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alexandra cruiser

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Posts posted by alexandra cruiser

  1. after the inc.AMA tour of Prague,you had option of walking back to hotel,over famous bridge,right past jewish section(on way to hotel(Intercontinental).We stopped in then.Had plenty of time,not long walk,maybe 45 mins.


    Did Terezin and whole day tour,plus after that we were exhausted both emotionally and physically.Just asked concierge for good rest.and had a few stiff drinks.Glad I went,but it lingers with you.


    Old town is easy to navigate on own.No need for guide IMO.Got a guidebook and no problem.


    Loved that cruise,did it 2 yrs.ago.

  2. but do check and see if the STill do it.Much faster and safer.


    Re.Cancel for any reason,,,can get it independently ,with TA s help.or online with any good co.Just have to buy when you book,and more expensive.But worth it,just in case.

  3. and hotel nice,rooms ok,etc.Only problem is a little farther out from central attraction area and we had to take the metro.Which was a little hike from hotel,2 blocks.We speak little French and was a bit intimidating,got lost a few times.

    Can always book hotel on your own and just meet group before transport to ship,as option.

  4. Did Uniworld Egypt before all the current mess,booked 1 yr.ahead.Almost necessary with most river cruises since boat so small to get what YOU want.Be on safe side and get "cancel for any reason ins."when you book.Then you can get money back either way,worth the extra expense in this area IMO.


    Loved every minute of this cruise, even with armed guards,etc. Felt safe and very protected...sort of like royalty.

  5. gets more ships(and Scenic,too) it will most likely remain the same.


    Viking is so much larger that it can do switches,while the above 2 are much smaller and relatively new(at least to US market)


    That being said ,at least you got a FULL REFUND.So they DID learn from past complaints when similar happened last yr.due to flooding.


    We took our first Scenic cruise in June and was TOP NOTCH,compared to Viking and booked again for next yr. Perhaps you may give river cruising a try later?


    We like to alternate between ocean and river,but with small ships,river probs,it can be a gamble.

  6. Why were you in a hurry

    you know everyone will be off by 9 or 9:30 am

    what could possible be so important you had to be off at 8am :eek:


    Schedule flights or pick-up accordingly as Paul said it is not rocket science


    Oh, that's a GOOD one,now I am attacked for wanting to leave ship at time(or close to)I signed up for?

    It never ceases to amaze me how so many always fall back on attacking the OP who makes some complaints.

    Not just this board,but many others.

    It s just really so sad,and not called for.


    PS.to let you busybodies know, I DID HAVE A REASON to be off ship early, had found out my house was flooded that am.But that s of no consequence,but thought you might like to know since your SO CONCERNED why someone for FL .might want to leave ON TIME.WHEW........give it a rest.

  7. same confusion on HIS disembarkation. Why don t the staff realize probs.and correct them .More detailed instruction,more announcements,more staff to HELP.,etc.Oddly I saw NO STAFF in general areas to help the older cruisers with walkers,scooters,luggage,etc. Felt sorry for them and glad I was physically able to get up those stairs with my bag.

    The 2 poster s who had less difficulty admitted in LATE group,,,9am.and in no hurry. Sadly MANY were in FIRST group and IN A HURRY.


    As I mentioned, this was NOT THE ONLY reason I chose NOT to book onboard as planned.Just one of a few problems I experienced.Have been on many of the luxury and premium brands and NONE are PERFECT,some just a tad better than others.Also, fun to TRY new things and see what s best for you.

  8. same confusion on HIS disembarkation. Why don t the staff realize probs.and correct them .More detailed instruction,more announcements,more staff to HELP.,etc.Oddly I saw NO STAFF in general areas to help the older cruisers with walkers,scooters,luggage,etc. Felt sorry for them and glad I was physically able to get up those stairs with my bag.

    The 2 poster s who had less difficulty admitted in LATE group,,,9am.and in no hurry. Sadly MANY were in FIRST group and IN A HURRY.


    As I mentioned, this was NOT THE ONLY reason I chose NOT to book onboard as planned.Just one of a few problems I experienced.Have been on many of the luxury and premium brands and NONE are PERFECT,some just a tad better than others.Also, fun to TRY new things and see what s best for you.

  9. I agree with Alexandra, debark was a mess.


    We were told to go to deck 5. I was near the supposed exit as I was in one of the first groups scheduled to get off the ship.


    I did hear a staff person say that a reason for the switch was that new staff was boarding on deck 5. That was the fact but iI couldn't tell you if that was the reason.


    The Customs/Immigrations people got off on deck 5 a short time before the announcement. I don't think they had anything to do with the change in decks.


    I made my flight (noon-ish) without any problem but don't know about anyone else. No-one on my bus seemed worried.


    And on another of Alexandra's comments, I too spoke to a staff member and at the end of the conversation, he asked for my cabin number. I was reporting back to him about something he has asked about. I sort of expected a note thanking me for my help/suggestions. None came. Not a big deal - just odd.


    I also agree with Alexandra: The cruise was fine - no issues - good food, excellent staff, elegant ship - but not a good ending.






    And good to see not just ME.

    Just feel such problems could be EASILY fixed or avoided and they would have NO complaints and a bunch of happy cruisers.

    Did write the first 2 probs.on comment card,but not disembarkation mess,of course.

    Travelcat, I agree SOME probs were from passengers,but NOT THE majority.We also saw customs staff leave on deck 5, asked at reception and told deck 5.No announcement re deck change till 8 25.Then all H...broke lose,stairs jammed and elevators.

  10. dinners START at 7 on most ships and they usually go first. Have been available on ALL the ships I ve been on. Scenic and AMA seem to have the most.Viking the least.

    This is not a dealbreaker for us,but nice to have the CHOICE.

    Can always go LATER,say 7 30 and everyone already seated,can find table not filled.But ship s ALWAYS enc. you to show up ON TIME.

    Little more regimentation on river rather than ocean ships due to size.Must decide if right for YOU.

    PS. Scenic also offers room service,nice break ,esp.for breakfast.Where I m not as "sociable"before coffee.haha

  11. Got a guidebook for both cities.Loads of info.Also go to ea.city tourist site.

    Then pick and chose what YOU like.

    Loved BOTH cities,but Budapest the best. The hotel is right on river there and took a pedi cab for 1hr.tour(went to places bus can t).Can walk to many others.

    Did Terezin and all day tour. Sad but informative and glad I went.Guide on bus and also one at site.

    Asked concierge in ea.hotel for rest.suggestions and all great.

    Prague ,,,can walk to Jewish section for informative tour and sites too.

  12. please re read my first sentence.Said it was good cruise,just 3 things than made it less than perfect.


    Re. apology for probs. Just wondered WHY they took stateroom number, thought we MIGHT get some small freebie.Just this token would have said SORRY.No biggie tho.


    Know immigration causes probs.but announcements should have been made earlier.Esp. re.disimbarkation area,floor. Many older cruisers had a hard time going up stairs and I wasn t the only one there feeling it was handled poorly.


    This was my 3 rd O cruise and just comparing it to previous ones which seemed to ME much better ,perhaps larger ship??Had been on Insignia,and Regatta.


    Did NOT book onboard as planned,but maybe in future.Just trying Crystal next.

  13. In general, it was very nice. Enjoyed the food,service,cabin,entertainment,etc....But did have 3 less than perfect experiences .

    1. Locked in cabin for 20 mins. due to door being stuck and carpenter had to come in thru balcony to get us out. Late to show and felt trapped(have claustrophobia issues). Just apology,nothing else.

    2. Lunch order in Waves did NOT come and had to reorder and WAIT again. Maitre de came over to apologize and took cabin number,but never rec d anything.??

    3.Disembarkation was AWFUL, first 20 min. late and no announcements.Then switched floors and crowd of older people with suitcases had to climb stairs,or wait LONG time for elevator. Sure some missed their flights, NOT HANDLED well at all.


    These made for a less than great experience. Quite different than last O cruise last yr.on Insignia.Not sure why,but did NOT book another as I planned and may try another line next.


    Wonder what other thought of this?Anyone else have probs.on cruise that ended Dec.13th?:confused:

  14. before they got new ships(updated cabins).We enjoyed the country and sights,but would have taken a different cruise company.Perhaps its improved,but food and cabins pretty mediocre. Took bus to both St.Pete and Moscow,or could do subway on own.

    Also, this was before all the unrest over there.Hear AMA cancelled their cruise,or would have taken them.

    So,look at other companies for comparison. See if its right for YOU, everyone is different.Glad I went,but wish I d done more research.Also, happy I did it yrs.ago and would probably NOT DO IT this yr.till things get better politically.

  15. Since we did NOT take the extension and was easier this way. Ended up cheaper and glad we did,since the place was PACKED with tourist s that day.Gondolas were too.We pushed on and enjoyed free time on top.Enough for me,was beautiful but COLD and hard to breath for some.

    So much other things in Lucerne,would just take the excursion with company.

  16. Had a BAD experience with taxi and finding boat there.So PLEASE, contact Avalon and get SPECIFIC instructions(in German,if possible).We use a TA now to handle this stuff.


    Ask taxi driver if he KNOWS where port is, ours SAID he did but looked confused .We almost missed departure,he had to stop many times and ask.


    Its a confusing location,would get them BEFORE and not wait to call CD.Never heard of such a thing.If unsure get Avalon transfer. Don't make same mistake we did.:eek:

  17. and since we have a king at home,either way seemed too small.Remember the 2 separated not as large as a twin, my DH is a larger man and he felt like he d fall off when turning.So now just toss around in the queen,and deal with it.

    Now how about KING beds as option..that would get my vote.But know space is the issue.If we could afford we d get adjoining rooms,that would solve the problem(and snoring too,haha).

    Try it both ways, they ll even switch them during cruise.

  18. and would not take cruise if you want to see that area. As stated above,must take train and 5 small towns to see.Would be just a rush and barely time to appreciate it.We drove and spent a few day trips there.


    Portifino a lovely little town ,very scenic but afraid it might be overwhelmed by 1200 passengers desending on it.


    Love O cruises and have taken 3,but this area not the most conducive.Sorry:(

  19. time is if its not for you,not stuck for a long time.Believe me,some DO NOT like it.Say,too small ship,no fancy entertainment,not enough places to eat.

    Just look at you tubes, websites,etc.

    If you don't LOVE Avalon, can always upgrad for NEXT one.W e ve taken all the major lines and enjoy trying new ones out,esp.since not all lines do all itineraries.

    Some better for some locations.Now love Scenic,but more expensive and all inclusive.But nice to be pampered now that we can finally afford the 5 star lines.Remember, you DO tend to GET what you pay for.Look at all the included details and how much it will cost you,,,like airport transfer,tips,drinks,excursions,rest.onboard,etc....Was surprised we had such a large bill at end of first river cruise,no know what to expect.Prefer to pay ahead of time so we know our budget.Also,use a TA.Can get OBC and lots of info,plus handle all the details and cost you nothing.Google one who deals with river cruises and ask for recommendations.:)

  20. they had tons of decorations,and yes many did do their cabin doors.


    They had a Santa and xmas parade with carols around ship


    Then Santa at an earlier show,for the few kids onboard,and songs,dance,etc.


    Only downside was the xmas turkey dinner, would have loved a real turkey,not the breast only. No dark meat option.My DH loves lots of whipped cream on his pumpkin pie, brought extra late and he ate it.Other than these minor things,it was very festive.;)

  21. but,sadly, not with Scenic. Enjoyed it but sure one you ll take with them will be much better.

    Glad you also posted Member review, since so few do because new US market.

    Almost regret talking about how great they are,because its so hard to get on one since they sell out so fast.

    Funny, my DH also a WW buff.

  22. also use a TA, they WILL transfer this booking to your agent.Then ask for ALL the perks(get a copy) that are offered, have always gotten them when persistent.Also, have TA check BEFORE final payment for any extra deals.They seem to have more power than cruiser who books on own.

    I even had to switch dates after onboard booking and got same deal,but think it s only once on that.

    They always have a lecture onboard with upcoming cruises and deals, then I book.;)

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