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alexandra cruiser

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Posts posted by alexandra cruiser

  1. Looking at Scenic,and a few others.Took Southern France cruise with Avalon,but now prefer ones with regular balcony,not just French.So that sort of limits choice.

    Did a few ports,like Rouen,by bus..but wonder how you like this cruise,in general.

    Will be taking first Scenic cruise in June,know they sell out WELL in advance.So starting to look for next yrs.already.;)

  2. I work in a hospital setting but am not in the medical Proffesion (Security).

    Lots of my friends are RN's. It seems every cruise I end up meeting at least one nurse. A few years ago on a cruise one RN got cut on a jagged rock on an excursion. Guess who had a first aide kit? Yep me!:)


    Last year I had a problem breathing, went to the ship Doctor who was very nice but really unsure of himself, asked me every step of the way if this is what my doctor at home would do.(Which is probably a good thing, but...) The Doctor told me IF I wanted to come back tomorrow for anther breathing treatment I could.


    When the doctor left the room the nurse leaned over and sternly stated I WILL SEE YOU TOMORROW MORNING while shaking her head up and down. That nurse was absolutely correct I needed those next two treatments until the meds kicked in. New to a nebulizer so I needed guidance. The same nurse called me through out the cruise to make sure I was feeling better. Nurses are good people !! :) Go MNA!!!!



    and got me wondering about the background of majority of Drs.onboard.Not to take offense,but most seem foreign trained.Have found that this causes a minority of them to be less familiar with the English language subtleties.Can come accross as non caring.Same is true with nurses,to some degree.

    My DH has a weird sense of humor, I told him to be "more professional:since I work for him 1 day a wk.First time he did that,the pt.complained to me(DID NOT know I m his wife),,that he had a rigid bedside manner and no sense of humor.So told him to go back to being himself.So you NEVER know,whew...

    PS.enough with the dead body thing,got a little off topic.:(

  3. river cruises,like AMA,SCenic,and Tauck. Prefer ones that use TA,some dont like Grand Circle and Vantage.Having been on 10 so far, know you GET what you pay for.

    Lots of info re this on River Cruising here on CC

    But would like solo cruiser info listed.;)

  4. Munich is closer to Nuremberg,so drive there shorter.We prefer Muniich,just because smaller city and Frankfurt seems like large city almost anywhere(but still fun if you ve never been there)

    So do some research on ea.\We took a taxi from Munich to Nuremberg because flight mix up at airport.Was about 45 min.only,but DO MAKE SURE driver KNOWS exactly what port area you re going to.We had a terrible time finding ours.Think I d rather spend a day before in Nuremberg,cute city and lots to see,then not worry about long haul day of cruise.;)

  5. Trying to figure which ship,itinerary,price,etc.best.

    Seems to be between Azamara and Oceania to see the majority of ports.

    But 2014 on Azamara already sold out, O itinerary similar but ends up in Athens,not round trip Istanbul.So guess it ll be in 2015 but cant even find that on O website yet.Did on A,but price has REALLY gone up.


    Have read a few comparisons,never been on A,but do LOVE Oceania.Have one booked for Dec.2014 and wanted to wait to book another onboard,but seems the may sell out in cabin I want before.??


    Know they have ones on Seabourn and Silverseas,but DH refuses to wear formal clothes.Decisions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:confused:

  6. round trip from Istanbul.Did read the 9 day one below and that was helpful.

    Also, amazed by the price increase.Looking at 2013 Dest.guide and lists club suites as 5999,now for 2015 it over 7000.whew.With only 1 cruise in Aug.,not much choice.Ex.between 2 lines,thinking of Oceania also.Have read a few of the comparision.Not much difference,Have never taken Azamara but do LOVE Oceania.Guess I ll go by itinerary,dates,prices,and really have to compare what s BEST for ME.

    Also, the 2014 already SOLD OUT.Have to book HOW FAR AHEAD??:confused:

  7. and answered many of the questions re this itinerary.Trying to determine WHICH cruise line to take to Black Sea.Have never been on Azamara,but it looks very similar to Oceania(which we like).More expensive lines go there,but not sure if worth it.

    Asked for brochure and will TRY to figure it all out.

    Like the casual dress code, not sure which stateroom(the suite looks like best bet for full breakfast room service,tub,other perks)and actually LESS than some luxury lines reg.cabins.;)

  8. but see AMA offering solo cruise discounts for SOME cruises.Also they have solo cabins on some ships.

    Maybe we can get a list of just river cruises and their solo policy?

    It would help rather than having to go thru EACH line for details.Or even if they have "sharing room with other solos policy"?Or even links to social media ?:confused:

  9. Carnival has a procedure through their special needs or special requests department and you can dispose of ashes at sea.


    and they would need to get him cremated FIRST.Then transfer ashes back to ship.Think we were thinking of putting body overboard like you see in old movies.

    We have had stories about companies who advertise they scatter ashes at sea,then boxes of them found in closets,etc.If you read about my adventure after my mom died(above),,always FEARED that maybe they DIDNT scatter them,and she was trying to tell me.But guess I ll have to wait till I join her to really find out...//??:o

  10. There would need to be a contract and check of credentials. DH has yet to be asked for his medical licence before, during or after assisting during a flight medical emergency up to now anyhow which we have always found very strange.


    People who are asked to open the Emergency Exits at the instructions of the flight attendant in the case of an "incident" are not checked out in any depth either. They give their word that they are fit to assist.


    DH always carrys his liscence. Worked out for us in St. Thomas when DD needed antibiotics.


    that would come in handy,he DOES carry a few cards.Have used that on occasion in Canada pain pills(nothing too strong,but by RX only).Also, in Yellowstone I fell and fx d my wrist,the clinic Dr.was not there and they looked at his card and he ordered xray,but clinic Dr.set it and put on cast.Geez, I could start a thread with all MY accidents while on vacations or cruises.Such a clutz.Best one, was in Split Croatia and manage to fall off a stage,land on knee,and NOT BREAK it.But it was dramatic,haha.

  11. that it WAY TOO MUCH to spend for interior cabin.

    I booked a jr.suite on Enchantment and would NOT go on the ship again,sorry.But bathroom had sewage back up,no matter HOW MANY attempts to fix.The whole 4 days was a nitemare.We did get a refund(not full),but gave it to my son.Try another ship.;)

  12. I am very interested in a river cruise so please post if you ever find one! ;)


    and checked it out.Seems NOT TALL cruises are affected,mostly March and Nov..but the DO have single cabins on many of their ships for reduced price.

    Have been on 10 river cruises and love them,alternate with ocean ones.But looking for solo prices for sister in law.


    While on them in past,have seen many solos and they said they loved it and fit right in.:)

  13. for that big a discount,or how about pay for economy and upgrade to business class.

    Re.licenses checked.We never carry them overseas,just take minimum in wallet,in case its lost or stolen.Plus,no good there anyway.My DH was a pharmacist before med school and on our first trip to Europe,I needed antibiotics.He knew the license not honored for either,but when asked ,the pharmacist laughed and said RX not needed and gave them to us.We didnt know.:)

  14. The ER doc saw that the patient was in good hands. If 10 docs would have gotten up and offered help people would have scoffed at them for showing off IMHO. If this most capable nurse had asked for the assistance of another nurse or doctor it does sound like this ER doc was ready to help. I really do think that the flight attendants need more training in basic first aid. People have issues in shopping malls, arenas, schools ect and don't call out for physicians. In this case it was obviosly justified but it has been my experience that flight attendants tend to cry wolf often. Teachers deal with dizziness often, lifeguards and ice rink attendants are trained to deal with minor injuries And I think flight attendants should as well or the airlines should hire nurses and train them as flight attendants. Hoping that there is a doctor or nurse on board that is willing to help for the slightest thing is taking advantage of people. I am not talking about true emergencies but things that happen often like lightheadedness. With that said DH has always offered his help and me as well when asked but he also might have thought that the situation was being well handled by another health care provider. Remember they ask for A doctor or nurse NOT ALL doctors or nurses on board.


    so I STILL think he should have offered.

    But do agree about training,sure they must get some,but perhaps being EMT certified..or CPR certified,at least.Doubt nurses would do it unless PAY was much better.Know they USED to be nurses in old days,but that fell by the wayside.

    Maybe call for a firefighter,,haha,,my son is one(paramedic)and does WAY more CPR than I EVER have.

  15. and saw people getting mixed drinks.So you should have no problem with a rum and coke.

    Re.laundry.We did it in room(brought wash and wear),hung on balcony and dry in a few hrs.No problem,and no cost.I went thru at least 2 tops a day,due to heat,etc.Same with nitegowns,undies,socks.After an excursion,nice to go back and take shower,get clean clothes,etc.Never would have been able to pack enough if I waited to Siem Reip.PS.bought those plastic clothes pins.:)

  16. I'm an OB nurse so I could have easily handled the delivery...my 1 time i responded to a call for help was a heart attack. I responded "I know CPR" without disclosing my profession. I initiated CPR and used the defib. Luckily the man survived We diverted to nearest airport.


    Afterwards another passenger said he was an ER doc, and said he knew another doc would respond. I told him I was an OB nurse and he said he didn't know OB nurses could run a code. <<<sigh>>>


    in an emergency, only right that he would help.Very upsetting with all his training,Really COULD have meant the difference between life and death.


    Agree, many health profs. only use CPR training during education sessions and THANK GOD not so much,it at all,the rest of the time.Found that to be the case when I talk to DH s colleagues. Think many tv shows have dr.s and nurses performing things they just don t do that often ,,for dramatic reasons,I m sure.;)

  17. the wife must have REALLY wanted to continue with that cruise.But who knows ,,maybe the husband WANTED her to.One really never knows and I shouldn t judge.BUT...would YOU?

    Hey, I love to cruise with the best of them,but a little mourning period seems called for,NO??


    As a aside,my MOM was cremated and buried at sea by scattering ashes from a plane.I live near the beach and the first time I went to "talk "to her,I twisted my ankle and fell down(at which time I was stung by a jellyfish).True story,really, THink she was TRYING to tell me something,but it seemed unsettling.Still not sure WHAT it meant,but have gone back MANY TIMES with no more "messages".She loved to travel and wanted to 'keep moving and see the world,even after ".;)

  18. on 2 occasions my DH and I (drowsy only)were asleep when the call went out.Took us awhile to really WAKE UP,its been quite awhile since he did that as intern,etc.Other time we were eating dinner,got up.left trays on floor and when we returned the flight attendant gave us NEW ONES.Now maybe cause we were in Business class,don t know.BUt very nice gesture.

    Once at a VERY NICE restuarant ,call for Dr. and he responded but they NEVER OFFERED to give us new dinners.Did ask if they could ""warm it up".:rolleyes:

  19. and to let you know what my TA thinks(he only does luxury lines)as we are FINALLY able to affored them.

    He listed the top 3,Tauck,Scenic and AMA.Will not handle the others.But I m sure many agents may have their favorites. I ve taken 10 river cruises and AMA my favorite SO FAR,but have a Scenic booked for June.

    Do get expert advise,and good deals plus cash back from a trusted. TA.

    I won t travel on any of the lines that don t allow them(like Vantage,Grand Circle,etc).

    Try to 2 balcony, or 1 LARGE balcony new ships(not French).It makes a small room seem SO MUCH larger.Either that or spring for a suite.:)

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