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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling good, Bonnie, and that you are not in pain or discomfort. 15 days more and your daughter will be for a wonderful visit! Our daughter, SIL, and two of our granddaughters are arriving in Naples this Saturday. We haven't seen them since Thanksgiving, so we're sure looking forward to seeing them. My grandson won't be with them, since he's heading for London tomorrow with some College friends for their Spring break. Lucky kid!
  2. I'll have to agree with you on that. I told Jim that I had no opinion on the outcome of the vote tonight. I think that's a first for me.🤔
  3. I've never seen two teams laugh at the team who had to vote out one of their members from last week when they showed up for tonight's challenge. Smack talk that I've never seen before on Survival.🥺
  4. Thank you, Lenny! It certainly is a very popular day for Birthdays. Jim always mentions The Alamo. When he was in the Army before being shipped to Viet Nam, he and his buddies went to the Alamo, only to find it closed.😔 We'd talked about getting there over the years, but never did anything about visiting. We're not getting any younger🤔 as evidenced with today being Jim's Birthday, and all. Just sayin...
  5. Where is Cable Beach, Debbie? I'm glad you and Eric enjoyed it so much! I also hope your warm sunny days continue for the rest of your cruise, and that you find mild, warm weather upon your return to Pa..😊
  6. Thank you, Arzeena!🥰 Thank you, Greg!😊 Thank you, Debbie!😘 I hope your ear is all better now, while you're cruising this week!
  7. Happy Birthday Caden! Besides Mark , Jim, and Caden, my nephew Keith is celebrating today, as well as my great nephew Michael! Popular day!
  8. Thank you so much, Dani!🥰 Belated Birthday wishes, Mark! Today is Jim's Birthday. Remember the Alamo!!
  9. Wow aussie! what a great and beautiful get away for you and DH. Pretty awesome to be staying in the Lighthouse Keepers Cottage!! Thank you for sharing, and enjoy your stay there!
  10. Thanks for showing your sweet tooth to me with the Krispy Kreme donuts, Helen! Now I have to get up and get a cookie or two for myself!😁
  11. @Lionesss Hi Sue! Congratulations on your new wheels! I can't believe your little cutie Zoey is 15 months all ready! I know you are enjoying all of your time that you get to spend with her.😊
  12. I'm so sorry, Marietta. Have you been given any indications as to why Charlie is having so much trouble with standing up, and that his leg is giving him so much trouble? You must be exhausted. (((hugs))) Were you able to get out and go to the St. Patrick's Parade on Forest Avenue on Sunday?☘️
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