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Posts posted by lincslady

  1. The only problem with sharing fixed tables if you have not met anyone else before, and find all/some of them not much fun to spend dinner time with.  It is then either lump it or ask to be moved, which is  obviously embarrassing.  We had to do that once, and it was just another couple who had  nothing at all to say, but wanted us to talk to them, which got tiring and wearing after a couple of nights.  DH said we must ask to move, and reluctantly did, but felt bad for them - then to a table full of older single American ladies, which he enjoyed hugely.  It was quite a long cruise, so did make a big difference.  But I still felt a heel.

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  2. Same here, Lois.  Dare I  ask if you are going to be in the posh' bit of the ship, with presumably superior restaurants etc.  In any case, it will be interesting to hear how you find a ship with so many people on board,  for a change.  I have a feeling you will make the most of it anyway, and meet nice people and enjoy yourself, as usual.



  3. My very old-fashioned mother-in-law once asked me if the French spoke French all the time,  wondering how we got on when we used to go there frequently on holiday.  That  is admittedly many years ago, and she was over 70 at the time.  I did gently remind her that my DH had School Certificate French, and I had A level.  To be fair, she had not been further 'abroad' than the Isle of Man.

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  4. Yes, jp, Auxerre is another those dastardly French fool us with.  I always thought it was Okserre, but I think it is more like Osserre.  However when you think about pronunciations in English we should not complain about anyone else.  Like words spelt like 'cough' for instance.  And  far more of 'them' make an effort to speak English than us trying  to master theirs.

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  5. I went to an all girls' school, with a 'brother' school a few miles away.  I remember navy blue sturdy knickers for gym, and general wear, with white 'linings' (changed every day, hopefully) underneath, but for games we had those shorts which look like a divided skirt.  Our games field was outside the school boundary, and very visible from the road, so maybe that is why we had the more prim and proper dress.  We wore pudding bowl hats with a brim, and used to fold the crown up so that it was shallower and more fetching!  (Though still not very fetching, especially with elastic under the chin).  Seems like centuries ago.  The good thing about uniforms rigidly enforced was that no one could show off more expensive outfits, and I personally think that is still a good idea - though with very different uniforms of course.  How schools cope with trans pupils must be a nightmare though.

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  6. In the 'olden days' as now skirt lengths went up and down with fashion.  When minis were in, our school skirts had to be well on the ground when you knelt down, and within a year or so they had to show your knees when midis came in.  It was easy to break the rules when short was in fashion by rolling your skirt up at the waistline as soon as you were out of the school grounds, of course.

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  7. Empathy from me, Purdey, I have been awake since 2 and admit to just making a hot toddy, might go back to sleep and luckily for me do not need an alarm.


    I have two I think they are called earworms I just can't get rid of at present - watched Sky Arts to see  Simon and Garfunkel and then Roy Orbison, two of my old favourites, and now can't get In Dreams and Bridge over Troubled Water out of my silly head.


    I hope everyone has a good day,  especially those who are not well and any poorly pets.

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  8. I hardly dare enter these august portals with my plebeian taste, but having not had any vinho verde for many years I bought a couple on advice from the Times, and discovered it to be not only delicious drinking but slightly petillant.  Is it always marginally sparkling?  I hasten to add that this is just the Waitrose own at about £7.50, and they have just temporarily sold out.

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