may add a navy cardigan if the ship is chilly, but no coat or a tie. For day time, layers work well in Alaska, along with a hooded jacket or coat that should be waterproof. For glacier viewing we add gloves. I also take one pair of shorts and a pair of sandals for the odd warm day in Alaska and for wearing in Victoria at times. We even had a day in Ketchikan where it was sunny and and 82F, but that is rare there. @ger_77 Glad you got rain. @kazu Jacqui, thanks for the pictures of your flowers. We have been to La Paz once in March 2018, on Ruby Princess. It is a nice town to walk around. We also hired a boat on the dock to take us out of see the whale sharks. A few pictures from our walk around La Paz. When we got off the shuttle from Puerto de Pichilingue, we saw this whale skeleton display. We walked down this street to the Teatro de Juarez. The Cathedral de Nuestra Senora de La Paz Jardin Velasco across the street from the Cathedral We also saw this museum and spent some time inside. We then headed back to the Malecon La Paz, where we found a boat to take us out to see the whale sharks. We followed one shark as we was swimming, and he was as long or longer than the boat. Our boat was like the ones pictured, but we were the only passengers. People were swimming with the shark, but as you can see, the swimmer was having to work to keep up. My point and shoot camera is waterproof and DH took some pictures by leaning over the side and holding the camera underwater. It helped that the shark was near the surface. This is the best of the underwater pictures. At one point we probably could have touched the shark, but we were told not to do so. The pier and the beach along with some of the sculptures on the Malecon. One of the many restaurants across the street from the Malecon. Naturally, there was a shopping opportunity when we returned to the port. This is just a small portion of the booths. The port area from our balcony as we sailed. Lenda
  16. Good afternoon from hot central Texas. We decided again today that we needed to get out of the house to just enjoy being out. We decided on a ride in the convertible and left early enough to have the top down for a little more than an hour. There is a small town we go through when we head to Quartzsite but have never explored. That was our first stop. We then headed to another town where DH wanted to check out the courthouse. On the way, we detoured to see Fairy, Tx, that can best be described as a wide spot in the road. DH thinks they even closed the post offce there several years ago. All in all, we had an enjoyable drive, and even got gas at about 20 cents a gallon less than our local station. We were gone about four hours. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, what a nail biter win. Congratulatiohs to the Tigers, Ren and Max. I'm glad your DSIL finally tested negative. @mamaofami Carol, I'm sorry your son is still feeling so bad. I hope he starts feeling better soon. @aliaschief It looks like you are having a good but busy time in Edinburgh. @dfish Debbie, thanks for checking in, and I hope the second week is as good as the forst week. @Sea Viewer Welcome home. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm glad the power is finally back on, but sorry you have to toss food. When our fathers retired and started traveling, their travels were curtailed by ill health. Both told us to travel while we were young and healthy, and we took their advice to heart. After the DDs went off to college, we were able to take long RV trips and longer cruises. As internet service expanded, DH was able to travel and work when he had internet. At last count, we have been to 130 countries since our first cruise in 1987. @durangoscots Susan, I know you will be relieved when the work on the shelter is finished. Hope you make it to see your sister soon. In your free time, why not begin at looking at cruises. @Seasick Sailor Joy, enjoy your last week in Maui. @Vict0riann Ann, I'm glad you had a great visit with your cousin. But, I'm sorry Pat got stung by the bee. Hope he is back to 100% soon, and that's the end of the drama for this trip. Beautiful cat. Lenda
  17. Good morning from sunny, breezy central Texas. Our weather is still the same, hot. Amelia Earhart was n aviation pioneer and an amazing woman. I am not close to my cousins. Even though my parents many years ago, I still honor them. The quote is interesting and should be true for all of us. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine sounds interesting. We have been to Nuka Hiva twice. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry you are still without power. Hope it is restored soon. @smitty34877 Terri, it is good news that Tana seems less anxious and there have been good days. @StLouisCruisers Fingers 🤞 for a win today for the Tigers. @cat shepard Ann, another great meme from the girls. @kazu Jacqui, don't get too hot in the garden today. We have been fortunate to visit Nuka Hiva twice. in 2002 on the Volendam APEC cruise and in 2004 on the Tahitian Princes. In 2002, there were no tours offered as it was a relatively new port, but we were lucky to find a French lady who gave tours in her Land Rover Discovery. The first group of pictures are from our 2002 tour. We were there shortly after Survivor Nuka Hive was aired. On our tour, we drove into the interior of the island, and our first stop was at a small hotel and restaurant where we had a beer and fried taro, which was good. We also got a look at their hydroponic garden and some of their fields. I thought the gardens might interest the Garden Club. A look down at the road and a village nestled in a valley Our next stop was a marae, a Polynesian religious site. Next was the remains of a church Back in town, we stopped at the local church and a statue of John Paul II Back at the dock, the Executive Chef, F&B Manager, etc, were buying the fresh catch from local fishermen. They told us the fish were for the crew and not for the passengers. In 2004, we stayed in town and walked around. We also took a truck to a restaurant on top of a hill where we had the most expensive cokes at $7 each. The expensive view of town from the restaurant and the restaurant. A pretty tree or bush The tender dock The sunset at Nuka Hiva The beach were Survivor was filmed. It was not really that isolated, and the crew stayed in the village back from the beach. Lenda
  18. Vanessa, I hope you get your power back before Monday afternoon. The less you open the refrigerator or the freezer, the longer food will last. Lenda
  19. Good afternoon. It is 2 pm and only 97F, but according to the weather app it feels like 101F. The humidity is 34% and the dew point is 64F. We have a good breeze and the afternoon clouds are building. I just wish they'd drop some rain on us. Sharon, I'm glad you liked the pictures. I'm pretty sure I get Guerrero ready to cook tortillas in Arizona. It's a different brand in Texas. We started getting the ready to cook ones because the ready to eat ones are too thick. With all this talk about tortillas, I think we'll have fajitas tonight. 🎂 🎉 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIXIE! 🎈 🥂 Vaneesa, I'm glad you and BFF had a nice dinner for his birthday. Also, I'm glad you liked the pictures. Great news that the Tigers won. Hope tomorrow the weather is better for them. Good picture of the Tigers. Graham, I suspected you two were not home. Thank you, Graham. Gerry, our condolences on the loss of your cruising friend. We've lost several over the past years, and we miss them like ypu will miss your friend. Our thoughts are with you both and ypur friend's family. Gerry, congratulations on your DS getting the Royal Lifesaving medal. It was good that he was at the right place at the right time, and knew what he needed tto do. Lenda
  20. Thanks for the information. I'm sorry your ex-boyfriend is in such bad shape. Since we saw you on Koningsdam, there has been a noticeable change for the worse. The dizziness, brain fog and short term memory have gotten worse. We feel very fortunate that our PCP's PA immediately ordered the brain CAT scan when he heatd about the dizziness and brain fog. We have our fingers crossed 🤞 for an appointment soon with a neurosurgeon. Normally, no one wants any type of brain surgery, but we both want it soon so DH is himself again and we can get our lives back. Our PCP said the shunt should take care of all DH's symptoms. Lenda
  21. We did not go to Tel Aviv the day we were in Haifa. Due to the cancellation of the port in Egypt, we spent two days in Ashdod. The second day, we went to Tel Aviv, and this is what I posted on April 29, 2021. The second day we were docked in Ashdod, we talked about finding a taxi to take us to Bethlehem, but after two long days spent in a taxi, we decided against going. Along with another couple, we found a taxi in the port to take us to Jaffa and Tel Aviv. If we're lucky enough to return to Ashdod, I want to find someone to take us to Bethlehem and Jerusalem for a slower walk in the Old City. Jaffa is the ancient port for Jerusalem. It is a town we really enjoyed. Looking from Jaffa toward Tel Aviv. Our driver dropped us off at seaside promenade in Tel Aviv. After a short time along the sea, our next stop was a mall in downtown Tel Aviv, and we had an hour or so to wander around. I'll confess we spent most of our time in the mall where we shared a pizza. A couple of street scenes in Tel Aviv taken from the car as we headed back to the Prinsendam. Lenda
  22. Here are the rest of the pictures from our day touring northern Israel. Our first stop was Nazareth and the Church of the Annunciation. We were both surprised at how modern the church was. In the open area beside the church was a view of the remains of the ancient village of Nazareth. Naturally, across the street was the usual tourist trap (Opps! I meant, shop.) 😀 Our next stop was Cana and the wedding church where Jesus turned water into wine. Since there was a service when we were there, we were not able to see the wine casks. And nearby. The next stop after Cana, was the Jordan River. We made several stops along the Sea of Galilee and drove through the town of Tiberius before visiting Capharnaum. Either we did not see a souvenir store, or I didn't take a picture of it. Lenda
  23. An early good morning from central Texas. This is house cleaning day, so I needed to find my pictures from Haifa and Tel Aviv before I get started. Cowboy day is celebrated in Texas just about everyday, especially in the rural areas. Vanilla ice cream is good and versatile, but IMHO, is best with chocolate sauce. Drowning prevention should be everyday. The Anne Frank quote is very good. She was wise beyond her years. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I won't try to make tortillas, but I have found some flour tortillas that need to be cooked before eating them. They are easy to cook, just 30 second a side in a fairly hot skillet. We were in Haifa and Tel Aviv in 2016 on Prinsendam. @Rowsby I'm sorry you felt you needed to cancel your Hawaii trip, but completely understand. @cat shepard Ann, the meme the girls picked out is appropriate because of the heat this summer. @StLouisCruisers To Tigers! Go Ren! @kazu Jacqui, thanks for more lovely pictures from your garden. Don't get too hot today. Haifa and Tel Aviv were the destinations of the day on December 21, 2021, and these are the pictures that day. We were in Haifa on 10/22/17 on the Prinsendam. On the recommendation of a fellow CC member, we hire a taxi for a tour and saw a lot of northern Israel. Because there are quite a few pictures, Ill post the ones of Haifa first, then post some from our day outside the city. Haifa from the Prinsendam The Baha'i Gardens as seen from the Prinsendam. On our return to town, we stopped at the overlook at the top of the Baha'i Gardens, then drove past the entrance at the bottom of the hill. There was a conference being held that day, so the gardens were closed to visitors. Our home away from home from the top of the Baha'i Gardens. Lenda
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