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Everything posted by librarylady19

  1. Cool - I'm on that one too. Join the Roll Call! https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2963773-scarlet-lady-november-3-14-2024-barcelona-to-rome/
  2. Same here. Call and get your folio emailed to you.
  3. Are you seeing this in the app or website version of your account? When I got my rebooking, the app had less perks listed in add-ons than either the rebooking confirmation email I received from Virgin or the web version of my account. I called Sailor Services, and they sent me a copy of my folio so I have plenty of proof printed out of my actual perks ! I had read here that the app was rather wonky so want to be prepared. Good luck!
  4. Woo hoo!! Got my confirmation for my rebooking (one week to the day). Very happy with the extra $600 sailor loot and the new cruise itinerary (Barcelona to Rome, 11/3/24). I'll be able to take lots of shore excursions with that. Thanks to everyone who has been on this thread for quite some time now. I would have really been in the dark without everyone sharing here. 😀
  5. Woo hoo!! Got my confirmation for my rebooking (one week to the day). Very happy with the extra $600 sailor loot and the new cruise itinerary (Barcelona to Rome, 11/3/24). I'll be able to take lots of shore excursions with that. Thanks to everyone who has been on this thread for quite some time now. I would have really been in the dark without everyone sharing here. 😀
  6. Don't expect to hear within the 7 day window "promised". I just got off phone with VV (surprisingly got through right away) and agent checked with Displacement Team and said I should expect confirmation between 9/19 and 9/23.... FYI - submitted my rebooking form 9/8 - 6:40 p.m.
  7. There was a recent discussion on thr Secret cabins “ a thread on that topic.
  8. Well said @DAP2! I have the same questions and concerns, but I’m retired with less restrictions on my time (and more time to obsess about this)🙂 I have come up against the app and website “brick walls” and inability to reach VV by phone or chat. I agree that an update is overdue.
  9. Where can you see which cabins are available Iif you aren’t a TA)?
  10. Glad to see some people have received their rebooking. I submitted my form for rebooking from the cancelled BL TA on Friday evening, so hopeful I’m in the queue for today. Keep getting updating messages on the app. But the TA still shows up as booked on the website. I’ll be happy with either $600 loot or bar tab….just not $1200 bar tab for one person😏
  11. Well it would make sense that cruises would be filling up with the cancellation replacements, rather than a huge amount of people booking all on the first day of release. ….but who knows.
  12. Anyone who submitted a form online for a BL cancellation get a confirmation yet from VV?
  13. Price is also high for the Barcelona - Rome cruise in November. That’s the one I picked to replace the cancelled Brilliant TA! Love that there is an overnight in La Spezia!
  14. I got a text from Virgin earlier with this link: https://virg.in/newdestinations I think its the same info as posted earlier tho.
  15. I was calling to ask what it would cost to add my husband to the reservation (full fare…so going solo🙂). As for the rebooking, I just submitted that online (printed myself a copy first) and got an email back right away: “We’re on it. Your request has been received. We’ve received your request (Case #………..) and our team is diligently working on it now. We’ll be in touch within the next 7 days with more information — so don’t worry, you’ll be hearing directly from us soon. Booking Number: #………”
  16. I submitted mine today too and got a case # and an email that said I’d hear back within 72 hours. I was actually surprised when I called w/a question that a got a rep on the phone in 5 minutes! Since it’s a new sailing (the Barcelona to Rome SL) I wanted to get my request in before it was open to the public.
  17. There have been some updates to the itineraries listed on the VV Insider site for some of those itineraries that are new/aren't appearing on the Virgin website. https://vvinsider.com/full-itinerary-details-2024-2025-sailings-virgin-voyages/ Also, as a Royal/Celebrity customer, I would agree that this Virgin offer is much more generous than what they gave their customers.
  18. I have XL Sea terrace but didn't pay single supplement (ie only paid for 1 sailor!)
  19. A new question (I think) - I booked the TA as a solo and only paid for one person. So....I'm thinking I now have 2 options: a) book another solo cruise (longer the better!) or 2) book w/ hubby and pay the going rate for him. I am one of the lucky ones who got a great deal so I'm not too put out as I'm ending up with current perks plus more. Others, not so much 🤔
  20. Me too! Hopefully we get to keep all our perks.
  21. Thanks for article link. So, does this mean VL is doing the TA? Here's "confirmation" from Travel Weekly https://travelweekly.co.uk/news/tour-operators/virgin-voyages-announces-tough-decision-to-postpone-brilliant-lady-launch
  22. Hopefully it will get cleared up today. Thanks for posting! Not good news, but expected.
  23. That’s for sure - prices have literally doubled on some of my booked cruises. 😒
  24. Me too - as long as I keep all my sailor loot, DBP. Etc. 🙂 whatever happens though sounds like there will be cruisers impacted negatively.
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