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Everything posted by travelberlin

  1. Was he the head waiter in the sailing from 5th to 18th January? I do not recall meeting him onboard 🧐. Ivi
  2. I am sorry to hear about this Dwight. It was my concern when I have booked the forward solo cabins. Fortunately during my cruise, the seas were calm and I did not have to worry about being sea sick. However, the location of those cabins would be for me a problem for a World Cruise. Try taking a fresh ginger tea (with chopped ginger), eating apples and looking at the horizon. I have read that this helps. Ivi
  3. No, it did not have any logo or emblem there. But I guess it will get a sticker now to cover the holes 😊 Ivi
  4. Do you have to give them your carry on? I guess one could just keep it and enjoy other perks?
  5. I have one more question in relation to the handling of luggage at debarkation. When I have retrieved my luggage at the port of Miami, my suitcase had two small wholes on it, as if someone has used a drill to do those wholes in the suitcase. The wholes are not large but it is the first time I have experienced something like that. My suitcase had a TSA approved lock. One time in the Miami airport they opened my suitcase and left a note inside saying it was inspected. But this time the lock does not seem as if it was touched at all. Just the two wholes there. Who does the inspection of the luggage at the port of Miami of our luggage with Crystal? And has anybody experienced something similar? Ivi
  6. Last evening for me onboard. I have decided to have dinner at Tastes. It is kind of a tapas concept, not really a restaurant. I have had good gambas al ajillo. The wines were very good, specially the desert wine from Austria. I have also enjoyed the desert. Welcome to all those who are coming for the next cruises. I wish you a wonderful stay onboard the Crystal Serenity. For me it was a nice cruise and I have enjoyed meeting new people on board. I have also enjoyed talking to the crew members, some, I have recognized from the old Crystal and some were new. I will be back on Crystal ships this year, if God so wishes, in the Mediterranean onboard the Symphony and on the Serenity again in October. In between other cruise lines and our traditional hiking in Switzerland. Bye, bye 👋 Ivi
  7. I went to the gym for the first time this morning trying to find a scale to weight my hand luggage. I couldn’t resist to weight myself. I have put on 2 kilograms in 2 weeks 😮 But no regrets here 😎 Ivi
  8. In relation to internet, for those coming on board for the next cruise back up in the cloud before boarding. The internet speeds onboard do not allow to back up onboard. I have not been able to back up since I have boarded. The IT people confirmed to me that this was not possible while onboard. Ivi
  9. Yesterday at San Juan. It has changed since the last time I visited. I guess the consequences of the hurricane Maria. Old San Juan is still eye catching though.
  10. I have received only a thin knife for the osso buco. I have no idea if there is a special fork for it 🧐. But no problem to get the bone marrow out. Ivi
  11. There is also a bottle of champagne in my room. 🍾 Ivi
  12. Osobuco in the Waterside tonight. Nice…
  13. Could you please confirm if the MDR is open for dinner at the evening of the white party? My experience was that the MDR and also the specialty restaurants are open at that evening for those who do not want to eat at the buffet of the white party. But on a thread in another cruise line, a fellow cruiser says that only the buffet is available. Thanks 😊
  14. Sorry to hear about your experience. My last two cruises with Azamara were January 2023 and May 2023. All restaurants open including the specialty restaurants. Ivi
  15. Why would they have to close all restaurants if they go the Azamara way? Azamara does not close any restaurant on that evening. As a matter of fact many cruisers I know including me go to the MDR on the night of this event and afterwards to have the desert at the white party ( nice crepes usually prepared by some officer) and to dance. There are always plenty of tables and I have never experienced anyone looking desperately to find a place. Russ did a wonderful job on the white parties when he was Cruise Director at Azamara. However, I understand that it is not for everyone. I understand also that we have different indicators of success. For example, I do not consider a success when only about 20 people (including dance hosts and entertainers) are on the event. Time will tell, which changes this event will experience.
  16. This was definitely the menu last evening. Ivi
  17. Really? This is a surprise. I have 4 more cruises booked with Crystal and when I tried to upgrade to a better cabin, I was supposed to pay more than US 5000 per cruise. Ivi
  18. Yes do your booking with the Symphony if possible 😊 I have two more cruises with the Serenity and two with the Symphony 👍
  19. A very nice meal at the Osteria. Carpaccio is back. Thanks to the recommendations of the Italian Sommelier, I have enjoyed a good red wine from Verona and a black Sambuca. Lovely.
  20. Unfortunately this event has never been successful with Crystal. If I recall it started only some years ago. It could be a nice party but not the way it us conducted now. Below a white party at a different cruise line. ivi
  21. I enjoy the Japanese breakfast. I am glad it is still in the menu Ivi
  22. White party started at 10.30 pm on the Serenity. Too late. Many of us were wearing white for the whole evening but I do not think many made it to the party because it being late. It would be nice imho to have this party on Deck 12 with some nice buffet and early instead of the way is done now. Ivi
  23. A rainy morning in Gustavia. A wealthy place. Reminds me of Cannes because of its yachts. It has lovely corners with many young people enjoying their champagne in fancy bars and restaurants. Others, not so wealthy just eating a baguette near the port. I also saw a Gypsy telling somebody her fortune. Interesting Gustavia. My third visit here. Ivi
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