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Everything posted by Fouremco

  1. If you have historically done all of the legwork and things have gone smoothly, I'd suggest that you continue to do so. You are obviously aware of the issues with Egypt, India, Brazil and ETIAS and are probably as up to date as most TA's, thanks to the CC community. There's no reason to believe that cruising is going to get more complex in the days ahead. Your plan to do all of the legwork and then drop it on your TA is exactly what I do. Like you, I enjoy doing all of the legwork and see that as an integral part of the adventure. I do extensive research that culminates in making a booking with my TA. I know in advance what ship, cruise, date, cabin, etc., etc.. I've never tested them on their knowledge of visas and the like as this has been an integral part of my travel research for many years, predating our first cruises. I could just as easily book directly with the cruise line, but my TA gives perks that work out to ± 10% of the booking fee. While on a cruise line's website recently, looking at cabin availability for a cruise that I was going to book, I saw that a cabin we like but had not been available the day before was now free. Rather than possibly lose it, I booked it right away on the cruise line website, then transferred the booking to my TA. The net result was a preferred cabin and perks worth slightly over $1,000. My TA's major drawback is that it only offers bookings on 10 cruise lines and only one river cruise line. Fortunately our "go to" lines are covered. The other is that you seldom speak to the same agent twice when you phone in. This hasn't posed a problem for us, given my independent streak, but it can be disconcerting for those wanting to build a rapport with a personal travel agent.
  2. I wish I could, but Cruise Critic rules prohibit it.
  3. I just finished checking a number of local exchange rates and the best offer that I've found is 1.3749, so RCI's rate is, as you say, still a little bit of a deal. I think I'll go ahead and buy the boys some OBC, and get some for myself while I'm at it. 😇
  4. LOL. Yes, I bought scads of OBC in those days which I duly cashed in at the end of each cruise.
  5. Tomorrow I'll see what kind of exchange rate I can get buying USD in Ottawa and buying OBC from RCI. But I do like the idea of the card now and the USD applied to their accounts onboard.
  6. I'm now deliberating between going the OBC route, as you suggest, or simply buying some USD. Once upon a time, cruise line exchange rates were favourable compared to exchange shops, banks, etc. here in Canada, so I'd buy OBC. Do you happen to know how RCI's rates compare currently?
  7. Online Canadian TA, paid in CAD, perks in CAD, with TICO protection, etc. It also sells exclusively to Canadians.
  8. Country regulations can change very quickly with COVID, and I'd hate to find out mid-cruise that proof of vaccination was suddenly required for an upcoming port or ports. I'd really be kicking my butt if I had proof, but it was sitting at home. I have a copy on my iPhone in the Health app, I can also access it via the iCloud. And I still have a paper copy with my passport. It's just as easy to leave it there as to take it out, but provides some insurance against losing my phone or have technical issues.
  9. That depends on your Canadian TA. My TA's perks work out to ±10% of the cruise fare. I have two cruises booked right now, with the perks on the shorter one coming to just under $400 and for the longer one, over $1,000. I've been with them since they opened their travel arm in Canada, and I have been very pleased with their service.
  10. There were no suitable gifts, but your OBC suggestion is sound. Of course, I could always go any buy them some USD. I'm not sure if RCI offers a favourable exchange rate when buying OBC.
  11. I've posted this on the RCI board as well, but in the off chance that someone knows a workaround, I'll post it here as well. Our son and our son-in-law both have their birthday next month, and I was thinking about giving them gift certificates that they could use for our family cruise in January. Searching the RCI website, the only page (https://www.royalcaribbeancertificates.com) I could find on buying gift certificates says that they are available for US residents only: I called the Help number, and they confirmed that the recipients of the GC must be a resident of the US, although the purchaser doesn't need to be. I'm not sure that I understand why I can buy a wide assortment of gifts for them, but not gift certificates. Can someone explain the rationale? Or better yet, provide a workaround?
  12. Our son and our son-in-law both have their birthday next month, and I was thinking about giving them gift certificates that they could use for our family cruise in January. Searching the RCI website, the only page (https://www.royalcaribbeancertificates.com) I could find on buying gift certificates says that they are available for US residents only: I called the Help number, and they confirmed that the recipients of the GC must be a resident of the US, although the purchaser doesn't need to be. I'm not sure that I understand why I can buy a wide assortment of gifts for them, but not gift certificates. Can someone explain the rationale? Or better yet, provide a workaround?
  13. Ah. Our only booked Princess cruise was cancelled due to COVID, so we've not experienced that. Quite honestly, I'm surprised, as I view that as rather personal information that there is no need to share with thousands of strangers.
  14. We too have never had our names on the door. And we'd also remove them if we cruised on a line that put up our names.
  15. When you use a TA, they are there to do the work for you and keep you informed. When you booked and paid your deposit, your TA should have provided you with a detailed account of booking, including the amount paid. Essentially all of the same information that in the past you would have received directly from the cruise line. If you want to make further payments, you make them through the TA, not with the cruise line. You can tell how much you've paid by examining what the TA has sent you. If the TA hasn't sent you detailed information, ask for it. As I understand it, the TA has to agree to transfer the booking, which is unlikely. However, if you can demonstrate negligence on the part of the TA, you may be able to have the cruise line take over the booking, but I've not seen enough information on the process. Before initiating anything, you might want to sit down with the TA and discuss your issues. It sounds like you have less than a full understanding of your respective roles and the division of responsibilities in managing the booking.
  16. Your individual boarding time or is that the time that general boarding starts? With an 11:00pm departure, I wouldn't consider boarding 4 hours before as late. Beyond that, it's hard to comment without knowing the port/ship/cruise.
  17. Yes, we both agree that Vancouver is irrelevant with a B2B cruise from Sydney to Vancouver to Seattle. But as there are numerous neophytes that read this board, and as there are members who don't understand the PVSA, I was simply pointing out that not only is the combined cruise not subject to the PVSA, but the two individual cruises are similarly not subject to its provisions.
  18. Well, now you are changing the parameters of the discussion, as the OP didn't embark in Hawaii. That's a very different set of circumstances and would indeed be a violation of the PVSA.
  19. Simply pointing out that either cruise, individually or when combined, is not subject to the PVSA.
  20. I reached out to Michael Bayley following a cruise during which we were not given our beverage package that was included with our booking. We received an apology from one of his executive assistants, who indicated that we would receive the package on our next booked cruise that didn't include the perk. When we subsequently cancelled that cruise, I wrote back to the EA and she simply moved the BP to the next booked cruise. Very easy to deal with, and we were very happy with the resolution.
  21. You have two cruises that start in Sydney and Vancouver respectively. The PVSA doesn't apply.
  22. Many thanks @Dismomx5. We have HIA for our upcoming HAL cruise, but it's nice to know about the option. We've had a BP on all of our HAL cruises to date, and while I was aware of Gift Cards, the Beverage Cards just hadn't come to my attention previously. Old dogs, new tricks... 😇
  23. I'm really happy that my camera comes with a phone accessory. 😇
  24. Service Canada is fine for Standard service renewal. If you need Express or Urgent renewal, you have to go to a Passport Office.
  25. A good number of years ago, after airlines had started issuing electronic boarding passes, I started a thread pondering when cruise lines would follow suit. Wow, talk about being flamed! The majority of posters were adamantly opposed to the idea and didn't hold back expressing their opinion. With this current thread, there remain a number of people who continue to prefer paper boarding passes, but there appears to have been a huge shift in favour of electronic passes. Good to see the progress.
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