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Posts posted by abe3

  1. All the major cruise line stocks are down. Has nothing to do with what has been implemented the past year. The dollar is higher AND costs more for foreigners to travel to the US. If you look at Disney attractions their attendance is way down mostly because of foreign travelers are not coming as much. Mostly due to a strong dollar.



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  2. Jeeze NCL is damned if they do and dammed if they dont!!



    the haters will hate and find anything to pounce on.


    Time difference of a couple hours shouldn't matter and if they have been watching the weather reports for the last week, which most cruisers should do they could of and should of planned on arriving early with adjusting their flight schedules or driving schedules. I have no sympathy for people scheduling their arrival to the ship an hour or two before final boarding. Better planning is prudent to make sure you leave yourself plenty of time to make it in case of weather delays or adjustments to a ships schedule of departure.



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  3. I think you mistyped when you say that the ships use sodium chloride to sanitize the water, when they use sodium hypoclorite.




    I will also dispute the claim that the majority of water in the US is sanitized with chloramines, though I am no expert on the subject when it comes to municipal water supplies. I believe that many municipalities use chloramines as a secondary sanitizer, after using chlorine as a primary one. This is because chlorine is a better sanitizing agent, but chloramine has a better half-life, so it lasts longer in the pipes.




    The CDC regards both chlorine and chloramines to be safe when concentrations are 4.0ppm or below. Now, seeing that you've mentioned you live in California, I looked up the maximum allowable chlorine or chloramine concentrations in your state, and they are 80ppm. NYC has reported residual chlorine content (at the user's faucet) at 120+ppm, which means that they have treated to higher than that levels.




    The USPH/CDC regulations for cruise ships requires a residual chlorine content of 0.5ppm at the furthest point from the chlorination point. Since the ship's water is constantly being recirculated, rather than sitting idle in underground pipes, the chlorine levels remain very close to the required residual at all points through the ship. So, I dispute your claim that the ships chlorinate to higher levels than municipal water. Even the water produced onboard, or taken from shore is only chlorinated to 4-5ppm, per USPH/CDC.




    Further, because of the lesser chance of biological contamination of the ship's water (no underground pipes, more prevalent backflow preventers), there is less likelihood of the organic sanitizing byproducts caused by chlorine in municipal water supplies.




    I know you mistyped about sodium chloride, from your last sentence where you claim it is a "dangerous and deadly" chemical. Bad for your blood pressure? Sure. Deadly, not so much.




    I agree that bottled water does not normally contain chlorine or chloramines, but I dispute that ship's water is as bad as municipal water.




    And while I salute your state's recycling laws, as ours in Maine require them to be, 8 out of 10 of the 42.6 billion single serving bottles used annually in the US end up in landfills. Add to that the 17 million barrels of oil required to power the bottled water industry (and that is a 10 year old figure), and I for one cannot justify bottled water.



    Fantastic post. Leave the bottles behind and drink ships water. Help the environment.



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  4. First -- A CPA (Del Rio) can distort the numbers to make them look good.




    The booking numbers may be up, but it is obvious that NCL is chopping prices and adding "giveaways" to keep the numbers up, and it appears that they will need to continue doing this.




    The tricks such as adding "service charges" are not setting very well with some people and that leads to word of mouth adverse publicity. Those tactics work for a while, but eventually they may come back to bite the company that does it.



    Lol. Yeah right. Obviously not hurting their ship occupancy. They are doing just fine and I have future cruises booked with them. Look forward to more fantastic vacations with NCL.



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  5. I didn't see that poster ask any CCL questions?



    Not a post about a CEO. it's a post about lobster being offers on the ships. Completely irrelevant to this thread.


    I find it so hypocritical that one comes in these NCL boards to bash NCL on everything but chooses not to cruise on NCL. Maybe their interests should focus on their cruise line of their choice like Carnival.


    I don't mind people giving honest opinions on their experiences but when you don't sail with NCL anymore and just come in here to rant hate spew towards the CEO.


    Need to get over it and look elsewhere if you are not satisfied. I myself have enjoyed every single NCL cruise and IMOP it's still a great value for your money.

  6. Even If they are allowed-PLEASE be considerate of others and do not block aisles, walkway etc taking pictures. It can be very dangerous and just plan rude - IMHO!



    Maybe people taking formal photographs on stairs be considerate to others also instead of blocking the staircase for extended periods of time.

  7. ... Or we're just observant consumers who are waiting to see what the next "clawback" is.



    Always will be changes, always will be price increases. Don't know why you use clawback. If you don't like the changes look for another place to vacation. Because obviously NCL is not the only cruise line that makes changes.

  8. My thread has prompted many more responses from you guys than I anticipated and the majority have answered the question I asked while others have used it as another opportunity to have yet another dig at ncl but I guess that is their perogative. It has been like a breath of fresh air reading so many good comments about ncl and it won't be long now until I get the chance to experience the ncl experience for myself and wouldn't it be ironic if I came on here after my trip and had nothing but bad things to say about it [emoji6].

    While reading these posts and those on other threads, it is clear that there are many differing views amongst us all and things can get a bit heated at times - wouldn't it be fun if we were all in the same cruise and arranged a meet and greet with us all? Could be quite eventful ☺



    Never had a bad cruise on NCL. service has been always great from the Haven to a regular balcony room on each and every cruise. If you let the little things bother that happens on every vacation then you will have a bad cruise.


    Don't let the negative people try to persuade you in their negative light. Most of them just look for anything to complain about and jot enjoy the time on the boat.

  9. I do tire of the negativity. I don't mind if someone has a problem and they complain about it, but it's when they go on and on and on and post the same thing on threads that are only remotely related to the change they have a problem with.




    The posting of lists of every little change NCL has made is what makes me chuckle. I cannot believe that every single change impacts so many individuals. I look at the lists, and 99% of what's on them I don't even think about and have absolutely no impact on my enjoyment of a cruise. The recent water and soda policy impacts me slightly. I usually pick up a six-pack of diet root beer or diet Coke before I board. But, I don't care enough to complain about it. It's hard to imagine that some can't drink a different brand for a week or that drinking a different brand will absolutely ruin their vacations. I'm sure there's something they could change that would make me look elsewhere--like if they shut down all the specialty restaurants, that would be a huge disappointment for me.




    I do understand that some are disappointed by some of the recent changes and I sympathize to a point. But the fixations on some of them can be over the top.







    Great post.

  10. Mmm, I can see a wee bit of negativity sneaking into the thread which is a shame as it had been going so well.


    As the title of the thread clearly states it is only positive comments I want to see as I have seen plenty of the other stuff elsewhere to last me a lifetime.


    It's a rare sunny and warm day here on the south coast of the UK, I have a Mediterranean cruise to look forward to, life is good so happy, happy, happy only here please [emoji16].


    Anyone with anything bad to say can bite their tongue and keep their comments to themselves, thanks all the same.



    Don't worry the NCL haters will still throw their 2 cents worth of negativity.


    But deep down after all their petty little arguments and negative comments they still jump on board and give NCL their money to cruise.

  11. Despite all the changes that have a small group of people making lots of noise around here, if you read the posts from people returning from cruises, you'll see overwhelmingly positive comments.


    For me, each and every cruise I've taken with NCL has improved over the previous one.



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    Agree. Don't let the few people on here that always post negative things and have an agenda to put NCL out of business from having a great time on your cruise


    I have never had a bad cruise on NCL and each and everyone has been consistently great with service and fun.

  12. Yes. My point was that people smoked on their balconies. Despite bringing it up at first services, they were seemingly allowed to continue. Or at least they continued regardless.



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    Because they are stuck up and rules don't apply to them like Hillary Clinton.

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