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Quartzsite Cruiser

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  1. @lobsternight Hope you have a wonderful day on your birthday. Lenda
  2. @puppycanducruise Melanie, I'm glad you had a good day with you family on your birthday. Lenda
  3. Good norming from a sunny and slightly breezy central Texas. It is currently 76F with 85% humidity and a dew point of 72F. The predicted high is 98F with no chance of rain. I may have to supplement the sprinkler system and water the backyard the old fashioned way with a hose and small sprinkler in the next few days. There's not much on the agenda today besides staying cool. Traffic lights are important, and I'll keep my underwear. As far as underwear in history, it is a relatively recent addition to wardrobes. Hiroshima might have been necessary to save more lives, but I hope no one has to make such a decision again. We've visited Hiroshima twice, and the peace park and museum are very moving. A good and interesting quote from Richard L. Evans. The soup sounds interesting, but I prefer my lasagna the traditional way. The drink and the wine are good. We've had the wine and enjoyed it. We have not been to Cap-aux-Meules, Iles de la Madeleine. This day in 910 was a good day for England and a bad day for the Vikings. The 1963 Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signing was a good step toward peace. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad Morgan was safe yesterday, and hope she continuers to remain safe from the hurricane. @rafinmd Roy, thanks for the link and the pictures. @0106 Tina, thanks for mentioning oyster day. I love fried oysters and oysters Rockefeller. I hope the weather later this week does not interfere with the White Marlin Open. @ottahand7 Nancy, your ribs look wonderful. We also use a dry rub and smoke them, but do not use a lot of wood, and get a light smoke flavor. @cat shepard Ann, I hope you continue to just get rain. I'm glad your friends in Fort Myers are far enough from the shore and rebuilt with the FEMA standards so their house is all right. I'm sorry so many there are being flooded again. @dfish Debbie, safe travels for Sue and River today. @Crazy For Cats Jake, thanks for more great Alaskan memories. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the photographer gets such wonderful pictures the house will get a lot of interest and sell quickly. @Heartgrove Congratulations on the new granddaughter Jack. Looking forward to learning her name and seeing pictures when the parents are ready to share. @kochleffel Paul, I'm glad your temperature is normal and the Covid test is negative. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad the aide is back, but I'm sorry she is finding the work more difficult. I too would be worried, and would start checking on available aides just in case. I hope you and Tana have a calm and peaceful day. @Cruzin Terri Terri, thanks for checking in today. I hope you can keep your internet and power throughout the storm. @seagarsmoker Having lived in Camden for two years, I know you are far enough inland to avoid the flooding. I hope you do not have any wind damage from the storm. @marshhawk Annie, I'm sorry you are depressed, but it's understandable when you are the caregiver for a loved one, but still can't change things. I hope the oncologist's office gets back to you soon. Thanks for the pictures. HUGS! Lenda
  4. @cunnorl Charlene, have a wonderful and relaxing day on your 46th anniversary. Lenda
  5. Elizabeth, when I hurt my knee a few years ago, an elastic type, pull on knee brace made walking easier though it was still painful to walk. Apercreme helped with the pain. I found the brace needed to be tight enoungh to support the knee, but not so tight to restrict the blood flow to the lower leg. About the allergies, we've found an air purifier with a heppa filter helps. Lenda
  6. Annie, thanks for the pictures. Terri, I hope you can block any water from coming into the house. Since you will be riding the storm out at home, I wonder if it would be wise to let the police know you will be staying, and what is going on with your DH. That way, you would have someone to check on you after the storm passes. They might be able to find some volunteers to help sandbag around the house it that is needed. I hope you do not have any problems and can safely ride out the storm. Sending positive thoughts your way. Elizabeth, I hope you can stay inside in the a/c as much as possible before your allergy tests. Have you thought about changing your a/c filter? Lenda
  7. In 2019, on Veendam, we stopped in Naples three times, but the fourth time was changed to Salerno for operational reasons. That year we decided to stay in Naples except for a trip to see Herculaneum. By then, there was a tour service that would take you to Herculaneum or Pompeii, and pick you up later. For Herculaneum, it was 10 Euros pp with two hours at the site. The tour service was right outside the cruise terminal part way to the street. It was also where you could get the Ho-Ho. A few pictures of Herculaneum, which we enjoyed, probably more than Pompeii. I doubt we'll return to Pompeii because of the crowds now. This last set of pictures, yes, the last ones, combine two of our days in Naples in 2019. Part are from our Ho-Ho ride, and the rest are when we walked to Sansevero Chapel Museum which was remodeled by Prince Raimondo di of Sansevero to house sculptures of veiled figures. The main figure is the veiled Christ. The figures have a thin layer of marble over the facial features, but you can see the face through the veil, and it is all one piece of marble. It is worth a visit, but we were not allowed to take pictures inside. I would recommend getting reservations on line to avoid the long long ticket line. Chiesa del Gesu on of the many Catholic churches in Naples. The modern façade hides a Baroque interior. The rest are random pictures around Naples. Palazzo di Monteoliveto In 2019, compared to 2003, it was much safer to cross the busy street that runs between the port and the town. There was a fence between the street and the sidewalk, and traffic lights to make crossing safer. Lenda
  8. We did not get back to Naples until 2016 on Prinsendam. We took the ferry to Sorento and back that day. Once off the ferry, we first headed to the ticket booth to buy our return ticket for the 3 pm ferry. We then boarded the little bus to go to the top of the cliff. Every time we thought the bus was full, they added more people and luggage, but we finally headed up a very steep road with switchbacks. Looking down at the road Looking down at the beach and one of the many restaurants with beach access. There is an elevator that will take you down to the beach, and it was 1 or 2 Euros pp then. Naples and Prinsendam on our return ferry entering the harbor. For some reason, the ship did not leave until after dark, so we had a good view of Naples at night. In 2017, we were in Naples on Prinsendam. We took the train to Sorrento again, but stopped in Ercolano to check our Herculaneum, but we only had time to view the ruins from the street level. One reason, we did not have much time was we got off at the wrong station and had to wait for another train to get to Ercolano. From Sorrento, we took the ferry back to Naples. These are a few random pictures of Ercolano. The entrance to Herculaneum, and the ruins Lenda
  9. Well, here goes more pictures from our seven visits to Naples, and all but one was on a BHB. I was surprised this morning when I realized the two times Naples was the port of the day, I'd only posted a few pictures. We were fist there in 2002 on Noordam III about seven months after 9/11, and there were still very few tourists visiting Europe. That day, on recommendation of Barbara Haney, the wonderful travel guide, we took a taxi to the Circumnavigation train station and a train to Pompeii. That was one of the wildest taxi ride since we needed to be there in time to catch an early train. Even without tourists, the road along the waterfront going in the direction we were was stop and go. Our driver crossed over the train tracks and drove fast the wrong direction on the other side. He still had to hit the brakes a lot. That is when I discovered besides no seat belts, the back seat was not attached, and would move forward and back. However, we survived, made our train, and had a great story to tell. We did not spend as much time in Pompeii as I'd have liked, since we also planned to take the train to Sorrento before heading back to Naples. However, Pompeii was not crowded, and we covered a lot of what had been excavated at that time. Two of the amphitheaters Casts of the hollow places in the hardened ashes where people died A villa of a well to do Roman House of the Faun One of the roads with stepping blocks for the people and openings for the chariot wheels The next year on the old Regal Princess, we took the ferry to Capri. Once on the island, we took the funicular to the upper part. A narrow street The view from the upper area A peaceful garden Lenda
  10. Good afternoon from a warm, 96F, and mostly sunny central Texas. I was out working in the yard by 8:30, and it turned out to be too late to be somewhat comfortable. However, the yard was mowed and trimmed and the weeds were sprayed again. By the time I was finished mowing, I needed to sit a bit with the fan blowing on me and a wet bandana around my neck. I also use a cooling towel when I'm mowing, which helps. As usual, the wind picked up and the clouds started appearing just as I put everything away. After all the rain we had a couple of weeks ago, the grass really grew, but even with watering and no rain last week, I noticed that under the new growth the grass in the back yard was turning brown again. The good thing about Bermuda is once we get rain and it's a bit cooler, the grass will turn green again. Paul, I'm sorry you are not feeling well and have an elevated temperature. I hope the Covid tests continue to be negative. Bruce, I hope the storm does not disrupt your flights Monday. To avoid the Atlanta airport, I'd also consider a detour to Minneapolis. Glad you are having a great weekend with your family. Pennie, I'm glad your incision is looking good. Please go slow as your start moving more. Safe travels tomorrow. Terri, I will echo what everyone has said, and please, please head to higher ground before it's too late. I know that will upset your DH and make him anxious, but it would probably be just as upsetting or worse to be in the storm, flooded without power or water, and no help for a while. At least, please think about it. Annie, I'll also echo the suggestion about finding a place that will provide someone to stay with your DH when you need to run errands. The doctors' offices might have some suggestions. It would probably help you so you could have some time to yourself. While being his pharmacist is difficult, it sounds like tough love is needed so he doesn't overdose again. Thanks for the pictures of Pompeii. HUGS Carolyn, I'm glad your DBIL is home and is at least taking the blood thinners now. I hope he recovers fully, and will think about the speech and physical therapy. Linda, I hope you got the yard work done before it was too hot. Karen, our oldest DD got me to switch from Nestles chocolate chips many years ago because they use vanillin instead of vanilla She told me about Guittard chocolate chips, which are worth paying a bit more. When I can't find them, I will get Ghirardelli chocolate chips which are just about as good. Sharon, your tour in Naples looks very interesting. Thanks for the pictures from Oslo, always a great city for walking. Vanessa, I'm glad doing the maneuver and sleeping on your back helped, and you are doing better today. Roy, thanks for the good news that Paul was back in church today. Sharon, please wish Summer a VERY HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY for us. Great picture of the two of you at Pompeii. Lenda
  11. Hopefully, these are some different pictures of Naples. In 2019, on the Veendam, we were in Naples three times, and the fourth we had to dock in Salerno. The second time we were in Naples, we took the Ho-Ho as we'd never really spent time in Naples. That year, the streets were crowded but not littered with trash. I think in the past 20 years or so, Italy has cleaned up its act so to speak. These pictures are of the area in the next little bay to the left of the Castel Nuovo as you're looking at it from the dock. It is more of a residential area and not as crowded with people, but the buildings are densely packed together.. Of course, I have more pictures from Naples, Sorrento, Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Capri that I've never posted. I'll look for them after I finish the yard work, and share some if no one else has added pictures like those I have. Lenda
  12. Good morning from a clear day in central Texas. It is 74F and feels like 74F with 92% humidity and a dew point of 72F. We have a 3mph wind from the ENE that hasn't reached the neighbor's flag yet. Since I'll be out as early as possible to mow and trim, I hope the wind picks up and, humidity will continue to drop as the day warms up. Our predicted high will be 97F. For some reason the grass and especially the crabgrass really grew last week. Clouded leopards deserve a day and our help in keeping them safe. Naturally, as a chocoholic, I'll celebrate chocolate chip day, and white wine deserves a day even though I much prefer red wines. I will happily celebrate the birthday of the U. S. Coast Guard and all who serve or have served. A good quote from Dan Millman. The grilled steak kebabs and spinach salad sound good, especially if I leave out the blue cheese. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice if someone is buying. I've lost count on how many times we've been to Naples where we've seen the city and many of the surrounding sites. This day in 1944 was indeed a sad day with the betrayal of Anne Frank and her family. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope your DGD has a wonderful bridal shower today, and I'm sorry you will have to miss it. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you have pictures of your beloved antiques, and I hope the new owners will love them as much as you did. @Crazy For Cats Jake, thanks for the pictures and the great memories of Sitka. @cat shepard Ann, I hope you get rain but not the wind from the storm. And I hope all the Dailyites in the path of the storm stay safe and damage free. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad the two incidents last night were easily handled, and you were able to get back to sleep. It's amazing how our dogs know when someone needs our help. Thank you for the kind words about my pictures and memes. Since 2020, I'm doing a lot of traveling through our pictures and those others share. Here's to a calm and boring day for your household. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm sorry you are now having cable, internet and phone problems. I hope they can get them fixed tomorrow. Lenda
  13. Debbie, we had a mouse come under the storm door where it doesn't reach the threshold. As soon as it saw the dogs, who were napping, it turned around and went back out. We put a 2x4 under the door to block the "entrance". Lenda
  14. While we got rain this morning, it was not as much as it looked like we'd get from the radar image. In fact, it was enough to wet the grass and driveway, but not enough for the fancy rain gauge to register. It's still cloudy and the hourly forecast showed a chance of rain mid afternoon, but I'm not hopeful. Carolyn, I was sorry to read about your DBIL. I hope he recovers without any side effects, and the tests on his heart show nothing serious. Ann, I'm sorry Pat was not feeling well yesterday, but is better today. I hope he continues to improve and won't need to go to the hospital. I also hope you hear from the cancer clinic soon. Debbie, I hope you get rid of the mice, and the pest guy can find where they are getting inside. Lenda
  15. Good morning from a very cloudy and windy central Texas. The weather has changed today's plans for mowing and trimming the grass which has really grown this past week. We are supposed to be getting rain until about 11 am, so the mowing will be done tomorrow. It is 78F and feels like 78F. It was actually pleasant when I went outside a little while ago even with 87% humidity and a dew point of 74F. Our predicted high is 98F, and I bet it will feel muggy after the rain. Even living along the Gulf coast and the Atlantic coast, I've never heard the humidity called obnoxious like Terry @smitty34877 said, but that's a good way to describe it at times and at other times just plain nasty. No hair gloss here since I'm lucky that my hair is shinny and glossy naturally. It's been about a month since we had watermelon because we're still working on the last of the two large cantaloupes I bout a couple of weeks ago. The Coast Guard deserves a day and our gratitude. Two good quotes from Mark Twain, and they are still true. Since we have a smoker, I'll stick to my baby back ribs smoked with a dry rub. We'll pass on the drink, but the merlot would be nice, and the price is really nice. We have not been to Harstad Norway. Today marks the beginning of a well known voyage of discovery when Columbus left Spain with his three ships. A salute to the first theme park in 1946. @MISTER 67 Safe travels to Port Canaveral today, and have a wonderful time on the MSC Seashore beginning tomorrow. @kazu Jacqui, you and your helpers have made a lot of progress this week. Just make sure you take time for you and for Ivan. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I'm glad your sister has her surgery date, but I know I join both of you wishing it was sooner. A rehab facility sounds good for the help she needs. BTW, please come retrieve your crickets. I've seen two or three of them in the house the last few days. 😉 @bdrcole Thank you for the pictures from Harstad. BTW, the R class ships referred to earlier by Roy @rafinmd are four HAL ships, two of which are still in the fleet and two are now part of Fred Olsen fleet. Azamara has the old Renaissance ships which were R1 through R6 I think. That makes things confusing. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad you got a good night's sleep and I hope Chuck @catmando did too. Please have you hip checked out if it's not significantly better soon. Good luck being pharmacist. While I was typing this, it started raining. I may even be able to turn the sprinkler off for a few days. Lenda
  16. What a great story and a wonderful welcome to Taiwan, Ray. Lenda
  17. Annie, I'm glad Chuck is home, and they figured out what was causing his problems yesterday. I hope your hip is better tomorrow. Take it as easy as possible, and if there is no improvement or it gets worse, please have it looked at. Susan, I knew we needed to invest in a bubble wrap company. 😁 Lenda
  18. Paul, I hope you stay Covid free. Congratulations on booking the cruise, Ray. Lenda
  19. Linda, I hope you are enjoying a relaxing day. I hope you feel like going to the Sea Shanty night. Please wish your DSIL a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. Please wish your DS a VERY HAPPY 52ND BIRTHDAY for us. I understand how your feel. I have trouble believing my "little" girls are in 46 and 48. Elizabeth, thank you for your kind words. I enjoy sharing the pictures, especially since they bring back such wonderful memories. Lenda
  20. Here are a few pictures of Keelung when we got back from Taipei. We walked from the train station to the night market and then back to the ship. Asian night markets are always interesting. The street outside the train station. There were food vendors even before we got to the night market. We can't remember what the lady was making, but IIFC the filling was chocolate or vanilla, but don't hold me to that. A store along the way A big intersection just before the night market area. One of many "restaurants" in the market. We stopped at one and had a coke and fried vegetables, which we thought was safer. We came across this building on a side area of the night market. It is the Dianji Temple, and we went inside. You can find just about everything in the Keelung night market. Keelung from the ship as we sailed to the next port. Lenda
  21. I have a few more pictures of Taipei . mostly. Taipei, is a big, urban city with modern buildings, while Keelung is a more traditional town. These first pictures are our arrival in Keelung. The greeting "committee" The harbor from the dock. At the bottom of Taipei 101, there is a huge, modern mall with many high end stores. The display in the elevator that tracks the progress to the observation deck. DH videoed the display and said it took 37 seconds. The area around Taipei 101including sculptures of sheep. Looking up at Taipei 101 from the ground. It was difficult to get a good picture from that angle. One of the main streets in downtown Taipei as seen from the Ho-Ho. The Chiang Kei-shek Memorial is set in a big area with open spaces and gardens. Even with the city just outside it is a quiet, tranquil place. The area around the train station as we headed back to Keelung Lenda
  22. After the Coral Princess docked in Keelung, we hired a taxi to take us to Taipei in 2018, and were lucky to have a clear day. The views from the Taipei 101 Tower were amazing. When looking at the tower, it looks like it was built upside down. This is a view from the tower. This is the ballast that helps lessen the swaying of the building in high winds. After we left the Taipei 101 Tower, we took the ho-ho. We stopped at the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial. There was a big gathering where the children could do different activities and have them checked off on a form. To keep the parents there, at the end of the afternoon, there was a drawing where they gave away ten cars. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial. We did not go inside though. The crowds We took the train back to Keelung. From the train station we walked to the night market. We find Chinese night markets very interesting. Lenda
  23. Good sunny morning from central Texas. It is 80F and feels like 89F with 89% humidity since the dew point is 76F. There is a 2mph breeze from the SW, so it won't help much. Our predicted high is 101F, and our low tonight will be 80F at 7 am tomorrow. Starting next Tuesday, we'll have a string of double digit days. I guess summer is back. The only thing on the agenda is laundry and changing sheets. I may make a quick run to the dollar store just down the road. Last night, I watched the former Russian prisoners return to the US. It was a low key event, but still very nice to see. Braham Pie Day sounds good, but I'll wait to bake a pie. Dinosaurs are interesting to study. DH used CAD a lot in his business, and it made his schematics much easier to do than drawing them like he did when he first started licensing his software. An interesting quote by Virginia Woolf. The meal looks good, but I prefer a ribeye, and normally don't put anything on my steaks except seasoning before cooking. We'll pass on the drink, but might try the wine. We were in Keelung in 2018 on Coral Princess. The handover of the government in India from East India Company to the British Crown in 1858 probably didn't change much for the population of India. Interestingly, I found from many sources the first underground railway was the London metro which opened on January 10, 1863, not in 1870. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope Ren doesn't have any problems from having his wisdom teeth removed yesterday. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the information about CAD. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope your flights today are smooth and on time. Enjoy your weekend. @cruising sister Welcome home, Lorraine. I'm glad your visit to Minnesota was fun, especially for the DGC. Wishing your friend a speedy recovery from her surgery. I've learned the past two years to dress warmly for hospital waiting rooms and rooms. @superoma Eva, thanks for the information about Braham Pie Day. @dfish Debbie, enjoy the Fish Sandwich Festival today. @Heartgrove Jack sounds like an interesting way to get to Australia. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your friend has a smooth recovery after his surgery yesterday. It's too bad they could not do a bypass on the artery and save his foot. @mamaofami Carol, I'm sorry your tested positive for Covid and are battling fatigue. I hope you feel better soon. @marshhawk Annie, I hope today is a much better day. The people in the restaurant make up for a lot of the unthinking jerks in this world. You are also one of those people who go out of their way to help others. @Nickelpenny Pennie, the problem with applying gift cards to cruise fares is not new. We had the same problem when we used two gift cards for our 2025 cruise. DH called our PCC, and she was able to get the cards applied. Lenda
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