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Posts posted by ducklite

  1. I called the hotel that we are staying at prior to our upcoming cruise and asked about the car seat because I too did not want to bring mine. They told me that the shuttles do not accommodate car seats, so I would not be able to use it anyways, and most people just hold their child on their laps. Also I have a shuttle picking us up at the cruise port and bringing us to airport and they said the same thing. Just call your hotel and ask. Hope this helps.


    That's not the case. It's illegal to sell anything that isn't Altoona tested as a heavy duty transit bus or motor coach in the state of Florida without seat belts. I know that for an absolute fact. The hotel doesn't know what they are talking about and if they are transporting children in that shuttle not in car seats, they are in violation of state law and the operator is subject to fines and points and parents are subject to being charged with neglect.

  2. NO, we will not be using one on the plane! DS is traveling as a "lap infant". I know I'm not the only parent who has had to deal with this. And I know there are scads of board debates on the car seat/no car seat issue. Obviously some people think EVERYONE takes their kids seats! I'd like to see a family with 4+ kids managing all the seats HAHA, or even better a single parent with multiple kids...yeah right!


    My friends have twins, they have no problem managing them and the seats onto the plane and into rental cars, even when just one parent is flying with them. Easy? No, but they value the safety of their children over their own convenience and wallet.

  3. In Florida it is illegal to drive with an unrestrained child in any type of vehicle except a heavy duty urban transit bus or motorcoach.


    Yes, you could (and hopefully will!) be denied boarding.


    The hotel shuttle will either be a van or minibus, no hotels use buses that are large enough to not require a properly restrained child. Won't you need the car seat for them to sit in on the plane? The lap belt is not enough to restrain a two year old.

  4. By all marine laws, the small boat was wrong. And, maybe Freedom was blowing the horn, the OP didn't say. It sounds like the captain knew they would miss them since they were pushed aside. And, I hope they faced a big fine after doing something that stupid. Only a sailboat would have the right-of-way.


    Like I said, Freedom had the right of way, but they also had the obligation to do everything possible to avoid the collision, including turning and blowing the horn.

  5. In 2011 we were sailing out of Port Canaveral on the Freedom of the Seas, well we were just a little ways out and there was a small boat just ahead with a man and woman on board, they were completely distracted - she was reading or looking down at something and he was just looking around in every direction except the one with the GIANT SHIP :eek: Anyway, the side/front bow of the Freedom of the Seas actually bumped/rubbed by their small boat and they got knocked back significantly. Almost immediately there was police boats out there pulling them aside to talk to them and then we had like 6 boats around ours to guide us out. (People were cheering and waving to the boats and they waved back lol) The couple looked soo shocked (but not hurt at all thankfully) The thing that was kinda funny was they were pointing angrily and waving there arms after the contact between boats - it was as if they were thinking we were sooooo rude for getting in their way, like we should have moved lol. At least that's the impression my mind put to the situation. Their reaction was a little bit comical because they were ok, although I hope their boat wasn't damaged and realistically it could have been a serious incident, but thankfully it wasn't.


    Freedom was wrong. While they had the right of way, they also had a duty to avoid the collision and should have sounded her horns to advise of her approach.

  6. In NYC, for example, the nations busiest transit system barely has any elevators.


    Elevators are not needed to ride buses (98% of the 6000 buses that MTA operates are equipped with a ramp or a lift), and the MTA bus system is far more comprehensive than it's subway system. The three major inter-models (Penn, Port Authority, and Grand Central) all have elevators.


    Additionally, for those who are unable to ride the subway or fixed route bus due to their disability, Access-A-Ride provides on demand door-to-door transportation service at the same fare as regular fixed route service.


    This more than provides the "reasonable accommodation" required by the ADA.

  7. Look at the Wind Surf. We spent two very romantic weeks on her last summer, including a day in Santorini.


    We booked the least expensive cabin and it was more than enough space. The itinerary was amazing, the price was reasonable, the food was terrific, the service was wonderful.


    There is something to be said for cruising the Greek Islands under wind power with the sails unfurled.


    No formal wear required (the dress code is smart casual every night), and it's a really laid back atmosphere on board to compliment the busy port days.

  8. There is no way I'd consider doing what the OP is trying to do. I've had ports cancelled on two of my last three cruises. Once due to terrible weather (in the Bahamas) and once due to no reason other than the ship decided to skip a port without notice to get to overnight in a previously unscheduled port instead.


    When ports are cancelled, so sad, too bad. They owe you nothing, and they have every right to cancel them for any reason.


    Booking a wedding in a port that isn't the embarkation port is beyond risky.

  9. Precisely- try finding lapsing slouching on any but a Cunard ship, and even then it's often " out".


    Lapsang Souchong is way too "heavy" for me. I like Irish Breakfast--very hard to find, so I usually end up with English Breakfast. The problem is that many carry the Lipton version, which is very bitter. Blech!

  10. It was a different, more gracious time in our society.

    Most people who were cruising were not on a very strict budget and most knew it was common practice to share wine around the table if people happened to enjoy wine with dinner.


    The prices were also relatively lower then as were the prices for all beverages.


    It was an unusual circumstance for someone to order whatever wine it was they were drinking and NOT offer it to the table. Wine steward always asked upon receiving the order how many glasses he should bring. The common response was 'for the table'. If anyone did not want it, they declined quiet and politely.


    We enjoyed many fine bottles and it was nice having the opportunity to have wines others at the table selected. It made for festive, pleasant dinners. :)


    Obviously if my table mates also order/bring a fine wine then of course it would be polite to offer to share. There's a big difference between that and being expected to share a bottle of Harlan with tablemates who order white zin.


    When I'm dining with friends, I'm very generous with my wine. I always share even if I know it's not in their budget to reciprocate (I wouldn't expect them to do so!), but I'm not willing to do so with strangers.

  11. We've been cruising so long we go back to when people DID share their wine with the table. Many, many times we were seated at a table for 6 or 8 and we rotated around that table nightly who would buy the wine for dinner that evening. If there was a non-wine drinker at the table, no one made a 'deal' about it. Anyone who didn't want wine politely declined without a fuss.



    I think it depends on the wine being ordered. If I'm ordering (or BYOB'ing) a high end bottle, I'm not likely to share with anyone other than a splash for the sommelier unless I know the people I'm seated with.

  12. I bring my own favorite tea bags to the MDR and ask fora tea cup of hot water after the meal so I can make my own special tea. I have discovered that while the waiters have a variety of tea offerings they usually don't have my preferred kind...sometimes they do.


    Would some folks think I am being tacky or silly to use my own tea bags?


    Not at all. As a fellow tea drinker, I know exactly what you mean.

  13. I don't think it's tacky at all. Tacky is going to a restaurant and ordering ice water, then asking for a bowl of lemon wedges to make your own lemonade--particularly when they have lemonade on the menu.


    I see adding the Mio about the same as bringing your own sugar or salt substitute. If the cruise line offered Mio flavored water then it would be tacky. They don't, so it's not.

  14. I've been a non-sailing guest on two cruise line weddings now, one on RCCL and one on Carnival. (Don't ask me which ships, I truly haven't a clue but neither was one of the newer super mega ships.)


    In both cases we arrived at the port about 20 minutes prior to when we had been told to arrive. They took our passports to make sure we'd get off before the ship sailed.


    We had to kill about an hour between when we got on board and when the wedding began, we walked around the ship a bit then had a drink at the bar. They did take our credit card as payment, by the way, as we didn't have a ship ID.


    The Carnival wedding ceremony was nicer than the RCCL one. The RCCL ceremony seemed somewhat rushed, and we all felt like they were going through the motions. Both had a sit down dinner in a corner of one of the dining rooms after, with cake. The food was OK but not great at both. The Carnival cake was better. Neither of them were held in an actual chapel. The RCCL wedding was held in a bar with a lot of natural light through some floor to ceiling windows on one end of the ship, the CCL wedding was held in what seemed to be a banquet/meeting room.


    The entire thing lasted a little over three hours before we were hustled off the ship in both cases.


    I can't say that it my favorite way to attend a wedding, but it was fine. We expected the whole thing to be short and sweet, and we were glad that we were able to see our friends get married. That's the whole point, right?

  15. We NEVER get in a hot tub We do sometimes


    We NEVER get in a pool It depends on the cruise--two of five, one we would ahve but the weather was terrible


    We NEVER get room service At minimum I have tea brought every morning


    WE NEVER go to Specialty Restaurants or pay for specialty coffee/dessert We like to try them. On Windstar there is no up-charge for any of that. We ate three times at one of the restaurants, but skipped the other as the menu didn't appeal.


    We NEVER eat breakfast in the MDR Depends on the ship, I'm not fond of buffets for any meal


    We NEVER get soft serve ice cream My husband gets it daily, I don't really care for itt


    WE NEVER go to the Comedy Club Don't think we have either


    We NEVER watch TV or use the internet services We do both, although in Europe we just used the free wi-fi at cafes in port


    We NEVER watch anything on the horrid Big Screen don't think it's ever occurred to us one way or the other


    We NEVER go to a TALK I won't if it's only about shopping. ON Windstar they talk about thw ports the night before, but the emphasis is on the history and culture, not pushing you to shop someplace they get a kickback or taking a ship excursion


    We NEVER learned how to fold towels I haven't either


    We NEVER take a TOUR I've had a bridge tour and a galley tour, went shopping to a local market with teh chef. On Windstar it's open bridge, so no need for a tour. Pop in and ask questions or take photos any time, just no alcohol on the bridge.


    We NEVER go to the Spa I can't imagine a cruise without a massage


    We NEVER got a temperary tattoo Tacky, me either


    We NEVER go to an Art Auction or Jewelry sale Agreed


    We NEVER walk the track or jog or work out I'll walk the track, DH runs 3-5 miles on a treadmill every morning.


    We NEVER care to eat at the Chef's table Haven't been on a ship that offered one, but do so at home or when traveling every chance I get


    We NEVER go to the Captain's reception Do'nt think we did so on DCL or RCCL, on Windstar it's not a big deal because the captain is so approachable all over the ship all the time anyhow.


    We NEVER play shuffleboard, mini golf or go down the slide Ditto

    We NEVER stand in line at Guest Services to complain I guess you need to clarify "complain." I don't think discussing a charge that isn't yours is complaining. Never stood in line at guest services on any ship though.


    We SELDOM buy anything in the shops We buy things if they suit our fancy, but that isn't all that often.


    We SELDOM go into the Casino I don't gamble, but watched a friend play roulette on my last cruise.


    We SELDOM play bingo I've never done this


    WE SELDOM go to any activity on the list except for trivia games We usually do the wine tasting, galley tour, it really depends on the ship. The three lines we've sailed are all night and day from each other, so this isn't a OSFA


    I hate to say it but we USUALLY buy pictures We usually buy one or two, last time we bought a package that included as many as we wanted on a CD


    We ALWAYS buy a few Drinks daily Depends on the cruise, my last cruise included wine, so no need to buy much else


    We ALWAYS go to a dance club for a little while Never


    DW ALWAYS buys a Soda Card Never--two out of three cruiselines I've been on offered free soda, but we don't drink much of it anyhow.


    We ALWAYS go to the Love and Marriage Gameshow No idea what that is


    We ALWAYS take an afternoon nap Sometimes


    We ALWAYS lay out on deck for an hour each day Sometimes, depends on weather and itinerary--no time in Europe


    We ALWAYS go to the Welcome Back Party Never


    We ALWAYS go to the Show, when there is one. Seldom


    We USUALLY go to some Kareoki Never


    We USUALLY see the sunrise and the sunset. sometimes


    We ALWAYS have pizza out under the stars before going to bed. Never


    WE ALWAYS love every minute and feel that every day is busy and full ! We like to have some down time as well

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