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Posts posted by DandytheCop

  1. Question for the Tribe members, DW and I are cruising to Bermuda in July from Boston. Has anyone stayed near the cruise port? Most of the places nearby are over $475 a night. Hoping to find a something nice but cheaper.  We want to sightsee in that area, so I really don't want to go that far away. Just kind of wondering where people have stayed. Plan on asking the same question in the Boston area but since I follow this section, I actually trust the tribe members more than the average CC user.  I know there are a few tribe members that leave near the Boston area. Thanks  

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  2. On 2/3/2023 at 10:21 AM, SenatorsFan said:

    I'm sure you'll be in the Observation Lounge at some point looking for people with their feet up on the sofas! 😄

    Finally here and 14 pages long already.

    Never saw the feet from your last review. Well, maybe this time.

    By the way It has been below ZERO F all day at work. Just praying for you to talk about the heat Sid. It was -34F when I got up this morning and is supposed to be +37F as the high temp tomorrow, that is over a 70 degree change in 30 or so hours. 

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  3. Sid I'm not sure if it was one of your reviews (think it was on the Encore) or one of the many other reviews I've read.  But I believe you used to take pictures of people sleeping with their feet on the couches. It would freak people out seeing the stinky and ugly feet all over the upholstery.  Since you are shooting for the "Going out with a bang" maybe one last picture of the inconsiderate feet could get the posts exploding. Just a thought.

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  4. The walk back home was uneventful, but I had my tactical folder on my hip just in case.

    Sid  - I absolutely love that term. I am going to steal that from you if you don't mind.  


    Finally on board and trying to catch up. Started reading like 4 days ago when there were 45 pages, now there is over 62. Your reviews are always the best and very exciting to read. Keep it up!!!! 

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  5. Good for you Sid. Sounds very logical to me. 
    But in reality, you are the one that matters. You have had some great advice, but I think that you’re making the right decision. Your lifestyle and vacations time is very important to you. It seems from the outside you can pick your vacations when you want. 

    • Like 8
  6. Sorry saint greg..  purchase the cheers package when I book my room. Or after as an add on. By my calculations it will be a few hundred dollars cheaper to get the plan now pay later rate. Then buy the cheers for 612 later. 
    Never purchased cheer before. 

    just wondering what other people do. 

  7. Hey Tribe, quick question. Looking to book another Carnival Cruise for Feb 2023, was wondering would it be cheaper to get the cheapest room rate, then purchase the cheers package extra and maybe even the wifi package as an extra as well?  What do you think?  Trying do do our homework since I will be paying for 2 rooms. Paying for my daughter and grand child, possibly son too. I realize the cheers will only be for my wife and my room. 


    Haven't been able to post to CC for a very long time, ever since Sid was thinking about the Gov job. I assume someone did not like my response. Therefore I've been creeping for some time. 


    Senatorsfan : have you come through the port yet?  This weekend has been crazy with traffic. Finally back to before the travel restrictions. Been talking to numerous people going to NJ for a cruise to the Bahamas.   

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  8. On 12/4/2021 at 7:15 PM, sid_9169 said:



    Thanks for another great review SID!!  Glad to see you home and looks like watching Georgia football. You have had some great suggestions in regards to a semi-live or post-cruise reviewing.  It’s would be nice to keep reading your reviews. There really are only 7 people I follow and read their reviews entirely. You my friend are one and the first live review I found. I’ve followed you and your journeys ever sense. 

    • Like 6
  9. 11 hours ago, doctork said:

    Passports are good, but can they also use "enhanced drivers license" to cross the border by land?

    I have one for Washington State and it allows me to cross the border on land, into and returning from Canada.  I think MI and NY also have those, maybe other states that have a border with Canada (or maybe only those states that have cities near the Canadian border).

    Enhanced licenses are perfect to cross. I use my NY one to go to Ottawa. Some Canadian provinces have them but not all.
    The electrical workers need passports because they are “humanitarian paroled” into the US. They are stamped with a special stamp for a period of time.  Technically they are taking a job away from a US citizen. Therefore the are paroled (allowed) to work without work authorization. They did Bid for the contract and they are “asked” for support from the US power companies each time they come in. It’s all technical immigration jargon. There passports are stamped with a parole stamp each time they come into the US. 

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  10. 28 minutes ago, luvcruzing said:

    Did they have to pay the toll and have passports?

    They all have passports, this is the 10th or 11th time entering for most of them. I hope they are paying tolls, the company that owns the bridge is broke since the border has been closed. $3.50 per car and in the summer 1800 cars a day. Right now we get 100 cars or so a day. Tractor trailers are keeping the company afloat, there numbers have not changed. 

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  11. For those people without power in Massachusetts, help is one the way. Holland Power company from Canada just arrived and entered into NY state through39FDB341-E946-489F-8BD8-3853CE398705.thumb.jpeg.874f0ca862fe367b77afc571120fbaed.jpeg the border where I work, 125 trucks in total. Going to Mass on this trip they said. Sorry NYC area. 

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  12. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-lifestyle-health-covid-19-pandemic-travel-4826edefa498139ebd37684e4f64d553

    I know I’ve said the northern border was supposed to open in June. But it looks like it will finally happen. Funny I worked until 10pm est last night an received nothing  in my email. Check the news on my phone and bam it’s opening!!!!


    hope to see SenatorsFan soon. 

    and another article:


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  13. 1 hour ago, #55worktoplay said:

    Just to confirm you mean land crossing right?

     I wonder if I have crossed where you work.  I regularly cross into NY, mostly ogdensburg and Massena and thousand islands. 

    A while back I posted a few pictures of a storm across the river from where I work. The city is Prescott, ontario. You should know the crossing. See you soon. 

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  14. 13 hours ago, ceilidh1 said:

    Sorry, stupid question...but what does this mean? Canada can go into the US but right now US can't come in to Canada? Will this apply to the West Coast, too? Though I guess it doesn't matter if we still have to quarantine for 14 days on our return here...sigh

    Not a stupid question. All I know is that the US border will be opening June 22. That means to me, on the US side of NY,  the following: Canadiens will be able to cross for non work related travel(shopping, vacationing and the like). Returning to Canada is another matter, as far as I know they still quarantine and/or you have to have a specific negative covid test.  I asked a supervisor and he said it would be the entire northern border and international airports on June 22. Not sure on the Southern border but we "think" it may as well. But the southern border is a different world altogether than what I have to deal with. 


    Another thought is this, the US Federal Gov, does not quarantine, that is left up to the individual States, for instance, NY has never quarantined anyone coming from Canada, but my parents when they came from NC for the holidays, were supposed to. They were not stopped or told they had to, but our Governor Cuomo, said that it was up to the individual to call the health department on their own. My parents never did. 


    ceilidh1 I'm not sure about the state of Washington and who they quarantine, you should check on that yourself, but if my memory serves me, you are a US citizen and CANNOT ever be refused entry into your country(stuff in your vehicle can, non citizens in your vehicle can but not a citizen). 


    We(the employees I work with) believe that Canada will have to allow it citizens the chance to go to the US and actually get a vaccine shot and return without quarantine. All of the drug stores, Walmart's and grocery stores near the Border in NY announce that there are vaccine shots available, usually two different types.  There are greeters at Walmart asking if you want a free shot.   As of this date, we are turning around Canadiens trying to get a vaccine in the US. That will change when the border opens. 


    Sorry so long, just trying to answer questions that may arise. Really all I know is that it will open. After that is only a guess and left up to those that make money more money than I do. 

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  15. 5 minutes ago, Ragdollbd said:

    How did you find that out?  They keep extending the border closure every month.  I live about 20 minutes from the Detroit border in Canada.  Sucks that we can't go shopping.  I am hoping this is true, at least I will be able to fly from Detroit for my next cruise if this is true.

    I work on the US side of the border. It’s not public but we officers were notified on Friday. I read the plan we are initiating for the re-opening. It’s the US government opening only as of now. I assume Canada will jump on board but one can never really assume. But I know for a fact we will be open on June 22. At least the northern border and all international US airports. 

    Fee are collected when people fly into the US. It’s a huge loss of money after one year without those fees. 

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  16. Congrats Syd !!!!


    Been away from work for four days. This morning, we were told that in June 22 at 12:00am est. the border will be open. Now that is only the US side, meaning US citizens still might not be able to go to Canada but that also means Canadiens  can come down and shop. Open for flights to all airports and I believe to Mexico as well . 

    Looks like I will be doing grocery shopping for probably three weeks in June 20-21.  The canadiens cross the border to shop in NY state since our groceries are much cheaper. Just wanted to let my friends up north know that we will be waiting for your exodus on June 22. 

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  17. 4 hours ago, All-ready2cruise said:

    And yet, the US govt continues to pressure Canada to open it's border to tourists and businesses ... pretty funny really. 

    Don't forget we had a change of administration. Former wanted the Northern border open and the Southern open only at the Ports of Entry. New administration, I guess now wants the Northern Border  Closed for all US travel as per the State Department and the southern Wide open. Look at Local news reports near northern border towns, The border patrol is being moved to the southern border so they are not patrolling between the US ports of entry. Because of the huge influx of Illegal's trying to make entry into the US, either legally at a port of entry (to file for Asylum)or illegally(just to get in) between the gaps in the walls. My agency has received the call to go to the southern border, mostly people working at the International airports that are not even excepting flights. For myself, I have enough seniority where I work, so I should not be Voluntold to go south.   

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  18. Just when you think "It may turn out ok" Canada added to U.S. 'Do Not Travel' list


    Canada is among more than 100 countries added to the U.S. State Department's "Do Not Travel” advisory list.

    The list more than quadrupled Tuesday, citing the "very high level of COVID-19" now in some 80% of countries worldwide.


    The pandemic has been especially devastating in India. The country on Wednesday reported nearly 315,000 new infections in 24 hours, a record.

    Click here to see the complete "Do Not Travel" list.

    The United States on Tuesday also extended the ban on non-essential travel at the Canadian and Mexican borders for another 30 days.

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  19. A bit ago someone was wondering why people are out on the ice. Well snowmobiles can reach excess of 100mph without worry of trees(open water yes trees no) and the. The ice fisherman.  Hopefully the short video works. This is a bay on the St Lawrence river separating NYS from Canada.  Prescott Ontario to be exact.   I heard there is about 6-10 inches of ice out there. 

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  20. 2 hours ago, #55worktoplay said:

    I heard there may have been an ice storm in your old area but not 100% sure where exactly. I just know Canadian Power workers were sent down in the event they were needed. Usually they are sent after but this time they were sent in preparation.


    Enjoy the nice weather. We are in lockdown here until Jan 28 but numbers are increasing and there was mention of an extension today.  Ugh!

    I work exactly where GP used to live. Yes Canadian Power company trucks have crossed into the US. This is actually the 11th or so time since this summer. They are documented every time they cross into the US for work.  Just before Christmas they were in CT an MA. They come a lot and usually are not called to work because they are brought down only as a precaution. They came around the New Years to the Buffalo to Syracuse area since there was supposed to be a bad storm there. It did not happen like they predicted. The company that comes down is a "storm chaser" company, they usually have one retired worker and one apprentice worker per truck. Paid in $CAD. They make HUGE $$$$$ because they are paid 24 hours a day when they leave CBP at the border until they return to the Canadian border. One guy I talked to made $80,000 CAD going to 11 storms last year. Not including his Hydro (power company) Retirement. But they are still cheaper than bringing US companies from all over the states. 


    There is no ice storm in this area. Maybe further south, but my parents just drove from NC to almost the top of New York State where I live and only encountered rain. It did snow about 5 inches in the past few days though.

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  21. A supervisor at work sent out a text message today.  He has a great sense of humor. I laugh every time I read it.  You all know I rarely ever post.  So here it is;
    Hope you laugh as much as I did. 


    To all,

    I wasn’t allowed to say anything until today, but it's now okay for me to share that I volunteered for the Covid-19 vaccine trial in partnership with Pfizer. It's the one that has been developed in Russia. I received my first dose last Tuesday, and I wanted to let you all know that it’s completely safe, with иo side effects whatsoeveя, and that I feelshκι я чувю себя немного стрно и я думю, что вытл осные уши





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  22. IRMO12HD,

    3 Tablespoons of melted butter(the real Stuff) 

    3 Tablespoons of Rice Vinegar   

    3 Tablespoons of Brown Sugar

             The sugar and Rice Vinegar change depending on what I like that day.

    1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes . More or less depends on if you like it hot. Sometimes I put in none.

    1/8 teaspoon garlic powder.

    I usually nuke all the ingredients together and have it warm.  

    This is what I start with.  I is definitely not what I end up with. I always add more or less of something. 



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