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Everything posted by NoWhiners

  1. I didn't know they give more points--that might be useful. Doubt we will use RS anymore--I'm not paying $10 plus an 18% tip. We can take turns getting some breakfast stuff or just go and eat. We love the aft cabins over the wake and try and get them whenever we can.
  2. Hi all We'll be taking a NE/Canada cruise in 2024 and we booked an aft sunset veranda cabin. I noticed in our reservation, X calls this cabin a "sunset veranda concierge class". I looked to see what this means, and as far as I can tell, all it really gives us is access to a concierge who can make dinner reservations for us. Did I miss something? There are other things listed but they seem the same as other cabins (mini-fridge with extra charges if you actually drink anything, laundry for extra fee, stuff like that). I was hoping we would get no fee room service or something useful but I guess not. What is the actual point of "concierge class"? Thanks for any help.
  3. Oh sure, hold it against the Swans that they haven't played any real teams yet 🤣 We need all the help we can get. Just wait, by mid-season there will be lots of drama! Go Swans!
  4. Better game so far than Bombers game--finally the Suns scored, halfway thru the 1stQ. Go Swans! (Wish that game was on here!).
  5. Thanks for posting Mic. I am watching the Bombers-Suns game. It's nice when they start early down under--I have half a chance of staying awake 😉 Seems like the Swans have the game well in hand 🤞 Go Swans!
  6. Seems sufficient to me, but I didn't see it. Buddy would never do anything blatantly against the rules 😁
  7. This is a hot topic here in the US in all sports, especially football. Lots of new rules about players having to come out of games and get checked by an independent (i.e., not team paid) doctor. It is so serious that many parents won't let their sons play football, which is seen as threat to the future of the game here. Even in Texas, where they have a long tradition of serious high school football. Several US pro players have donated their brains to labs after they die, to be checked for CTE (concussions). They are finding some links too. Having recently had brain surgery for a spontaneous hematoma, I can relate to how serious this is. I can't imagine having a concussion. Or even more than one, like many NFL and AFL players get. Very Scary.
  8. Oooh, that kind of bump 😆 Silly me, I'm still learning all the tech speak of AFL! I'm sure it was a totally innocent, accidental touch, nothing deliberate 😇 How long before we know how it is ruled? Thanks for clarifying. ML
  9. Oh no. I hope this isn't yet another injury--Buddy's too old to have multiple issues. 😉
  10. Thanks for posting the scores. I am not quite in shape for the season--completely forgot about the game😲 Glad the Swans won, always best to start the new season with a win. Let's hope it means good things to come! Go Swans! ML
  11. Hi Docker Nice to hear from you. i didn't know Buddy was the oldest player but I knew he had to be up there. He is always hurt these days. I'll have to see if the games will be shown here. I hope they can get some good play from him before he has to sit and rest again! ML
  12. Hi Mic Nice to hear from you again! Yes, I agree Buddy will be a decoy out on the field. I hope he has enough left to actually pull it off. Swans in the finals is enough for me!! ML
  13. Hi mates Mic pointed out that the pre-season has started so it's time for pre-season speculation. I say the Swans do better than last year, although I have my doubts about how effective Buddy will be. What's the current thinking on favorites and any good rumors??? ML
  14. It just occurred to me to ask--will Italian cab drivers speak English or should I just have the address of our hotel written down? I assume that getting to the Vatican and Colosseum and other touristy things don't require actual Italian, but maybe that's wrong?
  15. Yes, that would be good but we'll be on Princess not X 😞
  16. Hi all I know there are cabs stands and it's hard to hail a cab in Rome but I am wondering if I can get a cab that is dropping someone off. For example, I am at the Colosseum and I'm done touring. If someone else gets out of a cab, can I just ask them to take me someplace or do I have to walk to a cabstand? I'm a little worried because the maps I have show cab stands are several blocks for the Colosseum and DH has a hard time walking long distances. We are prepared to use cabs between locations but I need to understand how to use them without seeming like an entitled person?! And, I need to help DH with his hip issues!
  17. I'm interested in Canada/NE 2024. I thought they would be out by now. I hope it's not T'giving. We'll be on a cruise and I expect internet to be really bad 😞
  18. Hi mates Well, it's spring and I believe another AFL season is about to be sprung (at least that's what I hear from possum52 a very credible source) 😁 I haven't been paying a lot of attention to CC these past 2 years but now I see a glimmer of light on the horizon. I know it's been a tough few years Down Under--fires, covid, recent floods. I am wondering if you have locusts?? If so, you may want to keep an eye out 😉 So, what are your predictions for AFL this season? Who are the favorites? Any good rumors out there, whether or not they have passed rumor control? I'll start--Swans make the playoffs but finish 2nd to...the Lions. Hope everyone is well and you all have cruises in your near future, although I guess Australia hasn't quite opened cruising up yet. ML
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