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Everything posted by Megan_Strick

  1. No benefit except for the fact that they enjoy doing them and we enjoy reading them.
  2. He's made a ton of these and they are so dang funny
  3. Have you ever seen the Snoop Dogg video where he talks about "mongooses" If not, You tube it
  4. And the Elation type ship is the only one that will fit under the bridge in Jax.
  5. Yeah, it looks like there is nothing to do. If I want ugly water I will go my the beaches where I live
  6. What is the point of the Ocean Cabanas? Why would someone rent those? That water is particularly pleasant to look at. Maybe its just me?
  7. My husband, who is an electrician, would lose his mind looking at that!
  8. Note to self. Bring sticky notes on next cruise for door slammers
  9. Weird question. How tall are you? You look like you were towering over everyone in one of those pics.
  10. That rain must be what we got in Georgia yesterday (Sunday). It was horrible weather here.
  11. OMG me too! I keep my finger on the mouse so I can click off real quick🤣
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