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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Ray, how nice to have a party on your 61st anniversary for family and friends at the hotel where you and Sara were married. It sounds like it was a big success. Lemda
  2. It's been a long day, but a lot was accomplished. I would have been through sooner, but neighbors stopped by to say hello, and he likes to talk more than I do. We had a nice long visit, which we enjoyed, and we caught up on a lot of what's been happening in the neighborhood while we were gone. While I was doing the unloading, DH got his telescopes unboxed and set up ready for the eclipse if it's not cloudy. He also got Starlink working. The only thing that is not completely unloaded from the motorhome is the food. I brought in what we need for a day or two, and will bring more in as needed. The cars are washed and ready to drive. Tomorrow, DH wants to take one over to W-M to have the battery replaced, and I'll tag along and do some shopping. That way, we won't need to make two trips. The next task is working on the yard before it rains Sunday or Monday. It will look a lot better once it's mowed, but there is still more that needs to be done. I guess I won't get bored for a while. Ann, I'm glad your DS is doing better and sticking with her PT. It helps that Brayden is there to push her to do what is needed. Thank you, Nancy. Since we have a house in Quartzsite too, I guess it's a bit like you and your summer cabin. We just tend to take too much back and forth even though we have duplicates of quite a bit at each house. Thank you. We intended to stay one more night on the road and arrive late morning today, but the campground did not work out. We were home well before dark though. Debbie, I'm glad the eye is getting better and looking better. It looks painful enough as it is. I hope the treatment works fast. Sharon, I am surprised there is first class between Waco and DFW. I guess they have bigger planes than what we saw a few years ago. I once flew from Dallas Love Field to Amon Carter Field in Fort Worth on a 707. Talk about a short flight. The two towns are about 30 miles apart, but Amon Carter Field was outside of Fort Worth and is now part of DFW. We just taxied, went up and then back down and did not even get close to cruising altitude. Lenda
  3. Progress is being made today. While DH got all the cars started after sitting over the winter, I got the outside compartments unloaded and all the leaves (well 99% of the leaves) and dirt blown out of the port. We also rearranged things and got the motorhome moved forward in the port so none of it is sticking out now. As soon as I finish here, I'll start unloading things from inside the motorhome. The last thing on the agenda is washing the extremely filthy cars since we didn't put covers on them this year. Graham. I'm glad Sarah is doing well and has a new boyfriend. Thanks, Graham. Ann, I hope Pat's appointments go well today. Safe travels tomorrow and no delays on the flight. Sharon, thank you. I'm not sure there is a first class on the short commuter flight to Waco. It's a very small airport, and the planes are fairly small. Lenda
  4. Prinsendam arrived in Galway on September 2, 2016, which was a cool, damp day. That did not deter us from enjoying the town. We walked around town and also took the Ho-Ho to see places away from the town center. The United Methodist and Presbyterian Church Quincentennial Fountain in Erie Square The Browne Doorway in Erie Square Erie Square Scenes from our Ho-Ho ride Towne Hall Threatre Galway Cathedral Pedestrian streets Lenda
  5. Good morning from a clear and calm central Texas. it is 48F with a predicted high of 79F. What a difference being in the western half of the Central time zone as opposed to being on the western edge of the Mountain time zone, but the time being the same as Pacific time as we were in Quartzsite. Not only is the Daily still on page 1, as I write this, but the sunrise was 7:12 am, instead of 6:19 am. Today's agenda is getting more stuff off the motorhome, blowing the leaves out of the port, and getting the port rearranged so we can move motorhome forward so the bedroom slide can be extended. Right now it's out just enough for me to squeeze through. It will be a busy few days since the yard needs a lot of work, and rain is predicted by Monday. The drive yesterday especially east of Midland was pretty with all the wildflowers along the road. This year the Texas Bluebonnets, the state flower, are doing a super bloom. My small bluebonnet patch is bigger and thicker than it has ever been. I imagine the patches of bluebonnets a couple of streets over are spectacular this year since they were pretty awesome last spring. We've owned a couple for Jeep 4x4s in the past, and they are great for back roads. Victims of Violence Wholly Day is worth honoring, and I remember watching the reports on tv of the Martin Luther King Jr. shooting. Thank you, Graham @grapau27 for the explanation. I get my vitamin C with a glass of orange juice most days. The quote is not one I can agree with. We often have leftovers, and tonight it will be more of the lasagna that I froze a week or so ago. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We were in Galway on September 2, 2016, our 49th anniversary, when we were on Prinsendam. I'll share some of my pictures in a few minutes. A good anniversary for the US Congress. @JazzyV Thank you, Vanessa, for putting our travels on the care list and our arrival home on the celebration list. @MISTER 67 Congratulations on the good round of golf yesterday under less than ideal conditions. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I'm sorry you may have to postpone one of the two needed surgeries due to insurance problems. @rafinmd Roy, I hope the echocardiogram and the cardiologist appointment go smoothly and there are no surprises. @smitty34877 Terry. you have some very nice neighbors, especially the one who let the aide park in his driveway. I'm happy that last night was much better for all and that things are calmer today. Hugs to all of you, but especially for Tana and the teenager. @Heartgrove Jack, that is good news you could get your fall travel plans arranged. Congratulations on the upcoming birth of a new grandchild. @cat shepard Ann, I know Bindi will be happy to be home again. @summer slope Dixie, thanks for the up date on Mike. I hope he continues to improve. @dfish Debbie, I hope the eye is better soon. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope Allen gets some relief soon. We used roll down sunscreens on our south patio in Quartzsite. They let us have the sunscreens down when needed but up and out of the way other times. Wow, I can't believe I made page 1. Lenda
  6. Thank you for letting us know that your DD is safe and was not in the area affected by the earthquake. Lenda
  7. We made it home about 6:40 this evening. We just got the essentials off the motohome. There is a lot more to do in the next few days in addition to grocery shopping, trying to get the yard mowed and weeds pulled before the rain starts Sunday or Monday. Plus there are a lotmof other things to taoe care of, so I'll be busy for a while. RNB, I suspected it wasn't the same person since out Robertus was going home on vacation the day we disembarked. Ray, thanks for checking in. Glad everyone is all right and glad you had a great cruise. Lenda
  8. Terry, I'm glad you willbe having help at night. Getting sleep at night will help everyone cope better. I hope the whole family will take advantage of the services of the social worker and counselor, especially the teenager. As difficult as this is for everyone, it must be extremely hard on him. Doing what Tana wants should help everyone feel less anxious. All of you are in our thoughts, especially for strength and comfort. Lenda
  9. Slight change of plans. The campground where we planned to stop did not work out. It's new with long concrete pads, but they are too narrow and not level. Someone did do their homework on what was needed. We were about 2 1/2 hours from home, so we'll be home tonight. @Norseh2o Safe travel to Arizona, and I hope all goes well this weekend. Lenda
  10. We'll be home tomorrow. We could make it today, but it would be late afternoon or early evening. This way, we'll be home early enouvh to get some things off the motorhome. Lenda
  11. Debbie, I'm glad you got your eye looked at, and I hope the antibiotics clear up the stye quicklly. Styes are no fun. That is good news you will get the nerve ablation. Lenda
  12. Good morning from I-20 east of the Midland-Odessa area. The Permian Basin oil patch is booming with a lot of traffic as in big trucks and also road work. It's a relief we are safely through that area which now extends west to well beyond Pecos. Google maps is not showing any more road work until we are off I-20 tomorrow. It is a sunny day with side wind of about 10 mph, and a temperature of 76F. That's a lot better than the past few days. It would be nice to see a Fan Dance and a rainbow. Movie scores can help set the mood of a movie. My favorite movie score is the score from "The Sting" featuring the music of Scott Joplin. Yogi Berra is my favorite "philosopher", and I love everthing attributed to him whether or not he actually said it. The meal and the wine sound good, but not the drink. We have not been to Quepos, Costa. Mobile phone technology has certainly changed in the past 51 years. @aliaschief Bruce, thank you for the pictures from Koh Samui. We enjoyed the island in 2003 when it was a subsitute port for Vietnam. @rafinmd Roy, I saw pictures last night of some of the damage from the earthquake in Taiwan. Hoping @USN59-79 Ray, Sara, and their family are all right, along with @Horizon chaser 1957's daughter. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the weather isn't too bad, and you can get to your acupuncture appointment tomorrow. I hope the acupuncture will relieve your pain. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for checking to see if I had pictures today. @grapau27 Thank you, Graham, for the information about the fan dance. @Heartgrove Jack, I hope you can easily rearrange your travel plans. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry Tana’s condition is getting worse. I'm sending positive thoughts that she can be made comfortable, and that her breathing can be eased. Hugs to you, your DD, the teenager, and especially Tana. @marshhawk Annie, I hope all goes well today at your DH's infusion, and something can be done to help him gain wait. I also hope your traveling friends are safe after the storm. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope Allen gets the medicine he needs, relief from the pain and itching, and that the biopsies come back negative. @RedneckBob RNB, I wonder if your waiter Robertus was the same Robertus we had on the Koningsdam in February in the MDR. He was wonderful. @cunnorl Charlene, I hope your DH's appointment goes well today. @Nickelpenny Pennie, that is good news you are out of your funk. Loved the rainbow pictures. Congratulations on the 100 sea days. Please forgive any typos or strange things in this post. Between typing on my tablet, it's quirks, and rough patches of roads, it's been interesting typing. And it's now good affernoon. Lenda
  13. @SusieKIslandGirl 🚢 BON VOYAGE! 🥂 🍾 Lenda
  14. Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. Please join us again. Lenda
  15. Good afternoon from Van Horn, Texas. We're finally back inthe CentalTime Zone, barely. It has been partly sunny to cloudy today with some rain showers, but not like yesterday. The wind was stronger at times today, but we've seen it a lot worse. Since we lost two hours today, we got a very early start, about 7 am MST. Ferrets are not high on my list of pets. Older DD had a friend who had a ferret, and DD said if it wasn't bathed often, it would really stink. Our grocery store in Texas and one store in Quartzsite have really nice produce, but I don't love the managers. A big no to PBandJ. I like the quote. My father always do your best. The meal might be good, and we like French toast, especially on BHBs. No to the drink, but yest to the wine. We have not been to Townsville. Jaun Ponce de Leon really got around. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry you had to walk so far which caused added pain. Thank you for putting us on the cares list. @Denise T Denise, I hope your allergies improve soon. @cat shepard Ann, I hope the ase is an interesting one. @doobieb I hope the storms are not too bad. @dfish Debbie, I hope the eye lid is better soon. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the nurse was able to help Tana, and the cough and wheezing are not too serious. Hugs to both of you. @aliaschief Bruce, please don't even think about not sharing your wonderful cruise with us. I agree with what all the others have said. Your pictures of the sinset and dinner are lovely. @summer slope Dixie, sending positive thoughts for Mike's recovery and for strength for Sue. I hope you and George are recovering well from your golf cart accident. @Mr. Boston I'm glad you are enjoying your family time. Good luck with the condo painting and sale. @ger_77 Gerry, please don't regret sharing what you did when you were with Ollie and Gord. It could not have been easy, and sharing probably helped you process the day. That's what familes are for. @marshhawk Annie, that is good news you liked the oral surgeon, and even better that he had a Plan B to help save money. I agree with you about "limp fish" handshakes. @RMLincoln Maureen, thanks for sharing the good news that Richard’s eye procedure worked and saved his sight. Positive thoughts for the same outcome formthe left eye. @AncientWanderer Maxine, I hope you can find the best possible drug to help prevent and lessen the migrainmigraines. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I hope you can find something to help with your knees. Surgery is a last resort, but sometimes a necessary one. We have many friend that had successful knee replacements. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, the stocking is coming along nicely. Great picture of Ren. I hope he and the team continue to do well. I hope everyone in the path of the storms have no problemsor damage. Lenda
  16. Good evening. We made it to Willcox, AZ, about 3:50pm. Thise was the first time heading back to Texas that we've had rain in Arizona, but it was only slightly heavy in Tucson. hopefully the predicted rain will be the last we see. The launch will be at 8:30 tonight, but that is probably too late to see it. We won't celebrate the days today. The quote is a sad reflection on MM's life. No to the meal, drink and wine. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for posting my pictures. It probably won't be easy for me to post pictures until we get back to Texas. Good for Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Jacqui, I'm happy you have a sitter for Ivan lined up. Susan, I'm glad you got to Helper safely. Maureen, I hope all goes well this week. I'm sorry your DB and niece are facing a hard decision, and condolences to all on the death in the family. Brenda, thanks for the beautiful pictures. Bruce, glad you had an easy flight to Bangkok and a wonderful night. Good to hear some good medical news. Terry, glad you had a good time and made it home safely, @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm sorry April 1 holds such sad memories for you. @ger_77 Gerry, our condolences to Ollie, her family, friends and you and Maurice on the death of Gord. Bless you Gerry for being such a good friend to them. Lenda
  17. RABBIT RABBIT WHITR RABBIT Just a quick good morning while do thle last few things before hitting the road soon. Lenda
  18. Good afternoon. This will be quick since I have a couple more trips out to the motorhome, and the clouds are looking like it could rain soon. All that can be done before tomorrow is done except closing up the computer and putting it on the motorhome. When I finish here, the computer will be shut down, and I probably won't get back on it until we get home. I'll try to post from my tablet or phone when possible. Things went so well today that I even had time to bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies for the trip home. Of course, we had to taste test some from each pan. There's nothing quite like warm chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. Jane, that is good news that you feel good and enjoyed your cruise. I'm glad the whale watching was good, especially this late in the season. Carolyn, great picture of the four of you. It looks like everyone had a great cruise. Vanessa, I'm sorry about the lack of sleep and the pain. I'm glad you and BFF went out for Easter dinner. Lenda
  19. A quick break before I get back to loading more on the motorhome. It's fairly nice outside in the sun even if it's a bit chilly for us. It's a warm day for those in the northern regions though. Ann, I hope your DD gets a good report from the doctors at the hospital Tuesday, and that you will be able to go on your cruise. Sharon, I just checked on the launch, and no date has been set for the next try. They are waiting for a report from the range. I hope we'll get to see a launch next fall when we're out here again. Thank you, Nancy, for the nice words about my pictures. We also hope we can leave tomorrow. Great pictures, Brenda. I'm very glad the falling palm frond. In 2002 in a small port in China, DH wasn't so lucky. it fell right in front of his face and the spiny edges put a gash in his forehead. We took the tissues I had in my purse and put them on the cut, then used his hat to put pressure on the tissues. The young Chinese lady on the ho-ho train wanted to take him to the hospital, but we said no. When we got back to the Volendam, we cleaned the cut thoroughly and but antibiotic ointment on it. Later he saw the ship's doctor in the elevator, and the doctor said he would have done the same thing. However, after a few strange looks from some passengers, he sent me to medical to get some very large bandages. It healed well without a scar. Sandi, I didn't see either one of us in your picture. There was such a crowd we went up the steps, took our pictures and left quickly. RNB, I look forward to reading your tale about eh medallion presentation.
  20. In 2019, the Veendam took us to Napflion in the Peloponnese. When we couldn't rent a car, we walked around town and then took the Ho-Ho which took us up to the fort overlooking the town. From our walk around town The fort from town and on the hillside. We opted to skip going into the fort. Plus the view of town from the hilltop. Town as seen from the Ho-Ho A smaller fort on the harbor Napflion is an interesting town. There are also several places to visit outside of town including Corinth. Lenda
  21. I hope all the Dailyites celebrating Easter have a wonderful day. It is a sunny and non-windy morning in Quartzsite after an afternoon and night of rain. I don't know how much rain we received since the rain gauges are already stored for the summer. It was 50F when I got up, and is now 53F with a predicted high of 66F. Unfortunately, the clouds will move back in this afternoon, and we'll get more rain overnight. The rain is supposed to end about 4am in the morning. Depending on when the rain ends and the wind conditions tomorrow, we may have to postpone leaving until Tuesday. However, I'm going to continue getting ready to leave tomorrow. I have not laid eyes on a Bunsen Burner since my last college chemistry lab class. Cesar Chavez did a lot for farm workers. I don't know any Medievalists to hug. A medievalist is a specialist in medieval culture and history. I think Stephen King is write with his quote. We'll skip today's meal and drink. The wine sounds like a winner and doesn't break the bank. We anchored in Nafplio Bay in 2019 on Veendam for our visit to Napflion. I'll retrieve my pictures shortly. The 240 BC passage of Haley's Comet must have been something intriguing to those who saw it. @RedneckBob Welcome home, RNB. @summer slope Dixie, I hope you and George are feeling better today. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your interview goes well today, but I'm glad you have several backup options even if they are not ideal. @dfish Debbie, please wish DB Jeff a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. Good luck with the Beef Wellington. @doobieb I'm sorry your DH has been diagnosed with diabetes. That is good news you have your dog sitter for your trip. @aliaschief Safe travels to Bangkok today, Bruce. I loved the pictures of Angkor Wat and how nature is reclaiming the area. @marshhawk Annie, that documentary sounds interesting, and I hope the changes work well for you. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I'm glad you are feeling better. @RMLincoln Safe travels today, Maureen. I hope your DSIL rallies. @cunnorl Charlene, please wish your DS HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm happy you are having a wonderful time with your New Hampshire family. @kochleffel Paul, I'm glad your injury is improving. From experience, I know it will take time to stop being sore. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope that what the doctors have to tell Ollie isn't bad news. I'm glad you will be with her. Lenda
  22. @sailingdutchy Tony and Martha, have a wonderful time on your cruise. Lenda
  23. Annie, I'm very sorry about your traveling friends. Alzheimer's is so sad for everyone in the family. We've had family members and friends with Alzheimer's and yes, it is harder on the caretakers and family than the patient. I hope your friend gets the help for his wife that they both need. Lenda
  24. The to-do list is considerably shorter now. However, not everything that I wanted to put in the motorhome today has made it there. Our rain came early, but during a brief time between rain spells, I got a few more things in the motorhome and put away. A few other things are in there, but not put away since it started raining again, and the high wind blew it into the door I had left open. Still tomorrow shouldn't be too bad, especially since we got the hardest chores accomplished. Paul, I'm sorry you fell. I hope you are less sore tomorrow. Bruce, all I can say is Wow, just wow. What a outstanding sunrise. Lenda
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