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Posts posted by CJHAN

  1. On 1/6/2021 at 5:30 PM, RobinCruiser said:

    8 Day Eastern Caribbean Jan 29/22 on the Freedom *Ports are St. Maarten, St. Kitts, San Juan, Grand Turk


    7 Day Mexican Riviera Nov 12/22 on the Panorama *Ports are Cabo, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta


    I'm trying to decide so I can block some group space but just don't know which one to pick!! I've done the Eastern Carib twice but never been to Grand Turk and never done the Mexican Riv.



    Normally I’m a ship first guy so I would go with the Panorama but 8 days is 8 day and the freedom is a fun ship. Take the 8 day. Who knows you might even luck out and get to do both.

  2. 12 hours ago, Encore37 said:

    What do everyone think the chances of March cruises from Miami?  It looks like Carnival has started bring ships and crew back to the USA.  I’m hoping they can give a better answer shortly.

    I wouldn’t expect anything before mid Apr at best. But I’m thinking more likely late May early June if everything goes perfectly and given we see people every day not doing the right thing I’m not optimistic.

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  3. On 11/4/2020 at 6:03 AM, beerman2 said:

    Has nothing to do with what the cruise lines want and everything to do what KW wants. If the cruise lines want to continue to go to KW they will have to use smaller ships. 


    It's all about limiting the number of people , not the trillion dollar ships.

    Give it a couple of years and see how the revenue works out , money talks.


    and if/when the business owners start feeling the money crunch they will change again.

    KW gets more then enough revenue without cruise ships and without the environmental devastation to that very sensitive area that comes with it. 
    Don’t get me wrong I’m a cruiser through and through but I completely understand their issues and their goals with  this. Good for them.

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  4. Several months ago, I made a comment on Cruise Critic that I wouldn’t go on a cruise if masks were required. Back then, I wasn’t wearing a mask at all and would avoid establishments that required one. Now that masks are required in my county and I’ve actually been wearing one each day, it’s not as bothersome anymore.
    Crazy as it sounds, I now think I wouldn’t mind having to wear a mask on a cruise and it wouldn’t be a deterrent.

    I’m 100% about wearing a mask. But I wouldn’t cruise if it where a requirement. Not because I think it’s a bad idea to wear a mask but because it’s way t different from the way I normally cruise. At present if you want to cruise wear a mask and don’t complain. Otherwise wait.

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  5. On 9/15/2020 at 7:49 PM, xDisconnections said:

    Based on the simple fact the OP exchanged flexibility in order to receive a discount. The OP has a binding contract where his deposit is non-refundable. In my opinion, he should not be permitted to make this change without being subjected to the administrative fee unless Carnival cancels the sailing.


    Exceptions should not be made when the passenger made the decision to have a non-refundable deposit over a refundable deposit. That said, YMMV -- some have been successful; others not so much.

    It doesn't seem like the op is looking for a refund but to apply the deposit to a future cruise. I might be wrong but I think there is a difference.

  6. Other credit cards will offer you similar benefits but give you back cash rather then credits to that particular cruise line. To me that is away the better option. But to your point. if you are already on a cruise it will go to the next one if you are currently booking it will go to the upcoming cruise.

  7. We normally do about 1k for the cruise itself and an additonal 1k for pre and post cruise stuff. We almost never spend the entire amount but we like to make sure we dont come off of vacation in debt. This leaves us something to either make a short vacation at some other point in the year or just start a new fund for the next cruise. I have a friend who like to gamble on the ship so she brings about 3k just for that. So basically it all comes down to your planned costs + whatever you consider necessary for just in case stuff.


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