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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good afternoon after another busy day. The house is clean and the last load of towels is about to go into the dryer. The auto shop called about two hours ago, and the convertible will be ready this afternoon, some time. DH called the other shop about the "fishing" car which was supposed to be ready today. It looks like that will not happed, but then, DH did ask them to fix one more problem while they have the car. I've finally caught up with all that's been happening with the daily. Welcome home. Gerry, I hope the problem with your shoulder is not a major problem, and it will be good as new quickly. Charlene, I'm glad that your DH finally got his birthday dinner and that it was good. It's nice when you can eat outside. Sandi, I was sorry to read that Scott is having complications. I hope they can be overcome and he will be home in the not too distant future. Strange about your DD's phone not connecting with your landline. Penny, welcome home, and safe travels to Phoenix. Terry, I hope you have heat by tonight. Changing the oil tank is a big job. Joy, I'm glad all the hassle with the VA finally paid off. I'm sorry a friend is fighting Covid for a second time, and that another broke her wrist. If your friends' neighbors saw a golf cart at their place and heard a truck at night, why didn't they call the police or go check things out? Returning to a trashed house must have been a big shock. I'm glad you sister will be there to help celebrate your birthday. I'm glad Oliver is more settled and has learned some commands. Our super alpha female dachshund had us well trained. 🤣 Annie, I'm glad your DH got a good report from the eye doctor. It seems some doctors solution to everything is to operate. What an interesting story about your Dad's farm, and also who owned it later. Welcome to the the Fleet Report/Daily. We hope you will join us often. Sandi, thanks for letting us know that @JAM37 Julia is all right, but just not very active on CC. Ann, I hope your DH's appointment with the urologist goes well tomorrow. I also hope you get your Covid shot tomorrow. That is interesting about your house, and sometimes things work out for the better even if it is hot what is planned. Enjoy your travel trailer. It's always nice to have more cruises in your future. Carol, I hope you have an answer about Sam by now. I understand about hospital decisions. Week before last, we were told at 6:30 am DH would be discharged that day, but we had to wait until 10 am to leave. That turned into 10:30 when the nurse came to get him ready to leave, and we were finally out of there at 11 am. I've learned it isn't just the military where it is "hurry up and wait". Another interesting travel story about Thanksgiving. We went to Cape Hatteras one Thanksgiving, and all we could find for Thanksgiving dinner was pizza delivered to our hotel. I'm glad the earthquake in the PNW was so small that many did not even notice it. Lenda
  2. On October 10, 2002, on the Asia Pacific Explorer Cruise on Volendam, we visited Cheju City. After walking around town, we decided to rent a car and explore the island. However, that is when we found an international driver's license was required in South Korea. With the help of the doorman at a hotel, we hired a taxi for a tour. This is the scene that greeted us upon arrival. Scenes from our walk around Cheju City. It was a nice, clean town to walk around. We stopped at two major attractions our tour of the island. The first was Songbook Theme Park. It has more than 100 miniature buildings, etc., from 30 countries around the world. This picture shows several of the miniatures. You will find the US Capitol, the White House, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and many more famous places there. The view back toward town and the port. You can barely see the Volendam on the left, but you can see the air we were breathing. A look at the coastline We also stopped at the Jeju World Cup Stadium where preliminary rounds for the World Cup were held. That year Japan and South Korea each hosted some of the preliminary rounds, and the finals were in Japan. The view looking from the stadium Lenda
  3. 🦃 HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY IN CANADA! 🦃 Good morning from a cool, 57F, and still dark central Texas. The predicted high is 87F. Our humidity is 75% with a dew point of 50F, that's not a problem since I'll be inside cleaning house. Hopefully, this afternoon, the convertible will be ready for me to pick up. We've had some curious events the past year, but I hope they don't repeat themselves. Fire prevention is very important. Leif Erikson Day on the same day as Columbus Day in the US is good, since he and his followers were the first to set foot in North America. I like the Douglas Adams quote. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. If all goes as planned, we'll be having the garlic shrimp stir-fry again. The wine sounds like one I'd try. We visited Jeju Island, Cheju City in October 2002 on Volendam. Two more interesting days in history from the world's past. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, We replaced several smoke detector in our house and motorhome. If they are not hardwired, it is easy, and those that are wired in shouldn't be to difficult to replace. @Crazy For Cats Jake, congratulations on getting rooms organized over the weekend. It's not an easy job. Hope there are no repeat memes. 😉 RNB, please let me know if there are any. Lenda
  4. The spine and pain clinic may be the ansewer. DH opted not to go there. He learned they can implant a device similar to a tens unit that could help. First they would have tested an external device. Because his problem was a very irritated sciatic nerve he needed the lamenectomy to clean out the stenosis. DH had bilateral epidural shots twice and a steroid shot into the middle of the spine. They only lasted a short time if at all. As I mentioned to Debbie @dfish, his problem was the stenosis irritating the sciatic nerve. I hope you can get some relief. Carolyn, yes we were both taking advantage of good weather. The difference you were enjoying one of the last summer days, while I was enjoying the end of our summer heat. It is amazing how a few degrees in latitude can make. With that huge pumpkin, you could clean it out, make a lot of pies, and one big, scary Jack a Lantern. Lenda Lenda
  5. Good afternoon after a long day outside. It was about 60F when I started the mowing, and I had to put on lightweight long pants and a t-shirt. 😒 However, at noon when I started on the other projects that had been neglected over the long hot summer, it was about 72F and sunny. I switched to shorts and a tank top That is my preferred yard work outfit. It was a beautiful, pleasant day with a light breeze, and I enjoyed being able to be outside. I got the iris trimmed back and the dead leaves cleaned up. I also uprooted the ones that were almost hidden by the bushes. The iris will be replanted in sunnier areas, especially areas where there are gaps between the iris. Next was the killer project, trimming the seven low bushes by the house. That chore always gets my back hurting. This time I took two Advil and applied Aspercreme to my back before starting. That helped some. It had been too hot to trim the bushes since April, and they had really grown. I also redistributed the mulch in the flowerbeds. Once the iris are replanted, I'll add a bit more mulch. I try to keep a gap between the grass and the front flowerbed, but over the years it has widened with the trimming. I put down two bags of top soil in the area, and I hope the grass will spread there. The Silverado sage will be trimmed next week. In the side yard, there are three cedar trees (which are nasty, trashy trees) that help shade our neighbors house. Today, I got tired of a few low hanging branches hitting my head when I mowed. Actually, they hit my hat and not my head. Those branches were cut back and are now in the trash waiting to be picked up tomorrow. I guess I'll work any kinks from today out tomorrow when I clean house. Tonight, there will be a glass of red wine with dinner, and a second medicinal glass. I'm taking the easy way out and reheating last night's meatloaf and scalloped potatoes along with broccoli for dinner. Easy to do quickly in the microwave. Penny, safe travels on the train. I hope the trains are on time. RNB, I try to please. 🤣 Carolyn, I understand wanting to work outside when the weather is nice. I've tried to grow strawberries a couple of times. They did pretty well and looked good, but the birds got the ripe ones before I could. Thanks for your pictures from Split. Now, I have ideas for more things to do the next time we're there. Tony, thanks for your pictures and more ideas of places to see near Split. With my fear of heights, I'm not sure I could do the sky walk. Vanessa, I'm sorry you are still having a lot of pain in your leg and back. I hope you can get some relief soon, and I don't consider you are whining. You are just reporting what is happening. The difference in the crowds in Europe are unbelievable. Generally, we've been there in late spring or in the fall. In 2019, we were there in July and August, along with just about everybody else. Happy Thanksgiving, Brenda. Great pictures and more ideas for another visit to Split. Debbie, I'm sorry you are also dealing with pain. You might be on to something about age and denial. My father's doctor called it "process aging": same thing, but sounds better. 😉 Carolyn, part of our yard is just about ready for winter, except I'll be mowing for a couple of more months. Paul, I loved the meme about the duvets. It also applies to fitted sheets. 😁 Debbie, I'm sorry there is no surgery to help with the back pain. DH had stenosis and a bulging disc, but was lucky enough to get relief with the back surgery. His pain was from the sciatic nerve being irritated. Is there a possibility that steroid shots could help you? I'm lucky that what pain I have, I can work through it or just keep going, so far. Speaking of DH, he has been using the walker for safety since the last surgery, but said he tried walking a bit without the walker today and did all right. Since we have tile floors, I think the walker is a good idea for a while longer. It's time for wine. 👏 👍 🍷 🍷 Lenda
  6. Charlene, I hope you can enjoy your DH's belated birthday dinner. Great pictures, Jake. Good luck with the room cleaning. Gerry, have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with your family and friends. Annie, I'm sorry the doctor's office made a vital for you without consulting your. Now, for the memes for day. Sorry about repeating yesterday's memes. Lenda
  7. RNB, you and DH caught me. Sorry about the repeat memes, but glad you were paying attention, which obviously I wasn't. I realize that I didn't put yesterday's memes in the used file after I finished my post, and in a very senior moment this morning, I didn't remember they were from yesterday. Lenda
  8. We were in Split on October 14, 2016, on Prinsendam, and again on August 8, 2019 on Veendam. The difference in the crowds between the two visits was amazing. These are random pictures from 2016, when we walked through the old walled city. The first three are from our walk along the wall to the entrance to the old city. Entering the walled city Some pictures from our walk through the city. The shopping arcade that is under part of the walled city I took one picture of the same place on both visits, and they show the difference between the crowds in summer and in fall. The first is from 2016. 2019 In 2019, at the recommendation from a friend, we visited a specialty Museum. To get to the museum we walked along the side of the walled city and then along the street in back of the wall. The Froggyland museum. As you can see from the sign, the stuffed frogs, set in various scenes are more than 100 years old and were real stuffed frogs. It was interesting, but I'm not sure worth the 10 Euros admission. We were not allowed to take pictures inside. After Froggyland, we continued on the back street until we could turn along the wall and enter the old city. We found a back street with some interesting ruins. Our walk back to Veendam, which was the smallest of several ships in port, and docked the furthest from town. Lenda
  9. @Horizon chaser 1957 Laura, I hope you have a wonderful cruise, and enjoy the Panama Canal. Lenda
  10. Good morning from a cold (for us) central Texas. It is 50F and feels like 50F with 83% humidity and a dew point of 45F. Our predicted high today is 79F, but it will not even reach 60F until about 10 am. That is quite a change from the last several months. Today I need to not only mow the yard, but trim the bushes and tidy up the iris. Instead of heading out early, it will be mid-morning and well into the afternoon when I can get to the yard. I can see needing warmer clothes early and then changing into shorts this afternoon. AHHH, fall in central Texas, and soon the dreaded oak leaves will be filling our port. Like others, I'm well past playing touch tag. DH sold his motorcycle at least 25 years ago, and I neve rode with him. I will celebrate music day with pleasure. I like the quote by James M. Barrie. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine sounds nice, and the price is nice also. We have been to Split twice. The first time was in 2016 on Prinsendam and the second was in 2019 on Veendam. I liked Split, but given the choice, there are a couple of other Croatian ports I"d pick first. Two more interesting days in history, including Captain Cook's discovery of NZ. Like many other newer inventions, I think microwave ovens were used commercially before making it into our homes. @puppycanducruise Melanie, I hope the rain does not cause any problems. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm sorry the retreat wasn't all you expected it to be. You will find the perfect realtor to help sell your condo @mamaofami Carol, I'm sorry Sam is back in the hospital. I hope he can be discharged to rehab tomorrow. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad your teams won, but wish Michigan had played another team. Lenda
  11. Sandi, thanks. I'm glad Ohio Stae won. Unfortunately, I can't pull for Michigan this week. They are playing Minnesota, and that's where younger DD got her masters degree. Lenda
  12. Bummer. The game was a good game, but didn't end the way we wanted. Final score UT 30 - OU 34. They score in the last minute. Lenda
  13. Under normal circumstances, I doubt the captain would have waited. So you were right about the passengers possibly saving the passenger's life or at the least, preventing them from getting timely, needed care.
  14. It might have been a two way street. The medical emergency gave the two passengers time to get back on board. I know the patient will get good medical attention, and I hope they and those with them will be headed out of there soon.
  15. It's been a busy morning on the Daily while I took care of chores and made a trip to the garden center. Yes, this non-gardener went to a garden center to get top soil and mulch. Today is our town's annual Pioneer Day where the three blocks of downtown are blocked off for venders to set up their tents. From the looks of the streets and of the parking lots nearby, it is a successful event. We've been a few times, but not recently. I'm glad there was a good turnout of vendors and of potential shoppers. The situation with the Nieuw Statendam and the Nautica must be extremely stressful for the passengers, crew and officers. I know the disembarked passenger will get good medical attention on shore, but it must be a very serious situation for the medical staff to disembark someone in a country under war conditions. I hope everyone involved can be safe and on their way soon. I am glad that the two late passengers are now on board. DH and I said this morning that we're glad we got to Israel in 2017 on Prinsendam when things were relatively calm. Because of an itinerary change, we had one day in Haifa and two days in Ashdod. We were able to see just about everything we wanted to see. Gerry, I agree with you about the "three hair" comb over. It always looks strange when the part is just above one ear and the hair lies across the top of the head. DH inherited the bald gene from his father. For years, I could look at his older brother and see what his hairline would be like in two years. On the plus side, bald is easier to take care of. I'm happy you are safely on board. I hope the sailaway is good. We used to watch it from a window table in the Pinnacle Grill on Prinsendam. Thanks for the great pictures of Portree, Carolyn. Penny, I looked at the train schedule, and as I expected, I saw you had to switch trains in LA. Safe travels, Melisa, I was very glad to see your post and learn that your DH rallied and is being prepared to transition to an in patient rehab facility. I am sending positive thoughts for a good outcome. Please remember to take care of yourself, and that the Daily family has your back. Karen, I'm glad you visit with your DM and your friend went well, but sorry about the accident that caused a delay. Enjoy your new dryer and your day tomorrow at the farms near Concrete. Thank you for the good wishes. I think this year will be one of the very rare years without a cruise. We hope to be back on a BHB next year. Maybe, we'll even see you then. Tony, thank you for your always interesting port pictures. The UT/OU game is going to be interesting . I had a scare when OU scored in the first two minutes, but a few long minutes later, UT tied the score. Lenda
  16. @St Pete Cruiser I hope your cruise is all you want it to be. Lenda
  17. @0106 Tina, have a great time on your cruise. BON VOYAGE! 🛳️ Lenda
  18. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your cruise is all you want it to be, and that after all your hard work on the Roll Call that everything goes smoothly. Lenda
  19. Good morning from central Texas. It is 56F and feels like 54F It will warm all the way up to 71F today, and will be sunny. The humidity is 53% with a dew point of 39F. I'm glad the humidity has finally lowered. Tomorrow we will be back in the 80 and 90s until next Saturday. Then our highs will be the mid to upper 70s. This morning, I need to get two more bags of top soil and a bag of mulch. Mid-day will be spent watching the Texas Longhorns play the Oklahoma Sooners in the Cotton Bowl. 🤘 HOOKEM HORNS! 🤘 DH will be celebrating Bald and Free Day, but I'm glad I won't be celebrating the day. I walked to school some in fifth and sixth grade, but before that my parents took me to school. The DDs always rode the school bus until they got their driver's license. I'm all for World Smile Day. We should smile every day. I don't agree completely with the Robert Louis Stevenson's quote. We should succeed, but the times we do fail, we should learn from the failure and keep up our good spirits. We'll pass on the lasagna since our dinner will be meatloaf, scalloped potatoes and salad to go with our wine. Lasagna will be saved until week after next. We'll pass on the drink, but the red wine sounds good. 🍷 We have not been to the Isle of Skye. Two more good days in history. I've not seen cats, but I enjoy the music from the show along with most of Andrew Lloyd Webber's music. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope Ren and your DS enjoy their visit to Norte Dame. I hope you get some encouraging news about your friend's DH today. Enjoyed your pictures from Portree. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the space heaters will keep the house warm until the tank can be repaired or replaced. I hope the cooler house does not cause Tana any further problems. @RMLincoln Maureen, I hope your DH's eye pressure won't increase any more. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I hope your DH continues to improve and is over the bronchitis soon. For all the East Coast Dailyites, I hope Phillippe will not bring too much rain and wind. Lenda
  20. Sasan, I understand completely. His gait has improved quite a lot. He's still using the walker for safety. The head is better, but he can still feel the ptessure in his head, and his short term memory has a way to go. However, it's only been a week yesterday since the surgery. He gets the staples out Wednesday, and sees the surgeon on the 23rd. Recovery will be slower than we expected, but I think we are headed in the right direction, finally. I'm afraid it's not just the Sooners based on my one OU weekend in 1966. We went to the big, joint party, and my date and my sorority sister wound up in the drunk room. At least, her date and I remained relatively sober. I'm not sure if they enjoyed the game the next day. Steve and I agreed we don’t want to go again. It's better to watch on TV. Annie, don't be too hasty. I got lucky with the sparkplugs and coils. Besides, I've retired. Lenda
  21. Good afternoon. We got some expensive good news today. The vibration problem with the convertible goes back to the piece of firewood I ran over last fall. Yes, I hit it, but the real blame as far as I'm concerned belongs to the idiot who did not secure a load of firewood, which was lost over at least a mile of highway. Running over the wood and landing on the pavement as hard as I did damaged or broke the left front CV joint, in addition to the wheel and the tire. We still don't understand why the alignment place did not check the CV joint and fix it. The car will be ready Monday afternoon in time on Wednesday to take DH to his final spine surgeon appointment and then to UTSW so the nurse practioner can check him out and remove all those lovely, shiny, stainless steel staples. BTW, the incision is looking better, but I still will not horrify my Daily family with pictures. The other part of the good news, is my work on the sparkplugs and ignition coils was not the problem. Since there is now no rush on fixing the fuel leak problem on the "fishing" car, we are having them repair another fuel line problem. I'm thankful that I did not have to work on the fuel problems. I don't want to get under the car, and the second problem would be a pain to fix. Terri, you and your DH are in our thoughts on this sad anniversary. I hope the flooring guy will get the floor right this time. Carolyn, I looked at that cruise for 2024 and would love to do it either then or in 2025. Right now, we are still not booking cruises. We'll wait until things settle down a bit more. Ray, I think you will enjoy Cairns and Darwin. We visited those two towns in 2002 on the Volendam. Vanessa, I'm sorry you are still having trouble sleeping. My explanation of the day is the Texas version. You know Texans have a habit of being somewhat different. My memory failed me today. It was not at the battle of Goliad, but the battle Gonzales. The cannon still exists, but the carriage is a reproduction. Looking on Google, the meaning of the day the October 6 day is different. Holiday Insights has a good explanation of the day. Thanks for the pictures from Amsterdam. We've always enjoyed our time in that city. Annie, I hope you can quit stressing about your trip. It will turn out all right and you'll have a relaxing and fun cruise. Lenda
  22. Good morning again. I got my hair cut, and it feels and looks so much better. My open day has changed a bit. We are waiting on a tow truck to take our "fishing" car into the shop. The last time we drove it, the fuel line broke and started spewing gasoline every where. The car is a 1995 so things will happen. It's been sitting in front of the house for the past three months. Today, we finally got around to calling a tow truck, which I will follow to the repair shop. Since I will already be on the edge of town, I'll head on over the the county seat and W-M. I'd planned on going early in the morning tomorrow, but when I was in town earlier today, I remembered that tomorrow is Pioneer Day. That is a good day to avoid town unless you want to see what all the vendors are offering. The reference to Come and Take It day being important to Texas history goes back to the Texas fight of Independence from Mexico. At the Battle of Goliad, which like the Alamo was more of a massacre, the Texians, as they were called, had one cannon. They yelled to the Mexicans to "Come, and take it." RNB, I've seen people trying to get a thread back on topic, but nothing quite like that one. I think the second post closing the thread is a record. Lenda
  23. Wishing all our Canadian Dailyites, as very happy Thanksgiving weekend. Good morning from a still dark central Texas. Sunrise is not until 7:26 this morning. It is 64F and feels like 64F, but our high will be 85F. There is a 5 mph breeze with 98% humidity and a dew point of 63F. It is getting to the time of year, when we need to start the day with jeans and change into shorts later in the day. Tomorrow the high will be 73F, and then we'll be back in the 80s for the next week. Fall temperatures are always a roller coaster in this part of Texas in the fall. Tomorrow will be a good day for cooler weather since we'll be inside for several hours watching the Red River Rivalry. For those not familiar the RRR, it's the annual football game between Texas and Oklahoma. It's held on neutral ground in the Cotton Bowl during the Texas State Fair in Dallas. I'll take my walk later this morning, but first I have an appointment for a very much needed hair cut. With all that's been going on, it's been six weeks since I had a hair cut. Talk about shaggy. Our internet was still out when I went to be last night, but it was back this morning. You don't know how much you use the internet until it's down. The phone company has been installing fiber optic cable along the main road to our little community. They are also installing new phone lines on the poles. Those lines still need to be hooked up. I looked up come and take it day, but I'll pass on it. The Mad Hatter is an interesting character in the book. I'll celebrate Physician Assistants. On my rare visits to the PCP's office I see the PA. It was the PA who first suggested DH needed a head CT Scan that lead to the NPH diagnosis. The Albert Einstein quote is very good. We read to the DDs every night when they were little. By the time they started school, they would bring library books home for us to read to them. I think we'll pass on the mead today. DH likes broiled cod, but neither of us is a fan of curry. We'll pass on the drink. We've had today's wine and enjoyed it. We have not been to Albany, Australia, but I grew up near Albany, Texas. The name is where the similarity ends. Two good days in history beginning with Harry Truman. When the Salk vaccine first came out, we got our shots at school. As soon as the Sabine oral vaccine arrived, my father took me to the junior high school one Saturday where the vaccine saturated sugar cubes were being distributed. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad your DH's telemed visit went well and that things are coming along with the move. Enjoy your retreat. @cat shepard Ann, thanks tor the continued well wishes for DH's recovery. It will be slower than what we expected before the surgery. BTW, I'm not sure what normal is anymore, or if our life was ever was normal. 😉 @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for the pictures of Albany. @Denise T Denise, I'm happy Fancy is doing much better. @smitty34877 Terry, that is good news about your DB and DSIL taking you out for dinner. I'm glad is was fun. You deserved a break like that. @Heartgrove Jack, I remember those interest rates. The mortgage for the house we bought in 1980 was 13%. Lenda
  24. This will be short since we still don't have internet. It should be restored about midnight. My cell service is flakey. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I missed your post this morning. Glad you are feeling better. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry about the tummy issues. @marshhawk Annie, the pinched nerve could be from all the computer work with repetitive motions. Hopefully, being away from the computer on your trip will help. Better quit while I still have a signal. Lenda
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