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Everything posted by KeithJenner

  1. An issue with the UK, and the EU. For now. Last year it was just an issue with Greece, but that’s not much consolation to the people on the UK cruises now. If NCL can’t get this sorted in the current countries then what reassurance does this give us that they won’t have a problem elsewhere. The Baltic cruises are starting soon (with long port stops). What will happen there? They will probably get the UK sorted soon, as they did with Greece, but I’d be very nervous if I was sailing somewhere towards the start of a season (as I am next Spring on the Viva).
  2. This particular issue (no alcohol at all) is currently only happening in the UK, but it has happened earlier this year in Gibraltar and happened on a couple of occasions in Greece last year. As mentioned there are also the current restrictions in Italy. I don’t think we know for sure that it is fixed in Gibraltar. It may just be that they haven’t been there lately. The concern is that we don’t know where it will happen next.
  3. I’ve booked dining onboard using the app. Only problem I’ve ever had is that on embarkation day it was slow to update so my reservation didn’t show up in my booked items for a while.
  4. A two meal package is given to the first two people on the reservation. Most people take them as two meals for two.
  5. My understanding from Greece is that they are serving anyone with any package (but I assume not anything that isn’t fully covered - drinks at over $15 with the basic package for example). I also believe that people are allowed to consume wine they bring aboard. I think that Trieste was operating the same rules as Greece.
  6. As long as the booking is made by someone with the package then that makes no difference at the booking stage. The system assumes everyone is the same. Then, when you turn up for the meal just let the server know how individual people are paying and they will sort that bit out and charge the relevant people for their food.
  7. I’m not sure about that. In some places the shuttle buses are operated locally (and I get the impression that they have to be). Livorno is another example. I was actually quite impressed by the local cruise welcoming set up in Belfast which included shuttle buses and lots of information and guidance (they had local staff at the drop off points to offer assistance, for example). My take away was that is how Belfast do it, and NCL was just following that.
  8. Didn’t stop them last year when NCL had two ships in Santorini, one serving and one not.
  9. Yeah, that’s my memory. I did wonder whether someone kicked up a fuss and NCL were told they couldn’t charge it, as next time we sailed from Southampton it was gone (from memory). All speculation of course.
  10. Yeah, NCL drink prices are high. A theory is that they increased the prices (and beverage package prices) that few people actually pay in order to increase the gratuity charges, that do get paid in many countries. It would be ironic if that is the case and then NCL find that they have to pay increased tax charges based on those inflated prices. 🙂
  11. The tax issue in Barcelona isn’t new. We have been sailing from there since 2012 and it has always been a factor on NCL. The rules (or how they are interpreted) have changed a few times over the years. It has been discussed a few times on these boards over the years and my understanding is that most other lines don’t charge the tax to their customers. The assumption has been that they just price it into the drinks, but that is speculation. In the past NCL has charged customers the tax in the UK. I particularly remember when the Escape was launched and there was a one night sampler cruise that had a lot of non NCL regulars onboard and there was a lot of fuss about the charge. I don’t think that NCL have charged it since then (I don’t recall paying it and I’ve sailed from Southampton a few times). As has been stated elsewhere on the thread there are rules about having to show the full price including tax, which probably conflicts with the way NCL usually do these things.
  12. It’s basically one dish from each course (some items have an upcharge). From the website: ”An SDP meal in a la carte restaurants includes 1 appetizer, 1 soup or salad, 1 main course and 1 dessert (does not apply to cover charge restaurants or Food Republic, Pincho Tapas Bar and Sushi, where a meal includes any 4 menu items). SDP does not include beverages and additional and/or premium menu items will incur charges.”
  13. Keep checking. They were probably never actually offered. This sort of thing is very common with new ships.
  14. I’d be amazed if NCL has given accurate information to their staff (see the examples of people being told by phone staff that there is no problem). The blame us not with the individuals. Another reason why NCL need to get this sorted for the sake of their staff who are under unnecessary pressure.
  15. How walkable that is depends on what luggage you have and what terminal you are at. A lot of people say that the nearby railway station is too far to walk with bags. There is also a co-op near the Premier Inn, which is closer (as well as M&S in West Quay.
  16. Not at the terminal as far as I am aware. There are some options in Southampton, but you would need to walk a little way (depending on which terminal you are in).
  17. NCL are a US company. Edit - sorry I think your right actually, but their headquarters are in the US.
  18. So, even if we accept their form was late thing, you agree that they should check these things earlier. So why haven’t they after they messed up on the Jade last April, or the Gem later last year, or in Gibraltar or Italy? Even if it is just a paperwork thing it is clear that NCL have had an issue with this, and they should have taken steps before now to get it fixed. That they haven’t fixed it means that peoples holidays are being negatively impacted. Regardless of what the root cause is, NCL have not dealt with it well. What reassurance do any of us have that this won’t happen on our future cruises?
  19. And Greece and Gibraltar. Maybe NCL should get into the habit of checking these things a bit earlier.
  20. Even if we buy the line about 2 days notice for the payment, that means that NCL were notified last Tuesday it is now Monday of the following week and they still don’t appear to have paid it.
  21. Because their story makes no sense. It happened last Easter on the Jade. It happened later in the year on the Gem. It has happened in Gibraltar. There have been issues in Italy. It is now happening on two separate ships in the UK. I gave them the benefit of the doubt in Athens, but sorry, this has been going on for too long now. The M&G on the Dawn was told about this form or payment, but there were problems the week before that in the UK. NCL need to be better than this. Whatever the reason they can't just say "but, the form" and it all be OK again. As I have made very clear on this thread, I don't know what the actual cause of the problem is. I'm not accusing NCL of not paying their taxes or of doing anything illegal. I'm accusing them of being very bad at doing whatever is required in order to do a basic thing that the other lines seem to manage fine. I wouldn't say that I'm attacking you, by the way, but I have to admit that I am finding your contributions very funny. Sorry about that, but it's the way that it is.
  22. You would hope so, although these things have now been going on for over a year (the first restrictions happened on the Jade in April last year). This is why NCL need to resolve what is causing the problems, otherwise we will just keep going through this in different places. It is also why I do not buy the "there was a form we didn't know about" line. That can happen once, or twice, but this is showing that there is a fundamental problem somewhere.
  23. I am absolutely not on the "I hate NCL bandwagon". I explained this earlier. I love the NCL product and they are very good at many things. That is why this sort of nonsense is so disappointing. I started this thread giving them the benefit of the doubt over how this was happening. My take was that it could well be an administrative issue, but they were still responsible for the fact that they were getting caught out multiple times. I firmly believe that they are now lying. Maybe because they don't want to admit to administrative problems, maybe because they got caught doing something wrong and can't admit to that, I just don't know. All I want them to do is get this sorted, for their sake and for ours, because this is going to do them no good in the long run. I want NCL to succeed and this is the sort of thing that will drive customers away (reluctantly, including us).
  24. You can read it on this very thread: "We are on vacation and like to have a drink.We have visited guest services to complain, their stance is, it’s the law, it’s nothing to do with duty and HMRC."
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