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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Sorry everything is still a mess. I hope it all works and quickly. Lenda
  2. Good afternoon from a warm, 77F but windy central Texas. From the looks of the wind, I'm glad I did the yard work yesterday. Today, I'd probably spend half my time chasing my hat. It is nice to have a day that I don't have to go somewhere or do something. Actually, there are still things on my to do list (some of which I'm been putting off since 2020), but today I'm just catching up on things with the computer, and letting my mouse do some shopping. A curious thing happened on CC today. This morning I was about half way through writing my post when POOF. I started over and got it finished and posted. Just a couple of minutes ago when I opened the box to post, there was the first paragraph and a half of the missing post. I wonder if the rest will appear sometime in the future. 😉 First, with all the excitement of the missing post, I forgot to wish Roy @rafinmd well on his oncologist visit today. I hope there were no surprises today. Maureen, I'm glad that the progress on the upcoming move is going well, and that you got a good night's sleep. Nancy, I hope John can get the oven working again. Gerry, safe travels tomorrow. I'm glad you are not having any problems with the booster. Debbie, it sounds like you had a busy, but frustrating morning. I hope you got your prescription straighten out, and was glad they are putting those using it for weight loss last. Carolyn, I'm glad that our DH is doing better, and I hope the cough and congestion clear up soon. From our DSIL's bout with pneumonia, it takes a while to clear up completely. We're lucky here that our PO 99% of the time does a good job, thanks to our new Postmaster. Quartzsite PO is another story, and that's even with all mail going to PO boxes since we don't have home delivery. That can be a problem if shippers send packages to the street address and leave off the box number. That mail and sometimes mail addressed correctly, is returned to shipper. Ann, I hope your cold clears up soon. I also hope you can find everything Pat needs for the cruise, and that you have a wonderful time. Vanessa, I'm glad the procedure was not too bad. When DH had it, I had to be there to drive him home since the lidocaine made his legs numb for a while. Bruce, I'm lucky that most of the time I can still get down and back up, but I always hope no one is looking. It is not a pretty sight, and sometimes a very slow process. I think I spoke too soon about our mail. I just checked the cluster box, and the mail has not come. It is usually here between 9 and 10 in the morning. It could be we have a substitute carrier today. They are often late with the mail. Lenda
  3. Good morning from a sunny central Texas. It is 51F and feels like 48F with 82% humidity and and dew point of 45F. The high this afternoon will be 83F. This time of year, it's hard to know whether to dress for the morning chill and change later, or dress of later in the day and hope the heater keeps the house warm enough. Such a first world problem. 🤣 Three interesting days to celebrate today. Everyone should be treated with dignity no matter whether or not they deserve it. We should all love our bodies since they are all we get. Sometimes I think we get too much information, and at times my brain says enough, go get lost in a good book. 📚 I like the idea of chocolate cupcake day, but we still a lemon pound cake to finish. I agree with the sentiment in today's quote. The meal sounds good, but we still have chili leftover from the other night. However, tonight we will finish the ribs with a couple of side dishes to be determined later. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice. We have not been to Riga, Lativa. I'm glad Secretary of State Seward purchased Alaska, even if it was called Seward's Folly for years. It turns out, he made a good deal for the US. It took tax evasion to put Al Capone behind bars where he belonged. The BBC was a great step forward in communication for Britain. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope today's procedure will relieve your pain. @57redbird I hope today's external nerve ablation fixes your DH's afib. @NextOne Edi, I hope your recovery is going smoothly. @grapau27 Graham, I'll be thinking of you, Pauline and her brother today as you remember her lovely Mam. I'm glad Pauline's brother is there with you. @Cruising-along Carolyn, I hope your DH is feeling better now. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope today is a better day. @mamaofami Carol, I hope Sam is improving. @HAL Sailer Melissa, I also hope your DH i s steadily improving and is now in rehab. @cruising sister Lorraine, thanks for the update on Murphy. It sounds like she is improving, but very slowly. @superoma Eva, I used to use the library regularly, but when we moved to areas with small libraries if any, I stopped going. We have a new library here, but I still need to find time to stop by and check it out. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I'm glad you decided to go on your trip and will celebrate your birthday with your sister on Saturday. I'm glad you DH is feeling better. @Heartgrove Jack, that is too bad your doctor's office never sent the orders in. Lenda
  4. @Seasick Sailor Joy, have a wonderful birthday. I'm glad your sister is there to help you celebrate. Lenda
  5. @marshhawk and @catmando Annie and Chuck, I hope you had a wonderful time in Rome, and that the cruise is all you want it to be. Lenda
  6. Debbie, sorry you can't have a balcony and OBC. This shortage of so many meds is getting bad. Looks like a call to your doctor tomorrow is needed. Lenda
  7. Good evening. This afternoon the weather was perfect for doing yard work, sunny and warm, but not too hot. For the first time in months there was no signs of fire ants, and I did not see a single black cricket. The cooler weather must have gotten rid of them. Not only is the grass mowed, but I put down fertilizer to get it ready for winter. I even remembered to spread the bluebonnet seeds I'd dried last spring. I always try to leave some seed pods on the plants, and gather others to spread in areas near the plants in order to get them to spread. Dinner was easy. I reheated two servings of lasagna, and two pieces of garlic bread to go with the avacado and tomato we split. A little Pinot Noir and lemon Bundt cake completed dinner. Debbie, I hope you enjoy Celtic Thunder tonight. Great news on your test numbers. Too bad it took so long to get rid of the tumor. As far as the balcony, go, for it. The scenery is spectacular. Terri, thanks for giving an update with as much as you feel comfortable sharing. I'm glad you are not physically ill and will p4obably go on your trip next week. The flooring guynhas a lot of nerve. Glad the cruise is going well. Thanks for the pictures. Roy, thanks for the information and pictures of today's port. Glad you booked the cruise, Cariolyn. Lenda
  8. Good afternoon. I was able to get everything I needed while I was out this morning, including the Riesling at 20% off. Just wish they'd had a few more bottles in stock. It's been busy around here too. DH renewed the motorhome insurance online, but still needed to call them. Wound up with two logins and two passwords, but finally got it down to one each. Now, I need to get the meat packaged and in the freezer; then, it will be about time to head out to mow the yard. Right now, it is 68F, sunny with a light breeze. It will be in the low 70s by the time I get outside. That will be a nice change from this summer, and I doubt I'll need my cooling towel until next summer. Nancy, I hope the repairman can fix your oven, and you don't have to hunt for one that will fit the opening without breaking the bank. Ann, I hope your cold clears up and you feel better soon. Tony, I hope you both have a safe flight today to Barcelona. Lorraine, the idea of taking a copy of your EKG on a cruise sounds like a good idea. Lenda
  9. Good morning from a cold and clear central Texas. It is 41F, feels like 41F, but fortunately our wind is only 1 mph. The humidity is 89% with a dew point of 38F, so the humidity will do down as it warms up to a high of 74F this afternoon. This morning there will be a mercy run to two stores. The mercy run is to replenish the dwindling Dr. Pepper Zero and Riesling supplies. ☺️ Our grocery store has wine 20% off on six bottles or more, plus seniors get a 5% discount today. After checking prices of the wine at area liquor stores, the wine is very close to the price at Total Wine, but I don't have to drive to Ft. Worth. This afternoon, I hope to get the yard mowed. The native grasses are sprouting their long shoots that contain the seeds. I was lucky to have good bosses with only one not as good as the others, and that was not DH. Since it is pasta day, I may thaw some of Sunday's lasagna for dinner. Last night's leftover ribs were substituted with chili since it was still cool out. They were on the menu for tonight, but we'll have them tomorrow. I don't think I have anything gaudy to wear today. Today's quote is one I really like. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine sounds good, but unobtainable. It will be cardbordeaux Pinot Noir with our lasagna. We have not been to today's port. In 2004, on the Tahitian Princess, we visited Rangiroa, another beautiful, hot atoll. Marconi's transatlantic wireless service was another leap forward in communication. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I also read on Bill and Mary Ann's @WCB about Volendam having to skip Fanning Island. I've never seen a port skipped because the Custom and Immigration officials could not get to the port. I also found it interesting that the Captain said he'd be at Guest Services to answer questions, and for the passengers to not bother the Guest Services staff. @NextOne Edi, sending very positive thoughts for a uneventful surgery and an easy recovery. @HAL Sailer Melissa, I hope your DH is continuing to improve. @mamaofami Carol, I hope Sam is doing much better now. @Denise T Welcome home, Denise. Lenda
  10. Nancy, the black things are black pudding. I won't tell what's in them, but you can look them up. DH got it once on P&O not knowing what one of the ingredients is. When I told him, he didn't eat them. Lenda
  11. Vanessa, thanks for the link. It looks good and easy, which I like, It also looks like leftovers could be reheated or frozen for later. I would find a different bean than the kidney beans, which I do not care like. Lenda
  12. Good afternoon from a breezy and sunny central Texas. It has warmed up to 62F and is not bad in the sun. I've gotten a couple of things done, but naturally other things cropped up that needed attention. A couple of times the golf cart has not wanted to start on cooler mornings, but would eventually start, but not today. It now has the battery charger on to see that will help. It should since the batter is just 13 months old. When we rented a car in Corfu in 2019, they required an International Driver's License. I hope the PT and chiro help with your shoulder today. Terry, you, Tana, and the rest of the family are in my thoughts daily as you adjust to the new normal. Glad you are getting the Covid jab well before the gathering to remember and honor your DH. Gerry, I'm glad your DH is feeling better, and well enough to head to Calgary for some grandson time. Roy, that is good news and quick service. Sandi, thanks for the news about the Rhapsody taking Americans to Cypress. We need more good news stories about cruse ships and cruise lines. Denise, that is a gorgeous sunrise picture. I hope your DFIL is improving. Glad you have some grandson help with chores today. Vanessa, I'm sorry about another night of interrupted sleep. I hope your procedure Wednesday will help with the leg pain and numbness. The chicken taco chili sounds interesting. Would you mind sharing the recipe? Carolyn, I hope tonight your can convince your mind to shut down for a few hours. I know from experience that is easier said than done. What a nice surprise seeing your DD's best friend last night. Lenda
  13. Good morning from a very chilly (for us) central Texas. It is 46F and feels like 43F with a 7 mph breeze. The humidity is 89% but should lessen as it warms up since the dew point is 43F. It is a sunny day with a predicted high of 67F. Beginning tomorrow, our highs will be back in the 70s, 80s and even a 90 for the next two weeks which is more typical of our October weather. However, I'm not sure there is typical or normal weather anymore. After taking a car in this morning to have the brake fluid replaced and possibly the master cylinder replaced, I think I'll do some catching up on the computer. Dictionaries were very important before Google, but I'm not even sure we have a dictionary now. We will not be cutting up credit cards today, but are careful with how we use them. Don't all cats, large and small, think everyday is Global Cat Day? Since I never want to be thought to be a liar, I don't really like the quote. Telling the truth is so much better, and you don't have to remember who you told what to. 😉 I'm not sure about the meal, and will check out the recipes Debbie @dfish finds for us. We'll pass on the drink, but would try the wine. We have not been to Kaikoura on the South Island of NZ. I had to look it up on Google maps. I remember when Pope John Paul II was elected Pope. The beginning of the Disney Cartoon Studio set in motion a whole entertainment empire. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad you made it home safely Saturday in spite of the rain. I am also glad everything went well with the meetings at your new retirement community and that you had a nice visit with family. @Nickelpenny Penny, I hope today's subbing is as easy as you expect. Lenda
  14. Memory is pretty good, but that fabric is so unusual and pretty, it was hard to forget. When you were talking about cutting fabric for a quilt, it made me wonder about the fabric. Lenda
  15. Good evening. After a day of laundry and cooking, I'm tired. The u0side 8snwe have clean clothes, breakfast for two more days, anfd four more meals from the lasagna, which I'll freeze until they are needed. The lasagna and the cake were big hits. Debbie @dfish the part of your quilt loost good. Are the dark blue squares with the lighter swirls part of the beautiful fabric you showed us before you move? I remember how pretty it was. @aliaschief Bruce, great you could save some money on the cable bill. Lenda
  16. Good afternoon. I am just now getting caught up on the Daily after a busy morning and early afternoon. Besides the laundry, I decided to make blueberry muffins for breakfast, but I cheated and used a mix. Then after breakfast, I baked a lemon Bundt cake to go with our lasagna, Caesar salad, garlic break and wine tonight. The good news is, we'll have leftovers for breakfast and dinner for a few days. Most of the lasagna will be cut into serving portions and frozen for a quick dinner on busy days. In between all that, the clothes were folded and put away, sheets changed and groceries purchased. Now, I'm just waiting for the sheets to dry, so they can be folded and put away. It is a beautiful sunny day, but the wind is a little to high to be outside in this cooler weather. It is about 69F right now. Penny, I hope the dryer continues to work. I also hope you doctor can help with the numbness. It seems L4 and L5 can be the problem areas in the spine. That is where DH's stenosis was and the two vertebrae that were fused. Sending positive thoughts for a success for successful procedure for your DH on Wednesday, and for a quick recovery. Ann, I agree that the Ho-Ho is a good option in Funchal, to see the town and some of the coastal towns. I hope Paul @kochleffel keeps it in mind if other options fall through. We've taken it twice, and picked it up on the main street, not down by the water. Terri, I'm so sorry you are having some challenging days. I hope things improve quickly, and yo are able to go on your trip. We'll keep you both in our thoughts. Lenda
  17. This is what I posted on September 13, 2021 and July 19, 2023. We've been to Devil's Island twice. The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III and the second was in 2006 on the old Regal Princess. The 1999 pictures are pre-digital, so these are from 2006. You cannot actually visit Devil's Island, the smallest of the three islands. It was the isolation camp for a handful of political prisoners. The main prison was on Salvation Island. The third island is Isle Royal. The island from the tender Devil's Island Some of the prison buildings The church The more modern or restored buildings. A few natives The path to the tender dock and the harbor between the islands. Lenda
  18. Good morning from a chilly central Texas where it is 50F but feels like 47F. There is an 8mph wind from the NW with 76% humidity. The dew point is 43F. It is supposed to be sunny today once the sun rises at 7:36am, and our high will be 69F. On today's agenda is laundry and a trip to the store to get what else I need to make lasagna for dinner. It's a good day to used the oven. There are three good days to celebrate, but I hope we are about through with the repairs for a while. White can safety day is an important day. The Ralph Waldo Emerson quote is a good one to live by, but some days it is easier said than done. I think we'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine would be good with tonight's dinner. We have been to Iles du Salut twice, which is the main island in the group. The first time was on Noordam III in 1999 (pre-digital) and the second was in 2006 on the old Regal Princess. Interestingly, while most ships' itineraries list the port as Devil's Island, none of us have actually set foot on that island. It is the smallest of the three islands, and is uninhabited. It is forbidden for any visitors to go there, and the waters around the island are too dangerous for ships or tenders to dock. Only the worst, most dangerous prisoners were kept on Devil's Island. Today in history was not a good day for Napoleon Bonaparte. @grapau27 Welcome home, Graham and Pauline. I figured you were away from home, but did not guess you had crossed the pond. @Crazy For Cats Jake, it is way to early for Christmas wreaths or any decorations. We need to get through Halloween and Thanksgiving first. I think this sums it up well. @RedneckBob RNB, I too became proficient in Roman numerals, but in my case it was because the Spanish language and I did not work well together. Lenda
  19. The shuttle was easy and inexpensive. You can get the Ho-Ho near the same place, and it's a good way to see Naples. Lenda Lenda
  20. There are trains from Salerno to Pompeii, and they take just over an hour one way. I just Googled trains from Salerno to Pompeii. The train goes on to Herculaneum, but Pompeii is closer to Salerno. That might be an option. We've taken trains in Italy with no problem. There might be shuttles there like in Naples. It wouldn't hurt to check it out. Lenda
  21. When we were in Naples in 2019, you could pick up a shuttle to either Herculaneum or Pompeii in front of the terminal. They would take you to either site and pick you up at a designated time. You would be responsible for the entry fee, but could go at your own pace on a self guided tour. We went to Herculaneum, and enjoyed it. Your DH might like this option because it's not as long a day, and you're not following a guide around with a big group. Lenda
  22. Mary Kay, I'm glad you are beginning to feel better. I hope your recovery continues smoothly, and you test negative soon. Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. I hope you come back often. I agree about Pompeii. We were fortunate to go there in 2002 when there weren't the huge crowds. We had the freedom to wander around and see much of the site. The Port Angeles area of Washington is unique. We were lucky to spend time twice at Salt Creek Recreation Area on the coast west of Port Angeles. We've been known to get gelato more than once in a day when we were in Rome. We walked some it off too. 😁 Edi, our best wishes for a successful surgery Tuesday and a speedy recovery. I'm glad you didn't go on the trip. I know you will do well leading the special women's day at church tomorrow. Lenda
  23. Glad you reminded Annie about the gelato. Can't go to Italy and not have any. I'm glad they made it safely, and I hope they enjoy their time in Rome, and their cruise. Lenda
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