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alexandra cruiser

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Posts posted by alexandra cruiser

  1. I weigh in EVERY am and cut out more if gained,,,I lost weight,,25 lbs ,,10 yrs. ago and VOWED not to regain ever. Kept it,,yeah. Even tho I swim every day ,all yr.all most,,must still watch everything I eat. I always ate everything,,just less. Diets don t work for me.Also,gave away all fat clothes.On cruises I would always gain 4 or more lbs,,but force myself to lose it fast.At almost 76,,July 17,,,it is a constant struggle. 

    I cancelled my Jan cruise,,,so sad but both of our physical probs. are too much for that now.Had a good 30 yrs.,,will miss it very much.Using walker now,,after last fall.Or cane. Fell apart 6 mos ago it seems,,,must admit I feel depressed.My DH helps a lot but will need cleaning,etc.help soon.I no longer can walk the dog,,that s upsetting.

  2. On 5/13/2020 at 8:55 PM, EllieinNJ said:

    After two months of fighting with United we finally got our refund credited to our credit card.  Hang in there and you will also get it.

    I just requested a refund,,,and was very happy I got it,,,was thinking they d try to stick my with credit..But they cancelled flight and gave me no trouble.

    Now,of course,I ll wait the 25 days told me,,to see if it indeed was taken off card.

    Sad, know many of us out there really NEED a cruise,,so far I ve cancelled 2 of them.


  3. Thanks,,just thought I d ask.

    Future cruise credit may not be in future,my DH refuses to go on one till vaccine,,,or virus gone.

    Just the picture of those stuck on the ships did it for him.

    Have one on another line that I must cancel for Oct.

    So sad our cruising days may be over.

    Still stuck with lots of money in air credits,,,oh ,,,considering all that was lost on Stock Market,,why complain,eh?

    At least we and family are well,,that s really all that counts in end.

    Stay safe out there.

    • Like 1
  4. Everyday it seems its more bad news. See Princess ships will be docked for 60 days, and sure all others will have to follow suit.

    I cancelled a Regent one for June,,,moved to Oct.but sounds like that may be iffy, Need to cancel that one,,on Seabourn,,,by June 25. Still not sure what airlines are doing,,,,anyone know?

    I already paid $450 ea.for moving United tickets to new date. Will I have to pay again?Most likely.Know they probably won t be giving refunds,right?

    So many people will be adversely affected, in many ways and in many countries.Such a mess and so very sad.

  5. We are also in good health and in our mid 70s.But we were in no penalty to cancel phase 2 wks ago and did,,,just to be on safe side. Will book same trip next June.

    Do have another coming up in Oct,,,but must decide on that June 25,for no penalty,,on Seabourn.Hope all will be over by that time.

    Had to rebook our air,,lost $450 ea.but compared to what many others will lose,,not bad.

    Hope all of you brave enough to go have a wonderful time and all please stay safe.

    Also, my DH said we d end up killing ea.other if stuck in cabin for 2 wks.,,,same as above poster said.Great.

  6. Sadly I did cancel a June Regent cruise, and booked for Oct.on SB.But my TA said I must make final decision about that one in June. Also, switched air tickets,,for $450 ea.wow. So now hoping and praying it will be better before my next decision date.Mine involves a long flight to Europe too.

    We are both in 70 s but good health,but just not up to taking a risk.If I must catch the dam virus,would rather be at home,with own drs.,,etc. Not stuck on a ship, in my room.

    Worse yet, both my DH are med prof,,retired. He a Dr. and me an RN.So really aware of risks in quarantine.

    Feel so very sorry for those losing both their money ,,and their cruise. 

    What a choice to make.THis constant bad news is starting to get to all of us.Hate to read paper or watch TV.

  7. Can you tell me if they still have stairs in theater,,,,or did they make a slope,,,as passengers suggested from probs on Explorer?


    From brochure pics,,,looks exactly like the Explorer,,right?


    Love that ship,,ex.for above ,,,planning to book on it when this whole virus mess gone,Soon,I pray.

    Wish they could have made seating for rest.on pool deck larger,,,never seem to find a seat.

  8. What does your Mom think?Know mine would carefully weigh all options and give me her REAL feelings,,not just what I want o hear. 

    You can take the penalty or take the chance all will be well.

    I cancelled because I didnt want to spend whole trip worrying about touching,or inhaling something bad. Or that most of cruise would be at sea,,since ports shut down.

    It s a terrible decision,but one you must make for you ALL to feel good about it.

    I have learned one thing,,next cruise I m getting cancel for any reason ins.Know it costs more,but worth it now.

    Let us know,

  9. Wow,that sounds like very little for such a drastic change,glad you were able to cancel.Hope within no penalty phase,or you have CFAR ins.

    I have learned that I will now buy that,,when I book.Just in case. Know its more expensive,but will cover this mess and pre existing conditions.Which at our age,,,both mid 70s ,,,they will surely find,,if we tried to collect on reg travel ins.

    We always book own air,but may look into ins.they offer too. Just spent 900$ to change,,as mentioned above.

    Glad only 1 case in Barcelona,,,have quite awhile till my trip.Will keep up to date re all of Europe.


  10. Have not been reading the posts here,,,seem similar to Regent. Just cancelled a Balitic one on that one and moved my air tickets to the one I had booked for Oct. on SB...to Canary Islands.YES, and I DID see on TV news that virus THERE and people forced to quarantine in hotel.

    I m getting upset and feel so very sorry for ALL the others being really screwed up by this disaster.

    I was lucky to be able to cancel BEFORE penalty phase,,,but did have to pay $450 per ticket for change there.

    Compared to so many others that will really lose a great deal,feel sort of relieved.

    Hope and pray this does NOT turn into Pandemic ,,like they fear. So many will be greatly affected,or worse.


    Also heard Barcelona has cases,,,,thats were my cruise starts.Have till June 25 to cancel that Oct one,,if needed.Then pay another $450 ea.to change tickets again. What a nightmare.

  11. Spoke to my TA,,when cancelling and she said she "heard",,,,NOT SURE.That Regent was going to take Voyager into drydock early. Perhaps its due to sail in Asia??

    Maybe this is what you heard about a ship?

    Not meaning to start a rumour,,,just passing along what I heard.

    Also,said she was to be on Splendor in March to Bahamas,,or near islands. So that seems to be going alright,,,but reading about Jamaica above..one never knows.

    Then saw on news Canary Islands has it and people stuck in hotel there. Great,,,thats just where I changed my tickets too for Oct.....

    To answer about if in FL,,,yes,,,would try to just stay home.As much as possible,,,I m older now and not as brave.Also,watch my GGS and would HATE to accidently pass to him.Not sure if the poster was being sincere in asking or subtle put down.Oh well.

    If it was just me,,,I probablly would have braved the June cruise,,,that i cancelled.But DH said NO,,,so no choice.

    Really pray this thing can be stopped and not become the pandemic,,,they keep mentioning.

    All of you that are still going,try to have a good time and we all here ,I m sure,,are hoping you stay safe.

    Feel sorry for all the workers affected by this.My TA said she was busy cancelling cruises ALL day,,,and United helper said similar.

  12. Sorry to report, I have just cancelled my June cruise to Baltic region.

    Last nites news about stock market losses,and spread of virus to Europe sealed the deal.

    Still in no penalty to cancel,,so will not lose money.My DH said ,,he s NOT GOING...so that s it.

    Just changed my flight for next cruise in Oct...on different cruiseline ..Had to pay change fee of $450 per person and then charge increase. With United and so lucky they went to new cities.

    Will plan on doing this cruise next yr.Sad, but dealing with it.Had to remember to also cancel hotels for pre and post too.

    • Like 1
  13. Again,thank you all for the info.

    Will try those sites.

    Good idea to call,too.

    My TA has an ins.person who handles it and will also give them a call.

    Must make decision in 1 wk.So good to start .


    Did hear that on radio about Northern Italy,,have lockdown on a few small cities.Did not mention Venice,per se.

    Always a fear that port may be closed due to the virus,,,or that someone on ship gets the dam thing and ALL are then locked in their cabin.Trying not to be such a worry wart,but news keeps getting worse.First just Asia,now starting in Europe.

    Our cruise goes to 6 or so countries in Baltic...so far that seems ok.

  14. 20 hours ago, Pcardad said:


    Yes, it costs more. and yes, it covers backing out of a trip for any reason. Not every company requires that you buy it when you book and it can cover up to 75%.


    I am not trying to sell it...just pointing out that for some people it is a viable option.


    I would suggest shopping around for different quotes on travel insurance. They are not all the same.


    And like any insurance, they all seem very very expensive until you need it and don't have it.

    I have looked at travel ins. sites and can NOT find one that doesn thave to be purchased NEar booking date.Some 7 to 21 days.

    So not good for those of us that need to get ins. right before final payment.

    If you know of one,,can you let us know.

    Would pay extra for peace of mind,right now.

    Must make final decsion by March 2 for this.

  15. My concern is many will go on their booked cruises,even if they may fear they might be sick.Due to the loss of money inv.

    The travel ins. won t pay unless cruise is cancelled by company,,,from another post I read.

    Then,,if they booked own air,,big loss or possiblity of paying to switch to another flight in yr.

    I m facing similar,,,not sick,,but fear the big loss. If I didnt already have cruise and flight booked, I would NOT book one at this time.

    Sure others in same boat. WIll most likely go anyway,,and just hope for the best.Not in that area affected,but every nite on TV they tell of other countries being affected.

    Still can avoid final payment, take air credit,,,have 2 wks.to decide on first.Till June for second.

    What are others doing??

  16. Thanks for the link and info. Will have to really decide soon.

    As far as using air,,,,that s one of the things my DH is really fearful of. Told we can wear a mask,,but not happy about that.

    Plus, air from Copenhagen and return from Sweden. Not sure how we get to departure point.

    Then my DH is not physically able to walk that much,due to recent surgery. Planned to stay on ship and only take easy shore exc.

    I m hoping nothing really earth shaking happen before final payment. Then have till June to decide for sure.Try to remember its only money,,but HEY,,its a LOT.

    Sure others are dealing with this,,on this cruise,,and others.

    Its so helpful to read all the info on this site.

  17. You wouldn t get me on the Diamond Princess if you paid ME. Will almost have to strip it down to bare bones to really get rid of that virus. Funny mistake on radio here,,,announcer said Diamond Prison,,then said sorry.But sure those poor passengers felt like that.

    In our paper,,someone wrote in saying,,like a floating petri dish.Wow,,bad press indeed.

    Knew that would happen as soon as they reported it...passenger might be in room,,but who is cleaning it,bringing food,etc.The crew could not be made to stay in room.So just spread , 

    I have to  make final payment in 2 wks. for Baltic cruise in June. Pretty sure ,,but DH not,wants to wait and see if it spread.Got own air,,and would take a loss there.Not sure how that works,,,wonder if I can get a credit?On Luftansa,,,anyone know.

  18. Re. that....I use Lysol spray,,don t inhale any more than when using around house. Let pillows dry completely before. 

    Do that at home between washing...also put my pillows in dryer for 15 min.to kill bugs and refresh.


    Yes, can also use the hand wipes that kill bacteria.Just so you re not touching the stuff directly. Started this to prevent norovirus that was going around a ship I was on many yrs.ago.Admit I don t always do it at home ,rest,etc. 

    Just wash hands a LOT.We both did that at work for many yrs.and sort of second nature to us.Also, I do it when I first get in cabin,,,then not as much after.


    I can see why they had such a spread on ship,,,doubt using hospital rules.

  19. Try buying Lysol wipes,,,sell in small pks.Or buy and put in plastic bag. They you can carry them in pocket,,use on everying talked about. Just put on table,and can use to pick up things thru out meal. After awhile it becomes second nature. Have been doing this for years, and get flu shots,etc. No sickness in LONG time.Also, carry saline nasal spray. Tends to flush out germs and keep nasal passages clean.Masks only good if changed frequently,,,tend to get moist .I ve done this on cruises, in rest,markets,you name it. Get odd looks,but too bad. Gets to be second nature.

    Wipe vents on plane too,,along with all the rest.Can put on seats in bathroom,too. 

    Oh, take pillows out of case and spray  down. Doubt they are replaced,,,or sanitized between .My DH laughs I ll kill myself with the chemicals. But force him to do most too.PS, I m a retrired RN and DH is ret.MD...but have not proof in journals this works,per se. Just does for us,,,and now 77 an 75 ,still in good shape and still cruising every 6 mos.

  20. What a mess.

    Did you book own air,,and did they reimburse you.?Or was air inc.with your cruise?

    How about hotels?

    Can someone clear this up,,,read the trip ins.link posted,but still unclear. If State Dept issue warning for country, will your ins. compensate,,,or is this "government situation"? 

    Ask this because we had plans for Egypt and travel warning issued,but our ins. would NOT pay ,,since river cruise STILL going and they said THEY determined "warning"(or similar language). We ended up going anyway,,had great time and no danger.But only 12 people on boat.This was 10 yrs. ago, maybe same now?


    I also heard on NPR that they only open door to give them food,etc. But still food made in central kitchen,,so possible contamination there anyway. How about linens,cleaning room...can t imagine being confined like that. Doubt I d EVER go on another cruise after that...One lady said,,,every time they find a new case,they add 14 days to quarantine.But ,if that true,,,will go on forever.

  21. Thank you,,Bob. Appreciate the link.

    No, did not buy cancel for any reason, ususally buy it when I make final payment.Know I must buy that type when I reserve trip.Nice,but expensive. And HAPPILY,,have never had to use ins. YET.

    Just glad not going to that area,,,would definitley not make final payment,,and get deposit back.

    Would have to cancel my own air,since always get my own.

    What a mess for many people.

  22. Just wonder how insurance will cover any of the expenses,,,may have to read policy very closely. 

    We need to make final payment for Baltic cruise in March,,not to same area obviously. But sort of concerned if this virus spreads.Hate to be in the position these cruisers are facing.Will play it by ear and try to get GOOD ins.policy ahead of time,I guess. 

    My DH is leaning toward cancelling,,,not me. He says he could NOT manage being couped in cabin for 2 wks. Or ,of course ,getting the disease.

    Prefer to wait and see. Imagine many are in this predicament,on many cruiselines.

    THe offer of 25% above seems poor,considering expenses. Know the contracts try to lesson what cruiseline needs to pay back,,,you take you chances and hope for the best.

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