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Everything posted by Daghis

  1. With Royal Caribbean, I've discovered there is a strong distinction between being aware of an issue and actually doing something about it.
  2. They apparently listened. I noticed the 4Mbps cap disappeared in the past day or two. Performance in the cabin is still more miss than hit, but it's showing that it's much more likely to be a local infrastructure issue. Accessing WiFi access points in less busy, public areas generally gives ~excellent internet connectivity. Our cabin (right off the aft elevators on deck 6) seems to be in a weak spot.
  3. Thank you for the sentiment. I ask that no more such statements be made as it is off-topic for this thread. I appreciate the love out there.
  4. Now that it's just the two of us, we acknowledge that all of the amenities onboard (and looking at the fancy infographic they have of Icon of the Seas onboard, that's being taken to 11) are just not what we're looking forward to at this point in our life. We do have a couple more RCI cruises booked, but we have decided to start venturing over to Celebrity (thanks, reciprocal status!) sometime next year.
  5. I did see that my public IP address was switching rapidly. That appears to be causing frequent periods of interrupted connections that interfere with certain web services requiring reloading the page or restarting the app.
  6. Thank you. They are most welcomed. I must admit that I took great umbrage at your words, so thank you again. It's for random situations like this that are not entirely uncommon where a bit of extra effort on RCI's effort could be so helpful. Unfortunately, they seem to go with what works for most folk and deal with all the exceptions as one-offs.
  7. I'm onboard Anthem of the Seas currently. You may find this Terminal output interesting as it seems to suggest that we are using Starlink. However, the speed and reliability, even at the moment, wouldn't suggest it. marc@Marcs-Mac ~ % host domain name pointer customer.atlagax1.pop.starlinkisp.net. marc@Marcs-Mac ~ % host domain name pointer customer.atlagax1.pop.starlinkisp.net.
  8. And I'm sorry that our remaining child died earlier this year and that this is our burial-at-sea cruise. I'm sure you may be able to understand why I was willing to trust that RCI was telling the truth because I wasn't in a position to be paying more attention.
  9. Given the way Royal Caribbean works, I am not at all surprised that it could be confusing. A few months ago, I received an email with a FCC for a cancelled cruise from a couple months earlier. When I went to use the FCC, it wasn't valid because it had been issued in error; I had actually been refunded for that cruise to my credit card. Did they send a mea culpa email afterward to explain the mistake? Nope, they left me in the dark until I called in to ask what happened.
  10. Thank you so much for sharing your lists, @AlohaLivin and @UnregisteredUser! It's helpful to see the variety of offers others get. My list is tiny currently, but not empty surprisingly because I've pretty much not gambled in the ships' casinos in the past year. I really want to take advantage of that "Jackpot January" offer, but I've got a back-to-back mid-December through Christmas and it's probably just not going to be a good idea to add yet another cruise in January. Still, junior suite + $300 freeplay…
  11. My mailers stopped (suggesting that my email address may have popped onto someone else's Crown & Anchor account when promotional materials stop showing up) a while back. The website wasn't showing me many offers, but I expected that given my minimal time in the casino over the past year. However, since seeing these last few messages, I do see a new offer just popped up for select sailings (see attached list) with a comped junior suite plus $300 in freeplay. If it weren't for the two weeks I've already got coming up in December, I might consider it, but I just can't add yet another cruise right now. 😳 2054CEE4-91AB-4C77-9971-F3C3A4BE6E21.pdf
  12. Upgrading from comped cabins gets some really weird math. One was a comped balcony on a 5-night Bermuda cruise that we paid $130 to upgrade to a JS. Not too long after that, I saw the GS pricing was relatively low... cost to upgrade: $20. I get the feeling there's some other number in there somewhere.
  13. Actually, this may be correct since you said "current pricing ... difference". The cost to upgrade is based on the difference from what you paid to what the current price is now; it's not the current delta between categories.
  14. My offers had completely evaporated for a while, but I see from USPS Informed Delivery that I'm getting [url=https://www.royalcaribbean.com/content/dam/royal/resources/pdf/casino/offers/22005401_Casino_Q2_Sailings_ID_22AMJ102.pdf]comped balcony + $150 freeplay[/url] in the mail today. I checked the website and it is there, too, but I also see an interior cabin offer for "2023 COCOCAY SOIREE EVENT". I've not gotten any details on that, though.
  15. My recollection was that guarantee-only availability was insufficient (meaning you couldn't use the offer for a guarantee booking at all), but that memory is at least 10 years old, so have plenty of salt available. 🙂
  16. In my experience, the "+$n in Free Play" offers are comparably infrequent. I've only had two or three for all the comped and discounted cruises I've had thus far (at least a couple dozen).
  17. Apparently, Casino Royale didn't like my attempt at a joke as here are the offers that show up for me now on the website. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED DOES NOT MATCH ANY OF OUR CURRENTLY LOADED OFFERS. PLEASE CONTACT US DIRECTLY TO REVIEW WITH A CASINO REPRESENATIVE AT OUR TOLL FREE # 1 888 561 2234 OR VIA EMAIL AT CLUBROYALE@RCCL.COM.
  18. Pre-pandemic, they did a few special events scattered throughout the year. One would get invited to a particular sailing, offered a cocktail party and private slot tournament and maybe even a round of golf in Bermuda. They also had offers where you'd board with your old, beat-up suitcase, get your brand new Tumi one, and go home with that. (I didn't see the appeal of that one myself.) I assume they'll start ramping back up again. Michael Bayley throws a pair of dice down the craps table. "Come on seven! Daddy Royal needs new slippers... and lots more Signature and Masters players playing!"
  19. I just got the PDF for the "Signature Event" (22SIG101) and am sharing if others are curious. 22SIG101.pdf
  20. I called to inquire. This is an offer for a sailing on Symphony of the Seas on December 3, 2022.
  21. There seems to be something for Signature as well. I see this on my ClubRoyaleOffers page: My USPS offers stopped and I've not gotten offers via email in a while, so this is the only way I know about these. I'll have to call to find out what this is.
  22. That did make me think about a way in which RCI was unfair in not giving me as much money as I thought I should receive. I was quarantined for two days due to norovirus. My husband mostly stayed in the cabin (not to potentially infect others, and he just wanted to take care of me), but I'm the only one who got a credit for quarantine (fairly so). However, because the ticket purchased was BOGO50 and I was the second name on the booking that time, I got credit for 2 out of 7 days on 50% of "my" part of the fare... you know, because I'm apparently a lesser passenger. It doesn't make sense that one passenger being quarantined for 2 days would get a $300 credit but if it were the other person, they'd get $600; yet, they are a couple traveling together. In my mind, they'd base the credit on the average fare paid for the first two passengers (3+ should probably be based on their actual fare, but less clear), but with this horrible BOGOn%-off coupon, there are games like this.
  23. Continuing this particular tangent, our first cruise in a grand suite... the cruise where we met you, @RFerrington!... was the time that we had this happen. We had been comped a balcony, then upgraded cheaply to a junior suite, and then upgraded for something like ~$100 more to a grand suite shortly before sailing. During the cruise, we noticed a couple of really minor issues with the cabin that we wanted to point out so they could get addressed in the future. One drawer was a little hard to open (it got "stuck"), and one of the two sinks in the bathroom drained somewhat slowly. When my travelling partner informed the concierge, he was in shock and absolutely apologetic. My friend stated repeatedly that it wasn't a problem and we were just letting them know. Shortly before we disembarked, the concierge gave us a FCC for 25% of our cruise fare. The problem was that it was for 25% of the total fare (or some number closer to that) rather than in any way being based on what we paid. 25% of the total was greater than our comped/upgraded fare.
  24. Last I call, shareholder OBC wasn't combinable with anything. Now, casino comps are weird, especially when upgrading. I've had twice now where I've gotten FCCs from a comped & upgraded cruise where the amount given in credit was more than I actually paid for the cruise out of pocket. (This was not a 25% bonus thing as the first time well predated the pandemic.) Both times, I approached RCI to point this out to them and their answer was "Looks right to us." Near as I could figure, Royal Caribbean included monies paid by the casino department on my behalf. So, I have no idea what Royal Caribbean's economic philosophy is.
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