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Posts posted by Member123

  1. OMG.


    This is too funny! :D


    The pictures that I absolutely hated, are listed as up there in the top for you ladies. The pictures that I thought were better... you don't like! Weird.


    I just took a quick look. I'll have to think about this tomorrow and see if I can see what you see... and I'll tell you my favs and my not so favs! And we can talk some more.


    In the meantime, thank you for your opinions. Good grief. Of course, Kim! We will see this project through... and I think that we'll learn a whole bunch by doing this. Especially to get an understanding of what others see... and how critical we may be on ourselves. Interesting stuff.

  2. OK...I can totally see it in the color party now...it's because the background color is EARTH but all that pattern on the shirt isn't really...the pattern is bright and the white is throwing off the color party...especially since you folded the shirt that way. If you were to retake that photo with only the background showing...it would be a very different picture.


    OOOooooo goodie...more new clothes!!


    You know, though.... we'll have to see. Because I'm wondering if the background will hold up for you or if the pattern will throw shadow that won't do you any favors. So this lovely top might just be one of those that doesn't "hit" with anyone. If there's room in my suitcase, I'll bring it at Thanksgiving and we'll put the theory to the test.


    Debbie, the only thing that I can tell you about the "seasons" identification request is that... it's difficult. If you think about the spectrum of color.. using green as our example, where we achieve green by mixing blue & yellow. You could make the case that if you mixed a cool yellow and a cool blue.. that... even though you are seeing a yellow-green.. you might be seeing a cool yellow-green. So even though the yellow-green is USUALLY a warm green, there might be times when it's not.


    What we do know, because of the pictures that I took when we were discussing where to err.. as in, would it be better to wear warm, muted vs cool, bright... in other words, as a FIRE, is it worse to dress in EARTH or in ICE. At least with my pictures, and I believe in an earlier post you said that you noticed the same thing for you (which reminds me: Kim, we need a post from you in an EARTH color!)... well, it appears that dressing in EARTH is very, very detrimental to having a healthy glow... at least for me. I can't fathom why... but it simply washes me out to the point where I, literally, look gray... as Anita said. It's obvious that B2 has a distinctly different background than all the other pictures... taken at the same location in the house, within minutes of each other. So, I'm with Anita in thinking that B2 has to make an exit from my closet. :( And there's a possibility that it will inhabit her closet: because I believe it is EARTH since my skin tone appears gray in the picture.

  3. Wowsers!!! Get a little busy at work, go to lunch and looks what happens here.


    I'm glad we are posting our pictures. If possible, would you and Anita comment the season for each top. I still feel so inadequate and I think this will teach me how and what to look for when deciding yes or no about a particular color. --Debbie


    I don't really understand your request, Debbie. The season for each top? Do you mean if I'm trying to wear it in winter, summer, spring, fall? Remember that I live in AZ, so I really only have one "season." Typically, I wear a sleeveless top, by itself, most months of the year. Then, I just add an overshirt to it if I feel a bit cold. Is that what you're talking about? I just don't have the need for real "seasons" in dressing. Most of my overshirts, actually, were purchased because of going over to Europe in the fall.


    Now, if by "season" you mean... do I think that these tops are all FIRE? Well, I sure did before I took these pictures! I thought that I had weeded out all of the "misses" from my wardrobe. By the way, unlike you and Kim, I don't have any more greens in my wardrobe. What you see in my color party are all the greens in my closet. So, if you're asking about what I now think... well, it's pretty obvious in one of my pictures, IMO.


    But, like Anita and Kim did.... I'll reserve my thoughts until I hear more from you ladies. I don't want to "bend" anyone's opinions to my way of thinking......

  4. Oh, Pam. (insert HUGE long sigh) By the time I finished taking my pictures on Sunday, I felt like a dishrag. Put on top, grab camera, out the door, down the steps, position camera, smile pretty now, take two pictures, head back inside, check to see if either shot was focused, take off top, fold for color party, place on bed, grab new top and repeat. It took F o r e v e r ! ! ! I tried to remember to look in the mirror on my way out the door, but my pictures show a much different picture. And, it just kept getting more and more limp with each trip in and out. Shade or no shade, thick winter sweaters are still hot.


    We've seen pictures of you looking fine, Pam. Your cruise pictures were great. Come on. Hit us with your best shot. Or your worst shot. Take your time, Pam we will be here. Do whatever feels right.


    Kim, ditto the beer pocketbook. If could just convince myself that I have spent the same amount of money if it is for a single $30 piece of jewelry or two $15 t-shirts on sale. Why, o why, can't I resist store clearance tags? Work in progress here.


    Ladies! My advantage is that I have Anita to talk things over with and we discussed these pictures.

    So... here are my admissions....


    I've been very, very lazy about keeping up with the maintenance of my hair coloring. Actually, if I'm being brutally honest, it takes quite a bite out of the budget to maintain the color. I don't know if red is more difficult; i.e., it fades faster than... say... blond.. but it feels like I don't maintain the vibrancy of the color for very long. Plus, my hair grows really fast.


    But, after seeing these pictures... OMG... I made an appointment! The earliest available was next week.


    Debbie, I so relate to the agony of taking these pictures! Anita told me that she can tell by the expression on my face that I'm getting... bored... frustrated... with the whole thing! The "smile pretty" part was getting harder to do! Funny... Anita could tell me which picture I took first and which picture I took last!


    So, I am reluctantly posting these pictures. Mainly because both of you were willing to post pictures that weren't so great. Anita told me that she thinks these pictures can be analyzed... and the deal with my hair is understandable since I need to have some maintenance done...


    So, I'll reserve my opinions until I hear from everyone. Let me tell you... I didn't think that this was going to be difficult for me! I had such fun looking at Anita, Kim, Debbie... all of you... and I didn't realize the stomach clench that would happen when it became my turn! Way more fun to be looking at pictures than posting pictures! That's for sure! :eek:



  5. Linda,

    Absolutely. The more, the merrier.


    You fit right in with everything going on here. Did you read the Earth thread as well? Anita is playing along with us, but doing so on the Earth thread because we get ourselves confused very easily and she didn't want to confuse people who might just be skimming this thread by posting muted color pictures.


    Did you buy the color cards from CJW? If not, no big deal. But, what we're attempting to do right now is to analyze our different colors by dividing them into the appropriate color party: green, aqua, coral, red, brown, etc. We're forming a collage of our clothing within the color party; we're taking a picture of that and then we're trying on the clothes and taking pictures so we can analyze our skin tone, etc. and make sure that we have "hits" in those items.


    Along the way, we're talking about accessories, but we haven't really dived into that subject much... Anita has a bit more...


    As far as losing weight and working with a limited wardrobe, well.. that's a long list here. Anita... definitely; Debbie... definitely; me... didn't know it would happen really but Zumba made me lose a bunch of inches and drop sizes and turn my pants into clown britches... so... welcome to the club. That's why it's so important for us to figure this out! Because of losing weight... and the importance of sales to help with the wardrobe... we want to stop being tempted by tops that are 70% to 90% off... unless they make us look terrific.


    So please just step in and join in.... you could start posting asap with your pictures... or you could start posting with your opinions... whatever works for you!

  6. OMG.


    I hate my hair right now.


    So, along with Debbie, I'm a little tech challenged right now! DH and I spent some time taking pictures, then I went to transfer them to the computer... and we didn't have in the memory card! DH said he didn't even know the camera HAD built-in memory. So now we have all these pictures inside the camera and he's got a JOB trying to figure out how to load them onto the computer. Apparently, he's going to have to locate a cable, etc. So....


    And, of course, the hair just kept getting worse and worse with every top put on, taken off, put on, take off.... flyaway bits everywhere!


    Surprise! Surprise! I may have a wardrobe malfunction with three of my tops! Even though the color party seems to indicate otherwise...


    This has proven to be way more educational than I thought it would be when Kim came up with this idea...


    O my gosh. These pictures are so BAD that I really, really don't want to post them. Right now, DH managed to get them onto his computer and now we're working on transferring them to mine. One of these pictures makes me feel TERRIBLE; I LOOK SO BAD. As great as Anita looks in her last pictures on the EARTH thread... I'm living in opposite world looking really, really bad.


    The only reason that I'm posting these pictures is so we can take a look at them and see if we can tell anything... the reason, etc. And, I'm so amazed by one of these pictures because I think that I took a GREAT picture wearing the same top in my pictodiary. BUT, I had the top covered up by an overshirt... so I had no idea that the top really didn't do me any favors.


    Well, now that I've teased you with this preview, we'll see how long it takes to straighten out the technology. And I think I'll be having some WINE for fortitude when I post... because.. it truly is bad... I'm not exaggerating.

  7. It's like we're all on PAUSE... waiting for Debbie to return from camping... too bad we couldn't all just go camping... that way (those of us without a life outside of CC) we wouldn't be so very, very bored... waiting for more pictures... but everyone has to stay in line and wait their turn. EXCEPT, Kim, you could play with some accessories for your green? If you want to?


    On a different note... how about aqua as our next color? YES, I'm trying to pick out the best colors for my cruise coming up right around the bend... October 27. But, I'm open to other colors as well, although I don't have as many... blue.. or purple? I have quite a bit of coral... not as much red.. only a few yellow... one orange. Orange would be easy for me to do! LOL.


    Did I mention that we're going on a repositioning cruise from Boston to Tampa? Are we bored with pictodiary, or do we want another one? The only reason that I hesitate is that I don't know if my wardrobe would be all that different from the last pictodiary! Plus, you ladies may see so much just by doing these color parties that it makes the pictodiary seem a bit redundant. What do you think?

  8. To my knowledge, the climbing wall is free. You just have to get in line, sign a waiver, receive instruction... and up you go to ring the bell. Make sure DH is there so he can capture a photo with you at the bell ringing moment!


    You have a good DH! It's way more fun to play on the computer than it is to do laundry... as you can tell because I'm playing on the computer instead of getting my weekend errands run. But I've got to go because, otherwise, no dinner tonight... and I wouldn't like that one bit.


    Fish tacos for this evening. So, off to get the ingredients...

  9. Kasi,


    Funny enough... the gym is on Deck 11, opposite the Windjammer! I just find that amusing, somehow.


    The easiest entrance is to get to the gym by walking through the Solarium area. As I remember, when you go into the interior of the ship, through the sliding doors, past the elevator banks, the super wide entrance to the gym is just right there. It's where they have all the gym machines, etc. You could also get to the gym from Deck 12, but when you entered the gym you would go down some spiral stairs to get to the treadmills, elipticals, etc.


    Although it's an interesting thing to get a Body Composition analysis done, because it's fun to know the numbers, don't get pulled into their sales pitch about the whole Elemis detox stuff. It's super expensive... and it's not scientifically proven that any kind of "stuff" does what they say it does in their seminars. Also, they don't really care what your numbers are... they will still try to sell you their product! The first time that I took the test was in 2006 and they told me that I had a certain amount of body weight in water... which translated to needing to do a detox to lose this water weight which was indicative of "trapped toxins" blah, blah, blah. They said that an "ideal" amount of water weight was this certain number. To get the numbers again, I had another Body Composition Test last year! I hit the "ideal number" for the water weight and I expected the person to just tell me "good job!" and send me on my way... but instead, he gave me the exact same sales pitch! Now, I can't be bothered to be polite to them and just tell them that I want the service but I'm not going to buy the product so just give me the numbers and be done. If they start talking to me, I tell them that I insisted on being polite to them and setting the ground rules and since they've violated those rules they leave me no choice but to be rude in return so I need them to stop talking....


    The gym on board is very, very nice. And most of the time you will be left alone to do whatever routine you want to do. If I remember, there is a cost for a spinning class, Pilates class, Yoga class.. but a morning stretch class is complementary... but very, very early!... Of course, you can purchase personal trainer sessions, if you want. There are a bunch of seminars: some have good information but the majority are designed to get you to buy product. Just be aware and if you have the type of personality that falls for "sales" pitches, then maybe you should protect yourself and go have a drink in the Solarium Bar instead! LOL.


    I'm so hoping that the weather cooperates and you have lovely days! Have fun, Kasi!

  10. Well, the one thing that I can say about Anita's manipulation of light on our color parties is that I think I was very right about my color party being pretty much centric around one particular hue. When she manipulated the light, it appeared that almost all of my tops (with the exception of two) morphed into almost the same "look."


    By contrast, Kim's color party looks like a real assortment of options.


    I didn't realize that I was being so.... predictable?.... boring?... monotonous?...


    We'll see how I look in these tops. Maybe the same? LOL. What's so funny is that when you look in my closet it "appears" that I have a lot of options. Weird.

  11. So I made Anita laugh today. Kim and Debbie... you guys must be working.


    Just to be clear. I didn't post my color party in anticipation of posting my pictures. I will wait until we get Debbie's posts and vote for her. As a matter of fact, though, I think you guys have seen several of those tops already... from my vacation pictodiary. But I can't be left out of this fun... so I will go ahead and post pictures when it becomes my turn.


    You know... Debbie and Kim... you have way more greens in your wardrobe than I do!


    Since we're getting close to ending the green color parties, what will our next color be? Kim? Debbie? Anita? Opinion? Is there a color that anyone would like to have help with next?...

  12. Hi Pam,


    I have a couple of questions--


    I do like B1, BUT, it almost seems overwhelming on me. I see it and nothing else. Why do you like it the best?


    This is a lot of fun and so educational, isn't it? It's so nice that everyone is so patient and caring and not snarky and impatient!


    Thanks to everyone for this virtual marathon slumber party!


    Now, let's see if I can explain why...




    (did I make these too small???)....


    I guess I strongly-worded my FAV when I said "hands down, the best"... didn't I? I hope I got these pictures right. I tried to post the pictures in the order of my preference.. keeping in mind this is just IMO, so you might not agree.


    The reason that I like the first picture so very much is because of the way that your skin looks; it's vibrant; it's creamy with the most beautiful peach glow... and very even skin tone. The third picture has almost the same effect; the chest area is gorgeous, but there's just a very slight reddening that appears. Not a lot... it's truly pretty, but I just like the first picture better.


    Now, keep in mind that these are nit-picky differences because these colors are simply great on you.


    After looking at the skin tone, which includes looking at the texture (smoothness vs unevenness) and the color and the glow.. the next thing that I look at is the hair. When looking at the hair, I just check to see if the deeper, richer undertones of red/gold are being brought out... and the last thing that I look at are the eyes...do they seem to disappear into your face or are they truly "windows to the soul." In other words, do you get "grabbed" by the eyes and do they hold your attention. Do they make you feel like engaging in conversation with the person, etc. KWIM?


    So, those are the criteria that I used to Vote. Do you see the same things?

  13. Hi Pam,


    I have a couple of questions--


    Question 2--you mentioned earlier that our green choices seemed very different from each other. Explanation, please :confused: I know that our styles are probably different--I go for plainer things--kind of the jeans and t-shirt kind of gal :) Do you like the lighter greens, or brighter greens or....


    So, in the spirit of a picture being worth a thousand words, I thought I'd post these comparisons:


    Here is Debbie's Green Color Party.




    Kim's Green Color Party:


    Here is my green party. I can already see some that need to go to the "play clothes" pile! I await your comments oh most honored color pals.





    Followed by my Green Color Party.




    Given differences in light conditions in the taking of these pictures; to my eye, the most difference occurs between Debbie's and mine. Debbie's CP is much more muted than mine.. shaded, muted... I don't really know the best word to describe the difference.


    Kim, when I first saw your green CP, I thought that you are getting greens that are wider across the spectrum; in other words, you are going to both sides of our green color choices: very yellow-green and very blue-green within our warm, green palette. I seem to be clustering quite a bit more... just picking up greens with very slight color hues changes. I'm leaning a lot toward the Granny Smith apple green and just have a few that are outside that tight green range. The tops on the bottom are my most deviant from the apple green; C1 is a deep green that Anita helped me buy from Banana Republic; C2 is the first "warm" green that I tried to buy after working with CJW: in fact, C2 is the top that I'm wearing on his website Success Story description. But C2 is really different than the greens that I've chosen over the last year; it's actually been about 1-1/2 years since CJW changed my wardrobe from black & white!

  14. Oh good, Anita. I think I've included all four seasons, maybe. The last picture on the third page is definitely your baby poop green. DD is losing weight and we are journeying together. The lucky thing for me is that I'm going into the sizes she's shrinking out of. That last shirt is one of hers and still had the tags on it. Too bad I can't get her to buy FIRE. Those are her colors too.


    I don't know what I did--I was trying to cut and paste. It looks like I may have accidentally put the color party pics below. Ill post now and see what shows up.....No, it said it was invalid. Sorry.




    Just trying a little edit. OK. Here is Debbie's color party, with color card.



  15. Kasi! :D:D:D


    I just knew in my heart that this day would come. All your hard work would finally get from the inside to the outside and you would be able to see the results.


    OMG. What excellent timing! Just when you needed a confidence boost... and going on vacation, relaxing, and spending some quality time with DH.. way to go, Kasi.


    We'll be thinking of you on the Med. High hopes that you have a warm cruise, take beautiful photos, enjoy yourself, relax, come home in high spirits! We'll be waiting to hear all about it....

  16. In agreement with Anita that...


    it would be helpful to see the color party with and without the control cards..


    if would be extremely helpful to be able to see a picture that is definitely, positively, absolutely FIRE... as a control...


    because all I'm seeing on my monitor is dark, shady... it's like opposite world of Kim's first posts where the natural sunlight was so glaring that I couldn't tell anything... with these it feels like a twilight kind of light that is throwing too much shadow to be able to tell anything...


    you know, my skill at this is very, very basic... I need all the help I can get! :eek:


    OH! I just saw your post, Debbie. You know; I'll leave the answer to what would be a good thing for you to do to Anita. For me, the way that I study the pictures is to download them and look at them in my Paint program. I can flip between two pictures... study them side-by-side and then formulate my opinions. With these pictures in the pdf file, I can't do anything except change the zoom in or zoom out.. and that isn't quite as helpful because none of the manipulations that I do with the images makes any difference. And I know that your skin cannot possibly look the same in all of these pictures! That's just impossible. With so many pictures, there should be a ranking... and I just can't see it... so I feel like there had to be some "information" lost in the transfer of the image into a pdf format...

  17. Kim,

    Again, such great pictures....


    I'm going to VOTE first, then I'll go back and read Anita's votes and Debbie's votes to see how we compare, just to not be influenced by opinion. Depending on what I read after I vote, I may be back and discuss some thoughts.




    My absolute, hands-down FAV is B1.


    Oh, I did read Anita's comment that I had made a typo. What I did was go back to the color party, etc. Then I realized that we were now numbering the picture collage... this can get confusing, can't it!... it's so important that we all know the picture we're discussing. So, yes, Anita was right in that I didn't care for D1 in the pictures.


    I'm looking at the pictures like this:

    (first row) A1, (2nd row) B1, B2 (third row) C1, C2, (fourth row) D1, D2, ignore the duplicate row... (last row) E1, E2.


    So, with that... again... B1 is my favorite.


    Then, D2, B2.


    I have a hard time between A1 and C2... next in line, followed by E2, E1.


    So, that's my line up.


    Now I'll go see what everyone else thinks. Kim, did you post your favorite? Well, I guess I'll find out when I read the posts!


    Now, I'll be waiting and watching for Debbie....

  18. Debbie...


    Anita has such skill in doing this that she may post with a difference of opinion and a better procedure...


    but here's what I use.




    is the site. It is so easy to use. Wherever you have your pictures loaded on your computer, you only have to use the Browse function and the picture will be loaded onto that site. At the same time that you load the picture, you can go to a dropdown box and have the picture sized for whatever you want to use it for... the options are everything from an avatar size to a huge picture size. I usually choose the size entitled Message Board 640x480, if I'm going to post a single picture. You might want to choose the smaller Website 320x240 if you want to post side-by-side pictures.


    When you load the picture onto the site, you will be given the url location of the picture... by the tinypic site, itself... All you have to do is highlight the information (it looks something like "[img....].....[/img]"). There will be a description identifying the url locations. Easy. If you load the picture and have it resized the way you want, then you just have to copy the img identification locators and paste it into the message that you're creating on cruise critic. If you don't like the picture.. you need to crop it or you want to rotate it, for example, then you have an Edit choice at tinypic that you can use.


    You can make your folder of pictures PRIVATE at tinypic so that it's not available to everyone. And, of course, you know that the message board here is password-protected. Yes, you can be seen by anyone who visits cruise critic with a password, but that's a privacy issue that we all have to live with. That's why it's important that we shield ourselves, in some way, from putting too much identifying information here so that anyone could trace back to us IRL. There are some issues with the internet, privacy, et al...that's for sure. But I feel that as long as we're careful, we can have this fun and education.


    Unlike posting pictures on cruise critic using attachments through this site, if you use pictures from an offsite program... you can actually control how long those pictures are available. If you decide to do so, at some point in time people who read the messages would only receive the Red-X box... because you could get rid of pictures from the other sites... unlike cruise critic site pictures because you can't go back and edit messages here, after some time has passed. So FYI. I believe that using an offsite picture place is a better option.


    Make sense? Helpful info? Questions? Let me know.

  19. Debbie,

    Let me tell you... don't try to listen to the lyrics of the music... my opinion... those lyrics are...








    WHAT?!? did I hear that right?


    The music is so great to just move to, and the whole atmosphere of the class is just such fun. But, the lyrics... they usually aren't words that you end up wanting to repeat. Not all of them... but Pitbull... oh man. There was a Pitbull song that I really liked in Zumba class so I went to iTunes to look it up... let me just say that Zumba cleans up the words to the popular songs. So I learned my lesson about even thinking of adding Pitbull songs to a sing-along playlist! But I sure do love to do the choreography that they put together for Pitbull songs!


    I'm glad you had fun... that's the most important thing.


    I had a positive experience at my last class because of some comments directed my way by two of the class participants. I have to stop and reflect that I've been doing Zumba for about 8 months... because I took almost a month's break when we went on a vacation. That is a record breaking length of time for me to do any type of cardio. And I still look forward to my Zumba classes, for sure!

  20. Voting for FAVs is going to be pretty darn difficult.


    Right now, I can tell you that there's only one top that I don't particularly care for... and that I would call a wardrobe malfunction....




    At first, I thought there were two tops, but then I realized that I was seeing the same top twice.


    So, it's the yellowish one with the cream ribbing around the neckline and the sleeves. It occupies the #6, #8 positions in the picture collage, starting from the top as #1.


    Well done, Kim. You look beautiful.

  21. Kim,


    Did you take 9 pictures or 11 pictures?


    What is posted has duplicates of two tops. FYI. The pictures go like this, in order from the top: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 8, 9... so the pictures that are in the second to last row are the duplicates. I'm just bringing this to your attention in case you have 2 more pictures for us to see...


    Now I'm off to formulate my voting preferences!

  22. I'm trying so hard to analyze Kim's photos... but I'm having some difficulty. I did bring the collage into tinypic and I tried to crop the faces... I was going to just try to look at Kim's skintone and do a galley collage of just faces... and determine if I could see some differences/rankings without the distractions of the backgrounds, lighting, and color of tops.


    I think this is a good idea, but tinypic isn't cooperating with me this morning. It won't save any of the cropped images. So I'll wait for a bit because I've run into this problem before.


    Well, this isn't a sprint... it's definitely a marathon. So, we'll be doing this for a while, I'm thinking. I laid out my color party on a blanket in my entry way which is the area of my house with the most natural lighting. And wouldn't you know that it's a completely overcast day? So, no pictures there today!


    Lighting is so important. In a weird way, what happens with lighting is that it may affect the color that we think we're seeing: I don't know if anyone else has had the experience of viewing a color in a department store, thinking it's one color, taking it outside in natural light and seeing a completely different color? Anita may correct me here, but I think that even though the color may be appearing to be different under different lighting... the effect of the color remains the same... it either evens out our skin tone and makes our skin appear to have a healthy glow... or it doesn't.


    Anita, do you think the natural sunlight for Kim's pictures is just too harsh... in other words, creating such a glare that we can't really see the effect of these tops because we're having to contend with the shadows from hair and face contours, etc.? Maybe I just don't have enough of an educated eye to help with this collage...


    Kim, you have a HUGE backyard! I'm also looking at the color variant of the trees in the background... they seem to go through almost three seasons: autumn with very yellow needles in the backgrounds of the top three rows A thru C, then almost a frosty look in row D, then a lush summer green in row E. IDK. I know it's a lot of work to take pictures, but I admit that I'm having some difficulty... so I don't know how valid my opinions would be....

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