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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. That's what I suspected. Witness protection program? Lenda
  2. Debbie, you're lucky we don't "shoot the messenger" here. I appreciate the carrots, and I'll take your carrots and let you have my butternut squash. OMG is right RNB. We did spend a lot of time in the Crow's Nest, especially since we did not have a balcony. I also spent time up there with my Kindle and iPad, usually on the starboard side. We also played trivia every day, and one of our teammates was named Bob, but he was a friend of many years from the Seattle area. Eva, I hope your DD makes it home before there is a lot of snow. Brenda, that is just too cold for anyone. Vanessa, I hope you get some good not restless sleep tonight. I'm glad the Cymbalta seems to be lessening the pain, and I hope it continues doing so. I hope our areas of Texas are spared the worst of the storm. Karen, I hope you stay safe from the storms and don't lose power. I'm sorry you are sick, and hope you feel better soon. Lenda
  3. Since we usually do b2b2b2b... cruises, we've been to Sitka 12 times on the 14 day Alaska cruise. It is one of my favorite Alaskan ports and one of the prettiest. We've been to the Fortress of the Bears twice and the Raptor Center at least three times. My pictures are from all our cruises. I found in looking at the pictures, on each visit after the first two or three times, I took fewer and fewer pictures. There is a statue of Alexander Baranof near the Ceremonial Hall. On one of our 2010 visits the statue was on a pedestal, but by 2015 it had been lowered and moved. Meet Volta, the mascot of the Raptor Center. It's his picture on the t-shirts and on the wall behind him. This is along the forest path between the Raptor Center and the Totem Park On our first visit in 2010, we took a wildlife small boat tour, and these are from the boat. In later visits, as we explored further from downtown, we saw the National Cemetery. On an early visit we toured the Bishop's House, which is now run by the National Park Service. They left two rooms partially restored so visitors could see some of the construction details. The Bishop's private chapel One of the old Russian blockhouses on the island The Cable House near downtown The inside of St. Michaels Cathedral We were told it is considered good luck when the eagles perch on the cross on top of the Cathedral. We've seen a bird there twice and once saw an adult and a juvenile eagle at the same time. A plaque commemorating the 250th anniversary of the 1741 Russian expedition One of the many sculptures of marine animals found along the path between the road and the harbor. The Episcopal Church is in the background. On our third visit to Sitka in 2015, the Statendam docked at the new cruise dock instead of tendering. It is a nice dock and building, even if it is out of town. The drive to and from the new dock gives a good picture of the rest of the island. This was Statendam's last call to Sitka. When she got back to Seattle, she then headed to Singapore for a drydock before joining P&O Australia. Lenda
  4. Good morning from a sunny, windless, cold day in Quartzsite. It was 31F when I got up an hour ago, and it is now 32F. Our predicted high will be 57F. It seems that USPS has finally gotten it's act together. Yesterday, the Yuma PO sent our mail back to Phoenix, and this morning it arrived in Quartzsite. We still won't go into town until later this afternoon to give them time to get it in the box. At least, the mail didn't go to Florida on the way to Arizona like it did one time. Otherwise, I have laundry to occupy my time today. Someone else can have my curried chicken. I don't know anyone ginger to kiss, but I do like hot tea on occasion. I like the Phillip Green quote, but feel sometimes it's easier said than done. Also, someone else can have my curried butternut squash. When I saw butternut squash again, I wondered if I'd start dreaming I was being chased by a large butternut squash. We'll also pass on the drink and the wine. We have been to Sitka several times, and I'll retrieve my pictures next. Another two important days in history that helped shape the world. @seagarsmoker Good luck with the second interview today. I hope it goes very well. @rafinmd Roy, I hope your physical and treatment both go well today. @kazu Jacqui, stay safe today as you run your errands. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope you both stay safe and warm as you run your errands today. I hope your DH can see the chiropractor today and that the visit will help his back. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope home you make it home safely Sunday. It looks like the bad weather won't start until that night. Or you could see if you could stay on board for another cruise. @dfish Debbie, don't go to the trouble of finding every butternut squash recipes for me. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope you are not impacted very much by the storm. @kazu I hope whoever is getting the kickback for promoting butternut squash is paid with butternut squash. @tupper10 I'm sorry your DM is having cognitive and memory problems. I hope you can get the banking straightened out. @RMLincoln Maureen, good luck at the DMV. It's never a fun process. To all the Dailyites in the path of the storm barreling across both countries, please stay safe. I hope no one is adversely impacted by the storm. Lenda
  5. Debbie, if you lookat my post carefully the operative word in each scenario is IF. The fun is usually one or two IFs do not apply. Yes, aprons help if you remember to wear them. I saw pictures of the ship, and I think it's ugly, plus too big and too many people. Annie, we actually trimmed one of our daughter's cat's fur. He was a Maine coon and it was a hot summer in Texas. It did cut down on the shedding some. I tried putting my list on my phone, but it is easier to write it on the note pad in the kitchen instead of looking for my phone, which I've been known to forget too. Lenda
  6. We drove into the PO just in case. The mail still isn't here, and no telling when it will show up. We talked about me talking to someone to see if they could help, but the line for the one person working the counter was out the door into the lobby. I decided not to wait since I was pretty sure the answer would be what it's been in the past when the mail is AWOL -- they can't do anything. Roy, I hope all goes well with your annual physical and the treatment tomorrow. Jake, that is perfect for this group. I teared up when I saw your earlier meme even though it's been 16 years since our last fir baby crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Yes, they were loved, hugged and told they were loved often. Sandi, I'm glad your package finally showed up. We are not fond of flying, but if the cruise is right, we'll do it. Of course, we haven't flown since 2019, and we're not sure when we will again. Lenda
  7. Eva, I have several aprons including a couple from the Culinary Arts Center. I just need to remember to wear them. 🤣 At least, tomorrow is laundry day and I can get rid of the evidence. Jacqui, I've left the lists at home many, many times. Sometimes, if it is a short list, I can recreate it, but others I just wing it. Then I go back the next day to get what I forgot. 😁 Terri, I'm sorry that your worst fears came true. From some of the things you said, I was afraid that was the case. I hope that since he is in the very early stages, the mental and physicals activity and the medicine will help slow the progression, and that you have more good years. ((((((HUGS)))))) Lenda
  8. That's why I make a list. It helps if I remember the list, remember to put everything on the list, and double and triple check the list before I leave the store. Lenda
  9. It turns out I'm also a messy cook, not just a messy baker and painter. I figured today would be a good day to make pizza for dinner. Bubbling pizza sauce and white t-shirts don't go together. My shirt is now dotted with pizza sauce, and the sauce even bubbled up and hit the glass on the door to the microwave above the stove top. This afternoon, I'll get to put on the messy baker hat when I make the pizza dough. Jacqui, I'm glad they postponed your appointment. I only work on the cables when DH is around to see what we can eliminate, then I try to reroute the cables where they are not in a big mess. Tony, thanks for the pictures form Nha Trang. Safe travels to you and Martha, and have a wonderful cruise. Annie, I hope you can get the comforter washed without another flood. Your October vacation spot looks very relaxing. Vanessa, I'm glad you are getting a little more sleep, and I hope the amount of sleep increases. Sandi, I hope your family is safely in Houston, and that they brought their winter coats. Texas is going to get hit by the winter storm, and I don't know how far south in the state it will reach. Congratulations on booking the 2026 cruise, and getting your friends to join you. Lenda
  10. Good morning from a cloudy and windy Quartzsite. It is currently 51F with a 18mph wind. We got a few sprinkles, but there were some very dark clouds to the north a bit earlier. It looks like we missed the chance for more rain. The wind will reach 24mph this afternoon with a predicted high is 57F. Unless our mail arrives today, I don't think we'll be going anywhere. The mail was sent from Texas on Friday, but somehow Monday it wound up in Yuma, and since then the tracking says in Yuma, preparing for delivery. Yuma is about 80 miles south of Quartzsite. At least, UPS and FedEx mostly deliver on the day they are supposed to even if it is after dark. None of our family smoke, but we know some people who do smoke, just not close friends. I hugged DH earlier, but we'll skip the hot toddy. Today's quote is interesting, but I don't think it's entirely true. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. In 2018, we were fortunate to call at three ports in Vietnam, but none were Nha Trang. @StLouisCruisers Sandi and @MISTER 67 thank you for sharing your pictures. The first demonstration of sending telegraph messages by Morse Code, the development of insulin and the Surgeon General's warning about smoking are definitely important days in history. @Cruzin Terri Terri, best wishes for the appointment for your DH today. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad the second treatment went well and the only side affect is being sleepy. @seagarsmoker I'm glad you are feeling better. Good luck with the second interviews next week. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, please wish Ren a VERY HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY from us. Safe travels for all your family members flying or driving in this weather. @Denise T Congratulations on the low fasting blood sugar numbers. The hard work is paying off. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your appointment was rescheduled. You don't need to be out in the weather you're having. I loved the last meme because we could disappear in the wires and cables behind our TVs. When possible, I'm trying to get them untangled. @Crazy For Cats Jake, that saying about our pets is so true and heartfelt. Thank you for sharing it. @dfish Debbie, I'm sorry River won't be with you and Sue this weekend, but everyone's safety comes first. @ger_77 Gerry, I know you will enjoy the refreshed kitchen cabinets when you get back from your cruise. @smitty34877 Terry, enjoy your visit with your DB and DSIL today. @marshhawk Annie, I'm sorry you are in a funk. You are not the most hated person. I wish for your sake you and your DH didn't smoke for your health's sake. You bring a lot of wisdom and laughter to us on The Daily and are an important part of The Daily family. @aliaschief Enjoy your Panama Canal transit. Thanks for the pictures. Lenda
  11. Terri, glad you had an easier drive home today, and made it safely. I'm sending positive thoughts for the appointment tomorrow that it goes well and that both of you can handle whatever you learn, and for strength for both of you going forward. Remember we're all here for you and will support you anyway we can. Lenda
  12. Debbie, hope it doesn't rain everyday, but anything would be better than the winter the northern areas and Canada are having. Fortunately, the rain we've experienced has not been all day. It will be a great trip because we will be on a BHB. Lenda
  13. Beautiful house plants, Brenda. Stay safe and warm. Melisa, thank you for letting us know what has been happening. I wish there was more that we could, but glad that knowing we are here and willing to help plus keeping you and your DH in our thoughts helps you. ((((((HUGS)))))) Bruce, congratulations on the new cruise for next year. It sounds like you are having a wonderful cruise. Debbie, congratulations on a great upsell offer. You'll enjoy the balcony. Lenda
  14. Good morning from a cold, sunny and not windy Quartzsite. It is 38F and will get to 60F this afternoon. Not much on the agenda today, just some odds and ends that need be done. Everyone knows I'm a chocoholic, but even I'm not fond of bittersweet chocolate. I managed to keep a couple of houseplants alive until we started traveling more. We try to cut our energy costs, but with rising electric rates that is not always possible. Today's quote is probably true for many people, but I don't think it applies to the Dailyites. The meal sounds good, but we'll skip the drink and the wine. We have not been to Sasebo, Japan, which is about 48.5 miles from Nagasaki which we've visited twice. I'll save those pictures until Nagasaki is the port of the day again. Three interesting and important days in history. They all changed the world in their own way. @ocean sounds I hope the winter storm is not too bad where you live. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry about your fall and the injury to your elbow and arm, but I'm glad nothing was broken. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you made it through the storm safely. @Denise T Denise, I'm sorry your front screen door was damaged last night, but glad everyone including Fancy came through unscathed. @cat shepard Ann, that tornado in the picture looks scary. I'm glad none of the funnel clouds touched down. @ger_77 Gerry, I'm glad you can ride out the Alberta Clipper safely at home. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you and Sue are staying home today. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad your power did not go out during the storm. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm glad you are sleeping better lately. I hope you hear from the radiologist soon, and can get an appointment soon afterwards. I hope the contractor agrees with the estimate. Lenda
  15. Terri, I'm glad they could remove the lesions with cryotherapy. I hope your doctor has some ideas about what is causing your pain and ways to help alleviate it. Safe travels home tomorrow. Lenda
  16. Ann, I'm glad you are safe and have gotten the all clear. Charlene, glad you are safe and have the storm shutters down. I hope you get the all clear soon. I agree about the private equity buying out not only medical practices, but hospitals. We've had one doctor that never looked up from his computer, and that was the last time we saw him. We used the nurse practitioner after that. Out Texas PCP left a practice to start his own because the owner cared more about the bottom line. A few years later, a regional hospital bought out that practice. At least, it was not a private equity firm. Our PCP's practice is thriving. I hope everyone in the path of the storms remains safe and their power stays on. Lenda
  17. Good afternoon from a sunny and pleasant Quartzsite. It is about 55F but in the sun without wind, it is not bad outside. We made it Parker and back, and I finally have everything put way. Now I just need to get the chicken in the oven in a few minutes. I'm making chicken thighs cooked in a mushroom soup mixture that will be served with rice. We'll also have Watergate Salad and wine. Karen, I hope the storm does not affect you any more than it has already. I hope you don't lose power and your pump does not freeze. I'm glad your DS will check on it for you. Terri, thank you for letting us know you made it safely to Jacksonville. I know that is a relief. I hope the procedure goes smoothly this afternoon. Caron, I'm glad the cruise is going well and that you are having fun with other Dailyites. I'm looking forward to our Hawaii cruise and meeting Daily friends in person. Debbie, I'm sure you are heartbroken you can't be out there shoveling snow with Sue. 😁 Vanessa, I'm glad you got more sleep and that the Cymbalta might be beginning to work. It is good news the insurance will pay for the mitigation work. Sometimes ports are what you make them, and that was the case for me with Corinto. If I know it is a poor country with friendly people, then I can try to see it with a different eye. Of course, sometimes that does not work. I just find it interesting to see other places and cultures. It helped that I had read about Corinto and the school that was adopted several years ago by Captain Albert and his crew. We even drove by the school, but I couldn't get a good picture of it. Lenda
  18. We have been to Corinto and to Leon. Our first stop was in 2015 on Statendam. One time to Leon was enough, as there is not much to see. In 2020, we stayed in Corinto both times on our b2b Panama Canal cruise on Rotterdam. Corinto is not the greatest port, but we felt safe, and the people are friendly. We took one of the bicycle taxis for a tour of the town, then walked around a little. The stop of the west bound portion of the cruise was on a day the town was having a fiesta, which we found interesting. You can call me odd, but I actually enjoyed Corinto more than I did Leon. You just need to remember that Nicaragua is a very poor country. I think HAL and other cruise lines stop there to help boost the economy. These are some pictures from Leon. You could go on the roof of the church, which DH did, but I stayed in the square which was hot. To walk around the roof on the path that was laid out, you had to take your shoes off. Our last stop on the tour was the steaming mud pots with the volcano in the background. These are some pictures from Corinto. Both days, we were only off the ship a little more than an hour. The local church Some of the local vendors during the fiesta. Lenda
  19. Good morning from a cold Quartzsite. It was 30F when I got up and DH just said it is now 32F. Fortunately, it is sunny and there is only light light wind of 3 mph. It is predicted to warm up to 55F and for the winds to remain about 3-4 mph. It won't be too bad later, and we may head to Parker to W-M. I will salute balloon ascension day. When we first started spending winters in Quartzsite there was a big gathering of balloons, and we had several go over our motorhome when we camped in the desert. There was also a balloon glow one night, and once one of the balloons got away and headed toward the mountains to the west. I'm not sure what happened to the balloon, and all my pictures are non-digital. I will also honor choreographers, and I like apricots but have not had any in a long time. I like today's quote, and both DH and I carry a Swiss Army knife in our pockets. Minestrone soup sounds good, but I won't be making it. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds like a winner. We have been to Corinto three times on Panama Canal cruises. Three interesting days in history, with one being a rather sad day because of the outcome. @Crazy For Cats Jake again our condolences to you and Juan on Amelia's passing. It is good that it was quick and she did not suffer. @grapau27 As usual, Graham, thank you for the information about today's days. @Cruzin Terri Terri, safe travels, and good wishes that everything goes well today with the procedures and bloodwork. @Haljo1935 I saw the news about the hotel explosion in Fort Worth. I'm glad there were not fatalities. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope you stay safe during the storm and that the power outages are at a minimum at worst. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope all goes well for you during the storm. The meme is so true about drivers in the south unless they have spent time in the northern regions and learned to drive in sleet, ice and snow. @marshhawk Annie, I'm sorry the doctors visit was so bad yesterday. I hope your DH can get dismissed from jury duty when court resumes. @dfish Debbie, if I were Sue, I'd be doing a happy dance that I didn't have to use The Beast. @RMLincoln Maureen, changing addresses, etc., should not be that difficult. Thank you for the amazing pictures of Balloon Fiesta. @TAW1963 Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. @rafinmd Roy, thanks for the report about your treatment yesterday. I hope the treatments slow the growth or shrink the tumors. Congratulations to all the Michigan fans on their win. Lenda
  20. Jake, I'm so very sorry that Amelia crossed the Rainbow Bridge tonight. She was a beautiful girl, and I know you and Juan will miss her terribly. Hugs to both of you as I know she and your fur babies were and are a big part of the family. Lenda
  21. Roy, I glad there were not problems today, but I'm sorry you were on the table longer than expected. I hope by the end of the sessions, there will be some improvement. Carolyn, I'm glad the cruise is going well. It helps when you know people on the cruise. Enjoy Honolulu and your tour tomorrow. Lenda
  22. Don't worry about that as it happens to all of us at one time or another. The snow is beautiful, especially on a computer screen in southwest Arizona. That's the way I like snow now, though we dealt with it when we lived in southeast Pennsylvania, when we were much younger and could enjoy it with the kids. Lenda
  23. I'm sorry going today did not work out, and I should have realized you would have tried other places. I know it will be hard, if not impossible, but try not to worry about the drive tomorrow. Just add a little extra time to the travel time. It goes without saying, but I will anyway, be extra careful. Lenda
  24. Lorraine, I'm glad the cruise is going well and that the food is good. Terri, safe travels tomorrow, and I hope the procedure goes well and the bloodwork provides some answers for the doctor. Just a thought, but could you leave today and stay at a different hotel in Jacksonville tonight to avoid driving in bad weather. Vanessa, I'm glad you made some progress with the interventional radiologist and the insurance matters. Thank you for the great pictures of Napier. Great pictures, Tony. Thanks I'm glad your DW's BP is back to normal and the ECG looks good. Ann, I hope the removal of the two bumps goes well next week. Great picture. Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. I hope you will join us often. Lenda
  25. Good morning from a chilly Quartzsite. It is sunny and 37F with a predicted high of 53F. Right now there is a 7mph wind, but 20mph winds are predicted for this afternoon. The winds yesterday did pick up after it stopped raining, so the rain was followed by a dust storm. We were lucky the dust storm was not as bad as some we've had. It looks like today will be the last day for high winds for a while. 🤞 There is no Argyle in the house. I prefer showers to bubble baths. Thanks to Graham @grapau27 I understand about divorce Monday, but I will not celebrate it. A funny quote by Johnny Vegas. We'll pass on the meal and the cocktail. The wine sounds like a lovely red I'd like, but the price is no lovely. We have not been to Napier -- yet. I will definitely celebrate the 1665 beginning of the newspaper in Haarlem, The Netherlands. The oldest continuously published in the US is the Hartford Courant which began and the Connecticut Courant on October 29, 1764. I'll also honor the first State of the Union address by George Washington in 1790, and 1835 when there was no national debt. @rafinmd Roy, I hope your first radiation treatment goes well today. @marshhawk Annie, I hope your appointment today goes better than expected. @seagarsmoker I'm glad you are feeling better today. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope your DH is over his cold soon and can have the tooth extracted before your cruise. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I don't think anyone who was in Arizona 12 years ago will for get the shooting of Gabby Giffords and the wounding and killing of the others. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the pictures of last nights Azamazing Evening. It looks like it was spectacular. Loved the picture of the Captain and Cruise Director. @dfish Debbie, I hope The Beast works well for Sue. @smitty34877 Terry, the teenager is growing into a smart person. Tana and you should be very proud of him. Lenda
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