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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. That’s not good! Was there an indication of how to mitigate this until the panels can be replaced? I’d think they could be coated but those surfaces might not stand up to the rigorous cleaning regimes.
  2. Wishing everyone a great day! Happy Birthday to Fr David. Thank him for the message today! Very good news about baby Murphy! Getting stronger! Thanks for the Summerfest pictures Gerry! Glad your Ukrainian friends could participate. What a special joy for them to be part of a community. You and DH are quite inspiring. Blessings to all in need for healing, comfort or hope. Strength to those in different circumstances. Cheers for those celebrating Life! Wishing smooth travels to all away. Haven’t been to the port, was in Valparaiso but so sick that day! Canceled our excursion. I was pleasantly surprised Carnival refunded our excursion fees, and even more so for both of us! Much nicer than HAL when I was sick in Greece. I’m following Wimbledon. Would enjoy the recipes but not DH. Always grateful for the context of the quotes @0106 Probably should get groceries today even with rain coming this afternoon as tomorrow could be a kayaking day! 🙃 Then Tuesday we have an appointment with the financial guy… that’s all coming along slowly. Life is good! m—
  3. Another hot and sticky day in Maryland but so grateful for the AC. @cruising sister Thanks for the update on little Murphy. I just can’t imagine the scramble they had to do to keep her going! Wonderful that the surgery is holding. Just so amazing! Still sending out blessings all day long! Glad you slept, you need it. And good to have a plan for next month! That’s a great way you are taking care of yourself. Give yourself a loving hug! @kazu Good to hear some improvement for Ivan. How is your elbow? I don’t think you’ve mentioned it lately.. to much going on. @marshhawk Annie, pinched nerves can cause so much pain and in unexpected places. Sure hope you can rest up on a good racing day and get some healing happening. @dfish We enjoyed a facsimile of the shrimp with sun dried tomatoes dish last night. I added chopped onion, green pepper and some broccoli, then the spinach last, so lots of good veggies. Used a substitute for tge cream, “extra creamy oat milk” and a bit of butter worked quite well. I’ll make it again. Didn’t serve it over a starch, just on its own. We both liked it. @ger_77 Summerfest sounds perfect! Please don’t overwork yourself so you can enjoy the really grand day you’ve made for everyone. I hope your Ukrainian friends can make it! @Nickelpenny Great you can participate in the trial. Thank you for your contribution to the research. I sure miss the days of 20% humidity we had in NM. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Cheers to those celebrating Life🥂. And smooth travels to all away. Hoping @Cruzin TerriTerri’s cold is better! Maureen
  4. @mamaofami oh Carol, I’m sorry you’ve lost your friend Judi. I’m sure you’re relieved that it was a peaceful passing but still very sad. The longer we live the more loss we endure. And our friends are the family we choose.💔. Take care of yourself through this difficult time. @bennybear Great news Brenda! I’m sure the wait wasn’t easy. @Quartzsite Cruiser Seems like moving forward sometimes goes sideways for awhile, never east! Good to hear that the NP has a plan. @cruising sisterKeeping baby Murphy close today, and all her family and Care Team. Hoping they were able to get the ECMO working again 🤞. ECMO allows the body to rest and recover but it needs a full team of overseers. ECMO oxygenates the blood outside the body allowing the heart and lungs to recover. Extracorporeal= outside the body. I hope you can rest, you’ve had a lot to deal with, we’re here for you! m—
  5. Terry @smitty34877 that’s grand! Hoping you all can have a calm day. Praying for Amazing! for baby Murphy. They are very lucky to have a neonate ECHO! Thanks @cruising sister for keeping us posted. @mamaofami Carol, so sorry for your many losses. Lifting you up and prayers for your friend Jodi and her loved ones. @kazu Jacqui, hoping your excellent and caring vets can get Ivan and you on a better track. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Cheers to all celebrating. Life is Good! 🌈 Smooth travels for all who are away. Chocolate Day is certainly worth celebrating. It used to be every day on HAL! Thanks for the good memories @GTVCRUISER ! Starting out hot and humid but rain storms are expected. Maybe I’ll get to the indoor pool for hip exercises this afternoon. Last week I overdid it and could walk the next day…. PT can be like that but the long term benefit is the goal! Maureen
  6. @luvteaching Karen, thanks for the link, the obituary is lovely, so personal. Wonderful of you to include so many of his care team. You and your family remain in my heart and prayers. I remember staying in Sedro-Woolley at the State Park in our 5th wheel trailer. I drove it west over the Cascade Highway as it was my turn to drive! Such beautiful places! DH has family in that whole region, such a treat for us visiting there as often as we could! m—
  7. First thoughts went out to baby Murphy, family and Care Team! And to Karen, Terry and Lou, Ann and Pat, Annie and Chuck, Vanessa, Lorraine, Paul, Dixie, Denise, Jacqui and Ivan, Terri and DH… I am missing more.. I’d need to go back to Venessa’s Care list, oiy! Love you all! Hoping for the best for each of you. And your family and friends in need. Thanks for the Valencia pics Sandi and Bruce. The quote sums it up pretty well! It’s inspiring! I’ve noticed plastic umbrella covers offered in doctor’s offices and some stores since we moved to Maryland. Keeps the floors safer. Nice! Debbie, the recipes look super today! I’ll try a facsimile with fewer calories. Bruce, that repositioning sounds fun! We were looking at the Canada/New England options, maybe you are inspiring us to look again. 🙃 Did my bone scan yesterday. 🤞 Hoping it’s all stable. DH has gotten on top of the itchy eyes with Benadryl again. The eye pressures have been mostly very good- great that we were able to get the home tonometer to monitor. Hoping this surgery coming up can get him off the eye drops. His walking has been curbed with a flare up of plantar fasciitis so I taped his foot like a pediatrist showed me long ago; it’s much better but needs it to heal a bit more before he can do his 2 mile walks. Zoom yoga today for me. And some more Wimbledon! Too hot and sticky to be out! Im worried about my BFF who is in Scotland with her sons and their families… she tested +for COVID 😱. Haven’t heard if anyone else caught it. I watered her plants yesterday - she has a townhouse here so has a small garden. I hope the flowers perk up, they were pretty unhappy looking. Blessings to all who need a lift! Healing, comfort or hope. Cheers to all the celebrations. Life is Good! Smooth travels to all away! 🌈. m—
  8. Hoping you feel better! I’m family with the socks method to head off a cold. Seems to stimulate the immune system. Haven’t heard of the variable positive pressure method. We did use positive pressure valves to keep the alveoli open but they weren’t variable. 🤞
  9. @summer slope Hugs to you on this difficult day. You gave her your best love! And she gave it back to you too. 💔 @kazu your vets sound amazing. Hoping Ivan and you will be on the upswing soon and the issues can be identified and mitigated. @smitty34877 you’ll be very busy today! Hope Lou is improving and that you have all the help you need. @luvteaching Karen, you have a lot on your plate. So glad you have the support of your children, and in their grief too I’m sure that are glad you’re there ! @bennybear Thank you Brenda. I read a historians message late yesterday that lifted me, reminding me there is always a new generation to carry on the work in progress. @cruising sister I am sorry the holiday was difficult, even more so at your friends house but I know I have tried that at times and found it too difficult also. Please remember that we all have difficult days, no matter what our circumstances. In my tough days I now ask myself “What’s good right now?” Just starting that list grounds me and “changes the channel”. It doesn’t change the circumstances but it can make a tough day more bearable an hour at a time. Give yourself a loving hug! Thanks for posting and staying connected. @Cruzin Terri So glad you managed to get test kits and you’re negative! Hoping the cold meds help you both. We’ve had our share of cruise crud and its missed ports and canceled excursions… Today I go for a bone scan. Drs have told be I have bones of “iron” off-scale strong! That was then, apparently not any more. Our bodies change. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Hugs to all here! Thank you sharing. Cheers for all celebrating 🥂 Life is Good 🎉 Smooth travels to all away, and Bon Voyage to @loveandpeas Everyone stay safe! Maureen
  10. Thanks to all who are so dedicated to creating the FR&D for all of us to share. May everyone enjoy a safe holiday! I always have such deeply mixed feelings celebrating Independence Day: I am embarrassed by much of our history but also proud of our many accomplishments and contributions to a better world. We are certainly “a work in progress.” I salute the courage, foresight, creativity and bravery of the women and men who put country first, sacrificing their own happiness to make a better world. Many of those who signed the Declaration of Independence came to tragic ends, a few to important positions that brought both fame and misery. I’ve been to 75 countries and we’re not moving to any of them. I will display my flag in hope that we can live up to the lofty goals of the Declaration for all. @smitty34877 Terry, hoping you see continued progress. I’m sure Lou will appreciate the treats you so lovingly made for him! One day at a time is Everything! Gentle hugs to each you and your loved ones. Blessings for healing all who are ill, for comforting all those who are missing loved ones or are in distressing situations, for hopefulness where the process or the outcomes seem beyond reach. Each one of you, give yourself a loving hug! No plans for our day. It’s hot and humid, we’ll enjoy our air conditioning. Maybe we’ll see fireworks from our sunporch. It’s screened but not a place for barbecuing. Since the grandkids’ visit the fridge is getting sparse so maybe I’ll make a run to the store- it shouldn’t be crowded today and I’ll wear a mask. We’ve cruised out of Port of LA, San Pedro. DH lived not too far from there for part of his childhood so we enjoyed visiting his heritage sites. Otherwise there’s not much to see in San Pedro, more of an industrial port. LA of course has some great attractions! My personal favorite memories are from places far from San Pedro: Griffiths Park; the La Brea Tar Pits (with the saber-toothed tiger fossils); Huntington Library and gardens (and their Gutenberg Bible); Redondo Beach Pier; and of course the Hollywood sign! Enormous, and something I dreamed about getting to see as a kid growing up in Brooklyn. Gratefully, life has taken me beyond my childhood dreams! Maybe that’s what today’s quote means. Cheers to all celebrating 🌈. Life is Good! 🥂 m—
  11. Thank you @grapau27 Graham and @Heartgrove Jack for the P&O insights. And your good wishes we stay well! I got a text from my close, long-time girlfriend who lives in my complex; she’s in Scotland with her sons and their families… and just tested +for COVID. It’s still very common! I’m hoping the rest of the family doesn’t get it 😷. I feel like crawling under a rock for a month! Thanks for the good thoughts! @Copper10-8 and @rafinmd thanks for the pictures and updates. Good memories! Maasdam, our first HAL; Ryndam, our first big upgrade, surprise, a window!!; and Queen Mary, a grand anniversary dinner on our way home from the Rose Parade, 2002. I’m sure they are continuing to help people make memories! m—
  12. We’re into full hit and humid summer weather, which fir me means air conditioning. 90s again. Got DGD and her DH off yesterday. They have a lot of energy and came to help with projects. We made some good progress! They took bags of stuff back in their truck, most to move forward to donation centers or friends. Plus we “fed” a bunch to the dumpsters. DH and DGSIL fixed one of our adjustable beds and made trips to 2 hardware stores for parts. DH wants to install an additional towel bar next to the bathroom sink. The visit was busy but productive. Yesterday we recovered! We spent some time looking at cruises! I’ve always wanted to do an Eastern Canada and New England itinerary. Lots to choose from but we will have to work around or change some appointments. It’s worth considering. We also are considering Smithsonian visits and day trips which I’d love to do but reality is that we’ll have to stay out of crowds until after surgery Aug 1 to reduce our risk of picking up COVID. The hospitals and outpatient surgery centers are still screening out people who have had COVID in the 2 weeks prior. This eye surgery has to happen if there’s any hope of getting DH off the eye drops that he’s become allergic to. Thanks Vanessa for keeping us on the rotation! Today I’ll tackle some boxes DGD helped me bring up from our storage room. But first I need a plan - do I unpack them? Or go through them hoping to reduce volume and repack stuff for our next move? Next home is not likely to have a storage room like we have now so downsizing is essential. I need to start thinking in terms of “Where will this go in the next home?” It’s a lot but it’s all good! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, especially our Care List. Cheers to all celebrating🎉. Life is good! 🌈 Smooth travels to all away, smoother seas for @Cruzin Terri Thanks Graham @grapau27 for the P&O thoughts. We looked at TAs to England. Could then take a P&O! We have Ireland on our list too, and loved our time in England, especially the 10 days heritage stay in Cornwall where we searched up DHs family. Very meaningful. Then a land tour and time on our own in London, never enough! And wouldn’t mind revisiting Norway too! Stavanger was on our Hurtigrutin cruise. Keeping dreaming keeps life going! —Maureen
  13. White rabbit white rabbit. 🍁 Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦 Thanks @grapau27 for your input on P&O and no classical music. Too bad. Condolences to @57redbird on your cousin’s passed. I’m the youngest of my generation of what used to be a big bunch of cousins and lave lost 3 between Oct and April, likely many more to come… each one is a part of my life. Hugs to you! @marshhawk Annie I’m glad you’re getting some relief. Give it time, a holiday break should help! @Denise T I feel for you with the constant irritation of unreasonable neighbors. Lifting up hope for a path toward relief. @luvteaching Thanks for posting an update. I’d love to read the obituary you wrote but I understand fully if a link to it is not something you want to post here. Just know that we honor you and Phil just as we know you! Holding you in my heart. I only slept a couple of hours, brain too full with the granddaughter and DH here helping. We got some stuff accomplished yesterday! Today more to do then they’re heading out Sunday morning. I’ll sleep then I guess. Not too concerned. It’s great having them here. We spent some time together last night looking at our long term plans to move closer to them, and end of life plans, going over trusts and finances. It’s a lot. I’m content here but being in a more supportive community setting long term, and being only a hour or so from them will feel very good! But one day at a time… and now it’s time to get coffee and breakfast going. (I sent out all the usual and special blessings hours ago! 😉.) M—
  14. @smitty34877 A most happy birthday to Lou on his 75th🎈🎉🎂! Hoping his treatment helps everybody! Happy birthday 🎂 to @bennybears DH! Happy retirement to Paul @kochleffel 🥂🌈🎈🎆 @luvteaching Terry, prayers for comfort and strength for you and your family. (((Warm Hugs))). @JazzyV Prayers for Ruth and all those who love her. She’s had a tough journey. I lost my BFF at 59. She and I were the same age. I still talk to her! I’ve enjoyed the Pinnacle Grill halibut but it’s too big! @ger_77 Oh no on the door dents. Not sure how to fix that…. I hope they can do something. @kazu Beautiful flowers! Everybody get well, heal up, and enjoy a safe holiday celebration weekend. Granddaughter and her DH are on their way. Busy weekend of projects here. At least the air is improving! m— PS. To @aliaschief, @grapau27, @Cruzin Terri… others who cruise lines others than HAL…. Is there classical music? We’ve enjoyed some firm of classical music on NCL, Princess and Celebrity but not in years. Even Carnival had a string quartet when we began cruising in 2003, one of the reasons we kept cruising, but not anymore. Thanks for the updates!
  15. Praying for Amazing! @cruising sister sending prayers for little Murphy and her Care team and family. Maybe postponing will give her some stability. @smitty34877prayers for Lou and a path forward, and all the family. @Oceansaway17 Bon Voyage! @JazzyV comfort care for Ruth! @luvteaching Strength for you during these difficult days. One step at a time. Granddaughter and her DH will come tomorrow.🤞 Today it’s Code Red air quality here in MD and DGD has had asthma issues but not recently. Tomorrow AQI should be better. We have 2 air cleaners and good inside air when closed up. Hoping they can leave early and avoid some of the I-95 traffic jams. Disjointed day today for me, hope to get back to finish reading all the Daily contributions. We spent part of our time in Ushuaia looking for an extra rechargeable camera battery. DH uses Cannon DOS I think it’s a 5. I use a waterproof, need a new one every couple of years, they have eventually all leaked. Olympus, Panasonic, Fuji…. but I don’t want to snorkel without one! {{{HUGS}}} to each of you! m—
  16. We’ve done multiple TAs, mostly in the late summer or fall. Seas were not rough. We’ve had some very rough seas in Gulf of Mexico and northbound along Mexican Riviera and Mediterranean but not crossing the Atlantic. Captains have a lot of room to navigate around storms. Has your partner been seasick before? We always bring Sea Bands and Bonine. DH has had more trouble than I but we put the Sea Bands on our wrists first sign of a bouncy ship. Rough seas can happen anywhere. Low deck and midship has lease movement. Mostly we were in insides or ocean view rooms on lower decks. Since COVID we’ve been cruising in balcony rooms which are higher. Getting a room on a low deck usually means an inside or ocean view but lowest balcony deck can be a good choice too.
  17. Air quality here is not too bad, moderate orange. Hoping it clears out for everyone. Blessings to Karen @luvteaching and family. What a hard day, the beginning of a whole new chapter, and all the tasks. 💔 Prayers for strength and comfort. I did pool exercises yesterday and tweaked something wrong in the good hip side. Ugh. It was pretty bad last night but easier today. Has to be, I need to get groceries because DGD and her DH are coming tomorrow night for the weekend to help with projects. 🤞 Tonight our local church is having a presentation by the music department so supper will be early and easy sliced Turkey breast and salad. DH managed better yesterday on some extra Benadryl. Hoping that got on top of it and the itching eases up again. @rafinmd thanks for the explanation of Columnists Day. 🫡 to all journalists. First time to Cozumel we were on NCL Sun. It dropped off people on the mainland at Playa del Carmen for excursions before berthing on the island. We went to Tulum on a ship tour. Magnificent place to visit Mayan ruins on the sea with the turquoise waters. The tour brought us back to the ferry to get over to Cozumel. It was a great way to do it. Blessings to all the caregivers helping their husbands, and all those in need of healing, comfort or hope. Cheers to all celebrating, 🌈 Life is Good! Smooth travels to all away. m—
  18. Edit: Just saw Karen’s post. Our hearts are with you as you process this sad loss. Thanks for telling us. m— Lifting up @luvteaching Karen, Phil and Jeff, family and Care team. Send you all Love and Light. @smitty34877 👍 for Lou! Hoping you see him chipper today. @Vict0riann May you soon learn how to mitigate the headaches and see Pat on a path forward. Same wishes for @catmando and Annie. @ottahand7 glad Nancy you managed your trip into town ok and John was able to take part of the shopping, and back home to rest that toe. @kochleffel I hope the kitties come out soon! Nawiliwili is such a tricky port with its zig-zag entrance. We were there a few times by ship but my first visit to The Garden Island was in the mid 70s with my mom. We walked to the Coco Palms to see their elaborate twilight lighting of the torches done by young men runners who twirled a flaming torch timed perfectly to touch each torch as they ran the perimeter of the property. The first time DH and I cruised there we were on Diamond Princess. It was an uncomfortable crossing behind a storm. We pitched for 4 days. That storm closed Nawiliwili a few days before we hit there. An NCL ship was forced to leave the harbor (I,e. harbour for Graham and others) before they wouldn’t be able to get out. They left 600 people on the island including 100 crew. Those folks were put up in hotels overnight then flown by NCL to the next island port. It’s such a tight place to navigate. But beautiful. My father’s cousin was blind. She lived and taught at a boarding school for the blind, and in the 60s she would spend a week with us every summer. As kids we were fascinated by her adaptations of daily living. Her pocket watch had no glass cover so she could feel the hands and the numerals which were in braille. We’d sit outside on the front porch steps watching her punch braille letters to her friends. Her “claim to fame” was that she was once a substitute secretary to Helen Keller! One of our favorite outings with her was taking her to the beach where she thoroughly absorbed the taste, feel and sounds. She died 50 years ago in her 80s. She is a very special memory for me. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. My DH is back to struggling with the itchy eyes. He’s been walking outside recently and we’re thinking that the eye meds allergy might have been triggered again by grass pollen allergies. It had been so much better for a time but that’s changed now. Still on track for the eye pressure-reducing stent surgery Aug 1. 🤞 🎉 Cheers for all the celebrations, Life is Good! Smooth travels to all away. Everybody pay attention to where your feet are! Have a blessed day! Maureen
  19. Thanks for updating us Karen. I’m glad Phil is receiving comfort care and that Jeff could be with you much of the day. Visits with the chaplain is good at this stage. But you also need some time to yourself to process this shift. After all these months and tge wonderful birthday and concert trip this shift must seem sudden. You are doing an amazing job keeping Phil’s wishes foremost. I’m glad to hear you are getting help from hospice. They are good at what they do. Know that whether you post or not we’re with you, around the world all hours of the day and night. Sending blessings and angels to Phil, you and Jeff and all the Care team. I wish I could send you some homemade cookies! You deserve some after all the treats you’ve brought to others. Maureen
  20. @smitty34877. 🙏 Oh thank you Terry! You must be exhausted. Yes, Amazing is the hope! Sounds like DH is in very good hands. One day at a time is Everything! There’s two things you have to do tonight: Breathe In, Breathe Out! We’re all sending you our love! @kochleffel SO glad you weren’t seriously hurt! You have new fur babies who need you more than they know, and you will be there for them for sure. Hope you all sleep well tonight. @dfish Debbie I made the Sweet and Sour Chicken. The veggies were tasty. The sauce was very good. The chicken was good texture- I coated it in cornstarch and pan fried it. But the chicken needed to be seasoned. It didn’t absorb the sauce flavors and was rather tasteless. Maybe using peanut oil would help. I even added a few drops of sesame oil but not enough. Just a bit of feedback. I have to say it was better than my previous attempts. Thanks for your faithful work providing inspiration to those of us who have made thousands upon thousands of suppers.
  21. @grapau27 Thank you Graham for your kind words. They come back to you! @aliaschief Bruce, those photos of Flanders Field are emotional. The losses are staggering. I’m very glad you aren’t feeling symptoms from your head injury. I’m sure you’ll enjoy you last cruise days. Smooth travels home. @Nickelpenny Thanks for your frequent updates. I loved cross-country trips, especially with a cruise in them! Outstanding ways to enjoy travel. You really showed us and your friend a grand time. But it’s always great to get home. Enjoy the comforts of Tucson! @rafinmd Beautifully said! I don’t know how to imbed your quote here…. A symphony is like a painting painted on the canvas of silence. Couldn’t agree more. And with Annie @marshhawktoo that Americans are often too quick to fill the silence, maybe others too. I had a FIL who used to say no one ever learned while talking. Or maybe typing too… 🤣, I need to move on! I keep checking for updates from Terry and Karen…. ❤️‍🩹 m—
  22. Happy Birthday to Carol @mamaofami 🌈🎂🎈 Prayers lifted for @smitty34877Lou, Terry and all the Care Team and family for tidayscsurgery. And for @luvteaching DH and family at such a difficult time. And for @marshhawk and @catmando with new needs. And for @Vict0riannand Pat both needed new paths. . And for @aliaschiefand @kochleffel healing from falls. And for injured toes for @cruising sister and @ottahand7. And all on the Cares list @JazzyV faithfully keeps for us. Together we are woven into a raft that holds us up! I haven’t been to the port, will enjoy the pictures for sure. Lamb skewers sounds very good but I don’t find it here much. We used a beautiful passage from Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet in our wedding, but it sure wasn’t today’s quote. I prefer a kayak to a canoe but had a great week camping on tge Buffalo Nation River in Arkansas long ago. Forgiving myself has been the hardest, as @0106 alluded to. I have a family member who won’t forgive me or talk to me and I don’t even know why. It’s kept me from a relationship with that branch of the family and three step-grandchildren from my first marriage, but I am grateful I’ve accepted the situation and come to peace with it. It took a long time. I’ve forgiven her though I’ll never understand it. I’ve had to let it go for my own peace and not let it corrode the love in my life. We’re all doing the best we can with what we have to work with at the time! Another hot day here. We’re into summer heat and humidity for as far as the forecast goes. I’m grateful for the AC! Blessings all!
  23. @marshhawk and @catmando You have a lot to deal with! Blessings for the right paths for each of you, one step at a time…. we’ll be with you! ❤️‍🩹 Smitty, praying for Amazing!🌈 @luvteaching holding you in our hearts ❤️ @Vict0riann glad you had a good outing. @ger_77 Hope all goes well tomorrow. Your friends are very blessed with your care. Hope you and DH can rest up a bit in between.
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