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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Jane, that is good news that you have an appointment for your mitral valve issue. I hope they have a solution to solve the problem. Enjoy your cruise. Seven days on a ship being pampered will do you a world of good. Pennie, that is wonderful news. A jackpot in the casino, two bingo wins, and a free cruise, way to go! Martina certainly is looking after you. Lenda
  2. A couple of hours ago we went into town to mail a letter and to stop at the dollar store. While we got about 0.3 inches of rain, it looked like town had gotten a lot more. Most parking lots and RV parks were flooded. Then another wave of rain came through just after we got home. We got some rain, but not much more. However, there was a lot of wind, and something we don't get often here -- thunder. Jake, I'm glad you and DH arrived safely even with the delayed flight, and that the pick-up at the airport went smoothly. Annie, congratulations on the sale. I hope this is a sign of things to come. Bruce, thanks for the pictures. That water looks so clear and inviting. Now, it's time to get dinner started. Since it's cool today, I thought it would be a good day to make lasagna. What we don't eat tonight, I'll cut into portions and freeze it in two portion containers. That will give us something to eat on the way back to Texas. I try not to cook on travel days. Lenda
  3. Our weather is still crazy but at least it's stopped raining, and in spite of the forecast showing cloudy all day, the sun made an appearance. Now, we are alternating between a lot of sun and a lot of clouds. We got 0.28 inches of rain, which the weeds that were missed by the hula ho are standing tall today. Little do they know there will be a shower of ground clear in a day or two. Right now, our temperature is 63F, which is higher than predicted. By next week we'll be in the 70s and 80s until about the time we head back to Texas. Joy, I hope things will be better for you, Allen and all your friends. Karen, enjoy your lunch with your friends and the nice weather. Vanessa, I'm glad the cold and cough are finally clearing up, and that your got some sleep. Maureen, thanks for the update on your DSIL. I know you will enjoy the visit with the newlyweds tomorrow. Brenda, thanks for the picture of the sunrise. The mountains with the snow are lovely. Lenda
  4. We have visited Trondheim twice, in 2005 on Marco Polo and in 2011 on Prinsendam. On those visits, we wandered around and took a tour offered by the visitor's office. In 2011 while on the Prinsendam, the local tour took us to a park that had a collection of old buildings on display, including a small Stave church. The altar in the church, the roof trusses, the door, and a side view. An ancient boat We also visited the fortress, but my pictures are the same as @StLouisCruisers Sandi's. The next two are from a high point over looking the town and port. Scenes from our walks around town. The rest of the pictures are duplicate of those already posted. A band marching through town. The view from the ship as we sailed. Lenda
  5. Good morning from a wet Quartzsite. Yes, it's finally raining and it looks like it will last a few more hours. Today is house cleaning day, so I don't need to be outside anyway. It was 49F when I got up, and it looks like we'll only reach 56F this afternoon and tomorrow. What is with the winter weather? It seems appropriate that it is Brutus Day on the Ides of March. I think I'll skip the other two days. The Ralph Waldo Emerson quote is very true. We'll pass on the meal. I used to make the sweet potato casserole at Thanksgiving, but no body really liked the marshmallow topping. Baked sweet potatoes with butter or air fryer sweet potatoes are good though. We'll skip the drink, but the wine sounds nice. We have visited Trondheim twice. It's a lovely, walkable city once you get there from the port. Three more interesting days in history. My favorite is the beginning of professional baseball. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I'm glad you got the ticket issue resolved. Yikes on the power outage. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad your DGD is feeling much better in her new apartment. I'm glad your arm is better. @AncientWanderer Maxine, I hope you can get your plans for the Japan cruise switched around. @cat shepard Ann, I hope Bindi will have a better day and settle back down. Thanks for reminding us that tomorrow is the 4th Anniversary of the Daily. Where would we be without Rich and the Daily? @Nickelpenny Congratulations on the big jackpot win. Are you going to take your winnings and book another cruise today? @Denise T Denise, I'm glad Fiona is back to her self today. I hope Chase is doing well today. @dfish Good luck at Farkle tonight. Given the two dinner options, I'd hope for KFC. @quilty964 Karen, I hope your DH has a good report from the doctor today. I also hope Cooper feels better soon. @superoma Eva, thanks for the picture of the wild turkeys. I haven't seen one since my grandparents moved from the farm into town. @Mr. Boston I'm glad you are feeling a little better today. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope you don't have trouble getting the credit card charge reversed. Lenda
  6. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I hope your cruise is everything you want it to be. Lenda
  7. Welcome back, Kathi. I'm very happy to see you will be cruising, and I hope you will keep us posted on your cruise.
  8. Good afternoon from a still chilly and windy Quartzsite. After another five hours work, the weeding is finished. DH sharpened the hula ho a few times, which helped, but it's still impossible to get all the weeds up. Once the wind stops blowing, I'll get out and spray the ground clear, and I plan to mix the concentrate extra strength. I'll also rake to rocks to get them back into place. We never reached our predicted high of 63F. In fact, the temperature never got out of the 50s, which is very unusual for this time of year. It is normally in the 70s and 80s in March. I was lucky that the predicted rain did not materialize. Just before I went out to start the weeding, I tried to post, but a weird thing happened. The external keyboard I use with the laptop quit working. I finally had to just shut the computer down. When I turned it back on a little while ago, everything was back to normal. I suspect it might have had something to do with the update to the computer yesterday. My Sony computer does not always play well with Microsoft after an update, but this was something new. Elizabeth, that is weird. It sounds like a very controlling husband. I wonder if the wife does not drive since she didn't have a car key. We both have a key to all our cars and motorhome. Safe travels to Hawaii tomorrow. I hope the predicted rain is just passing showers. Thank you, Elizabeth. I'm glad you like the pictures, and I hope they inspire you to travel to far away places. Vanessa, I'm sorry about your cough and the lack of sleep last night. I hope the leg pain isn't coming back, and I'm glad what you are experiencing now isn't as bad as before and goes away quickly. Thank you for your nice comments on my pictures. Thank you, Graham. I try to say something about the pictures since I always like to know what I'm seeing. Denise, I'm glad Chase did well with the surgery and hope his recovery goes smoothly. I hope heart murmur and the enlarged heart do not cause him any problems. I also hope the biopsy shows the mass was benign. Jake, I'm sorry things aren't going smoothly as you prepare for your cruise. I hope things go better when you begin your travels. Ann, I'm so glad your DS is settled and liking Encompass. They had lunch waiting when DH was admitted too. I'm glad she could shower and wash her hair and is getting a good night's sleep. Knowing how much better Encompass was than anything else available, especially what was available in our little town, kept the hour plus drive each way from being a problem. I'm glad hope you are feeling better. From your post, it sounds like the meds, etc., are working. Now, it's time to go shower and then get supper started. At least, supper is easy tonight. We're having air fryer fried chicken, and deviled eggs which are made. I think I'll also add some air fryer fried okra too. Lenda
  9. These are just a few of our pictures walking around town. Both times we walked around town were on Sunday, and the weather was less than ideal. View from Prinsendam across the bay Town Another view from the ship The lighthouse and headland as we sailed toward the next port Lenda
  10. We have been to Lerwick three times, and in 2003, we had to miss it. The Rotterdam was caught in a bad storm between Greenland and Canada for two days, so we had to cut one port. Our first visit was in 2009 on the Tahitian Princess, and we took the tour to Scalloway Castle. In 2017, we were in Lerwick twice on the Prinsendam. The first time we walked around town, which being there on a Sunday, meant most stores were closed. The second time, we rented a car and drove around the island. I'll post pictures of our walk around town in another post. These are from our drive around the island. Sumbergh Head and the lighthouse Jarlshof, the site of the remains of a Viking village To get to the southern tip of the island and Sumbergh Head, you had to drive across the airport runway, so the road was closed when a plane was landing or taking off. Scenery along the road heading back to Lerwick and the part of the island north of town. A couple of interior pictures of Scalloway Castle Scenes from the northern part of the island Lenda
  11. Good morning from a cloudy and windy, 13 mph, Quartzsite. It is 54F and we'll reach a high of 63F this afternoon. At least, I shouldn't get too hot finishing the weeding this afternoon. Thankfully, it will stay cloudy because I won't be able to wear my sun hat or I'd be spending most of the time chasing it. It looks like it will remain cloudy through Saturday, with a chance of rain tomorrow and Saturday. I'm not holding my breath for rain since many times the rain reaches the Colorado River and then goes either north or south of us. I guess I'll have to wait until next week when the wind is predicted to be lower to spray the ground clear. HAPPY PI DAY! No pie today. With a second birthday cake to finish, we'll have to wait on having pie. I'll celebrate scientists and geniuses today. I ask questions when I don't understand something, and learned early that teachers should not tell fifth graders they ask too many questions. The quote of the day sounds like Joan Rivers. The meal sounds good, and I think I'd try the first recipe Debbie @dfish found for us. We'll pass on the drink, and I'd like to try the wine. We have been to Lerwick several times, once on Tahitian Princess and the rest on Prinsendam. Three interesting days in history. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the explanation of the days. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, please wish your DB a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. When I had my two shingles shots last year, my arm was sore, red and warm to the touch for a few days. I've been told such reactions mean your body is building up immunity. @cat shepard Ann, I hope your DS is comfortable in Encompass. @Denise T Denise, I'm glad Fiona is feeling better. I hope Chase recovers quickly from his toe amputation, and that the biopsy comes back clear. @smitty34877 Terry, it is interesting watching a scene being filmed, and it's amazing how many takes the do before the director is satisfied. @dfish Debbie, it's nice that Senior Services will install safety features for seniors for free. There are some advantages of being a senior even when we don't feel like one. @aliaschief Bruce, the menu for the dinner with the Captain looks wonderful. Great picture of you. @marshhawk Annie, I'm sorry yesterday was not a good day for either of you. Can you cancel the order for the checks? if not, I think you could just shred one batch, but check with the bank. I hope you get the phone bill worked out. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope your headache clears up soon. I hope the EMG goes well, and that the rain isn't too hard when you have to be driving. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope your DH's blood test shows the dye is out of his system. @richwmn Rich, I was happy when I read your post on yesterday's Daily that the ship was cleared for Bora Bora. @Mr. Boston Please wish your DM a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. Lenda
  12. @bennybear Brenda, I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Lenda
  13. Good afternoon. I got about half of the lot inside the fence cleared of weeds, or at least 95 percent cleared. It's hard to see some of the little ones in the rocks. I had to stop for about an hour while DH sharpened the hula ho, It took awhile to find what he needed for the job. The rocks and tough weeds make it hard to keep it sharp. I also took time to move a lot of things stored behind the sheds, mainly the just in case things that are too big for the storage sheds. These tend to trap a lot of debris, and it had been several years since I worked on cleaning that area. Tomorrow should be easier once DH sharpens the hula ho, again. After that, all that will remain is to rake the rocks back into place and spray ground clear. Great pictures as usual, Brenda. Graham, the roast and Yorkshire pudding look so good, and a lot better than the Yorkshire pudding on Koningsdam. It was tough and basically inedible. I really liked the Sunday roast and Yorkshire pudding we had on P&O Oriana. Denise, I love the painting. Paul, thanks for the pictures and information on the nature center. It's time to start dinner. Thank goodness for leftovers. Lenda
  14. Good morning from sunny Quartzsite where it is 50F with a light wind. Our predicted high will be 75F with 10 to 14 mph winds. It should be a good day to get rid of more of the weeds. The weeds are beginning to show signs of dying, but I think that is due to warmer, drier weather and not all the chemicals I've sprayed on them. Once the majority of the weeds are gone, I'll do one more round of ground clear on the lot. Since I use my stapler so seldom, I'm always surprised when it is empty. I like the idea behind International Every Girl Winds Day, and thank you, Graham, @grapau27 for the information on this day. I'll salute our K-9 Veterans who are now getting better treatment after they have finished their service. I think Oscar Wilde was on to something with today's quote. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. We've had the Mark West Pinot Noir, which is available on HAL ships, and it was good, just not my favorite Pinot Noir. We have not been to Aomori, Japan. Three good days in history with two involving astronomy. We visited the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff and saw the telescope Clyde Tombaugh used when he discovered Pluto. Unfortunately, I don't have any digital pictures. @seagarsmoker I hope the periodontal appointment goes well today. @Denise T Denise, I'm glad Fiona seems to be doing better and is eating a bit on her own. I hope she continues to improve. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I'm sorry the "meeting" fell through yesterday, and I hope you get some answers soon. I also hope your sinuses clear up soon. @Heartgrove Jack, I'm very happy Sam is still doing well. It's interesting that the dealership has follow up training on the various systems on the car. @Mr. Boston I hope you feel better soon. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad the dogs have accepted the film crew. It should be interesting watching all the activities. @ger_77 Gerry, enjoy the birthday dinner with your friends. @cat shepard Ann, I'm glad there is now a time for your sister's transfer. If things go as they did for DH, today will be getting her settled in her room and letting her rest after the transfer. Tomorrow, the PT and OT sessions will be evaluations to see where she is and what they need to work on to get her ready to go home. With three hours of PT and OT spread out during the day, they will keep her busy. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope things turn around for Allen soon. First, that the sodium pills help and that there are no side effects. Also that the dermatologist will be able to see Allen soon. I also hope Ron's PET scan goes well and does not hold any surprises. @summer slope Dixie, I'm sorry about the bone spurs, and I hope the dentist can take care of them without much trouble or pain. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope the Z-pack helps clear up the cough and you feel better soon. I'm sorry you have missed seeing your UK friends, and hope you feel like seeing them before they leave. We heard about the explosion on the news last night. What a terrible thing to happen. @Cruzin Terri Terri, thank you for the belated birthday wishes. I hope your appointments go well today. Lenda
  15. @grapau27 Pauline, I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Lenda
  16. Yes, it was very good. DH has perfected the art of grilling a steak. His are always better than those in the Pinnacle. Lenda
  17. A lovely picture of a lovely family. Welcome to The Fleet Report/Daily. Please join us often. Lenda
  18. Good afternoon. As soon as I finish here, I'm taking my book outside for a couple of hours. then DH is going to grill a ribeye for us to share, while I bake two potatoes and throw a salad together. We talked about going out for dinner but decided to have a nice dinner here. Besides, the restaurant we were considering does not serve wine. Such a first world problem. Denise, I hope Fiona is better by now and is eating. Thank you, Fred. Thank you, Vanessa, for the birthday wishes. Ann, the pictures from Butchart's Gardens are lovely. HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY to Oskar. Brenda, the sunrise pictures are wonderful. Thank you for the birthday wishes. HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY to your granddaughter. March 12 is a good day to be born, and it looks like a popular day too. Maxine, thank you for the birthday wishes. Terri, I'm glad you were finally told what was causing some of the problems, but that should have been one of the first things that you were told. I hope the new regimen will help your a lot. Ann, I'm glad your sister will be going to Encompass tomorrow. If that facility is like the one in Waco, which I'm sure it is, you won't have any worries. Someone is always cleaning, and the nurses and support staff are very attentive and caring. There is no excuse for the conditions your sister faced in the present facility. Someone should let the hospital know that place is not on to keep on their list. Lenda
  19. Graham, they must have been very and are unhappy and sad people. Like others have said, it's time to forgive them and then move on. I know in your case it will be a challenge since you live next door. And it will be even more difficult for Sarah to come to terms with not only her father's death, but that he did not want to say goodbye to her. She is lucky to have her "real" parents and her friends there to support and love her. I hope she will be able to forgive them someday and to move on with her life. Sarah also has the entire Daily family supporting her. Karen, thank you for the birthday wishes. Very true words, Debbie. Joy, thank you for the birthday wishes, and they were not belated. Today is my birthday, with all the other March 12 birthdays on The Daily, I'm on good company. Graham, the more I hear about them, the more I'm glad they are not my neighbors. You have more tolerance than I do. I'm very happy that all of us on The Daily have contributed to your well being. @Vict0riann Ann, thank you for the birthday wishes. Lenda
  20. Good morning from a sunny Quartzsite. It was 49F when I got up at 7 am and it is now 54F. We are headed to a high of 75F this afternoon with less wind than yesterday. When I finish here, DH is taking me out for a drive-thru breakfast. Equal pay sounds like a no brainer, but we still have a ways to go before women receive equal pay for the same work. I was a Girl Scout as were the DDs. All I'll say is my side of the home office here and in Texas is pretty organized, and DH has worked on his side so it's better. 😁 An interesting quote from Vladimir Nabokov, but like Roy @rafinmd I want to wait a long time to find out if the second part is true. The meal sounds interesting, but we'll pass on that and the drink. The wine sounds like a good one. We have been to Edinburgh several times, but since we were on Prinsendam, we always docked in Rosyth. I guess we were near Newhaven when we toured the Britannia. I'll celebrate the three days in history. @kazu Jacqui, I loved the Request From the Rainbow Bridge even though it brought tears to my eyes. @MISTER 67 Wow on your DS and DDIL's flight delays. I'm glad the finally made it home safely. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope all goes well with the meeting, and that those who think it's a raise and/or a promotion are correct. I hope the new exercise helps the should and that the pain goes away soon. @aliaschief Thanks for the great pictures of all the different tribes, Bruce. @smitty34877 Terry, I love the picture of Miss Camilla cooking with her dad. She is still our little cutie, but not so little anymore. Her dad is brave to put on the matching apron, much less share a picture of him wearing it. @marshhawk Annie, your post last night was not inappropriate, and there are times we just have to get things out. I'm sorry Chuck's surgery did not fix the problem, and that now he is in pain on top of the the fuzziness. I'm also concerned about his weight loss. @ottahand7 Nancy, the southwest birthday card was beautiful. @grapau27 Graham, I'm so very sorry that Pauline's sister chose not to reconcile with the family. It's her loss, but I know it affected both of you deeply. @cat shepard Ann, I hope your DS will be moved to Encompass soon. Yesterday, DH expressed the same hope to me, and he has first hand knowledge of the good work and great care the provide. Lenda
  21. @VMax1700 Please wish your DW a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. Lenda
  22. Before I get into my normal morning post, I want to thank everyone who has sent me birthday wishes. It is heartwarming to receive so many wonderful Happy Birthdays, especially from such a great group of people. Thanks to @puppycanducruise Melanie, @smitty34877 Terry, @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, @rafinmd Roy, @StLouisCruisers Sandi, @cat shepard Ann, @summer slope Dixie, @aliaschief Bruce, @grapau27 Graham, @Denise T Denise, @cunnorl Charlene, @dfish Debbie, @kazu Jacqui, @seagarsmoker J. Brown, @quilty964 Karen, @marshhawk Annie, @Mr. Boston, @ger_77 Gerry, @RMLincoln Maureen, @1ANGELCAT , @superoma Eva and @VMax1700. I hope I didn't miss anyone. I would have liked to thank everyone individually, but I was afraid that would make the Daily way to long. Lenda
  23. @Overhead Fred Fred, please wish Mitzi a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, on a great day to be born. Lenda
  24. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I'm so very sorry about Martina's passing. It's hard enough when we are with our fur babies as they cross the Rainbow Bridge. I can't imagine how hard this is for you, and for the young man who was taking care of Martina. The way he took care of her afterwards, and the memorial show how much he cared about Martina, too. Hugs to you. Lenda
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