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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Off to another day, yay! Hazy like yesterday but rain not happening today. Maybe a shower tomorrow. My older brother took me to my first baseball game, Yankee Stadium. When Mickey Mantle came to bat he hit the first pitch over the fences. I’ll never forget it. Thrilling to a kid! We kayaked in Raiatia on a ship excursion, from the sea up a river. It was very windy at the mouth if the river but then once a bit upstream and sheltered it was a beautiful peaceful time. The volcanic island core is eroded into benches and cliff faces and picturesque. Lots of big-leafed flora. I love the South Pacific islands! Glad we got to see them while we could. @smitty34877 that is tough news. Living where there’s good specialists is more important as we age, which is one reason why we’re not in our beloved mountain home anymore. Hoping you can get on a treatment track quickly. The monkeying around on the front end is exhausting. We’ll hang in with you! More of our working down the list today contacting folks to change banks. I have a meeting this morning with the welcome team for our condo building. Then a call with a continuing care retirement community in NJ that we’re considering for our next chapter, closer to the granddaughter. Best get going! Lifting up blessings to all in need near and far. Safe travels to all away, bon voyage to @ocean sounds Cheers to everyone celebrating! Life is Good! May the Fires and all the smoke plume regions get rain!
  2. Love shrimp tacos, but not with feta cheese! Messina was beautiful, as was our day in Taormina! Thanks for the many lovely photos, great memories. Air Quality tonight is better but I expect smoke to “layer down” to ground level overnight. We turned in the bedroom air cleaner. @Nickelpenny Glad you made it safely. Usually the “worst” drivers are from the adjoining state 😉. (Or province I suppose.) @smitty34877 happy you are looking ahead at a bit of respite and recovery. Hope the timing is perfect. @aliaschief Thanks for Gibraltar. Enjoy Seville! Thanks to all for the support!! 💖We made some progress today. Still no case manager but we did squeeze some information out of the fraud specialist. The account apparently isn’t closed, just restricted to nothing going out, so social security and pensions will be received. Relieved we won’t have to chase the income. They will transfer those funds on our special request to the new account which won’t be available until next week. Today we got a few of the most urgent bills paid or transferred. Did some on line including Medicare, some by phone and 3 in person. Medicare will have to get paid manually the next two months but that’s ok, can do! They need 6-8 weeks. Interesting that at least two insurance parties were not concerned, they haven’t seen the bank denials yet (from payments June 5th and 6th) and said call back next week. One insurance group hasn’t answered a phone call, hasn’t returned a call, and when we went there (very close by) the office was locked, nobody there! Very odd and makes me think it just might be a good time to let it die and go elsewhere. We began with them when we moved here 2 yrs ago during Covid. I shudder to think what might happen if we had to make a claim! So thankful that we still had our old accounts! Been using that checkbook and the old credit cards! Most people would probably have a spare credit card but probably not a checking account. Tomorrow’s another day to excel! And maybe have ice cream tomorrow. I put our ice cream freezer bowl in the freezer this morning. I may make some tomorrow! It’ll be a reward! I’m sorry to hear from others of your similar experiences with fraud. It’s a lot to deal with. We’re working together and it’ll all happen. It must have been horribly hurtful Annie @marshhawk but that’s when I say there are reasons they’re an Ex. Hoping all who are not feeling well can rest tonight!
  3. Greetings friends. Red Alert for air quality here in Maryland today. Smoke from the north. I could really use some chocolate ice cream! Lots of chocolate ice cream. All I need is a way to buy it…. Thank you Graham, Lenda, Brenda…. we have a mess to deal with. The money stolen from our account is the least of our troubles. It was an unauthorized direct transfer. The account was closed yesterday or maybe late Monday. Some unimportant small checks already bounced! The first of my life. The credit and debit cards are canceled. But the autopay bills are of course still coming in and will also bounce. I think our medical insurance premiums were due to be paid yesterday. Car, home insurance this week. We set up this account to simplify our finances - for travel, for support from kids helping us as needed…. Not simply now! We were not quite finished getting everything transferred for deposits and bill payments. Luckily we hadn’t canceled our old banking accounts in NM, and we still have checks for that account! Yesterday we got money deposited into that bank to use to pay what we can by checks, although some may be late this month. Just praying there’ll be no gaps in coverages. Medicare was taking 3 months to get transferred to this new account, and June was to be their first withdrawal. But I think I can pay them online. And we do have another credit card and debit ATM cards from the NM bank. So we can buy gas (petrol Graham) and ice cream! After crisis management we’ll have to regroup and decide if we want to take a different approach. But it will all happen. And I’m so glad we are here to deal with it because I can’t imagine a son or granddaughter trying to do this for us! I missed the Daily yesterday, and might miss more but I’m grateful for the good we have in our favor, and for all your support. We will need a cruise! After eye surgery followups are done! One day at a time though and we’ll get through. Blessings to you all, and all in need near and far. Cheers to those celebrating. Life is Good! Even in a crisis Life is Good! Maureen
  4. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, interesting work of your DS that you can be proud of! I am always interested in new technologies. Miniaturization is amazing. For now, measuring the eye pressures with our new tonometer is easy enough. But what to do with the data? Do we add meds if there’s a spike? The ophthalmologist seems satisfied so I try not to worry, grateful for every day! We should get a case manager tomorrow about the hack. The financial advisor is a different path, but he sure will get an earful. The investments are locked and partitioned but things can and do go wrong. I think we’ll be redoing the auto pays, and very possibly with a new bank. We’ll hear what the case manager has to say. From what I’ve read tonight, we’re not unique! Sadly….
  5. Monday… great Days to celebrate today. We lived in and near Albuquerque for decades where the annual Balloon Fiesta is over a week long. The mass ascensions are on the weekends; weekdays have other events - races from off the field to the field, bean bag drops onto targets, key grabs to grab new truck keys from very tall poles, and others. It all happens the first week in October. Hundreds of balloons come from around the world! usually 7-800. The field allows attendees to walk among the balloons, and you might get asked to help hold a rope. They go up in waves starting at dawn and are usually all down by 9 or 10. Albuquerque has a wind pattern in the early morning that is favorable to balloon piloting. The winds drain down the face of the mountains, then rise from the river valley where the air is warmer forming what they call “the box”. This allows pilots to use their propane burners pick an elevation up or down to help them catch a wind sideways to navigate. “The box” changes as the sun rises and gets overlain by the draining winds coming downslope from Santa Fe which is almost 2000 feet higher at 7400 ft. It’s all quite an amazing set of events. I think I have some pix in my phone that I captured from the TV coverage last year. We flew in one owned by a neighbor’s son. It was serene until the landing! He descended us abruptly after clearing a building roof, then we bumped the ground hard and tipped over. I crashed within the basket into a propane tank and bruised up my knees but was otherwise ok. I’m glad we did it but no need to again. @Seasick Sailor if the skin on that broken toe is cut at all it could easily become infected, as happened to DH years ago. That bone infection was a bugger. Until you can get it checked out, taping it to an adjacent larger toe can help stabilize it. Not too tight. (Firmly press the end of the toe for a second to blanch the skin, then watch for it to pink up within 1-2 seconds to ensure there is still good blood flow.). If the skin is broken it needs more help to avoid an infection going into the bone! @smitty34877 great progress! 👍 @StLouisCruisersSorry to hear about the soccer accident! North of Albuquerque there is a major set of soccer fields; always an ambulance on standby. More accidents than one might think. Hoping the boys heal ok. 🙏 We are starting an adventure we didn’t want. Our new, consolidating cash management account got hacked. Maybe the few thousand $s that were stolen will get replaced eventually but we will likely have to redo all the auto deposits and auto payments to new routing numbers including pensions, condo fees, insurance, income and property taxes and much more. We were just getting it stabilized from the old NM accounts and trying to simplify our finances, but now we must rethink this and maybe re-transfer everything back to our old accounts. It’s a mess. But it’s not life threatening, just troublesome. We were scheduled to see our financial adviser tomorrow anyway, and this bank is an affiliate of theirs. Not happy! Was on the phone with the fraud department, next will be filing reports. This will take months and more work on our part than I realized. We had credit card fraud years ago on our “big box” Visa card and they credited us and sent new cards, now we keep them locked which is a nuisance. But this isn’t the credit cards that got hacked, so we’ll learn something new! Sigh. Grateful for the rain at several of the fires! Prayers for rain and protection for all those impacted. Blessings for all in need and all the Dailyites! Cheers for all celebrating and traveling. @Nickelpenny loving your reports @Denise T Welcome home. Thanks for your Live! Maureen
  6. Cooler day today in Maryland Thank you Graham for Fr David’s sermon! @St Louis CruiserSandi, we all have days of sorrow, hoping your reflections can bring comfort too. My “kids” (both in their 50s!) still love their great grandma’s applesauce cake! I sent it to them now and then. So glad I have her recipe. We have been trying to get to Newfoundland for 4 yrs now ti see friends and the beauty and tge interesting geology there. One thing after another has interfered, thus year it’s the August 1 eye surgery and post op visits into mid September. Maybe next year…. Love scallops! No red wine. And probably not the drink either. Heading to church in person for a change! Blessings to all in need or away, and cheers to all celebrating! Praying for rain on all the fires and protection for all those impacted! 💔 m—
  7. If you have any specific questions, ask away. Happy planning! m—
  8. Thank you @AncientWanderer! I’m impressed that you remembered it! I was just wondering how to go find that! It was a memorable trip. So glad we got to do it. The excursion cost almost as much as the room (good last minute deal in an OV for us) but we’ll worth it. m-/ I believe we went r/t San Diego, could have been San Pedro. m—
  9. Hawaii has the broadest spectrum of sights and activities. The Society Islands have incredible beauty everywhere you turn. I had unforgettable experiences in the lagoon waters with kayaking, snorkeling, having rays and reef sharks (small, non-aggressive) come visit us. The lagoons made it the best for me. Papeete has some unique shopping. My first time there I went to the fabric store and got a tablecloth. Next time I went, I got two more. And I use my parea/sarong cloths every day. Nuka Hiva had a grand assortment of wood carvings. Fanning Island has tons of local straw work in a primitive setting that is next to impossible to find in the world anymore. Fakarava is is not much more developed. Riatia is lush. Tahiti is an island you can do a circle road tour and see historical and cultural sights if you’re not into the lagoons. Overnight you can sample the excellent food truck, roullets, or sample the nightlife. Moorea is just gorgeous. And a place to buy black pearls. I’d prefer a longer cruise that also gets to Fiji and the Cook Islands but I’d take the 35 night itinerary in a heartbeat. HAL often has the Hawaiian ambassadors aboard who add a lot to the sea days with a variety of cultural enrichment opportunities. For me, there just aren’t enough sea days! But with the multiple overnight ports this is an itinerary you’ll not find elsewhere. K‘dam has a lot of variety for food. It’s promenade deck doesn’t have good visibility but there are shaded deck chairs available high up. I find K’dam’s MDR very noisy so Club Orange would be an advantage to me. I like the led computerized background panels in the World Stage. Mesmerizing. Happy planning! m—
  10. Happy Saturday! Thankfully it will be cooler today, maybe a bit of rain too which makes it not so good for kayaking. Didn’t get to Dover while we had the rental car in England. We were focused on family graves and homes in Cornwall. Very meaning visits there! Still hope to see the White Cliffs! Hoping those who’ve been dealing with illness turn the corner soon. And those dealing with loss start finding a few moments of peace. I’m loving seeing everyone’s flowers! I can’t grow a weed. Even my air fern is turning brown. 🥀 Today the calendar has nothing on it! It’s been a busy but very good week. Doctor appts went well!! The gift of going to live music performances was so special. The season finale of the National Symphony Orchestra was Beethoven’s 9th with 150 singers belting out the Ode to Joy. A beautiful treat. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Prayers for protection for all in harm’s way. Rain for all the fires, they seem to be raging everywhere- Pacific Northwest, Midwest, Michigan, Maritimes, New England, even New Jersey and Florida. 🌧️ Cheers to all those celebrating the good in life! 🌈 Bon Voyage to our cruising friends, and smooth travels to all away, especially our youngest granddaughter who is heading out today to San Antonio to meet her boyfriend’s family. Maybe a wedding in the near future? @Nickelpenny you probably don’t have an EZPass transponder for paying tolls… we didn’t have one while living in NM. When we got into “toll country” we bought one in the grocery store for $25 with $25 credit on it. Can refill it online with a credit card. It sure made cross country travel less stressful. So glad you are enjoying your adventure! Everyone stay safe! m—
  11. @1ANGELCAT So sorry to hear it’s time to let Ninja follow after Fluff. (((Hugs))) Note: I had to edit out all the emojis from my post today. CC said I was using unacceptable symbols. A first for me. Ever happen to others?
  12. Gonna be hot today! The outdoor pool opened but I might go to the indoor pool for hip exercises, it’ll be less crowded. It’s hard to pass up a donut! And I enjoy ordering polenta in the HAL MDR but wouldn’t make it at home. Chianti was a favorite! Not anymore since I react to most wines now, especially reds. Had a very good annual wellness check up with my doctor yesterday. Need to get scheduled for the periodic screenings that it’s time for. Getting another COVID booster today, hoping it doesn’t make us feel ill but better than a serious bout of COVID, the mild cases are bad enough. @Nickelpenny, blessings for safe travels. I know some of those roads pretty well, lots of wide open country with its own beauty! My kids went to college in Las Cruces, DH and I worked in Carlsbad for a while. Glad you missed the storms! And enjoy that donut! Thanks for keeping us posted! @Mr. Boston Congratualions to you both on David’s retirement! New beginnings. @Heartgrove What an exciting plan! @Cruzin Terri Glad you slept better. Sorry for how the new plan costs so much more but such a relief that it will work out. @marshhawk Thanks for the pix! I know you can’t help worrying about Fawn but you were her refuge when she needed you! You gave her much needed love! Now Rest, rest, rest! F1 weekend is happening, just curl up with it! It does take time but you will get there! @aliaschief tapas tonight! Sounds excellent! Love Barcelona! @kazu I can’t imagine how different every part of life is for you. You will feel a new sense of achievement when your garden brings forth the beautiful love you are giving it. Enough for both of you! Yay on rains coming to the Maritimes. May everyone impacted by the fires stay safe! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. And cheers to all celebrating, you remind us that Life is Good! Smooth travels to all away! May everyone get well, stay well and safe! Maureen
  13. One Step’s Humanity has been around for years. It still good but it’s not new. We were told that the contract HAL had with Lincoln Center was expensive. LC arranged, advertised and auditioned. The positions were in demand. The musicians were quite good! They’ll be missed!
  14. @Cruzin Terri Relieved you have a plan with the necessary business class seats! You’ve salvaged your trip! Good for you getting it done. The rest of it will hopefully become a funny story in time although understandably not right now. m—
  15. @Cruzin Terri 🙏 Breathe! I understand the frustration and anger! It WILL be OK. Different but OK! Keep focused on a resolution even if it’s different than expected! Holding a vision of the best for you! M—
  16. Rabbit, rabbit, White rabbit. DH had a good exam at the glaucoma specialist’s. His field test showed stable. Stable is great! His vision loss zones are no worse! We brought the new tonometer to check against their readings. It’s not really off, maybe just a smidge high, but she had some high readings too, coached him to not hold his breath while doing the measurements. He won’t clear the waitlist for surgery in June- there are others in more urgent need - so he can wait till August 1. I’m very relieved! Thank you all for your support! And he is SO much better with fewer meds that he’s down to only 1 Benadryl to take the edge off the itching from the meds. I’m calling that Amazing! @smitty34877 Hope you got through the night ok. That first day coming home can be nerve wracking. But it’s a new day and praying the recovery goes smoothly. @marshhawk We also came home from a cruise with COVID to an empty fridge. Got by on canned goods for a while, and a loving neighbor left a bag of what fresh produce she had handy, but eventually the store run is essential. Hope you can do a low energy version. Resting as much as possible seems to be the only way to speed the recovery. Hoping it stays mild, but clinically mild can still be miserable. Sorry you’re without Fawn! 💔 @1ANGELCAT Extra luvin to Ninja. @ger_77 Glad the stress test didn’t show anything urgent, and good luck with a new lawn guy. @NextOne Glad you can wait for the procedure! @kochleffel good luck with preparing for your presentation. We were in Chiapas once. I remember it being very hot. I didn’t get beyond the port market but I have a pretty Amber piece on a neck cord that I enjoy as a remembrance. I’ve successfully used the Heimlich twice, both family members. So scary. I like tilapia but haven’t had it here… in NM I could get a delicious version at Costco that’s not available here… but here in MD I can get crabcakes 🤣. I go with the flow…. I’ll take any macarons or macaroons! I first had macarons at afternoon tea on Carnival Spirit, thought they were heavenly. Today I have a follow up doctor appt that I totally forgot about, apparently missed getting it on the calendar. I’ll use the chance to get some screenings lined up. Then a very quick supper and off to Kennedy Center to hear Beethoven’s 9th - ta ta ta dum! I think it’s our last ticket of their season. Blessings to all in need! Thanks to @JazzyV. And Especially thinking of all the many impacted by the fires! It’s really hard for me… I spent too many years doing that. We were evacuated just weeks after we moved full time to our mountain cabin. Had just joined the fire department, we were total newbies! Became experts over the years in so many aspects of living in fire country and fire response. We built a fire-hardened house, taught workshops to the community, I wrote fire awareness columns in the local newspaper, DH developed analyses for the fire department to more efficiently shuttle water… worked so many jobs from Initial Attack to staffing Incident Command Posts, Radio Comms, Food Logistics, Weather, Community, just about everything needed on so many fires, all sizes. Every big fire starts as a small one. Our worse fire raged overnight at faster than an acre a second.. 43,000 acres in the first 10 hrs. Friends lost homes. We sifted through their ashes with them. I attended the memorial for the 19 firefighters who died in Arizona, met pregnant widows, felt the reverberation of 150 bagpipe and drum ensembles playing Amazing Grace…. It was our life’s work for nearly 20 years, all after retiring, all volunteer. And I tear up just thinking of all involved. So when I say my heart goes out to them all… you’ll understand how I mean that. But 🎉cheers to all celebrating, Life is Good. Every day! And it’s uplifting to share that with each other here! Bon voyage, happy landings, and smooth travels to those away. We look forward to hearing about it all. Hope everyone gets well, stays well and safe! Maureen
  17. @smitty34877 think of you all today! @superoma many thanks for your help with the Care and celebration lists. Good that you had younger help with your tasks. I hope there were some good memories. I hope your ladies group tonight can be a time of comfort. I would be interested in the falafel but not DH. With becoming more allergic to wine I’m losing interest, it’s just not worth feeling congested over. DH has some hearing loss, and hearing aids are not terrific so he seldom bothers with them. So far it’s not much of a problem. Haven’t been to the Canary Islands but the pictures of Santa Cruz do show that there is a lot to see there. Today I hope we get some guidance from the glaucoma specialist. He’ll bring his new eye pressure tonometer. Most readings have been above her target and a few quite high but they are a bit lower on the re-take so we’re not sure what it all indicates. I just hope we’re not getting up into the damage zone now that he’s off the double med, only on the single med. The itchiness is much less and he’s been able to cut back the antihistamines. He’ll do a field test today and I expect she’ll take her own pressure readings to compare with what we’re getting. Tomorrow I have a doctor appt for myself which wasn’t on my calendar. Oiy, how did I miss that! They sent a text, good thing! I was thinking of making an appt soon anyway to line up some screenings I need later this year. Blessings to all in need, near and far. Cheers to all celebrating milestones 🎉 Life is Good! Everyone stay safe! m—
  18. @marshhawk Annie, it takes what it takes! We were not very sick, thankfully, but very tired for weeks. How is Chuck? @kazu 🎉🎂👏 Have a grand day and an inspiring year ahead! Very stomach churning to see those nighttime fire pix. The winds usually lay down overnight and that’s when firefighters can make progress. 🙏 for the safety of all impacted. We drove through that region with our truck/trailer. I remember driving the road to Parsboro. Such sadness. 💔 And so sad to hear about the teen missing @ocean sounds @smitty34877 Blessings for DH, you and all the team! May it all go Amazing! @ottahand7 great that the lake pump is working. Your plantings will love it! Starlink sure makes life better in the backcountry. We were very lucky to have a DSL line at 1.5 kbs. But that was a huge improvement over dial-up 🤣 @ger_77 Hope DHs cardiologist can recommend a better path! @dfish so glad you are feeling better and better! As others have suggested, please be cautious to not overdo. Our calendar this week is very full. Doctor appts for DHs eyes and a general followup for me. A couple of church groups and an exciting concert, maybe the last of this season. We lucked out on a surprisingly good concert last Sunday after the grandkids left. A neighbor suggested it to us. It was nearby and no advanced tickets required, so very easy and fun. A pleasant surprise. It was at a community center with a troupe of musicians making the advancement into professional status. Such a treat! Wishing you all a pleasant week. Blessings to all in need, and cheers to all celebrating, and anticipating! Smooth travels to all away! I’ve been checking in on @Denise T and she’s seeing a lot of wildlife, they’re having a blast she says! I looked at some of the videos of Carnival Sunshine. Looks like crew deck. Horrible mess but unclear if they took on water or pipes broke. We’ve had 70+kn winds, as have most cruisers. It shouldn’t look like that. I hope everyone is safe! m—
  19. Thanks for this info. Just trying to understand…. I think it may be different on different ships. Glad you enjoyed the Humanity show. I think Step One dancers are quite good. Nice that you are trying different things aboard. You have a happy attitude so for sure you will Enjoy it all! Maureen
  20. Happy to hear you are having a blast! Hope the weather was good for Hubbard! Wondering if there’s any classical music: a quartet? a duo? Lincoln Center near-daily venue, or maybe as a visiting stage show? Thanks! Maureen
  21. Greetings all. We had an uplifting visit from granddaughter and her DH. The men got an electrical receptacle working while DGD and I took a walk. She thinks they’ll be back in 3 weeks! She wants to help get us sorting through our stuff, prepping for our next move! I think that’s a little premature but I’ll gladly accept the help! And the visit! They are planning an MSC cruise with DGD’s in-laws and family for a 45th anniversary celebration out of Brooklyn in early December. I’m looking forward to learning from their experience! I shared Graham’s encouragement with them! Thank you Graham, and also for Fr David’s message! Today the flag flies…. at least inside the condo sunporch window. My dad was a WWII veteran. Several cousins were in Viet Nam. We were more fortunate than too many. 🫡. DH has been able to cut back on the antihistamines, yay! But his eye pressure readings have been high. He’ll have tests and a consult with his glaucoma specialist Wednesday. Aug 1 surgery feels a long away off. Thank you all for your support ! @marshhawk rest as much as you can! We are 2 for 4 on bringing home COVID from cruises, in spite of all our very best efforts to avoid it. We’re planning to get new boosters later this week, when we can afford to be on the couch a couple of days if necessary. 🤒 Waiting to hear from @Denise T and if it was clear enough to see some of the scenery from the train. Hoping it clears soon for her. Sad to hear of the wildfires in NS. It is so heartbreaking. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Cheers for all the celebrations! You remind us that Life is Good! Safe travels to those away, patience for those delayed. And Bon Voyage to our cruising buddies! Thanks for the Puerto Montt photos Sandi. We were there in 2013, same places on our private tour also, but your weather was much better! We didn’t see the volcano, it was hidden in the low ceiling rains. The lake had white caps from the strong winds. The falls were a soaking walk but the food and wine were memorable! Loved visiting the village, Puerto Varas, very European feeling! Interesting contrasts. I liked Chile. Good memories. Maureen
  22. Good morning all. Prayers said. Off to make muffins and enjoy company. DH didn’t sleep last night, not good! Too worried about something I guess. He gets that way sometimes. Funny how we each get to worrying about different things. I made a rum punch for us last night…. I’m not much of a recipe person, just use what’s on hand. This was rum, lime juice, peach mango juice and ginger ale. It went down too easily! Glad @StLouisCruisers you’re feeling better! Hope it continues. @Denise T thinking of you and your long flights today! 🤞 @dfish Glad you made it through the day! Making progress! @superoma You made a heap of progress! Hoping you are able to take care of yourself too. I have good memories of Raratonga. We took the circle island bus to a resort and rented kayaks for half a day. Paddled around in the lagoons, so beautiful. They use New Zealand $s so that made it a bit easier. There were two buses running, each going the opposite direction. Open sided buses, it was so pleasant. So South Pacific! Blessings to all in need. Cheers to all celebrating. Bon Voyage to the cruisers! And safe travels to all away. Grateful Thanks to all the families who have lost loved ones in their service to our country. May everyone have a safe weekend! Maureen
  23. @1ANGELCAT oh no! So sorry for your loss. Good you could hold her till she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. 🥀
  24. @Denise T So excited for you! Hope all the errands go well today. We often began with an overnight at an airport hotel, it was 90 minutes from home. One time we got there after finishing errands on the way and discovered we were missing a computer cable. We drove home to get it! “Take 2” three hrs later but we slept better and used that cable a lot on the long, multi phased trip ahead through Europe for 2 months including multiple cruises. Will check in on your Live thread! Packing patience is the best. Tomorrow shouldn’t be too bad a travel day, enjoy it all! @kochleffel Happy Shavuot! May you enjoy some special foods that won’t make you feel ill. @Nickelpenny Congratulations 🎉 on your retirement and the commencement of a new chapter. We have a Redhead granddaughter coming to visit today with her DH! Feeling very excited and oh so blessed to have her in our lives. I think kumquat jam ruins the good bourbon. Green chiles can enhance just about everything, as I learned in my 40 yrs in NM. Yesterday I spent several hours emailing with my cousins and siblings. The cousin we lost in March, while we were on our family cruise on Rotterdam, was thoughtful enough to include all her cousins in her will. And now we don’t even get to say thank you…. She was 97 and a role model especially for my sister, her goddaughter, and me. I’m grateful DH and I got to visit her as often as we could in her Houston homes. We cruised in and out of there a few times, and spent 4 months there for radiation treatment in early 2020, so we saw her several times then before COVID erupted. Sending out positive thoughts to Eva @superoma and her sister as they continue dealing with their DF’s passing and his estate, make the process unfold smoothly! Graham @grapau27 I appreciate you sharing your insights about cruises from Britain. More of a possibility than us getting to Petra at this point! Thanks Sandi for all the photos! We can tell you really had a grand time! Off to do the final chores before the “kids” arrive this afternoon! Honoring all who gave their lives serving their country and us as kick off Memorial Day weekend 🫡. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope near and far. 🥂 Cheers to all celebrating. Life is Good! Safe and smooth travels to all away! Maureen Celebrating Redhead DGD and her DH’s anniversary on Rotterdam.
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