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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Maureen, glad you are home safely and that your DH is doing great. Lenda
  2. Vanessa, finally some progress, 👍 but I wish you didn't have to wait so long for the procedure. Debbie, anything having to do with insurance is always fun -- NOT! I signed up for Medicare and the supplemental plan before I turned 65, and that made it a lot easier. I don't know what plan Sue is one now, but make sure her current insurer knows she wants the plan canceled the first of the month she goes on Medicare. My old insurance would have kept billing for premiums even though they would not cover me when I turned 65. It was a good feeling when I mailed the letter telling them what they could do with their policy. 😁 Roy, I hope the podiatrist will have a plan for healing the sore on your foot. I'm sorry that in spite the radiation treatments your PSA numbers have gone up. I hope the new medication will bring those numbers down. Bruce, I'm glad you were able to go ashore on Easter Island. Looking forward to the pictures tomorrow. Lenda
  3. The sun made it nice outside this morning. I was able to spray more weed killer around the yard. With all the rain since just before Christmas, a lot of whatever green has sprouted around the lot, which is rocked. My guess is that seeds, especially wildflower seeds and desert grass seeds, have blown in. I'm trying to get rid of them in the rocks before they get too big. It is still sunny, but there are clouds to the south. Annie, there is always gelato involved during a day in Rome, or any place in Italy. Sometimes, it happens more than once a day. Thanks for the pictures from the museum. Vanessa, if you haven't heard from the radiologist by now, I hope you have phoned the neurosurgeon's office. I'm sorry your sleeping is still not good. Sandi, life seems a bit more interesting in Georgia. Lenda
  4. Here are the rest of the pictures from our day touring northern Israel. Our first stop was Nazareth and the Church of the Annunciation. We were both surprised at how modern the church is. In the open area beside the church was a view of the remains of the ancient village of Nazareth. Naturally, across the street was the usual tourist trap (Opps! I meant, shop.) 😀 Our next stop was Cana and the wedding church where Jesus turned water into wine. Since there was a service when we were there, we were not able to see the wine casks. And nearby. The next stop after Cana, was the Jordan River. We made several stops along the Sea of Galilee and drove through the town of Tiberius before visiting Capharnaum. At this stop, either we did not see a souvenir store, or I didn't take a picture of it. Lenda
  5. We were in Haifa on 10/22/17 on the Prinsendam. On the recommendation of a fellow CC member, we hired a taxi for a tour and saw a lot of northern Israel. Because there are quite a few pictures, I'll post the ones of Haifa first, then post some from our day outside the city. Haifa from the Prinsendam The Baha'i Gardens as seen from the Prinsendam. On our return to town, we stopped at the overlook at the top of the Baha'i Gardens, then drove past the entrance at the bottom of the hill. There was a conference being held that day, so the gardens were closed to visitors. Our home away from home from the top of the Baha'i Gardens. Lenda
  6. Good morning from a sunny Quartzsite. It is 44F and our high will be 64F, Unfortunately, it looks like the clouds will return shortly, and we'll have a partly cloudy day. Not too much on the agenda today, just more of the same. I can appreciate a beer can, but there are none here since beer and I decided we don't play well together. One of the bar servers on the Koningsdam in 2002 made birds out of beer cans, and I was lucky to get two of them. A good belly laugh is also appreciated. I think we made all our pets lives better. At least, one friend told us that when they died they wanted to come back as one of our dogs. 😁 I know they enriched our lives, and now our lives are a little duller without our pets, but as much as we traveled until the last four years, it would not have been fair to any pets. An good quote from C. S. Lewis. The salmon cakes sound good, but they'll have to wait until after our cruise. DH likes a G&T made with non-London dry gin. The wine sounds nice, but too pricey. We were in Haifa in 2017 on Prinsendam. I'll retrieve my pictures in a few minutes. Four interesting days in history. I remember the introduction of the Macintosh computer. Drexel University in Philadelphia required students to have a personal computer, and IIRC, they supplied the students with a Macintosh computer. @RMLincoln I hope your DH gets a good report from the surgeon today. Safe travels home. @MISTER 67 Enjoy your warm day on the golf course. @puppycanducruise I'm glad Bertie did well at the vet visit. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the information on Beer Can day. @dfish Debbie, please give Sue our congratulations on the birth of her grandson. I hope he does well and will be home soon. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope you can go ashore at Easter Island. It's on the bucket list. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I'm glad you survived your day in fourth grade. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope your DH's televisit goes well, and you have some answers. @superoma Eva, it seems that Dailyites just can't get away from butternut squash. @kazu Jacqui, you made a huge difference in Ivan's life. I'm sorry you hurt yourself, and I hope it gets better soon. I think our pets have a six sense as when we need their comfort. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you got a good nights sleep. If you have some of the stretchy stuff they use to hold bandages in place, it would work to hold the gauze on your legs at night. Lenda
  7. @Cruising-along Carolyn, I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Lenda
  8. Vanessa, I am sorry you had another bad night. I hope tomorrow is better. And I hope you hear from the radiologist early tomorrow. Lenda
  9. Charlene, congratulations to the parents and the rest of the family on the successful delivery of Ryan Charles. My first thought at reading his weight was OUCH! Lenda
  10. Eva, don't worry about it. It's happened to me more than once. That may be why I got two other posts mixed up. Maureen, I'm glad your DH is back at the hotel and resting now. I hope tomorrow's appointment goes well, and you are cleared to head home. Safe travels, and I hope you stay ahead of the rain. Sorry, Ann, but I don't think that will be possible. I think I'd just make it more confusing. Let's just say, being in a hurry and trying to remember who wrote what can cause mix ups. Sadly, I can't promise it won't happen in the future. 😁 Lenda
  11. Terri, that is great news. I'm sorry you had to drive all that way by yourself, but now you can relax and prepare for your well deserved cruise. I hope Jim is feeling better this afternoon. Lenda
  12. I did give Ann @cat shepard credit in my first post, #59, and talked about her decoder ring. When I tagged someone else instead of @travelnap about a second reference to the day, she pointed out that it was not her. That was the error I was correcting. Lenda
  13. Maureen, I'm glad the surgery is finished and recovery has begun. I bet you'll find you use the grabber tool a lot too. Besides, picking things up off the floor, I find it makes getting things off high shelves easy too. In our county in Texas, when we vote in person, you sign in on an electronic pad using your index finger. It never looks anything like my signature, but it's accepted since a poll worker has your id and watches you sign in. Voting by mail, the signature has to match the signature on the form requesting a mail in ballot. Lenda
  14. Well, I thought we were through with the rain, especially when the clouds cleared in places and we could see the sun. Then came the sprinkles, and now we have sun and sprinkles. ☀️ 🌧️ 🌦️ This weather is about as crazy as Texas weather. Oops!. That is what happens when you are in a hurry. I wanted to thank you for the information about cursive still being taught in schools. I was glad to see Texas on the list of states teaching cursive. I remember in first and second grade being taught to print correctly, and in about the third or fourth grade learning cursive by the Palmer method. Even though DH learned cursive, as a mechanical engineer, he printed most of the time in business, and now very, very rarely writes in cursive, and that's to sign his name. Since I'm the one who fills out all the forms in the doctors' offices, I've started printing then. Otherwise, they might not be able to read what was on the forms. I'm glad your DW is still feeling good, and felt like a day at the hairdresser's. @travelnap Thank you for doing the research on Joh. You dug deeper than I did. Lenda
  15. Good morning from another cloudy day in Quartzsite. We got a tad more rain overnight, but I think the rain is over for now. It is 51F and we'll reach 60F today. We should see the sun for a few hours tomorrow. I won't be measuring my feet today, but I know they have gotten a little bigger. If I try very hard my handwriting is not bad. If I'm in a hurry, then sometimes, I can't even read what I wrote. Pie sounds nice, but I doubt I'll be making one today. An amusing quote from Mike Myers. We'll skip the meal and the drink today. The wine sounds nice though. We have not been to today's port. Good for Sweden for banning aerosol sprays in 1978. I remember reading the book Roots, and watching the mini-series. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry Tana has had a rough time, but it's good she is turning a corner now. It was nice of her friend to come help yesterday. I hope today goes smoothly and your get to take it easy on your birthday. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope the chiropractor is helping your DH. I also hope the cortisone shot helps your shoulder pain. Those injections helped DH with his shoulder pain for many years. @cat shepard Ann, I'm glad the decoder ring help with more than deciphering wines. When I googled Joh, I didn't find a reference to John Hancock, but then I didn't have a decoder ring. 😉 @superoma Eva, I'm glad your DD made it to work safely. @marshhawk Annie, thanks for the additional pictures of Rome. We've enjoyed exploring the city many times. I hope Bubbles can heal, and that you can get some antibiotics on the wounds. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope your friend Ron can be made more comfortable, and they can do something to relieve the pain. @0106 Tina, thanks for the information on Joh. It's about what I found, too. Lenda
  16. @smitty34877 Terry, enjoy yours special day and your birthday dinner. Lenda
  17. Glad you made it safely. Best wishes for a good outcome tomorrow. Lenda
  18. The rain finally arrived, and it's been raining steadily for quite sometime. As of a minute ago, we'd gotten 0.44 inches according to the digital rain gauge. I'm not going to check the other rain gauge since it's still raining steadily. There is standing water in the yard, and it was reported on FB that the washes were running. I'm glad we don't have to go anywhere today. I hope all this rain means that the wildflowers will be pretty this year. Sandi, you did the right thing about letting your neighbors know what happened and sharing your photos with them. Vanessa, thanks for letting us know you heard from the nurse. I'm glad she had some ideas about changing the medicines and that she was able to contact the radiologist. I hope the radiologist follows through and calls tomorrow. If not keep bugging everyone. It's time the squeaky wheel got squeakier. Ann, thanks for the pictures of the manatees. I remember we stopped at Manatee Springs State Park about 35 years ago, and saw the manatees. Such interesting animals. Oh Terri, I'm sorry about this latest development. Safe travels to and from Jacksonville tomorrow. I hope they have an easy solution to whatever is happening. Update us when you have the energy. Lenda
  19. Good afternoon. The expected rain is just about here according to the weather radar, and it will probably last until early evening. It is a chilly 58F with the breeze and humidity. I can see it's beginning to rain just west of us. This morning I got our specialty dining reservations made for the HIA dinners, and two shore excursions booked, one as a back up to the preferred excursion that is waitlisted. I think except for packing, we are all set for our cruise to Hawaii next week. Karen, I'm happy that you can escape and make it water aerobics and run errands today. Paull, I love the Lake Effect Snow Band. Bruno, I hope you will get enough snow for your Dad to see, but not enough to cause major problems otherwise. Is there anyway, you could arrange for transport to take him to an area with snow? Beautiful sunset, Brenda. Vanessa, I'm sorry last night was such a bad night. I hope your message to the neurosurgeon can get you moved up and get the procedure done. You've been through enough without the "turtle speed" of the medical system. I hope you can get a nap in this afternoon. Lenda
  20. We have been to Ushuaia twice. The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III. The second time was in 2015 on Ruby Princess. We walked around town in the morning and took the tour to the end of the road (the Pan American Highway.). By the time it reached the end in South America, it was a well-maintained dirt road which is how it begins in Alaska. These first pictures are from our morning walk. These were taken when we returned from our tour in the afternoon when the weather was better. The second one was taken from our aft balcony as we sailed toward Punta Arenas, Chile. The view from the end of the road and the road looking back from the shoreline. Another picture of the sign that shows the distance to Alaska on the northern end in Prudhoe Bay. Our next stop was the headquarters of the Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego. One of the best views we had that day. Lenda
  21. Good morning from another overcast day in Quartzsite. It is 52F with a predicted high of 59F. There is a 4mph breeze, and it will reach 12mph this afternoon. We did not get more rain yesterday or last night. The prediction is for rain to begin about 11am and last until the early hours tomorrow, then more rain mid-day. We'll see what happens, but often rain will go either north or south of La Paz Valley. On today's agenda is working on our cruise plans, and gathering things to take with us. Last night, we decided to add the HIA package, so now it's time to find a couple of tours that will used the excursion credit and book a couple more specialty restaurant reservations. I'm all for Better Business Communication day and Community Manager Appreciation day. I hope Celebration of Life Day means for us to celebrate our lives and not the life of someone who has died. The meal would be good as a side dish, and I bet the vegetables could be roasted in the air fryer, too. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine might be nice if it wasn't a tad bit pricey. A very good quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. We have been to Ushuaia twice, but the first time was in the pre-digital age. I'll retrieve my pictures in a few minutes. We have another interesting day in British history. I'm sorry the Buccaneer's fans suffered a loss, but I'm glad the Lions won yesterday. It's been a long time for them to have a winning team. For Ravens fans, congratulations on their win. @rafinmd Roy, thank you for providing our maps everyday. Good luck with your oncologist appointment today and your physical tomorrow. @richwmn Rich, I'm glad you are enjoying your cruise. We will keep the Daily going in your absence since it's an important part of our days. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, please wish your grandson Tyler a VERY HAPPY 26TH BIRTHDAY for us. @puppycanducruise A very pretty orchid. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad you are on the mend. I hope John just has a cough and is not getting what you had. @1ANGELCAT Thanks for the good news that Steve is doing better and can get out of the lift chair with someone watching. I'm happy that his daughter and grandson will be helping so his wife can get a break. @RMLincoln Maureen, safe travels today. Positive thoughts for a successful surgery and a quick recovery for your DH. I hope this surgery means he can cut back or cut out the eye drops. @marshhawk Annie, thanks for the pictures and narrative of your stay in Rome. I'm looking forward to the next installment. @dfish Debbie, fyi, roasting carrots gives them a wonderful flavor, and is easy to do in an air fryer. I'm glad the party was a success. @ger_77 Gerry, thanks for the update on Deb, and I was sorry to read she had lost her battle with cancer. I've been wondering since 2020 when Deb returned to Canada, how her parents are doing. Do you have any news about them? @Mr. Boston I agree with you about product instructions. Lately, the instructions for any assembly are only pictures. @0106 Tina, you will enjoy Ushuaia and the area your excursion visits. Lenda
  22. I'm glad your DW is feeling better, and I hope she continues to improve. I'm sending positive thoughts for good reports from the doctors this week. Vanessa, I'm glad you got about 5 hours sleep, but wish your could get comfortable and get a really good night sleep. I hope you can get some answers when you make your calls. Debbie, thank you for the information on butternut squash. It's still not on my list of things to try. Bruno, I'm sorry your Dad is now on hospice, but I'm glad you will get some much needed help. Remember to take care of yourself too. Lenda
  23. I found some of Singapore in 2003 which were taken as we sailed by the city after the stop there was canceled due to SARS. They are not the best since we were a long way off shore. Lenda
  24. We have been to Singapore twice. The first time was in 2000 on P&O Oriana world cruise. The second was in 2002 on Volendam on the 64 day APEC cruise. These are DH's pictures from 2000 and my pictures from 2002. In 2000, we arrived about noon after sailing through the large container port. I think at that time, it was the largest one in the world. We took a taxi into town, and did a short tour of places the driver thought interesting. Then we rode their monorail around the island to get a look at the areas away from downtown. We walked down a pedestrian shopping street. Our next stop was Raffles, but we did not go to the Long Bar. We did have supper n the patio. From Raffles we walked down the the waterfront and took a boat to see more of the sights. Singapore at night from the boat ride. In 2002, there was a performance by some costumed dancers. These two posed for us as got off the ship. We took the shuttle into town and walked around. This time we did make it to the Long Bar. A busy street downtown Lenda
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