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Posts posted by Roadtripster

  1. My first weekend off in a month and then not another one for another month.

    Today I have been heavily spring cleaning the house. Even my husband has been helping me. Got the whole upstairs cleaned and on Sunday, the downstairs will get the treatment.

    We went out to eat and there was nothing I really could eat/want to eat so I just ordered the grilled chicken sandwich with no sides and when I got it, the poor thing looked so lonely on the plate. I even took off the bun and that made it look even smaller. LOL My husband was like "Are you sure you have enough to eat. Sure there isn't anything else to have. Then when we left and in the car, he said.. "Sorry you didn't get enough to eat". I was okay with it. I am sure I got some looks from the other people in the restaurant.
  2. Stump300- For soups, I really just look at the labels. I am not a STRICT Atkins follower. My schedule really makes it hard to follow all the time, as I have to miss meals sometimes. So I just pick one that is low. EX: Chicken Noodle. I mostly pick out the noodles and just have the broth.

    On the days I know I have to miss meals, I usually will try to have something a little more high in carbs. But I am still averaging around 20 a day.

    We all must be in the same boat, so grab a paddle. I too seems to be on that slow downward motion with the scale.

    But, I just keep telling myself I want to get into "my jeans" too. Actually, not jeans but a pair of pants I like and a dress that I am actually wearing on the cruise, that I wish would be just a little looser. I need that lit bit of extra room for all those desserts I plan to eat!!

    So in honor of our frustration.....

    Grab as many candy bars as you like. ( I threw them all over the table here. In a big pile!! ENJOY)

    MilkyWay, Hersheys, 100 Grand, Kit Kat, Baby Ruth, Almond Joy, Skittles, 3 Muskateers, Mounds, Heath, Dove, Peppermint Patty.
  3. Lisa,
    The hand-held body fat monitor is a great idea. I know I get frustrated not seeing the scale go down but know something has to be happening with all my exercise I do and I am eating really well. I know that I am one where the scale won't drop too much. But, will look like I have lost weight. Must be because I am "big boned". LOL

    I can't wait for this weekend, as I am finally off of work for the whole two day. Yippee!!

    Today, I had 5 hours of OT this morning. I had to be at work at 10am. So that meant, I had to wake up early, exercise, fix breakfast, etc... I barely got done with everything when it was time to leave. I am here till 11:30 tonight. My food is crazy today. I HAD a time limit to get my special project completed by, so I missed out on lunch. Now I am deciding on what to have for dinner.

    Breakfast (which I was glad I had a few minutes to fix) Scrambled egg and cheese
    (My standard, quick fix. LOL)

    Lunch - Nothing :(

    Dinner - Gotta check the carry out menus LOL Thinking of soup and maybe fish.

    Snack - Sunflower seeds, 2 cheese sticks

    Drinks - Water, Diet Green Tea, Diet Cranberry Juice
  4. Luckily, I have never had a breakout or reaction. I always concentrate on drinking 100 oz of water. I think that really helps.

    Lets see, for me today...

    Breakfast - Scrambled eggs (cheese, onion etc.. in it) and diet cranberry juice
    Lunch - Bologna wrap with cheese, pickles, carrot/celery sticks/peanut butter
    Dinner - will be Salad with chicken strips on top
    Snack - sunflower seeds, SF choc pudding.
    Drinks - water, diet cranberry juice, crystal light

    Doesn't sound like much to me, but it sure keeps me filled up till the next meal.
  5. Greetings all!

    I had a yummmmmy dinner. You have got to try this one!!

    Sweet and Sour Chicken

    1 lb Chicken cut up
    1 onion sliced into large pieces
    12 oz diet orange soda
    2 T soy sauce
    2 T white vinegar
    1 tsp ground ginger
    1/2 tsp garlic powder
    black pepper to taste

    Brown chicken and onions in a non-stick pan with cooking spray.
    When chicken is brown, add the remaining ingredients
    Cover and simmer for 20 minutes until the chicken is tender and throughly cooked.
    Uncover and reduce liquid till syrupy. (I made a thickener with corn starch and water and added to the chicken - not much though)

    I served over a plate of asparagus stir-fry.

    Hubby loved it and I picked out the asparagus. LOL The chicken was sooooooooooo tender. I used chicken tenders instead of breast.
  6. My husband was sick as a dog on the first day when we arrived. He no sleep before we left home plus a few drinks the night before. Then the airplane air was so so bad and stuffy etc...


    As soon as we got into our room, my husband crashed out on the bed. Our cabin steward was really concerned about him. He made sure we had ice right away and a wet cloth. He keep checking back and still finding him sleeping. It was time for muster and my daughter and I went and he said that my husband could stay sleeping and he would keep an eye on him.


    Finally, when he was better the next day, the cabin steward talked to him for a long time, telling him that if he felt bad at any time, to let him know. He made sure he had a great rest of the week. Even brought him extra pillows etc..

    • Like 1
  7. Welcome tiersaj! Seems like alot of us are back to Atkins after some sort of life changing event. Must mean we know it works!! Good luck again and keep coming back and updating us!!

    Happy new week everyone!!

    I once again have worked through the weekend, but made it through. Last night was extremely busy so I was hoping I lost 10 pounds. LOL But, unfortunately, not.
    But, I am happy to report my stall went away and I have lost another 3 pounds. I am now only 2 pounds away from my halfway point.

    I am beginning to finally see the difference in my body shape after these 3-4 weeks of my exercise program. My husband asked me yesterday at the grocery store how much weight I have lost. He said my jeans were hanging off my butt from the back view and looked like they were barely hanging on. Yay buddy!!

    For me, this week is Spring Cleaning. I realized I only had two weekends before June to get the spring cleaning done and to work in the yard. So this weekend is it. Tearing up the house top to bottom to clean. I am going to do some quick simple stuff during the week and the big stuff my husband and I will tackle on the weekend. The next weekend to work out in the yard will actually be his birthday weekend. He isn't thrilled, but gotta do it. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. If not, I had one weekend in May as backup, but that weekend was planned to do last minute cruise shopping, packing, cleaning the house etc... before we leave.

    He is finally getting excited about the cruise as he told me that he wants me to hurry up and picked out my clothes for dinner so he can pick his out and make sure they fit and are cleaned and pressed. Gotta love a man who loves to dress up and clothes shop too!!
  8. Well, here I am doing yet another double shift. (Gotta pay off that cruise and have some spending $$$) LOL

    I have brought my lunch and dinner for the day. I didn't get to eat breakfast, but am trying to get all my water in. I brought tuna fish for lunch and then some beef tips and broccoli for dinner. I have a few snacks too. Diet Green Tea is always like a treat for me.

    I won't have time to really exercise today, so I am just going to do some leg lifts. At least it is something I can do.

    This has been a crazy month for me workwise. So much overtime.

    I hope to get to the grocery store soon. I have been in the mood for sweet and sour chicken. Just wish I could have the rice too. LOL
  9. * Getting that first glimpse of the massive size of the ship.

    * Fruity drinks.. I am not a drinker, but love the fruit ones.

    * Knowing I am able to visit so many different countries and not have to drive to them.

    * Seeing my husband very relaxed and reconnecting with him

    * Leaning against the railing staring out into the wild blue yonder. Looking at the same thing, but always seems like something is new.

    * I am a picky eater, so being able to "try" new foods at dinner and not have to pay again if I don't like it.

    * Walking around the ship after dinner, dressed up and so is everyone else.

    * Time alone with my husband. Not people persons here. We like the solitude and being left alone.


    My most favorite thing... THE MOST BEAUTIFUL TOURQUISE BLUE WATER.

    (Tidy Bowl Blue!)

  10. Jean - I use either Jiff or Smart Balance Omega Natural Peanut Butter.

    The Smart Balance is:

    For 2 Tablespoons
    Carbs - 6
    Fiber - 2
    Sugars - 1

    Not sure what the Jiff is. Like always, read the labels.

    Well, here I am working for my long week. So I need to hanker down on my food. Not much in the house, so I better get creative and see what I can whip up.

    I have some chicken tenders that I will try to do something with and I think I will fix chili for tomorrow. I was going to fix it yesterday, but it got up into the 70's and I didn't want chili on a beautiful day. Now the temps are to drop back down, so I better use the meat up.

    Still hanging in there with my exercise. Trying to fit that in, my house chores, errands, computer time etc... during the day is cutting it close before I leave for work. Just not enough hours in the day.
  11. Hello all!

    Congrats to you all for loosing, maintaining and just making it through the day.

    Sounds like we all have everyday obstacles to work through. But we keep hanging in there and being strong and staying on our food plan.

    I seem to have a stall right now with the weight. I am eating correctly and exercising, so I have a feeling it is the exercise. They say muscle weighs more than fat. I can definitely tell I am gaining muscle. I have lost in size and inches, so I guess that is what is most important.

    I have another recipe for you and it is sooooooooooooo easy, yummy and addictive. LOL

    If you are craving baked goods, like cookies, this one is for you. I baked some tonight and my DH was like, "Hey, don't I get any?" I told him they were my kind of cookies since he can have the store bought ones in the cookie jar. He didn't care. He said, "Whatever you bake is always better than the store." He ended up with 5 of them and loved them!

    Peanut Butter Cookies

    1 Cup peanut butter
    1 Cup substitute sugar. (I use half the amount needed of Splenda Brown Sugar. So for this recipe, it was 1/2 Cup of Brown Sugar.)
    1 Egg
    1 Teaspoon vanilla

    Mix all ingredients in bowl until smooth. The more you mix, the more you will see the batter turn thicker and you can drop a spoonful onto the cookie sheet. I took a fork and pressed them somewhat flat.

    Bake in a 350* oven for 10-12 minutes.

    Makes about 2 dozen cookies.

    ENJOY!! I sure do!
  12. Here is a great yummy recipe to get that pizza fix.


    8 oz cream cheese
    2 eggs
    1 teaspoon garlic powder
    1 teaspoon oregano
    ¼ cup sugar-free pizza sauce or spaghetti sauce
    ½ cup shredded mozzarella cheese, or combination mozzarella and other cheese such as Parmesan
    ¼ cup finely minced green pepper or other pizza topping
    24 slices of thin-sliced pepperoni, preferably in large thin slices

    Heat oven to 350° F.
    Poke the pepperoni slices into the bottoms of the mini-muffin cups, or butter the cups well if you aren't using the pepperoni (I find that oiling the pans doesn't work as well).
    Cream the cream cheese with a mixer until smooth and fluffy. Add eggs, garlic, and oregano, and beat until smooth.
    Mix the rest of the ingredients in by hand.
    Fill the muffin cups with the egg and cheese mixture.
    Bake for about 15-18 minutes, or until lightly browned on top and set in center. Remove from oven, and cool for a few minutes (5-10), then run a knife around the top to loosen (I use a plastic knife for my nonstick pan). Remove to a plate.

    Makes 24 pieces
  13. Yes, those are dolphins. My husband wouldn't do it last time but he said to book it this time when we are in Cozumel. He actually is a little more excited about it. He has lost like 70 pounds since then, so I am pretty sure it was a weight issue for him last time. I can't wait for him to be able to show off his new shape. He has the skinniest legs now. LOL
  14. Happy Friday the 13th!

    What a day it is going to be for me. I got up early to exercise and did so. Even bumped up my amounts of situps and pushups. Have a feeling I might be at this number for awhile. It was tough.

    I fixed breakfast while I was on the phone talking to my best friend who lives out of town. I talked to her for over an hour. LOL I was explaining my "pancakes" to her and she just didn't get it. She just started on weight watchers and is having a horrible time. She is hungry all the time and is counting down the minutes till she can eat again. I tried to explain to her what all I do and how I am not hungry, to drink lots of water etc... Maybe she just needs to get through the first week and figure it out.

    My lunch I think is going to be Tuna Fish Salad. Not sure what all I will have with it. I sure would love some crackers, so maybe a handful of wheat thins to get that crunch crave out of the way.

    I do miss the crunchy stuff the most!

    Then off to work. Actually I am doing a double again but this time, overnight. I will work Friday 3pm - Saturday 7am.

    I plan on taking a meat and vege Lean Cuisine with me, some good snacks and my water.

    Then I will come home and take a nap, wake up, go exercise and we were suppose to go out to eat with some friends, but they just cancelled. So........ I am going to see if my husband wants to still go out and eat and spend that money, OR if we stay home, I fix something and we put that money we would have spent on dinner into the cruise money jar!! Let's see what he says. LOL

    Jean- I know what you mean about seeing others here on other threads. I am finally getting to recognize some names.
  15. I always take a picture of something that symbolizes where we are and the year it is.


    EX: I would write 2009 in the sand if at the beach

    Or 2009 in the snow with colored water if skiing

    Or 2009 in currency coins if I was in Europe or somewhere


    Also have to take a picture of us underneath the ships name

    and one of my husband always leaning on the ship railing staring out into the ocean.


    I always buy a coffee mug from one of the ports and if possible a handmade Christmas ornament for my tree that only has handmade ornaments on it.


    I can't wait to do it again!!

  16. [I][COLOR="Purple"]Hello loosers! LOL Does that sound nice or not????

    I had a great day on my day off and got back to business at home today. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night so I sleep in a little this morning. I jumped out of bed as I knew I wanted to get a lot done.

    I got my exercise in and my breakfast which was a western style scrambled egg, bacon and sf grape juice. I am improving on my situps and pushups and really not all that sore.
    I seem to be liking my mornings, even with that exercise in. LOL

    I had a ton of work to do on the computer at home and then ended up doing a disk cleanup and fragmenting it. Now I should be ready to rock and roll through all the websites at a faster speed.

    Think tonight I am going to surf the internet for some more recipes. I love to cook and find it interesting to see if I can really fix something tasty low carb. Actually, a lot of things are tasty that are low carb and people don't even know it.

    Welcome aboard even newer newbies than me!!

  17. Tuesday!! Yay, a day off.

    I started with my exercise routine and felt good doing that. Then I tried a couple of recipes off the sugarfreesheila site. Wonderful site and great ideas.

    For breakfast I had "pancakes" and bacon. Sugar Free Tang. That tang sure helps me with my craving for orange juice.

    Then I went shopping. Trying to find red shoes and they just aren't in the stores. Not much of a selection yet for spring/summer clothes, so that all was a bust. I tried the site link of sheilas that took you to the site that tells you what jean style and size would best fit you and bra style. So I wrote them all down and tried a bunch on today. They actually were better than what I am wearing now. l will definitely get me some when they go on sale and I am a smaller size.

    Lunch was a vege plate as I got home late and knew I would be fixing dinner in a few hours. What a dinner it was. LOL We had mexican and I fixed the gooselace recipe listed above, except I added taco seasoning. FABULOUS! Between the two of us, it is gone. My husband loved it. We had our first serving with all the trimmings - lettuce, cheese, etc... his second serving he had it plain. Such a simple meal and so easy to fix. I also fixed refried beans and low carb carmel apple enchiladas. Yum too. Sooooo sweet. You would never know low carb.

    Also did some laundry and cleaned out part of the garage and emptied out some boxes we have storage stuff in and then I took a long hot soak in the tub. After the physical day I had, I needed it.
  18. You are too funny.

    Thanks for the recipe. I too am going to try the gooselace recipe on Tuesay. That is the only day my husband and I get to eat together during the week, so I try to make a big nice meal for us. We both love the mock mashe potatoes. I can never get mine like potatoe consistancy so I just call it my cauliflower casserole. I usually make some kind of dessert too. My husband is a diabetic so he benefits from my atkins meals too. Plus, he just about eats anything.

    I need to find time to get to the store and stock back up on some things. My celery went limp big time when I last got it. I couldn't believe it. After a couple of pieces, it was a goner. My carrots are getting a little old now too. I have a little bit of nuts left and need some more boxes of sf jello. My husband eats the heck out of that. I can't keep it made.

    Today I had a chili salad for lunch. It was suppose to be a chili burito, but I didn't eat the burrito and had extra lettuce as the "base" and all the chili and extras on top of it. It was yummy and filling.

    I got my pushups and situps in today too. I am doing the exercise thread on here that is all about a 100 pushup/200 situp 6 week program. Quite an interesting thread and link. Check it out. I am doing those on the alternate day as my basic military training program days. Working out well. In fact, I am not that sore in my upper arms so I am surprising myself how far along I am at.

    I finally have an off day Tuesday! I am going shopping - clothes and shoe shopping!!!
  19. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Good day all!

    [I]Jean-- I so wish I had started asking my self years ago, "if the carb item I'm about to splurge on was really worth the carbs vs taste"....I think I could have spit out 1/2 ... and I'd be 1/2 the size I am now! [/I]

    That is soooooooooo true. I said it last time that when I see myself gaining weight, I would stop and start getting back on track, so I wouldn't have to do the whole program again. Well, here I am. LOL

    I made it through Saturdays schedule and yes, my husband came up to the hospital and brought me a BLT salad. It was yummmmmmy. It was nice to be able to sit with him and have lunch together. That is a rare occassion. We were sooooooooooooooo busy. I work in the Emergency Department at a Childrens hospital and I guess because the weather was so nice out, all the kids forgot how to be safe. So, I never even did have time to eat dinner, but I managed to get in some veges as a snack and some meat.

    Today, I tried to sleep in, but with the hour time change, I knew I had to get up and exercise. I did really well today. I was wondering what that day off was going to do, but I completed my goal.

    I got finished and fixed my breakfast and now going to get some lunch fixed and then pack my dinner.

    Anyone have any favorites for breakfast? I am getting in a rut of eating the same thing and I want a variety. Plus, I am having a tough time coming up with snacks for work. I can only eat so many sugar free jellos. LOL[/COLOR]
  20. Here I am at work (doing a double shift today. 7am-11:30pm) and don't get to exercise today. But, I am going to staying focused and on track with eating. Kinda hard to do with just a pop machine and vending machines around here.

    But have no fear, I packed 3 bottles of water, a cup of hot tea on my way here, a cup of sugar free tang and eggs - so I can fix some scrambled eggs for breakfast.

    My husband is hopefully going to stop by and bring me lunch. If not, then I will have to order in and order a salad.

    Not sure what I will get to do for dinner. If my husband comes up for lunch, then I will probably order in for dinner.

    Have a great weekend.
  21. Hi all,

    I just got finished with exercise. It was such a beautiful morning out when I woke up. Been a longgggggg time since we have seen 60* when you wake up. The sun was shining, the birds chirping. It just made me want to get out there and do it. It is definitely a challenge for me and I look forward to seeing how far along I get after the 12 weeks. Will I be able to do it? I don't know, but I am going to try.

    Jean - enjoy that asparagus, cuz I know I won't. My husband would, but not me. LOL

    My plans for the weekend are work, work, work. I work alot and some of this overtime pays for the cruise, so I do benefit from it. LOL

    I work second shift at a hospital so Friday I work, then I will come home, sleep 5 hours and go back to work on Saturday and work a double shift and then on Sunday I work my second shift again, work Monday, second shift again, and finally have a day off on Tuesday. This is my "long week" as I refer to it. I work a week straight including the weekend. My "short week" I have a day off during the week, plus the weekend off.

    My arms are sore, but I guess that is a good thing.

    Enjoy your day and weekend! Keep up the good work.

  22. Hi cerebella and others.

    I am assuming not a lot of post hapen here and that if you click on "last page" you will be were you need to be and not having to back track. Some threads if I did that I would have missed a ton of previous pages. LOL

    I do think it is a great idea if we all could (re)introduce ourselves here. That would be great. Here I go...

    I am 45 and about 5'8". I really don't have a goal for my weight loss. I just really would like to drop some before the cruise. On my weight lose tracker, I have it set for 30lbs though.

    So far I have lost 5 pounds. I am drinking about 100 oz of water a day and also I have started following the military basic training program they suggest you do at home before you get to basic training (and look like a fool there. LOL)

    My daughter is looking into the military and I was researching and found that information.

    I LOVE a challenge for myself, so I decided to see if I could get that accomplished. It is 12 weeks and that is right when my cruise is, so afterwards I can relax and party on the ship. LOL
  23. I was wondering why this thread is so long and not really up to date and easy to scroll through. I was surprised when I was reading it that I was actually reading post from a year ago.

    I would like to chat with those that are working on the Atkins now for their upcoming cruise. I just think it would be a lot easier to maneuver through the thread and to easier to see who all is currently doing Atkins.

    Just a thought that maybe we all can (re)introduce ourselves on a new thread.

    I restarted Atkins, March 1. I had done it before about 5 years and lost around 40 lbs. Now, I just want to get back into again and loose those pounds that I don't want to be showing on the cruise.
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