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Posts posted by michelle1836

  1. love your review so far!!! and cant wait for the rest



    You just don't know as you type I'm feverishly trying figure out how I can fit a 5 day on this ship into my schedule. You have me looking at teacher work days and everything so I can take my son. It would be sooooo easy to just drive to Charleston and hop on a cruise ship!


    cruisecritiquer- which is why I am hopping on the Fantasy 12/26!

  2. Woowee,


    I emailed Carnival yesterday (Monday) with the necessary details (plus copy of monthly brokerage statement) and today received an email confirmation that they had processed our OBC. And it's $250 since we're on the transatlantic!!! And even better, it's showing up on my booking details. I wish I had known about this benefit for my other CCL/HAL cruises!! Thank you Cruise Critic!


    Now if only the event planner staff had been as efficient. We've missed out on the opportunity to dine at the Chef's Table (they're now sold out) since none of my emails to them were acted upon (7/23, 9/25 and 10/2) other than their canned message. My one email directly to the steakhouse did earn me a quick response, which I was glad to receive, even if it was to tell my we're on the wait list.


    don't forget to print out your booking details with the credit just in case the ship doesn't have that same record. better safe than sorry

    • Like 1
  3. What time did you arrive? Last October, for leg 2 of my B2B, my friend picked up DD & her hubby at the hotel and drove to the pier. They didn't board until about 2:30 and said it went very quickly and smoothly. And when we disembarked, we were in the #1 tag group who were first off after the self-assist. Yeah, there are a lot of bags crammed in that little building, and getting to them and getting out of the mob (and there was already a mob) took a little time.


    A month ago, we just took our time and got off when we wanted. By then, ours were the only bags left in the #1 area. Yeah, we had to stand in the customs line but it went very quickly.


    I wonder if, when driving, it's better to arrive later rather than earlier. I have never, personally, parked at the pier.


    Again, people who are used to arriving at other ports at 10 am, dropping luggage, checking in, and then being almost first to board will find that this just doesn't work in Charleston.


    There's a smaller window for check in at a port with very limited facilities so, yes, there's going to be congestion. I still feel they do a great job given those limitations.


    michelle - I have 4 reviews, going back to my 3rd Fantasy sailing back in May 2010, then my B2B last October, solo this past May, and then with friends a few weeks ago. Doubt that you'll be as entertained reading mine as Nancy's!


    That's me! I love to get to the port early. especially since I am now platinum. I read all your reviews too! :D especially concentrated on the more recent ones. 2 months, 19 days!

  4. I cant wait to GO!!! I am pretty much useless at work right now.


    me too and I have waaaay longer to wait than you do!! :(


    Palmetto Pilot, I will tell you what I am planning for Nassau in October. I personally tend to be budget minded while on a cruise. So, for this trip I am walking to Arawak Cay (Fish Fry) for lunch at Twin Brothers. After lunch I plan on walking to John Watling's rum distillery to take the short tour and enjoy the free rum samples after the tour. Then I will purchase a bottle of rum as a souvenier. Next I will walk the short distance to Junkanoo Beach where I plan on frolicking in the water. Lastly, I will conclude my day at Senor Frogs because it's always entertaining and its close to the ship. Stumbling distance. :D


    The last few times we went to Freeport we just took the shuttle to Our Lucaya. It's about a 20 minute drive. There really isn't much at the port area since the immediate area is industrial. My plan for the next trip we take to Freeport is to go to Dead Man's Reef. There is excellent snorkeling out there (so I hear) and it is away from the hustle and bustle and the vendors asking you to purchase their wares. Google Dead Man's Reef in Freeport, Bahamas. Really good review. There is also a place called Gold Rock Beach that is beautiful from what I have seen in pics but I don't believe there is a bar for drinky drinks. I could be wrong though. I have been wrong before. :p



    and I will be saving this too. we are also doing the 5 day and don't really plan on any big money sucking excursions

  5. Fantasy doesn't have Guy's Burgers. Still has the usual grill (with the fantastic hot dogs). I'm not sure there are any plans to do any of the 2.0 upgrades to this class, but I haven't been keeping up with the 2.0. We'll see what I think of them when I'm on Conquest in about 6 weeks.


    The only "real" changes were way back when they added the waterworks, flat screen TV, and Serenity Deck, some time in 2008. What they did this past January was just basic cosmetic work (new (ugly) carpeting, etc).


    No Guy's Burger Barn. Water works was pretty good, even for a big chicken like me! :) Would say go down the day before, but with that being Christmas day, may not be much to do...


    that's actually okay about Guy's burgers. they didn't have the good shoestring fries! :)

    as for Christmas day, there wont be much to do at home either! besides my Chinese food :D


    and I think I will have the roll call in my cabin. since Im the only one so far :(

  6. DONE!!! it took a few days but finally finished this thread! some great information here! just booked the Fantasy for 12/26. after reading this, I think we may go down earlier and get a hotel and leaver the car there since the cost will be about the same as if we pay for parking.


    some quick questions- the dry dock- what did the Fantasy get besides Guys burger? anything exciting? I think I did read something about waterworks?


    Nancy- did you start your bed and breakfast for Carnival cruisers yet? :D

  7. DW and I always stay on the ship in Nassau and/or Freeport. Like others have posted, the ship is not crowded, no lines for buffet, deli, mongolian wok, etc. Serenity area and Lido pool area not crowded. Best times of some of our cruises have been port days together on a non crowded ship.


    was thinking about doing this on the Fantasy in Dec. been to both enough times already and was going to enjoy a quiet day on the ship.

  8. okay, after reading much of this thread, I am just as confused as when I started. I am looking at booking the Fantasy for December. the porthole is listed as an inside cabin. I cant figure out how to tell if it is listed as PT or 1A or whatever. so, here is the question; want to book a porthole on the main deck (ex M18) are these cabins only single beds ( bed and couch) or 2 single beds that can be pushed together.

    Also, on the booking site, the cabins actually look like they are different sizes (some are short and wide and others long and narrow). is this the case?



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