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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. Good to know that she's all good! After you mentioned the ticks earlier, I was running my fingers through my scalp again. Just checkin!!!πŸ˜‰ As far as I know, it's still considered S2S! Good for you!!πŸ›³οΈ2πŸ›³οΈ
  2. Thank you, Graham. The drops are helping! Have a great time in NYC and Buffalo, George! Safe travels tomorrow. Thank you, Lenny! I'm glad that you enjoy your zoom singing so much!
  3. Perhaps they're College kids? My grandchildren are all done with the Semester. Thank you Marietta. While my eye hurts, the prescription drops as well as advil helps. I went to my youngest grandson's band concert last night, and my daughter told me I looked very tired. Yeah..no makeup on these eyes surely make me look tired even if I'm not..lol! Thank you, Dani! @NHProud I also wish Steve good luck with his cataract surgery!
  4. Years ago while at the Broadway play "Phantom of the Opera", the woman sitting next to me sang the songs along with the actors. πŸ₯Ί As if that wasn't bad enough, her plastic water bottle made the krinkling noise each and every time she took a sip. So rude!!🀬
  5. Thanks Debbie! Don't work too hard at your Shore home this weekend! Thanks Deb! I hope your new grandbaby makes his appearance by this Memorial Day weekend! Thank you, Mark! Has Susan had any longtime effects from the tick? I surely hope not! Thank you, Arzeena! @BonTexasNY Thank you so much, Bonnie!
  6. I really enjoy mowing the lawn. As much as I like my Ryobi electric push mower, my legs can't do the whole front lawn any more, and I now use the ride on mower and use the Ryobi in small areas where I'm not comfortable using the ride-on. Anyway, after mowing the front yard yesterday, I moved onto the back yard, where there are two trees with low branches that I will ride under, while at the same time, I'm ducking my head and hoping a tick isn't in the tree. As I got to the first tree, I felt something go into my eye, but I thought it was just pollen. I continued mowing, and moved on to cleaning pollen off all of the patio furniture. As I was eating dinner, my eye started really bothering me, and so I moved my finger to the outer part of my eye, and as I did, I felt a little something there. As I got it out of my eye, it was a little tiny bug. I put it on my dinner napkin, and thought to myself, do I see it moving? I got my old glasses to get a good look, and sure enough, it was moving! Needless to say, my eye and swollen lid don't look very pretty. I called my eye doctor at 8:00 this morning and luckily they said come right in. I was particularly concerned, since i am scheduled for lazer surgery next week on this eye. The doctor prescribed antibiotic eye drops and told me no worries....surgery can be done next week. Phew!!
  7. How are you doing after your debacle at the Barcelona Airport?
  8. @jmh2006 Yay Jennifer and Dave! So glad all is good! Try to get some sleep tonight...you've got places to go, places to see, a new adventure awaits you! βœˆοΈπŸ›³οΈ ENJOY!!
  9. That is exactly what Jim and I did prior to our B2B just before our Bella cruise last yearπŸ˜‰ We did a 4 day in a Junior Suite on Liberty, since we were 8 pts away from Diamond.😊
  10. +1 @dpostman Patches is adorable! Sorry you DS had the fender-bender. You must be so excited, Jennifer! Hugs to Dave tomorrow. Safe travels on Tuesday. Have a great time!!!!βœˆοΈπŸ›³οΈ
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