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Everything posted by Stallion

  1. I completely missed the boat on this Cruise Live - now I got homework
  2. I never throw out hats either but I see you do transfer hats to the yard-work circuit like I do. The only difference is once I transfer hats to the yard-work circuit, they are placed on the No-Fly List - er - Cruise List I'm surprised "B" puts up with you. Giggle
  3. Eva Gabor has spoken - she wants a 5th Avenue Penthouse view
  4. Did anybody "Bow-Up on Ya" like they did to the Saint? You big-wigs always exercising you're:
  5. Hey I just bought that Planter-delivered today-need to figure something green to put in it-and hopefully keep it alive
  6. No there was a lot of tornado reports and damage near Valley View in North Denton County at about midnight that went north of Dallas and then another round of wind storms including Dallas at about 5-6 this morning
  7. Picturing "Eye-Candy" at the pool?!? TxTeach Male Gigilo
  8. I still got about 3,000+ baseball cards from the 50s-70s. Holding on to them for retirement
  9. Wow-Margaritaville has a 9.2 rating on Trivago. Looks fun-I'd head to Tiki Bar if there is any sun
  10. From Patti's 3rd picture, I think I was 8th floor on right side of center-8476 I think
  11. Hey that looks like my cabin on the Vista-ah the memories
  12. Its Texas, everybody has to double check their luggage again to remove their various forms of ammunition from last hunting trip
  13. Plus as of black-out time yesterday, the pool didn't have any water in it I want Sid's Money Back!!!
  14. You've got a lot of competition with Sid's Invisible Cruise Thread
  15. I'm going to tell you something I've kept to myself for years -- None of you ever knew Sid Gipp. It was long before your time. But you know what a tradition he is at Cruise Critic... (There is gentle, faraway look in his eyes as he recalls the boy's words). And the last thing he said to me -- "Rock," Sid said - "sometime, when the team is up against it -- and the breaks are beating the boys -- tell them to go out there with all they got and win just one for the Gipper... WE'VE GOT TO DO IT FOR SID!!!!
  16. I can't wait to hear if Sid tried the new water slide As Cathie Lee says: "Pow!!!"
  17. Brilliant!!! This is the greatest disappearing act since Tony Clifton err-Andy Kaufman
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