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Posts posted by pathubia

  1. I did it! I got it! The 2 bedroom suite! Just called and it had become available. And the exact starboard cabin I wanted. I can hardly believe it!


    I know it's crazy and a bit $ irresponsible, but I really want/need this. So thank you to all for your input. I weighed it all. BirdTravels, your post with pics got to me.


    Again, thank you all for taking the time to offer your advice and kind words.


    Nice!! Go and enjoy. You will have a great time!! You will love the "suite life"!!

  2. OMG, your post about the family made me cry. I am in great health, but I treat every cruise (actually every day) as its my last....


    Loving every second of your review.


    Dan was our assistant CD in October, has he been promoted? I think he hates me, I yelled at him when we didn't win "The Quest". Oh well, glad it was the last night, LOL!!


    I really missed Pearly Kings, but found that O'Sheehans is a lot of fun, too!!


    Have fun at Harvest Caye, I may have to book a cruise for early 2017 just to check it out in person!!


    Thanks for sharing your vacation with us!!

  3. We were on the Dawn recently and it's the same way. I figured it was the highest point on the ship and why they allowed it. I wanted to sit up there and had to leave.



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    We were on the Dawn in October and didn't notice any smokers on the starboard side of the pool, just the port side. I am not sure about the area at the Bimini, maybe that whole area is smoking?

  4. Last December on Jade we were told Royal has priority for docking in Roatan as they paid for much of it. Others take turns on the "off" week. Sometimes a ship can dock for an hour or two until the Royal ship shows up.


    We must have lucked out that there wasn't a Royal ship in port the same days as us.

  5. I find it interesting you had to tender but then we have been to Roatan 3 times with NCL and once with Celebrity and never had to tender:eek:Has this been a weekly thing this season for the Dawn or are the alternating with RCI :confused:


    Same with us!! Three visits and all three at the dock. One of the times we were supposed to tender, but we woke up docked. That was a nice surprise. We were told that the ship that was supposed to dock didn't stop there due to a medical emergency and we got there before the other NCL ship. Thank you Captain Teo!!

  6. Thank you. You are obviously an experienced cruiser. Looked online as if booking and it listed 5 family SC suites available to choose. Called upsell number just to get an idea and ask some questions. Was told family suites no longer available. What gives? Did they just take them off the table? Any chance they will put them back on? If not, oh well, guess I just missed my chance but saved some money.


    You never know...Back in May the original offer for the upsells ranged from $500pp for the family suite with balcony. I originally took that upsell, negotiated for $400 per person. I kept checking NCL website and the week before the cruise I noticed that there was still a deluxe owners suite available. I was able to upsell my upsell from the family suite with balcony to the deluxe owners suite for an additional $100pp. At the time we had a very active roll call and just about everyone that wanted to upsell was able. When I got the second upsell, I put it out on our roll call and someone from there was able to upsell to my suite. On the cruise we all did a cabin crawl, ended it with our DOS and the DOS next to us. (when we called the last time, we were offered the Garden Villa for $2000 each ($4000 total) we turned it down. It was too much money for the week and way too much room for the two of us.

  7. Uh, I just recalled that tendering was mentioned for today. Could someone provide info on how this works for us? Do I need to get assigned tickets, or do suite guests have a different process?



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    Check to see if you have to tender, one time they told us that we would need to tender, but we actually docked. (it was funny, I was in the atrium and about 20 people were asking about tender tickets, but we were docked).


    Suite guests can "cut the line", if you are heading out early, with a later time, you probably wont need to. The concierge probably left you a letter (along with about 20 other letters, LOL)


    Have a great day!!

  8. So whats up for today? In Honduras we have gone to Maya Key twice and last cruise we took a Channin Bodden tour. (I cant watch your videos at work, lol!!)


    Last November my daughter and her best friend wanted to zipline and didn't want to go through woods, so they did it right there at the pier.

  9. Thanks Doug! If you happen to see The Quest game on the dailies, please let me know. I've been telling my DS about it since our cruise on the Jewel a few years ago, and was hoping to see it again.


    The Quest is usually on the last night of the cruise!! So much fun!

  10. Bon Voyage!! Have a great cruise!! Please tell Cyndi I said hi!! I am not sure if Mike, her husband is cruising with her this week or next week.


    Terrible about the shooting!! I heard they arrested the shooters. Scary!! Hopefully you and your wife were tucked safely in bed!! (I don't think I have ever made it past midnight on Bourban St)


    Have fun, post lots of pictures!!! (the tequila sunrises at Maya Chan are yummy)

  11. e6b58969c4fa572c4ebbb8fe9e461ac2.jpg


    Up since 3am, so a power nap shall be attempted. We've been here little more than an hour - I forgot how much I LOVE this city.



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    We love it too!! We haven't stayed in the French Quarter yet, we have stayed in the Garden District all three times.

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